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Maguuma needs dealt with.


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3 hours ago, ZTeamG.4603 said:


~ Snip ~


TL;DR: most people's problems with mag can be summed up as a skill issue

Skill issue? 🤣 That's overrating Maguuma. Really. 

If numbers is considered a skill then I agree. Reduce half of Mag's WvW population then we talk about skills 😂 

Edited by MintyMin.2718
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More numbers heh...

You know... if you combined the numbers of the other two sides... you would outnumber them.... but heh, of course that would require people to play wvw normally around them instead of just running from the map and fighting each other than double teaming mag.

Edited by Xenesis.6389
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So currently I went into EB to watch my server mates get farmed. I decided to toss a few reflects and we pushed them back to the keep but naturally they pushed back. After about 3 minutes of my servers rallying everywhere we finally got a kill!

Then about 3 guildies joined and we pushed into a few folks. Got a few kills, and then we got accused of being hackers from our own servermates. Yes, as expected, having a few brain cells is hacking.

And this is why they deserve it.

Oh, because I'm busy typing this and not carrying,  we already got pushed back to spawn. Geez.

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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2 hours ago, ArchonWing.9480 said:

So currently I went into EB to watch my server mates get farmed. I decided to toss a few reflects and we pushed them back to the keep but naturally they pushed back. After about 3 minutes of my servers rallying everywhere we finally got a kill!

Then about 3 guildies joined and we pushed into a few folks. Got a few kills, and then we got accused of being hackers from our own servermates. Yes, as expected, having a few brain cells is hacking.

And this is why they deserve it.

Oh, because I'm busy typing this and not carrying,  we already got pushed back to spawn. Geez.


Wot!? You mean your not just running glass cannon pew pew pew!? How dare you! You must have been hacking or Sit was, proof above. 

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11 hours ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:


Actually a number of us saying change the way you come at it aren't Mag. Mag is mostly just sitting back with popcorn enjoying the thread.


Look around, nothing is going to change. I can assure you this thread will sink to the depths just like every other WvW server based thread.


At least get a laugh at the kittenry that is known as WvW.

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2 hours ago, Bear.9568 said:


Look around, nothing is going to change. I can assure you this thread will sink to the depths just like every other WvW server based thread.


At least get a laugh at the kittenry that is known as WvW.



?? I am not saying they should make any changes, I am telling people that if the way they are coming at Mag is not working, change their tactics. There is no action items for ANet in this issue.

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On 10/26/2022 at 11:28 AM, ZTeamG.4603 said:

The way I see it as someone who both frequently fights mag and was matched with mag for the previous rotation, the hate for mag is just indicative of a bigger problem with the WvW playerbase: most people, both general players and commanders, don't bother learning to play in a way that works outside of zergs and gank situations. 


Mag is generally just a cloud of roamers looking for fights instead of a coordinated zerg trying to cap stuff, but their way works so well because they're literally the only server that consistently fights that way. Every other server tries to zerg up even when they don't have nearly enough people to be effective, so most groups end up with a group of 20 charging into a group of 30+ and, predictably, instantly dying....


TL;DR: most people's problems with mag can be summed up as a skill issue

Yes, they have pop, consistent way of playing, like it or not, and dedicated guilds THATS why not just using cheese builds or whatever - like no other server does that lol. They just do MORE of it because of above. SBI (my server, BEST server 🙂 is currently matched against Mag this week; being stuck to EBG spawn was aggravating at first but it allowed fighting other maps (more so)... it is funny how ppl complain about one server, this just highlights current WvW issues as a whole and I mean what can Anet do tbh nothing says they can't play this style or builds... it can be meh yeah when YOUR SERVER is poorly matched with another; for sure, but that just shows why alliances is needed despite all the issues with it and missing the server rep and pride. I mean, for all the hate - alliances will prob end server identities like that because other servers are known for other things etc. Anyways, this thread is just for ppl to whine and I get that, but seriously I don't get "ANET DO SOMETHING THEY MEAN!" lol. I mean I guess they are with alliances when that comes out in 2028.

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19 hours ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:


Wot!? You mean your not just running glass cannon pew pew pew!? How dare you! You must have been hacking or Sit was, proof above. 

Yea Sit was the one to be accused of hacking, probably because he was the only one to get any real kills for a while lol. I mean normally it's the enemy that makes hacking accusations but why on our own server? I guess people like being spawn camped, in this case there is no issue.

I dunno why nobody does any damage, though we made progress when I kept spamming do reflects and stuff.

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1 hour ago, ArchonWing.9480 said:

Yea Sit was the one to be accused of hacking, probably because he was the only one to get any real kills for a while lol. I mean normally it's the enemy that makes hacking accusations but why on our own server? I guess people like being spawn camped, in this case there is no issue.

I dunno why nobody does any damage, though we made progress when I kept spamming do reflects and stuff.

Hush with that tactics and stuffz.  Can’t talk about strategy in here.  🤷😏

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4 hours ago, Daredevil.2745 said:

Just transfer to Maguuma and you will win. Skilled players know where and when to trasnfer to be the winner, they learnt this game well.


Grats on your bandwagoning skills? Thanks no. May defend Mag from odd requests even while against them but not into this whole jump servers because you have it rough and are worried about your e-death. One transfer in 10 years was more than enough thanks. I would actually question why anyone would use the word skilled if they also the felt the need to transfer after a matchup. Wouldn't skilled players stick around so they had more targets to go for? 

obs, is this one of yours or just someone trying to get into Mag?

Edited by TheGrimm.5624
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1 minute ago, Nokturnal Lunacy.3186 said:

You mean some are defending mag when not on mag? omfg smh


Yes I was replying to a poster that to me, was implying that all defending Mag were Mag which was not true. Not into this group jump a server bit. Learn how the other side fights and adjust to it. but don't jump on the forums to say hey Devs nerf server 'x'. 

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2 minutes ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:


Yes I was replying to a poster that to me, was implying that all defending Mag were Mag which was not true. Not into this group jump a server bit. Learn how the other side fights and adjust to it. but don't jump on the forums to say hey Devs nerf server 'x'. 

lol really? omfg whats worse? mag defending mag or nonmag defending mag? Why should other players and servers have to go jump on meta builds just to deal with mag? Mag has numbers thats the only reason why mag is able to do anything. Theres no skill there, just numbers. So we have to cater to mag? Yeah no. If mag were so good then they wouldn't need to stack a server right? Or zerg a spawn right? Or maybe mag is just super toxic player base? Just sounds like youre making excuses which everybody does when defending the .... that is mag.

But hey, I don't have a list of literally hundreds of mag players scared of me out of thin air. Hard to believe there are so many but there were so many I felt I had to make a list to keep track. So there's that.

Oh and the macro spammers and hackers hiding in the blobs. Thats the most special part of mag.

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1 hour ago, Nokturnal Lunacy.3186 said:

I don't. I only log in when I'm bored with absolutely nothing else to do. And what is the first thing I encounter when logged in? Toxicity and subsequently log out. quit defending toxicity unless ofc youre part of the problem, oh wait we established that already.


Ironically I was just about to reply to you for a different piece of the thread. Was about to say sorry you are running into toxicity. Personally WvW is like a local pub to some of us that jump on to say oh hai to others we have seen for many years and will fight and banter with others we know from our 'pub' and play and aid where we can. Some may not get along with others but that happens. I am sure that is not the same among all servers but I would hope its close. Server linking's have shown there are a lot of fun peeps across all servers I have seen, but mileage may vary. But I agree there will be peeps out there looking to just drive others away from the game mode since that's what they might consider fun. Nothing to do about that except to be you and don't follow down their path. Good hunting!

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1 minute ago, Nokturnal Lunacy.3186 said:

Prob is that those types are the majority in wvw. The latter that you describe are a rarity in wvw these days since everybody pretty much already left the game. All thats left now are noobs and toxic players.


Nok, maybe, but am I coming across as toxic to you? Not on Mag. Attack more peeps than I should against all servers. So yes I see an issue when people call out any server. If you play Mag's game versus creating your own is that on you or them? People will quite often not try and use less to do more. Per your posts it sounds like that bugs you as it does me. But that's also the best way to combat them. Which many will not see as an option. Its ok if you want to call me a noob, but if you think I am posting as a toxic player tell me that as well since its not my intent. I try and cover multiple sides when I can and if failed here, let me know so I can consider better approaches. Good hunting!

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