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Want to roll an Ele, but am i wasting my time?


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Ele is like the only class i dont have an 80 of and figured why not, give it a go. But man o man from what I have read and seen (or dont seen) they just dont seem to be worth it. Am I wrong? I have high ping but meh, I am used to it so would like a mostly fire Tempest be any good in like Open World stuffs or will I die...alot.? I dont mind a bit of a challenge but also dont play piano for a reason... ;)]

It is sad that ANET has allowed one of their classes to fall thru the cracks but it cant be that bad, can it?

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You only need piano play for optimal rotations (which only have value in raids/strikes/fractals). It's totally doable to camp an attunment and be content with that in open world. You won't die more than any other profession would.


Edited by Dadnir.5038
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As it stands currently, you should only play ele for the sake of having fun with ele.  There is no particular niche that they fulfill or do better than anyone else.  However, ele is also the most fun profession to play IMO.  For most open-world stuff, Sandstorm will solve all of your survival problems.  Doesn't matter which spec you play, Glyph of Storms will be an excellent skill that almost never leaves your bar.  

Fire Tempest does do O.K. in open world.  It's biggest weakness is that mounting up kills all the summons, which can be a big annoyance when just running around.  If you want a rotation that is utterly braindead, Fresh Air power tempest when played at a low level can be pretty good.  The raid rotations are complicated and involve swapping through conjures, but the easy version is to use Lightning Hammer and bash things with it while spamming Air Overload.  

Weaver is... more complicated.  The main advantage to weaver is that it has the strongest staff builds.  The staff version will have you alternating between fire and earth to use all of their respective skills, only going into air on occasion when you want to drop lightning storm.  For sword, there's two ways to do it.  The Bolt to the Heart power builds just swap between air and fire continuously.  It mashes some buttons, but less than what fire tempest will have you doing.  The Fresh air power/hybrid builds will instead go into water from fire, use Twin Strike while mashing f3 to go into double air, then repeat the loop.  The condi builds are... maddening.  

I do not think there's a good version of catalyst that is also easy to use.  Catalyst is very much the button mashing Mozart that everyone characterizes ele as.  

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The biggest problem with Ele is that Anet is unable to properly balance it. Throughout the 10 years the top ele players were consistently able to get the best dps output in game. Core release, HoT Tempest, PoF Weaver and EoD cata all got severely nerfed to limit the capacity of ele. It just becomes abit frustrating to see your own profession nerfed to the ground over and over. 

The current state of ele is ok'ish. Its pretty good in open world due its high aoe potential and its natural capacity to heal while in water attunement. For instanced PvE its Ok, but doesn't really provide any unique abilities/strengths. Heal Alac Tempest and sc/f Weaver are currently the "meta" ele builds and completely fine for all Endgame content. That being said, there's a wide array of possible builds out there that are completely viable for Endgame PvE content aslong as they're properly managed (f.e. was doing some power staff Weaver yesterday and was consistently able to get top 2 dps in strikes). 


The biggest 2 problems instanced PvE ele has right now are the catalyst Espec in general and the inability to provide decent Alacdps and Quickdps at the moment (both get like 24k dps on a perfect bench). Apart from that its just the basic kitten that every profession needs to deal with (some bugged traits, worthless skills, skilldesigns stuck in 2012 and devs that have either have no clue how to fix it or cant be bothered to do so. 


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Kinda awkward topic. I would say ele is not worth it if ur looking for perfroming well with it. Every other profession can outperform ele atm. But if you want to play ele for fun sake or if you enjoy the aestetics, sure go for it. There are a lot of LI builds that work fine for OW and mid tier pve content. Tempest is being one of them. 

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Of course you should try it! In my opinion ele is one of the most fun professions to play. It will take a bit of time to get used to a lot of skills but it's not really a piano as a lot of ppl like to say. (except some builds). For end game content there are many builds like: 

Power dps tempest, weaver, catalyst

Condition dps tempest, weaver, catalyst

Quickness provider dps catalyst (condi and power) 

Alacrity provider dps tempest (condi and power) 

Heal alacrity tempest

Heal quickness catalyst (cleared all raids with cms on it as tank heal quick) 


Ele have very strong open world builds with lots of aoe. Numerous pvp and wvw builds. Ele can take all roles in group composition. 

So this is my take on it. 

P. S. You just need to invest some time to learn what skills do and some base rotations. 

P. S. S. After you learn ele most other profession will feel very easy to play. 


And at last in my opinion specialisations by difficulty to play: (from easiest to hardest) 

Tempest - catalyst - weaver


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20 minutes ago, ZloyMakak.1429 said:



And at last in my opinion specialisations by difficulty to play: (from easiest to hardest) 

Tempest - catalyst - weaver


That answers what i was going to ask next, which elite for a new Ele player (not to the game, just the class). Cheers!!

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49 minutes ago, Joxer.6024 said:

That answers what i was going to ask next, which elite for a new Ele player (not to the game, just the class). Cheers!!

The difficulty level of the especs kinda depend on the build and content you're running. For open world i generally agree with Tempest ->cata->Weaver. 

For instanced PvE it mostly depends on the build you are running, also some builds can be fairly easy to get into, but hard to master. 

Easy difficulty: sc/f condi Tempest, staff power weaver, hammer condi catalyst

Moderate difficulty: heal alac sc/w Tempest, sw/d power Weaver, sc/f condi weaver

Hard difficulty: sw/f condi Weaver, d/f condi Weaver, staff condi Weaver

Very hard: power catalyst 

All dps builds should be able to provide 30-38k dps on Golem. Although some might not be able to reach the top dps that the SC community is looking for, it should be plenty for all Endgame PvE content.


Edited by the krytan assassin.9235
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47 minutes ago, Animism.7530 said:

It's bad and you're better off playing something else


28 minutes ago, Joxer.6024 said:

Lol, theres always one....

You know he's right. As for the OP topic. I used to play Ele, not anymore tough.


1-Bad class outperformed by every other. Even in terms of Hp/Armor. 


2-Bad class for open world (power builds are bad and non existant). Taggins skills suck aswell animations are way to slow + mobs die too fast.


3-The Damage is trash, piano rotation that will do 20k at most, 30k-35k with Viper gear but..... I would not be wearing full viper with Ele in Open World if I were you ;).


4-You need to know your spells as weaver and not mess up with the rotation.(You know like a charachter from tekken or any fighting game you need to know the entire list of inputs what I mean by this is that you'll be in the practice room for quite a long time until you know what comes after what and your muscle memory does the rotation for you. Expect to die aswell.


Its bad you're wasting your time and you're better off playing something else. It makes your effort look silly and is not rewarding at all to play just the opposite its frustating.

Also what is the incentive of playing this class while Mechanist is around?




Edited by keykey.9182
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3 minutes ago, Joxer.6024 said:

because thats braindead and boring as...but at least you gave some valid reasons, unlike the "longtime ele player", so thanks!

I agree its braindead and boring, but still outperforms many classes.... which kills any reason atleast for me to play Ele again. If I stop in Story to read a dialogue i'll probably die with Ele while as Mech you can read the entire dialogue while ordering a pizza.

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When I play one of my Elementalists, I camp Fire attunement with the Tempest specialization.

Using Marauder gear, it gets most Open World and Story content done within not-too-terrible time frames.

But at the end of the day, you have to decide for yourself, whether Elementalist is fun for you or not. Theoretically optimal statistics are of tertiary importance at best.

6 hours ago, Joxer.6024 said:

It is sad that ANET has allowed one of their classes to fall thru the cracks but it cant be that bad, can it?

It can and it is that bad. But that profession you mentioned there is Warrior, not Elementalist.

Edited by Fueki.4753
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As a very casual elementalist enjoyer I will say that one issue when it comes to feeling you are wasting your time is having to swap attunements and dart in circles to barely stay alive when other professions can just walk by and do all that damage with much fewer buttons and effort.


Is it fun? Mega yes


But it is also frustrating when you see almost anyone else in the open world and have to wonder why you bother to play the game on hard mode for no reason.

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Still do play elementalist. 

They are fun regardless of being a glass canon.


All elite specs are also unique and fun.

Just try not to get hit too many times and you're rolling.


I have five, in which four are maining one of the 4 elements + Arcane + Elite, and a fifth, that is only ele for Role Playing purposes. 


I say it's worth it, yes.

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