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Call to Anet: Abolish the matchmaking system and ranked pvp


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15 hours ago, mariugo.4856 said:

i made the sadistic error to look trough your posts on your profile and understand that you're actually not a troll and you're actually a real cringelord.

Pvp is in a bad state? yes, mostly because of matchmaking (i sometimes get gold players while i'm in plat 2) and because wintraders (wich really affects around 100 persons of the whole pvp pool).

Is it still enjoyable? yes, otherwise you wouldn't see people que in it since pve rewards are far better gold wise. Therefore removing ranked would do more harm than good, case dismissed


Well, I'm sorry to inconvenience you then! (...not really...)

As for "cringelord", I take it that are you are either in your teens or 20s, because I'm pretty sure nobody above 30 says the word "cringe" with a straight face. We agree on the basics though, at least. (matchmaking, win-traders)

As for "enjoyable", let me ask you this question: take all those rewards away from ranked, what happens? Right. Exactly.

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18 hours ago, mariugo.4856 said:

i made the sadistic error to look trough your posts on your profile

not that I know a lot about S&M or anything, but...

Did you mean: Masochistic?

Or did you force a friend to look through it with you? For you? 😨

18 hours ago, mariugo.4856 said:

Pvp is in a bad state? yes, mostly because of matchmaking (i sometimes get gold players while i'm in plat 2) and because wintraders (wich really affects around 100 persons of the whole pvp pool).

100 persons of the pvp pool? Bruh that's hella generous. How many people do you think are actually playing this?

Reasonably speaking the ones who care the most are the plats and if you have means of checking the NA leaderboard towards the end of a season, do it. There's so few plats left that its not even funny.

18 hours ago, mariugo.4856 said:

Is it still enjoyable? yes, otherwise you wouldn't see people que in it since pve rewards are far better gold wise. Therefore removing ranked would do more harm than good, case dismissed

You should have just said this from the get-go rather than tacking on pointless fortnite insults

Like we're all arguing on a public forum about the worst gamemode of a larger game, with hardly anyone playing it, and without any word of a reply or acknowledgement from the devs. We're well past cringe at this point, and anyone pointing that out just wants to ride candy paint, much like the wintrader cartel.

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11 minutes ago, Multicolorhipster.9751 said:

not that I know a lot about S&M or anything, but...

Did you mean: Masochistic?

A dictionary is a good friend to have!

11 minutes ago, Multicolorhipster.9751 said:

100 persons of the pvp pool? Bruh that's hella generous. How many people do you think are actually playing this?

Reasonably speaking the ones who care the most are the plats and if you have means of checking the NA leaderboard towards the end of a season, do it. There's so few plats left that its not even funny.

To be fair, it probably is about a 100. They most likely have a butt-load of alts!

11 minutes ago, Multicolorhipster.9751 said:

You should have just said this from the get-go rather than tacking on pointless fortnite insults

Like we're all arguing on a public forum about the worst gamemode of a larger game, with hardly anyone playing it, and without any word of a reply or acknowledgement from the devs. We're well past cringe at this point, and anyone pointing that out just wants to ride candy paint, much like the wintrader cartel.

And again, to sink this point in regarding pvp:

  1. - This game mode is NOT actively maintained.
  2. - The matchmaking algorithm sucks and has aged like milk.
  3. - DUO queue makes it even worse.
  4. - Win-trading, cheating and match manipulation is rampant in ranked
  5. - The pvp browsers(remember those?) are drier than the Sahara desert
  6. - Automated tournaments are time-gated cheat-fests that NOBODY cares about.
  7. - Powercreep, speedcreep, teleport-creep is rampant throughout conquest.
  8. - Conquest is stale bread with mutated mold spores.
  9. - New players(and vets) have no hope of actual long-term progress since the matchmaking system is not designed for people to progress unless you use tricks or the system gives you freebies.

So, having said all this, what is the only thing left to do but to abolish ranked pvp? People really think they can "fix" this lmao? Don't make me laugh!

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1 hour ago, JTGuevara.9018 said:

To be fair, it probably is about a 100. They most likely have a butt-load of alts!


1 hour ago, JTGuevara.9018 said:

So, having said all this, what is the only thing left to do but to abolish ranked pvp? People really think they can "fix" this lmao? Don't make me laugh!

Ye I don't think it would be all that hard to fix really. It depends on what people consider fixed.

If they want a good, solid, competitive gamemode with a ton of new players coming in and well-balanced matchmaking, that is entirely unreasonable given the current state of things. There's also the difficultly of expanding the population of a decade-old, historically bad and unadvertised PvP mode of a larger game which is; to say the least, very difficult to do.

But it could be improved ever so slightly to be more welcoming to new players and less miserable for us niche veterans, and even all what's listed here has a simple fix outside of just deleting the gamemode.

1 hour ago, JTGuevara.9018 said:
  1. - This game mode is NOT actively maintained.

So they should maintain it. I have to imagine someone somewhere gets paid to do so after all.

1 hour ago, JTGuevara.9018 said:
  1. - The matchmaking algorithm sucks and has aged like milk.
  2. - DUO queue makes it even worse.
  3. - Win-trading, cheating and match manipulation is rampant in ranked

Wintraders should be perm banned and Anet should leak their individual information so I can program a macro to spam call them and bombard them with friend requests on discord, but the perm ban would do well enough if that's too much to ask for.

DuoQ should be removed or split into a separate queue from solos. The wintraders love it and losing it would improve matchmaking tremendously. Like, the single best thing Arenanet could do for PvP matchmaking right now at this current moment is to get rid of it, by any means and preferably as quickly as possible.

1 hour ago, JTGuevara.9018 said:
  1. - New players(and vets) have no hope of actual long-term progress since the matchmaking system is not designed for people to progress unless you use tricks or the system gives you freebies.

Take this for example. Personally I think the whole 'game pushes you towards a 50% winrate' myth is just that; a myth, but its easy to see why people think that.

If you SoloQ in Ranked you face so many RNG dice rolls compared to someone that DuoQs because everything is at the mercy of RNG, and that would be fair if everyone else was too, but DuoQs aren't. Objectively speaking they have more control over matchmaking than a SoloQ, and way less to get upset about in general.

Its an advantage, no matter how you look at it, and there's no way to justify it in a 5v5 competitive game because at least 2 players will always be forced to play at a disadvantage in that setting. Its imbalanced by design, essentially cheating for anyone with the slightest clue as to how the matchmaker works(The top players) and it would be so simple to just split the queues if it weren't for the sycophants whining about how the population is too low for that to happen. 

I tell ya, those are the people who would drive me to agree with you to just up and delete ranked entirely, but it would feel a lot better to see them lose without losing ourselves for once.

1 hour ago, JTGuevara.9018 said:
  1. - The pvp browsers(remember those?) are drier than the Sahara desert
  2. - Automated tournaments are time-gated cheat-fests that NOBODY cares about.
  3. - Powercreep, speedcreep, teleport-creep is rampant throughout conquest.

All of these would improve as a direct result of slightly better matchmaking.

Well, kind of. PvP browser may be dead for good, RIP.

If the wintraders were banned and there was a real reason to get competitively invested in the game(like a solo ladder for example) then ATs would be perfect. They offer a lot more gold relative to the time spent and 5v5 is how this game was meant to be played in teams and not 2/2/1 vs 5 soloqs like the DuoQ simps would have you believe.

Even profession balance would maybe get better with better matchmaking because with the bad matchmaking we have, a silver could go up against a plat pretty commonly, and that plat could be playing a total meme build but the experience gap can make that plat seem like an overpowered hacker to that silver. People seldom blame the matchmaker straight away so it isn't surprising at all to see "nerf this" threads everywhere.

1 hour ago, JTGuevara.9018 said:
  1. - Conquest is stale bread with mutated mold spores.

Yes, but consider that they turn mold into penicillin

All that glitters is not gold

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7 hours ago, JTGuevara.9018 said:

As for "cringelord", I take it that are you are either in your teens or 20s, because I'm pretty sure nobody above 30 says the word "cringe" with a straight face.

Imagine being a cringelord and the 20 year olds had to take copium when you pumped on them.

I take pride in it. You should too.

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On 10/19/2022 at 3:55 AM, Aza.2105 said:

Forgot to add, the bots. The same one that has been spamming sanctuary mid point is still here years later.

actually, its a wonder how bots aren't being addressed in this game, they're prevalent everywhere pve, pvp, wvw, its usually top priority in any game to address bots and hackers.

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On 10/18/2022 at 7:30 PM, TheQuickFox.3826 said:

Strange post. If nobody is enjoying ranked conquest PvP, why are they playing it? Are these all masochists? 😕

I've been main-ing warrior for 8+ years, so I probably qualify as a masochist, and CMC took over as our dom since the feb 2020 balance patch, please do not discriminate, masochists are people too. 🙃 i think. 🤔

Edited by eXruina.4956
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Quite a few in the MMO community are weak minded. They go in to a game...lose and spend the next 10-30 mins blaming anything but themselves. Ive seen it all for years:

"Ive lost but ....": 

- The game sucks / is dead so who cares.

- That class my opponent plays is OP ...

- The matchmaking is broken ... the opponent abuses a matchmaking/bug. 

- My teammates suck (eventho i spam die/have zero impact myself).

Lets face it...this is one of these posts. Youre on a losing streak and threw down your mouse in rage while shouting "this game sucks...noone is enjoying this"....and then you decided to make this post.   

Reminds me of a guy i played yesterday. We faced Vaans + spidersomething (w/e his name is) duo + that guy. They lost and the guy started blaming Vaans for not carrying enough.  He ended up mentioning everything on my list but himselve.  he spend 30+ minutes raging in mapchat about matchmaking, how kitten the game was, lack of balance etc. 

You either play the game, try to improve and enjoy that proces or you dont ... but you dont post rageposts after every loss. 






Edited by amandavd.3574
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8 hours ago, amandavd.3574 said:

"Ive lost but ....": 

- The game sucks / is dead so who cares.

- That class my opponent plays is OP ...

- The matchmaking is broken ... the opponent abuses a matchmaking/bug. 

- My teammates suck (eventho i spam die/have zero impact myself).

Reminds me of a guy i played yesterday. We faced Vaans + spidersomething (w/e his name is) duo + that guy. They lost and the guy started blaming Vaans for not carrying enough.  He ended up mentioning everything on my list but himselve.  he spend 30+ minutes raging in mapchat about matchmaking, how kitten the game was, lack of balance etc. 

Yeah, that is pretty silly.

After all there's a lot more this community could do to blame that specific person and anyone like them.

One could point to this for example

Literal proven cheater, but nah; its all in our head, lets just eat the bugs and ignore that little detail.

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9 hours ago, amandavd.3574 said:

Quite a few in the MMO community are weak minded. They go in to a game...lose and spend the next 10-30 mins blaming anything but themselves. Ive seen it all for years:

"Ive lost but ....": 

- The game sucks / is dead so who cares.

- That class my opponent plays is OP ...

- The matchmaking is broken ... the opponent abuses a matchmaking/bug. 

- My teammates suck (eventho i spam die/have zero impact myself).

Lets face it...this is one of these posts. Youre on a losing streak and threw down your mouse in rage while shouting "this game sucks...noone is enjoying this"....and then you decided to make this post.   

Reminds me of a guy i played yesterday. We faced Vaans + spidersomething (w/e his name is) duo + that guy. They lost and the guy started blaming Vaans for not carrying enough.  He ended up mentioning everything on my list but himselve.  he spend 30+ minutes raging in mapchat about matchmaking, how kitten the game was, lack of balance etc. 

You either play the game, try to improve and enjoy that proces or you dont ... but you dont post rageposts after every loss. 






In other words: "git gud". Yeah...thanks for the laugh!

I cut your argument into two words more easily digestible for the audience. But hey...keep that head in the sand!

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21 hours ago, Multicolorhipster.9751 said:


Ye I don't think it would be all that hard to fix really. It depends on what people consider fixed.

If they want a good, solid, competitive gamemode with a ton of new players coming in and well-balanced matchmaking, that is entirely unreasonable given the current state of things. There's also the difficultly of expanding the population of a decade-old, historically bad and unadvertised PvP mode of a larger game which is; to say the least, very difficult to do.

And that ship has sailed long ago. It's not just for gw2 either. If your game failed to cash in on that vulture-capitalist funded "e-sport", MOBA nonsense in the 2010s, it's not happening. Much less an mmorpg. Even the flagship of the "e-sport" movement, League of Legends, is declining as I speak. Once that goes: it's over.

Now there is just simple maintenance, which may or may not bring players. This is a service after all.

22 hours ago, Multicolorhipster.9751 said:

Wintraders should be perm banned and Anet should leak their individual information so I can program a macro to spam call them and bombard them with friend requests on discord, but the perm ban would do well enough if that's too much to ask for.

Absolutely no objection to perma-bans from me, but no need for personal leaks. You really want to hit 'em where it hurts, take their titles and rewards away. It'll be as if they've never existed except in their heads!

21 hours ago, Multicolorhipster.9751 said:

DuoQ should be removed or split into a separate queue from solos. The wintraders love it and losing it would improve matchmaking tremendously. Like, the single best thing Arenanet could do for PvP matchmaking right now at this current moment is to get rid of it, by any means and preferably as quickly as possible.

Should is good and all, we've been saying it for years. The fixes are simple and obvious, but the question is: do they have stomach for them? Because that's what it takes. Stomach. Dedication. That is what people paid for. See..I look at things realistically. When there is a service(or any institution) that does not serve the public, I immediately follow the money. Because, let me tell you, it IS going somewhere. Now, the question is: where? Guild Wars 3? NCSoft execs' pockets? Company politics? Certain "tit-for-tat" among select players? More marketing? Somebody needs to fess up, here.

21 hours ago, Multicolorhipster.9751 said:

Take this for example. Personally I think the whole 'game pushes you towards a 50% winrate' myth is just that; a myth, but its easy to see why people think that.

That is most certainly not a myth. If it was a myth, it would not be as consistent as it was and still is over these number of years. This "myth" echoes for a reason. It is not seen on the surface since players obviously don't always have an even 50-50 w/l rating. However, the algorithm does force it. Most online pvp games do it this way as well, which I believe is for financial reasons. The 50-50 win rate gives the illusion of progress and keeps players coming in and populating this thing.

21 hours ago, Multicolorhipster.9751 said:

If the wintraders were banned and there was a real reason to get competitively invested in the game(like a solo ladder for example) then ATs would be perfect. They offer a lot more gold relative to the time spent and 5v5 is how this game was meant to be played in teams and not 2/2/1 vs 5 soloqs like the DuoQ simps would have you believe.

In other words, what we used to have. Player-generated tournaments. None of this AT nonsense.

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32 minutes ago, JTGuevara.9018 said:

Now there is just simple maintenance, which may or may not bring players. This is a service after all.

I wouldn't count on it bringing many players in. If it were something decent being maintained then maybe, but this isn't decent, its miserable and no exaggeration.

Boring blowout matches one way or the other because of cheating, all allowed and supported by our benefactors while they toil away on our nearly annual balance patch. Wooo big hype.

32 minutes ago, JTGuevara.9018 said:

Absolutely no objection to perma-bans from me, but no need for personal leaks. You really want to hit 'em where it hurts, take their titles and rewards away. It'll be as if they've never existed except in their heads!

I'll die happy if I can send at least one of them a pizza. No word of a lie.

32 minutes ago, JTGuevara.9018 said:

Should is good and all, we've been saying it for years. The fixes are simple and obvious, but the question is: do they have stomach for them? Because that's what it takes. Stomach. Dedication. That is what people paid for.

I don't know exactly how much gumption is required of them, but it being good before should be proof that they're at least capable of it.

32 minutes ago, JTGuevara.9018 said:

See..I look at things realistically. When there is a service(or any institution) that does not serve the public, I immediately follow the money. Because, let me tell you, it IS going somewhere. Now, the question is: where? Guild Wars 3? NCSoft execs' pockets? Company politics? Certain "tit-for-tat" among select players? More marketing? Somebody needs to fess up, here.

Definitely didn't go into marketing, that much is obvious.

I can't say I know though. Following a paper trail is too dramatic I feel, unless it were directed at the wintrading cartel in which case there would be a real positive benefit to doing it.

You follow the wintraders, you bust the wintraders, one of the biggest hindrances to this game's growth.  You follow the money, and there's no telling where the kitten its going to take you.

I also enjoy owning things and that sweet, YUMMY high-fructose corn syrup. The unseen suits can smoke their cubans, twirl their moustaches, and take literally all my money. That's ok. All I ask is they put in the bare minimum effort necessary to keep their game free of cheats, keeping it up to the same standard it was previously at. 10 years later this game should not be regressing.

32 minutes ago, JTGuevara.9018 said:

That is most certainly not a myth. If it was a myth, it would not be as consistent as it was and still is over these number of years. This "myth" echoes for a reason. It is not seen on the surface since players obviously don't always have an even 50-50 w/l rating. However, the algorithm does force it. Most online pvp games do it this way as well, which I believe is for financial reasons. The 50-50 win rate gives the illusion of progress and keeps players coming in and populating this thing.

Ben P. was the one who said the 50-50 winrate myth is a myth. I trust Ben P because he actually communicated with us during his time here, and he was well-aware of the bull plaguing ranked.

Its hard to say whether its illusion or not, like I said I could easily see why someone would think the game is forcing them to a 50-50 w/l ratio. I think its just an amalgamation of all the RNG dice rolls SoloQs have to deal with because if you look at the top DuoQs, those are the ones effortlessly climbing up to 80, 90, sometimes 100% of their games won.


To compare, if you queue solo you are at the mercy of RNG when it comes to:

-Your team's average rating vs theirs

-The composition of your team

-Which team gets the sweatstack DuoQ

-Which team has the whiny AFKer

-And communication with your team

All of which can be made better or ignored completely so long as you DuoQ. In other words, its a straight-up advantage over SoloQs, so... Why do they play together in the competitive mode? Of course the SoloQs are going to sit at a 50-50 winrate when they're already picking the most challenging way to queue and then they have to deal with the people taking the easy way via DuoQ on top of that.

Heck, a SoloQ holding onto a 50% w/l honestly sounds higher than what it should be when you consider everything, and anything past 60% makes that SoloQ actual god-tier.

32 minutes ago, JTGuevara.9018 said:

In other words, what we used to have. Player-generated tournaments. None of this AT nonsense.

Player-generated tournies are sublime, but ATs could be decent given they weren't full of cheats.

Generally speaking people are going to prefer the more accessible and official option that they can get gold from. ATs are not a bad idea by design, they're just rendered pointless by cheaters gatekeeping them and disappointing in terms of how infrequent they are.

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10 hours ago, JTGuevara.9018 said:

In other words: "git gud". Yeah...thanks for the laugh!

I cut your argument into two words more easily digestible for the audience. But hey...keep that head in the sand!


No...its not about getting gut. Its about not being a weak individual and blaming the game, teammates, balance or anything that isnt related to yourself.

Ive seen it every time i played, for years. 99% of the players blame anything but themselves when they lose. 

Like in the example i mentioned. The guy spend half an hour blaming anything but himselve while he got 1v2ed and 1v3ed multiple times by me.  His teammates...balance....matchmaking...duoq (even if it was his favour)....etc. 

Start learning from your f ups instead of being a toxic blamer. 

Edited by amandavd.3574
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Guys this game is actually dead in pvp now. It happened very suddenly around the start of this current season but it is DEAD. I'm not just saying this, it's done. The population is too low and the cheating is too rampant to where 8/10 games queued are a completely unacceptable ****show that is so bad it can no longer even foster an illusion to cover itself up even for new players.

Look at the amount of posts from completely new players lately who are like "What is wrong with this game?" and they often mention being able to spot obvious manipulations & bot usage as well.

The people who have always cheated the system who still do, along with Arenanet's reluctance, have at that this point successfully completely destroyed what remained of this pvp scene. It's done now.

It's been within about the past 24-48 hours I've had to really take a step back and digest this fact, realizing that the only thing left to do in this game, is 1v1. It's actually true. it's the only way to get "real match ups" anymore.

And WvW is too number reliant. I'll never love WvW like I did SPvP for many reasons.

It is truly time to look for a new game. Aint nothing gonna happen here. The show is over.

I really hate to say that but it is true.

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8 hours ago, amandavd.3574 said:


No...its not about getting gut. Its about not being a weak individual and blaming the game, teammates, balance or anything that isnt related to yourself.

Ive seen it every time i played, for years. 99% of the players blame anything but themselves when they lose. 

Like in the example i mentioned. The guy spend half an hour blaming anything but himselve while he got 1v2ed and 1v3ed multiple times by me.  His teammates...balance....matchmaking...duoq (even if it was his favour)....etc. 

Start learning from your f ups instead of being a toxic blamer. 

Ok then, so just personal attacks! Pfft...whatever bud. Have fun with that! Take a look around you in pvp and tell me with a straight face it's even worth playing. Even new players cannot pretend that the ship is floating as the water is up to their necks.


4 hours ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

Guys this game is actually dead in pvp now. It happened very suddenly around the start of this current season but it is DEAD. I'm not just saying this, it's done. The population is too low and the cheating is too rampant to where 8/10 games queued are a completely unacceptable ****show that is so bad it can no longer even foster an illusion to cover itself up even for new players.

Look at the amount of posts from completely new players lately who are like "What is wrong with this game?" and they often mention being able to spot obvious manipulations & bot usage as well.

The people who have always cheated the system who still do, along with Arenanet's reluctance, have at that this point successfully completely destroyed what remained of this pvp scene. It's done now.

It's been within about the past 24-48 hours I've had to really take a step back and digest this fact, realizing that the only thing left to do in this game, is 1v1. It's actually true. it's the only way to get "real match ups" anymore.

And WvW is too number reliant. I'll never love WvW like I did SPvP for many reasons.

It is truly time to look for a new game. Aint nothing gonna happen here. The show is over.

I really hate to say that but it is true.

Yup. Exactly. Why do you think I made this thread and request in the first place lmao!

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On 10/23/2022 at 3:46 AM, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

Imagine being a cringelord and the 20 year olds had to take copium when you pumped on them.

I take pride in it. You should too.

Most people here are in their late twenties or worse.... what is happening 😄

I mean... based.

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16 hours ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

Guys this game is actually dead in pvp now. It happened very suddenly around the start of this current season but it is DEAD. I'm not just saying this, it's done. The population is too low and the cheating is too rampant to where 8/10 games queued are a completely unacceptable ****show that is so bad it can no longer even foster an illusion to cover itself up even for new players.

Look at the amount of posts from completely new players lately who are like "What is wrong with this game?" and they often mention being able to spot obvious manipulations & bot usage as well.

The people who have always cheated the system who still do, along with Arenanet's reluctance, have at that this point successfully completely destroyed what remained of this pvp scene. It's done now.

It's been within about the past 24-48 hours I've had to really take a step back and digest this fact, realizing that the only thing left to do in this game, is 1v1. It's actually true. it's the only way to get "real match ups" anymore.

And WvW is too number reliant. I'll never love WvW like I did SPvP for many reasons.

It is truly time to look for a new game. Aint nothing gonna happen here. The show is over.

I really hate to say that but it is true.

Its not that bad but it should be straight up more rewarding to PvP in general. Why would anyone want to play when losing means you almost get nothing and winning consecutively is only for the privileged top 100.

Remove Bronze ranks and bump everyone up.

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Well ... the thing with Spirit Watch is weird: People always complain that it is only conquest. Then Spirit Watch came - and it seem people complained and they had to move the map to unranked-only + making the orb less strong. (I think in the beginning more stuff was allowed while carrying the orb.)

That map actually could encourage team playe - of you removed conquest completely focusing mainly on the orb ... having the team work together. (Of course ... then based on the team composition it might lead to more unbalanced matchs cause team composition can be more important.)

Stronghold ... the PvE compoments were annoying. They should be removed. (Players should carry the bombs to bomb the enemy doors - while protected by other players.)

Edited by Luthan.5236
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On 10/17/2022 at 10:55 PM, JTGuevara.9018 said:

It's time to end this farce. Enough is enough. NOBODY is enjoying pvp. Not the new players coming via Steam that and certainly not the veterans. The ONLY people enjoying this train wreck are the shills, fools and try-hards. The matchmaking system that gw2 has cobbled together, along with ranked pvp has been nothing short of an unmitigated DISASTER. From top to bottom. There is no fixing this. It needs to be burned to the ground.



While I think that it's true many people struggle to enjoy the current system which is why the population is ultimately low. What you are advocating for is destruction with no blueprint for how to rebuild it well. I don't see this as offering any solution at all. In fact this is just asking for it to be gone to make you feel better about it. You can just never play it again. That is a better solution than get rid of it because I do not like it so no one should. It is super easy to walk around and point out problems in the world around you, the diffcult part is finding solutions to the problems. If you can't solve your problems don't ask others to tear things down for you and rebuild with a solution they have to find out themselves and if it's wrong you will advocate for destruction again. Let's not cancel PvP.

You could say mental health issues have sky rocketed, many people are not enjoying their time here on earth living in our modern society. Society is too complex and corrupt by bad actors to fix it so let's just burn it down. Anyone who's best solution is to completely destroy something likely has not built much themselves and doesn't realise how much is put into creating even a broken system.

I would love to read your purposal for what to do afrer complete destruction. If you do not have a plan for that, why not leave it as it is and ignore it? More people will be benefited with the latter. Do you know how expensive it would be to rebuild the system from nothing? Are you paying for it? Would you like them to stop everything else they are doing with the game to put 100% development focus into remaking PvP or even just the MM system? These are complex, tricky systems that no one has made a perfect incarnation of. 

My biggest gripe with PvP is the people with bad attitudes honestly. I do not mind being beated by someone better than me, mismatched skill games are less interesting and generally are worse experiences but being shown how bad you actually are at any activity feels bad. Many people see two options when faced with negative experiences. Have a mental breakdown or keep going and improve yourself, environment, or whatever it may be that is the problem. Sometimes people do both but if you only do the "I am upset now' thing you will struggle to solve any of your problems effectively. You won't escape this concept anywhere in your life.

I am not a shill (what does this even mean in the context of GW2 PvP? People who disagree with you?), I try to minimize my foolishness, and when I commit to an activity usually I don't try-soft. If you want to play a competetive game mode without 'trying hard' then you are wasting every one's time especially yours. I enjoy the game, and don't mind the ranked MM system much so far. I mind sad people that stop playing the game mid match to Q.Q in map chat about how they are obviously a great player (in silver) but their team is so bad.

Edited by Libera Simio.1592
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1 minute ago, Eddbopkins.2630 said:

For me what ruining pvp is 5v5 conquest. The skills in this game have become so bloated and fights are so quick now. I feel 4v4 is better suited for pvp now instead of 5v5. I'm done with conquest and since thats all there is, im done with gw2 i guess.

Isn't a MOBA a game for someone who wants to play MMO PvP but nothing else in the MMO game? If all you play GW2 for is PvP why not choose a game that specializes in this instead of it just being a feature that is less focused on.

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13 minutes ago, Libera Simio.1592 said:

Isn't a MOBA a game for someone who wants to play MMO PvP but nothing else in the MMO game? If all you play GW2 for is PvP why not choose a game that specializes in this instead of it just being a feature that is less focused on.

Name another game with tab targeting 2x dodge 1-9 skills wasd movement please.  And free 360 degree camera look/view.

This games pve is boring. This game character development such as gearing and skills development is nonexistent. There is no fun character creating and development when it's all gear based that ends at the ascended level as top strength. Once I got full ascended gear like 7 years ago my toon has essentially reached max strength in pve. What the point of pve when I reached max. Do I just continue boring ez content for fasion?

Edited by Eddbopkins.2630
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6 minutes ago, Eddbopkins.2630 said:

Name another game with tab targeting 2x dodge 1-9 skills wasd movement please. 

This games pve is boring. This game character development such as gearing and skills development is nonexistent. There is no fun character creating and development when it's all gear based that ends at the ascended level as top strength.

I can't so where are you planning on going to when you stop playing GW2? If you don't like this game's state but NEED the base mechanics you are indeed stuck. Compromises must be made I guess. If you don't like PvE and don't like PvP but need these base mechanics unique to GW2 then maybe you just stop playing games all together or make a business plan for a MOBA with GW2 core combat mechanics and ask Tencent for a $100 million loan to make the next great game. I don't think conquest moving to 4v4 would get rid of all of your problems, it just lowers complexity with less moving parts. 

You said this game is bad and you will stop playing it. I suggested what exists for you and you said but it's not GW2.

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