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Yearly reminder to bring back ricochet


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That trait was the most fun i had with my main, a p/p thief, ever, i don't know what made you think that piercing was better than ricochet in any way, and i surely don't know what made you think ricochet was OP in any way too. People been asking for it to return for like ever and it seens its never enough, please listen to the person whos been playing p/p thief since launch and have 1,647 hours on p/p thief alone.

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And remove the -% damage too while we are at it, the damage trade-off makes no sense, not taking Practiced Tolerance is already a massive -damage tradeoff.

If this was mech not only it wouldn't have the damage tradeoff, it would give boons and barriers and do your taxes. We shouldn't have these overpunishing tradeoffs.

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Looked up this trait as I joined GW2 before it got removed, and it looks really cool. Gives P/P more AoE capability, right now Thief's only ranged AoE is shortbow, and while it is a good weapon with amazing tagging potential, it can get a bit old, a trait like this might make P/P a viable alternative to shortbow.

Another thing about this trait, it might make Thief not trash in WvW zergs, wiki said it boosted range by 150, that combined with bouncing between targets might allow you to get a lot of damage off with pistol 4, or daze multiple people with pistol 4, you NEED ranged in zergs, if you go into the enemy you insta die and Thief having no good 1200 range options (I said G O O D 1200 range option, rifle is a meme in wvw) kills it in wvw zergs

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2 hours ago, SamuelW.2685 said:

Looked up this trait as I joined GW2 before it got removed, and it looks really cool. Gives P/P more AoE capability, right now Thief's only ranged AoE is shortbow, and while it is a good weapon with amazing tagging potential, it can get a bit old, a trait like this might make P/P a viable alternative to shortbow.

Another thing about this trait, it might make Thief not trash in WvW zergs, wiki said it boosted range by 150, that combined with bouncing between targets might allow you to get a lot of damage off with pistol 4, or daze multiple people with pistol 4, you NEED ranged in zergs, if you go into the enemy you insta die and Thief having no good 1200 range options (I said G O O D 1200 range option, rifle is a meme in wvw) kills it in wvw zergs

It got replaced by Deadly aim, which pierces but doesnt bounce. Was really fun back in the day. Needs more unblockable attacks.


They need to change a trait in shadow arts or ADD Unseen Fury so we can utilize our blinds to prevent reflects or blocks. Just need to keep up the pressure!

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On 10/23/2022 at 12:26 AM, Lithril Ashwalker.6230 said:

Ricochet tonreplace deadly aim but keep 5% damage reduction

Also bring back pulsing choking gas if at specific thresholds...prenerf choking gas ftw


Why? Not Taking Practiced Tolerance is already a massive damage reduction. What are you trying to achieve with placing further damage reduction? Make the trait unusable and unrewarding?

Edited by LyraOrpheo.8450
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57 minutes ago, LyraOrpheo.8450 said:


Why? Not Taking Practiced Tolerance is already a massive damage reduction. What are you trying to achieve with placing further damage reduction? Make the trait unusable and unrewarding?

im just saying if we had to have 1 trade off it would be keep the 5%, sigil of force makes up for it

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It was likely removed to make Mesmer's pistol use feel more unique. (Also, Ranger Axe 1 is called ricochet so also possibly eliminated to avoid confusion).


So I guess the real question is, favoring unique uses of class weapons, which is more important to preserve? Mesmer's consistent use of chaos magic bouncing projectiles (Staff 1, Greatsword 2 (?), Pistol 4/5, etc.) or Thief getting consistent access to bouncing projectiles as a reflection of "agility".


It's hard to choose between them, but I think Mesmer may have been the right choice, because I think it had fewer options to make weapons feel "chaotic and magical", whereas Thief just has a lot of other tools it could use to convey "agility".


I also think, more generally Mesmer and Thief share a lot of overlapping niches (trickery, evasion, stealth), and so perhaps a design decision was to make Mesmer the "ranged" trickster, and Thief the "melee" trickster, a decision I also think was probably for the best.

Edited by CourtJester.5908
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12 hours ago, CourtJester.5908 said:

It's hard to choose between them, but I think Mesmer may have been the right choice, because I think it had fewer options to make weapons feel "chaotic and magical", whereas Thief just has a lot of other tools it could use to convey "agility".

The key to Thief is Dual Attacks; honestly Unload should be a cone or thick rectangle AoE by default because shooting two guns = the ability to aim at more than one spot. Dual Wielding and being ambidextious fighters needs emphasized on a lot more. People have also hated Pistol 2 since beta~ could always replace it with an AoE too (same with Scepter 2).

We could always bounce bullets off our stolen booty thrown at enemy if you want a new skill that's Thief-ish XD Storm Waltz is one of my fav old JRPG skills. Throwing a handful of coins in the air and bouncing a bullet throughout them to hit enemies multiple times is just a rediculous and cool concept. XD Or we can use shadow magic to curve a bullet through multiple heads like the legendary meme movie "Wanted." Honestly I feel like Thief guns shoulda been inspired by that movie, lol. If we can do it with arrows then why wouldn't we apply it to Sniping and Gunslinging? (and could till it was deleted 😠)

If you wanna see crazy agile gunslinger action PSO2 Gunner dual pistols are that; doing Gun Fu all over the place firing in all directions and bouncing bullets all over the place. I played dual pistols in Wildstar too which fired in cone AoEs everywhere. (F) IDK, Gunslinging with two pistols in an MMO/RPG and only ever hitting 1 target is just ****ing weird to me.

Easy solution is just give the trait back. Still dunno why it was randomly removed other than they just hate us having good AoE at all, which I certainly feel. They leave us dependant on Shortbow which has always been bad damage and not useable as a main weapon. Our dependancy on it for AoE and mobility got so high people in past had been asking for Shortbow to be an F skill or allowed as a 3rd weapon equipped. (Then Guardian gets their Assassin spec equipped with SB Shadowstep on an F skill and the Gunsaber is a thing >.>)

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  • 7 months later...

Been playing Diablo 4 as Ice Sorcerer and I must say that "Ice Shards" is like the dream version of Thief's Unload: Rapidly firing ice bullets in a line that not only Ricochet off enemies but (with the equipment affix) Pierces and Ricochets at same time. đŸ„ș

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6 hours ago, Psycoprophet.8107 said:

At this point i feel like because so many thieves want the trait back anet will purposefully never consider bringing it back, for some reason anet seems to swing this way often when it comes to players enjoying thier game.

Pistols aren't used too often on any class and Thief's has the most effects of them all. It'd be in Anet's best interest financially to buff Thief Dual Pistols since that's where the weapon would get the most use for cash shop skins and legendary skins. It's really not a good decision to spite a class in such a way if you care about money (and player retention/happyness which also equals money)

Edited by Doggie.3184
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