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Tower of nightmares = dead content


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My problem with Tower of Nightmares is that it has a bunch of achievements tied into Lion's Memory. There really needs to be a reasonable way to get these without a large squad. As far as I can tell there isn't even an identifiable place in LFG for this.



Edited by Glass Hand.7306
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18 minutes ago, Glass Hand.7306 said:

My problem with Tower of Nightmares is that it has a bunch of achievements tied into Lion's Memory. There really needs to be a reasonable way to get these without a large squad. As far as I can tell there isn't even an identifiable place in LFG for this.



central tyria squads?

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The Mists guy in Eye of the North opens  a public instance in a rotation with Marionette at reset, Tower at XX:30, Dragonstorm from the copter guy one hour after reset, then the Battle for Lion's Arch at XX:30. That's where people usually start that content now. The instances close to reset are usually good; the ones later in the game day not so much.

I personally dislike the Tower because it somehow manages to be both boring and frantic at the same time, takes a significant amount of time that doesn't easily fit into a player's daily rotation, and the rewards are meh compared to Marionette and Dragonstorm. It would be nice to see those four instances have somewhat equivalent rewards.


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  • 1 month later...

So, you make living story 1 free for everyone. For new players this will be their first experience of Living Story. So it better be a good experience right? Why else buy the other living stories?


The first three chapters are all good fun and doable solo. Then chapter 4 you drop solo players into a dead instance were you die every three steps to flowers blowing up or something. If this is how living stories is going to be, I am not buying a single one of them. What is the point of buying content you cannot even finish because it's not  optimized for solo players and the solo players don't even have a chance of grouping up because nobody is doing the content. How did you not predict this developers? This is a major flaw in Living Story 1.

Edit: so after 2 hours, I finally managed to reach the third floor. With 5 people party. And then the map closed and people left. This makes me even feel worse. So far, the worst content I encountered in this game. It's a time waste. It's not fun. You have to do it to progress story. I strongly dislike every single part of this design.

Edited by GroteDwerg.4752
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  • 1 month later...

Welcome to GW2. 

The Endgame of GW2 is Achievement Leaderboard , do not let anyone else to tell you something else. 

60-70 % of this game's achievements are barred behind old dead metas and hard content which no one does anymore.

There are multiple reasons and solutions for this ,

 People are hyper focused into farming gold as efficiently as possible , hence they will immediately abandon any content which is not the most efficient. Solution : drastically increase the stuff which is  account-bound. Make all legendaries and any prestige items account-bound.  So people will focus on content instead of gold farming.This will never happen because anet wants you to buy gems and convert to gold to get the shinies.

There are some really bad achievements in the game. Take the achievements in the  Aetherblade path of Twilight Arbor for example. Nowadays people use a skip for the oozes. No new player will ever get that achievement. EVER. Because no one LFGs Dungeons anymore, and if someone does there is definitely someone "elite" in there who thinks he is doing someone a favor by zooming through the dungeon with toys and skippin all the unnecessary kitten.

This game has a very very high amount of introverted completionists who like the QoL in the game which make high level pugging actually viable.

You can go into lvl 100 CM fractals and do not say anythign besides "hi" and "bye" and still rock the content with 5 random guys. 

You get contribution by standing near events, have your own loot etc. This game is made for solo and seamless co-op without social pressure.

But somehow Anet forgets to take of their achievements.

They could actually PAY ATTENTION to their achievements and make them soloable. The trick is to make them not easy but soloable in a way that it is engaging and difficult.  Like the challenge acheivements of HoT Story segments. But instead actually investing time into converting Tower of Nightmares into a hard but soloable instance they just jerked it into the game "as is" and it is already dead.

Veteran players are actually really happy because they love it when new players are barred from competing with their AP solely based on "missed the right time to do stuff".





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28 minutes ago, Revilrad.9280 said:

Welcome to GW2. 

The Endgame of GW2 is Achievement Leaderboard , do not let anyone else to tell you something else. 

60-70 % of this game's achievements are barred behind old dead metas and hard content which no one does anymore.

There are multiple reasons and solutions for this ,

 People are hyper focused into farming gold as efficiently as possible , hence they will immediately abandon any content which is not the most efficient. Solution : drastically increase the stuff which is  account-bound. Make all legendaries and any prestige items account-bound.  So people will focus on content instead of gold farming.This will never happen because anet wants you to buy gems and convert to gold to get the shinies.

There are some really bad achievements in the game. Take the achievements in the  Aetherblade path of Twilight Arbor for example. Nowadays people use a skip for the oozes. No new player will ever get that achievement. EVER. Because no one LFGs Dungeons anymore, and if someone does there is definitely someone "elite" in there who thinks he is doing someone a favor by zooming through the dungeon with toys and skippin all the unnecessary kitten.

This game has a very very high amount of introverted completionists who like the QoL in the game which make high level pugging actually viable.

You can go into lvl 100 CM fractals and do not say anythign besides "hi" and "bye" and still rock the content with 5 random guys. 

You get contribution by standing near events, have your own loot etc. This game is made for solo and seamless co-op without social pressure.

But somehow Anet forgets to take of their achievements.

They could actually PAY ATTENTION to their achievements and make them soloable. The trick is to make them not easy but soloable in a way that it is engaging and difficult.  Like the challenge acheivements of HoT Story segments. But instead actually investing time into converting Tower of Nightmares into a hard but soloable instance they just jerked it into the game "as is" and it is already dead.

Veteran players are actually really happy because they love it when new players are barred from competing with their AP solely based on "missed the right time to do stuff".





Then start a squad and lead people through tower of nightmare maybe?

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I recently came back to the game and decided go through all the story on a new character. LW1 wasn't out last time I played so I was looking forward to doing it. I reached the tower and now I'm stuck because I can't solo the whole thing (2nd floor boss is a road block) and no one is doing it. The LFG for old Tyria is dead as a dodo, and when I asking in guild/map chat the usual reply is something like "Yeah, it sucks. Just skip it".


This is terrible game design. I'm sorry, but there is no other way to say it.

Story mode should be tuned for soloing. This goes for regular dungeons as well, even though they don't block story progression in the same way.

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On 4/13/2023 at 11:05 AM, Raciid.9045 said:

I reached the tower and now I'm stuck because I can't solo the whole thing (2nd floor boss is a road block) and no one is doing it. The LFG for old Tyria is dead as a dodo, and when I asking in guild/map chat the usual reply is something like "Yeah, it sucks. Just skip it".

As mentioned earlier in this thread, you do not need to complete the entire tower. You only need to do ~10 events - any event, even the same one over - to continue the story.
Same goes for BfLA when you get to the group content.

Sorry to say but your guild is ill-informed to not tell you this.

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I was a little surprised that the Tower of Nightmares re-release didn't get re-tuned to be more fun. GW2's encounter design has changed quite a bit (or one might say, grown up) from those days, and if you're going to go to the effort of putting old content back into the game, why not make it stack up with the best it has to offer? But instead it's the same old massive AoE knockback spam everywhere that ensures nobody will want to play it any longer than they have to.

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On 4/15/2023 at 5:48 PM, Konig Des Todes.2086 said:

As mentioned earlier in this thread, you do not need to complete the entire tower. You only need to do ~10 events - any event, even the same one over - to continue the story.
Same goes for BfLA when you get to the group content.

Sorry to say but your guild is ill-informed to not tell you this.


Yes, and everyone knows this. We also know that you can't just reset the instance at will to do the same events over and over again. The issue is not that the tower is impossible to complete, but rather that it's a major speed bump in the story. Having to wait for others, or wait for the events to respawn / instance to reset isn't fun for anyone who is just doing a story playthrough.

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20 hours ago, Raciid.9045 said:

Yes, and everyone knows this. We also know that you can't just reset the instance at will to do the same events over and over again.

Not everyone does, and you technically can, if you open and close private instances.

20 hours ago, Raciid.9045 said:

The issue is not that the tower is impossible to complete, but rather that it's a major speed bump in the story. Having to wait for others, or wait for the events to respawn / instance to reset isn't fun for anyone who is just doing a story playthrough.

That's a fair point, but a bit different point from "I'm stuck because I can't solo the whole thing". I merely responded to your original statement before.

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