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A broken daredevil allowed for more diversity.

Crab Fear.8623

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If you look at the history of nerfs, you can see everytime daredevil got nerfed, we lost class diversity.

Now, it was annoying for players to have a bane in the game, but they also had much more flavor and options.

Requesting nerfs to daredevil in hopes to gain superiority only resulted in dumpstering of their own classes.

A strong daredevil justifies a broken anything else.

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10 hours ago, Crab Fear.8623 said:

If you look at the history of nerfs, you can see everytime daredevil got nerfed, we lost class diversity.


i mean... for some weird reason... your not completly wrong here.

but at the same tme, we have more diversity now, than we had.... lets say 2 years ago. Currently every profession can be considered viable in ranked. Whereas 2 years ago you were literally trolling if you tried to make mesmer work in anything higher than p2.


im gonna do a wild prediction, same as i did 1 year ago where i said that suptempest will be undoubtably toptier support the second that EoD hits.


Here is what will happen: Currently mesmer is rising in the meta. As we all know, d/p daredevil is the bane of every Mesmerspec. Because there is more and more mesmers, the counter to mesmer becomes more and more viable.   Which will lead yet again to a d/p daredevil meta. With specter gone and Deadeye being a risky pick into any tempest support, we already see d/p daredevil being considered "meta" according to Memebattle.com . And we all know how much of a mental impact it has to people, to see a build in the "meta" section on memebattle 😄

give it 2-3 months and we are back to d/p daredevil in every game.

Edited by Sahne.6950
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I expected many things from the forums.

None of them were good, but as low as my expectations were (and, trust me on this one, they were low), people bringing unironic nostalgia for daredevils playing on easy mode because they were basically immortal is definitely something I didn't expect to see.

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2 minutes ago, Terrorhuz.4695 said:

I expected many things from the forums.

None of them were good, but as low as my expectations were (and, trust me on this one, they were low), people bringing unironic nostalgia for daredevils playing on easy mode because they were basically immortal is definitely something I didn't expect to see.

...yeah the stealthmechanics in gw2 are pretty dumb.

which is a shame, because i think the theme of thief is the coolest thing in any mmo. In other games i used to play thief and thief only... here it just feels cheap. And that is solely because stealth has 0 counterplay or way to interact with it.


The whole Stealth <-> reveal needs a rework.... badly.

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4 minutes ago, Sahne.6950 said:

...yeah the stealthmechanics in gw2 are pretty dumb.

which is a shame, because i think the theme of thief is the coolest thing in any mmo. In other games i used to play thief and thief only... here it just feels cheap. And that is solely because stealth has 0 counterplay or way to interact with it.


The whole Stealth <-> reveal needs a rework.... badly.

Stealth is not a problem. Stealth is a mechanic: you enter stealth (with a cost) to proc your damage (backstab), which can then turn into heatseeker if your target is damaged enough (that's your mechanic). The problem is immunity to conditions because thief has way too much cleanse for a roamer, the problem is Black Powder being a ranged blind (thus denying the counter to this gameplay, being rupting the leap), the problem is thief's disengage potential being high enough that they can safely reset every time they kitten up, the problem weakness and unblockable blind spam which basically denies any kind of retaliation. The problem was not in the thief mechanic, the problem was in all the kitten they got for free.

Edited by Terrorhuz.4695
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what diversity are you talking about.
DD singlehandedly made almost every single build you would like to play unusable dog kitten.
There is a reason why people only roamed on DD and maybe rev, every other roamer was not only weaker but also hard countered by thief.
You wanna play side-node? you need to have tools to survive 0 counterplay DD gank, if you cant, your build is unusable.

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8 hours ago, Sahne.6950 said:

but at the same tme, we have more diversity now, than we had.... lets say 2 years ago.

Not sure how you're defining "more diversity".

Two years ago we still had a strong distinction between: Support / Team Fighter / Roamer / Side Noder

The release of EOD turned Chess into Checkers, where every piece now does the same thing.

Edited by Trevor Boyer.6524
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9 hours ago, Sahne.6950 said:

Here is what will happen: Currently mesmer is rising in the meta. As we all know, d/p daredevil is the bane of every Mesmerspec.

Countering one specific class isn't worth playing the spec if every other interaction is like getting teeth pulled.

8 hours ago, Terrorhuz.4695 said:

 the problem is thief's disengage potential being high enough that they can safely reset every time they kitten up

You're right overall, but the stealth mechanic becomes this for any good thief if it's attributed in any portion beyond joke uptime. And nobody agrees with you because "thief invisible"


I expected many things from the forums.

None of them were good, but as low as my expectations were (and, trust me on this one, they were low), people bringing unironic nostalgia for daredevils playing on easy mode because they were basically immortal is definitely something I didn't expect to see.

Immortal vs the mes matchup (and warrior, but that it's own bag of worms).  They could have fixed that in a much more balanced way, but they just reversed the roles. 


Whatever, mesmer can have it lmao, I don't care and just wanna see people get nuked by chronomancers/virtuosos now. 

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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3 hours ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

Countering one specific class isn't worth playing the spec if every other interaction is like getting teeth pulled.

You're right overall, but the stealth mechanic becomes this for any good thief if it's attributed in any portion beyond joke uptime. And nobody agrees with you because "thief invisible"

Immortal vs the mes matchup (and warrior, but that it's own bag of worms).  They could have fixed that in a much more balanced way, but they just reversed the roles. 


Whatever, mesmer can have it lmao, I don't care and just wanna see people get nuked by chronomancers/virtuosos now. 

You can still stomp gs mesmer with daredevil, it's not a problem. Sb2 tears mesmers apart in general. And thief was immortal in general, not just against mesmer. There's a reason nobody ever targets thieves; it's pointless.

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untrue, every time daredevil is in meta, at least 10+ builds is gone from decently playable to unplayable at all.

you literally have no idea how many classes are forced to swap build/class when they see a daredevil on the enemy team.

berserker is semi playable until it gets toyed by daredevil

any non side noder mesmer get destroyed by daredevil

any non side noder ele build get destroyed by daredevil

any non bunker necro get toyed by daredevil

a tons of meme fun glass not-boring-bunker build are actually playable, until a daredevil shows up.


Edited by felix.2386
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7 hours ago, Leonidrex.5649 said:

what diversity are you talking about.
DD singlehandedly made almost every single build you would like to play unusable dog kitten.
There is a reason why people only roamed on DD and maybe rev, every other roamer was not only weaker but also hard countered by thief.
You wanna play side-node? you need to have tools to survive 0 counterplay DD gank, if you cant, your build is unusable.

I don't know Leo, you think I forgot about the double dodge condi mirage?

You get DD nerfed...now...what DO YOU HAVE?

1 dodge

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4 minutes ago, felix.2386 said:

untrue, every time daredevil is in meta, at least 10+ builds is gone from decently playable to unplayable at all.

you literally have no idea how many classes are forced to swap build/class when they see a daredevil on the enemy team.

Nah, I don't forget about the 3 months post release dhs, the real shiros, the real chronos...I feel you don't know WHAT THE F you are talking about.

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7 hours ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

Not sure how you're defining "more diversity".

Two years ago we still had a strong distinction between: Support / Team Fighter / Roamer / Side Noder

The release of EOD turned Chess into Checkers, where every piece now does the same thing.

There was a time when going into soulbeast meant an unblockable killer....guess who was nerfed right before that ended...

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1 minute ago, Crab Fear.8623 said:

Nah, I don't forget about the 3 months post release dhs, the real shiros, the real chronos...I feel you don't know WHAT THE F you are talking about.

LOL doesnt matter, these classes can not compete with daredevil in terms of meta up time and numbers of builds deleted.

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10 minutes ago, Crab Fear.8623 said:

You forget the GOD TIER Spellbreaker, who was nerfed right before they lost damage to Full Counter?


and? every other classes which had "God tier" side noder build get nerfed insanely quick and actually still competes with a lot of builds and can be counter picked.

daredevil can not be counter picked, as long as it is meta it is king in roaming and delete pretty much 60% of the supposed to exist roamer builds,

i wonder why with 9 classes, there's so many team fighter specs, so many support, so many side noders.

only thief/rev (maybe untamed) are roamers, because rev is playable within an environment where daredevil exist, that's it.


how long is daredevil meta every time again? years and years every time. and during all this times, it is king.

one class being king in side node for years and years? nop can't let that happen.

but daredevil dominated roaming for years? sure why not.

daredevil only become unplayable when another thief is overbuffed. like, the last time daredevil became unplayable, because core thief did too much damage. LOL and every time else, it's just daredevil. 

it's so funny daredevil is like the old firebrand, but even older, yet they deleted scourge/firebrand, but never delete daredevil, it just comes back so easily so fast every time. also core thief suffered enough nerf thanks to daredevil as well.

Edited by felix.2386
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36 minutes ago, felix.2386 said:

and? every other classes which had "God tier" side noder build get nerfed insanely quick and actually still competes with a lot of builds and can be counter picked.

daredevil can not be counter picked, as long as it is meta it is king in roaming and delete pretty much 60% of the supposed to exist roamer builds,

i wonder why with 9 classes, there's so many team fighter specs, so many support, so many side noders.

only thief/rev (maybe untamed) are roamers, because rev is playable within an environment where daredevil exist, that's it.


how long is daredevil meta every time again? years and years every time. and during all this times, it is king.

one class being king in side node for years and years? nop can't let that happen.

but daredevil dominated roaming for years? sure why not.

daredevil only become unplayable when another thief is overbuffed. like, the last time daredevil became unplayable, because core thief did too much damage. LOL and every time else, it's just daredevil. 

it's so funny daredevil is like the old firebrand, but even older, yet they deleted scourge/firebrand, but never delete daredevil, it just comes back so easily so fast every time. also core thief suffered enough nerf thanks to daredevil as well.

I never said DD would go away, I said "broken" daredevil mantras remove builds

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On 11/8/2022 at 1:27 PM, Leonidrex.5649 said:

what diversity are you talking about.
DD singlehandedly made almost every single build you would like to play unusable dog kitten.
There is a reason why people only roamed on DD and maybe rev, every other roamer was not only weaker but also hard countered by thief.
You wanna play side-node? you need to have tools to survive 0 counterplay DD gank, if you cant, your build is unusable.

It's funny how Thief has dictated the meta since alpha and thief players complained the class sucked the entire time.

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59 minutes ago, Kozumi.5816 said:

It's funny how Thief has dictated the meta since alpha and thief players complained the class sucked the entire time.

yep, and this entire post is some sort of hero complex kitten.
guys broken DD was and is a saviour, forget all the cool builds you tried to make but had to quit after 2 games because DD just ran you down, hes a hero!

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