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Which major, unrealistic feature would you gladly skip an expansion for?


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I would like proper housing to be added to the game. And no, I am not talking about GH either. I would like something more akin to ESO housing or FF14(but I would like ESO one more). Hell, even New World has housing which is saying something. But yeah,  I already figured if it did come you would need to pay for a permit anyways. And for those that say personal instances with the nodes, I would not consider that proper housing either because I want to arrange furniture and designs to make it custom to me instead of what we have.

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Complete revamp of character creation/customization with tons of new options--body types, scars and injuries, age, voice customization, ect.

I want to make a ratty looking, emaciated charr with a bald tail, scars everywhere, and Flame Legion horns..... and a lady norn who is both smaller-chested and more heavily muscled then our current options.... and fat old human mages. That'd be fun. 

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9 hours ago, Doctor Hide.6345 said:

I would like proper housing to be added to the game. And no, I am not talking about GH either. I would like something more akin to ESO housing or FF14(but I would like ESO one more). Hell, even New World has housing which is saying something. But yeah,  I already figured if it did come you would need to pay for a permit anyways. And for those that say personal instances with the nodes, I would not consider that proper housing either because I want to arrange furniture and designs to make it custom to me instead of what we have.

Certainly your wish and all, but for me I'd hope that Anet wouldn't delay or skip expansion content for housing.

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Hopefully they're already ramping up GW3 development, so speeding up that ramp would be great.

I've spent a fortune in this game over the years, but I'm under no illusion the lights will go off at some point and something new will come along. It needs to. Arenanet needs to secure its next 10-20 years as a game developer, so unless it's going to do something different I think it has a perfect opportunity to create the biggest 'next gen' mmo learning all the lessons they have over the last ten years.

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Overhaul the entire wardrobe system to divorce skins from gear.   If you've played Champions Online or City of Heroes, gear just gave you stats and you could build your style however you wanted even if changing or exchanging gear.  ANet would have to divorce armor rating from armor and make it class  specific.  The easiest way I can see this being done is to give bonus armor per piece of equipment worn based on class.  EG every piece gives a set armor rating (Probably lowest rating with light) and your class determines the bonus armor based on rarity of the piece and the slot it's i.

Make all armor homogeneous.  Now I'm not saying have it all look the same, but have it all rig the same across the characters.  Basically make the skins all show up with the same seams.  Current armor doesn't need to be reworked that much as the legacy armor skins can just have (legacy) in the name to denote that they may have horrible clipping or seam issues.

Lastly, as an addition to the wardrobe function, similar to gear templates, a method to save outfits. Unlimited outfits or at least darn near close to it.  Unlock slots via transmutation charges, make changing skins have a gold cost in there.  With build templates you can assign a look from your wardrobe templates and easily copy looks (With dyes) across all build templates.  This  could even go as far as to make them shareable. A chatlink code could be generated that, when opened, lists all the skins and dyes used in a more advanced preview.

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Something likely unrealistic which I'd yet love to see is a combination of things that are already in the game:

Mobile Player airships: Think Captain's Airship Lounge but mobile.
- Upgradable like Eye of the North or Arborstone with services, vendors and portals.
- Upgrades via achievements, crafting or mastery track
- Deployable, movable and anchorable like a skiff, but locked a predefined height
- Same restrictions no-fly zones as for mounts
- Access could be shared within a party
- Could be used to travel across maps
- Autopilot would send it on a predefined route around the current map like in Dragonfall
- Aerial Bombardment unlock which can be used once every 10-20 minutes
- Glory of Tyria-style Capital ships for Guilds 🙂

Edited by dceptous.9205
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17 hours ago, AzureTerra.1642 said:

Not sure I'd want to skip a Expac but I'd love to see mainhand weapons get a full bar of abilities if the offhand is left open

Very interesting idea. How do you think the loss of stats and sigil from an unequipped off hand could be balanced?

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On 11/30/2022 at 9:48 AM, Ashen.2907 said:

Very interesting idea. How do you think the loss of stats and sigil from an unequipped off hand could be balanced?

Not sure, it more came about while playing around with a new thief and the way abilities change on the duelweild slot and that sometimes i'd prefer to have that third ability over whatever it becomes when a off hand is equipped. Maybe a extra gearslot/sigilspot elsewhere that is only useable when a single mainhand weapon is equipped and would grey out if a weapon was equipped or switched to. Having thought about it some more I think having the weapon scale stats dynamically if wielded one handed only would work better and have the separate Sigil slot for it on the main Equipment page as above. 

Edited by AzureTerra.1642
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