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WvW dailies need to change


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The easiest way to complete dailies is to do the WvW ones. This is attracting large numbers of casual pvers into WvW solely to complete the dailies and then leaving.

Several of the dailies are useless, do very little to contribute to WvW or promote karma training/flipping paper stuff.

These players inflate the play hours of their server without actually contributing much to WvW. We've all seen the masses of people waiting for the veteran warg to spawn.


This messes with the server populations. You have servers with large pve populations like Gandara and Fort Aspenwood being perpetually full despite having small hardcore wvw populations.


The dailies need to be fixed.


Remove the following:

1 - Creature Slayer (seriously why does this even exist?)

2 - Big Spender (laziest excuse for a daily I've ever seen)

3 - Master of Monuments (one person randomly capping a monument does nothing to help a server get bloodlust)

4 - Land Claimer


Introduce new ones by splitting the Objective Defender daily into separate keep/tower/camp ones. Makes people actually spend more time doing actual WvW.

And whenever there's a capture daily, there should be an equivalent defender one. Promote actual fighting and not just flipping stuff for the daily and then leaving.


Thank you.

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2 hours ago, henchmen.1856 said:

This messes with the server populations.

I doubt someone popping in a minute to buy a pair of catapults mess with the overall server population hours particularly much.

Those other things you say promote karma training and flipping is just as diffuse as the rest of the PPT/PPK split that the elite WvW community is constantly pushing . And whenever there's a capture daily, there should be an equivalent defender one - there is at any time, it's called... defending a tower/keep you know the kitten enemy is going to try and take because that's what get you fights. The "fighters" would take that fight regardless of having a daily or not. Who is your target audience here? The elite PPKers that think defending doesnt mean fighting, so they need a daily to justify them coming there? Dont think that's your meaning but that's effectivly what it means, lol.

I'm fine with having more dailies, but removing existing ones is pretty pointless.

Edited by Dawdler.8521
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19 minutes ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

I doubt someone popping in a minute to buy a pair of catapults mess with the overall server population hours particularly much.

Those other things you say promote karma training and flipping is just as diffuse as the rest of the PPT/PPK split that the elite WvW community is constantly pushing . And whenever there's a capture daily, there should be an equivalent defender one - there is at any time, it's called... defending a tower/keep you know the kitten enemy is going to try and take because that's what get you fights. The "fighters" would take that fight regardless of having a daily or not. Who is your target audience here? The elite PPKers that think defending doesnt mean fighting, so they need a daily to justify them coming there? Dont think that's your meaning but that's effectivly what it means, lol.

I'm fine with having more dailies, but removing existing ones is pretty pointless.


Like the idea on the counter-balancing daily quests that would be a good change. Agree more quests would never hurt.

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Dailies should not be a means of increasing time spent in WvW in hopes of an increased activity there. They should be a treat to get people to go there so they might spend some time there. One is forced and mandatory, the other is voluntary.
Expand the list perhaps, but don't take away the more convenient options.

Edited by Gorani.7205
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3 hours ago, henchmen.1856 said:

The easiest way to complete dailies is to do the WvW ones. This is attracting large numbers of casual pvers into WvW solely to complete the dailies and then leaving.

Several of the dailies are useless, do very little to contribute to WvW or promote karma training/flipping paper stuff.

These players inflate the play hours of their server without actually contributing much to WvW. We've all seen the masses of people waiting for the veteran warg to spawn.


This messes with the server populations. You have servers with large pve populations like Gandara and Fort Aspenwood being perpetually full despite having small hardcore wvw populations.


The dailies need to be fixed.


Remove the following:

1 - Creature Slayer (seriously why does this even exist?)

2 - Big Spender (laziest excuse for a daily I've ever seen)

3 - Master of Monuments (one person randomly capping a monument does nothing to help a server get bloodlust)

4 - Land Claimer


Introduce new ones by splitting the Objective Defender daily into separate keep/tower/camp ones. Makes people actually spend more time doing actual WvW.

And whenever there's a capture daily, there should be an equivalent defender one. Promote actual fighting and not just flipping stuff for the daily and then leaving.


Thank you.


There isn't access as far as I know to the population algorithms but they may have already have factored this in. I assume that these players are actually not adding into a server population if they are just doing dailies. I also wouldn't want to discourage people from coming to do dailies here as it may retain some. WvW is always saying give us more peeps, well the dailies are a cookie crumb trail in, wouldn't change that. Will we keep all, of course not. Might we acquire more, potentially and its worth it from that angle.  As posted previously I wouldn't mind seeing a bounty system added that allows a more expansive style of objectives that players can opt in that is above the dailies and adds elements of time and challenge that could be introduced to act as more goal orientated risks for players to buy into. It would ask as both a sink and as added risk/reward to goals in WvW. In either case I wouldn't want things that don't draw in players even if they are just here to do three tasks and bolt because sometimes, they come in and stay.

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No more dailies, have FEWER, more WvW oriented and change requirements for some. Remove veteran and guards, up sentry from 1 to 3, up monuments from 1 to 2, donkeys from 1 to 4 (and escorting also counts), leave ranker, obj defender and camps/tower/keep as they are. Kills should be changed to points scored (6, maybe 8 points) so that you need to find not outnumbered people and if you share kills with 3rd server or kill people with bloodlust the number will change and people will be encouraged not to stay on maps where they outnunber the opponents. You could have things like spend x supplies on siege/repairs or do x damage to enemy structures. Some of these will actually encourage roaming rather than just playing in a blob all the time.

All of the above should already make it unappealing to most PVE players and wouldn't change much for WvW players.

Edited by Karagee.6830
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The dailies are easy, yes. Sometimes at least. But when you are already there, why not follow that tag assaulting the keep or tower? Oh wow I got a bonus chest for /wiki, ... oh there are rewards for spending time in WvW, neat. ... That warlord armor looks nice, Bronze Chest ... that does not look so hard. I'll give it a try. 

This is how you currently get new players for your game mode. The reward-tracks are sometimes easier workarounds to complicated PvE achievements (e. g. the special emotes) or completing skin-sets (e. g. dungeon armors/weapons). In addition you can get ascended gear and even Legendary gear with imo lesser effort than in PvE.

Got back into WvW again once more, because I want that Warlord Armor, Triumphant Armor and Conflux. Maybe I stay even longer and try on that Backpack.

The dailies work as a bait. The more time I spend in WvW, the more I learn about its mechanics. For example I was struggling with daily ranker, because my map was dead (= pip afkers only). So I've checked out those PvE events in the top left/right corners in Alpine. Tedious for sure, but they give massive WxP. I can just alternate between the two and take a sentry or camp in between. I've never got disturbed by an enemy player with those events. I'm glad those few PvE elements still exist, so I can get some stuff done alone.

I agree with some of the above posters. More dailies would be better. But keeping the ones we have already helps. 

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I would suggest adding more dailes and then splitting them into 3 types:

Attacking - Camp (2) / Tower / Keep / Kill 3 enemies

Defending - Camp (2) / Tower / Keep / Sentry (3)

Other - Veteran / Guard (5) / Land Claimer (2)

I would remove Big Spender / World Ranker as I've never liked these as dailes.

Each day it rotates around 1 Attack / 1 Defend and 2 Other

Edited by muerte.3842
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So your complaint is casual pve players are coming in and clogging up wvw population (specifically GANDARA. LOL, and FA, nice thanks for speaking on behalf of Chaba, we know FA is very shy about talking about their population problems). 🤭

But then, you want to remove all the easy dailies, so they what... spend more time clogging up wvw populations? 🤨

How exactly is it promoting karma training when the daily is only to cap one keep or one tower? everything else can easily be done solo.....

Strider chalk this up to another "open bg" strat, the word gandara was sighted again. These guys, I feel like NA was way ahead of EU in this department. Btw thanks BG for revealing to us over the years, all the tricks behind stacking, lifelong lessons for spotting fishy request that veterans wvw players won't forget. 💖


P.S I don't think dailies should be nerfed, they should be improved, more added, and even weekly achievements should be added, much like the tournaments one. For one it could be another avenue of rewards, and for two it could be something to guide the wayward souls who can't play wvw without a commander, have something to chase in the meantime.

Edited by Xenesis.6389
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4 minutes ago, Xenesis.6389 said:

So your complaint is casual pve players are coming in and clogging up wvw population (specifically GANDARA. LOL, and FA, nice thanks for speaking on behalf of Chaba, we know FA is very shy about talking about their population problems). 🤭


But then, you want to remove all the easy dailies, so they what... spend more time clogging up wvw populations? 🤨


How exactly is it promoting karma training when the daily is only to cap one keep or one tower? everything else can easily be done solo.....


Strider chalk this up to another "open bg" strat, the word gandara was sighted again. These guys, I feel like NA was way ahead of EU in this department. Btw thanks BG for revealing to us over the years, all the tricks behind stacking, lifelong lessons for spotting fishy request that veterans wvw players won't forget. 💖

I mean..,  yeah.  🙂

on second thought, maybe we just remove the easy daily’s from Gandara.  Have them report back in 16 weeks and let us know how it goes.  Leave the easy ones for all the other servers.

Edited by Strider Pj.2193
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The only one that should be removed is the Veteran Slayer one.
That could be replaced by yak defender or something similar. The rest that you are listing doesn't make sense to remove as monuments do contribute (ever been lava portal bombed? plus bloodlust stacks), land claimer does contribute as well so long as the guard post is in a relevant location, and badge spender is maybe seconds of time.

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If WvW dailies are easy & fast, the contribution to server-play hours is low.

You want them more difficult such that they contribute more to play hours?

Seems your proposal does the opposite of your goal.

14 hours ago, henchmen.1856 said:

1 - Creature Slayer (seriously why does this even exist?)

But I would love that one gone, or the respawn reduced

14 hours ago, henchmen.1856 said:

This is attracting large numbers of casual pvers into WvW

If that is the case it's likely good, everyone started as casual newbie, and wvw for sure has the need to attract more player. And if that is the way how they loose timidity to play in a PvP-zone, why not.

I think that is the essential of the wvw-daily: acclimate to PvP-zone play

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20 minutes ago, Dayra.7405 said:

I think that is the essential of the wvw-daily: acclimate to PvP-zone play


That's very well put. WvWers may do dailies but I am not sure they think about them. They just go in and play. For people newer to WvW its a stepping stone, think of them as the WvW version of a new player experience. Its a sampling of things to do. You don't want them overly complex because its a way to introduce them to the mode. For more complexity we need a next tier experience that's above them but that also fits into normal play but with more challenge.

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1 hour ago, Xenesis.6389 said:

So your complaint is casual pve players are coming in and clogging up wvw population (specifically GANDARA. LOL, and FA, nice thanks for speaking on behalf of Chaba, we know FA is very shy about talking about their population problems). 🤭

But then, you want to remove all the easy dailies, so they what... spend more time clogging up wvw populations? 🤨

How exactly is it promoting karma training when the daily is only to cap one keep or one tower? everything else can easily be done solo.....

Strider chalk this up to another "open bg" strat, the word gandara was sighted again. These guys, I feel like NA was way ahead of EU in this department. Btw thanks BG for revealing to us over the years, all the tricks behind stacking, lifelong lessons for spotting fishy request that veterans wvw players won't forget. 💖


P.S I don't think dailies should be nerfed, they should be improved, more added, and even weekly achievements should be added, much like the tournaments one. For one it could be another avenue of rewards, and for two it could be something to guide the wayward souls who can't play wvw without a commander, have something to chase in the meantime.

Again stop talking about things you're clueless about. Since I go and kill people waiting for the veterans on alpine and always go for veterans myself I have a pretty good idea of how many PVE people come on Gandara compared to other servers. Let me be generous and say we have the same number of people waiting. Actually that's exceptionally generous. This is not a problem on Gandara and afkers are not a problem on Gandara, but I'm happy to bet you are gonna come back in a week and say we complain about PVErs and afk people. Tragic.

Ah and I missed the rant about BG. So you are just a mysantrophe who likes to whine and complain. Just come clean xenesis, tell us the truth.

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30 minutes ago, Dayra.7405 said:

If WvW dailies are easy & fast, the contribution to server-play hours is low.

You want them more difficult such that they contribute more to play hours?

Seems your proposal does the opposite of your goal.

But I would love that one gone, or the respawn reduced

If that is the case it's likely good, everyone started as casual newbie, and wvw for sure has the need to attract more player. And if that is the way how they loose timidity to play in a PvP-zone, why not.

I think that is the essential of the wvw-daily: acclimate to PvP-zone play

Veteran gives almost the same amount of wxp as a camp, if it also had a shorter respawn time...

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1 hour ago, Strider Pj.2193 said:

I mean..,  yeah.  🙂

on second thought, maybe we just remove the easy daily’s from Gandara.  Have them report back in 16 weeks and let us know how it goes.  Leave the easy ones for all the other servers.

Sure, let's do it. I will bet nobody will bat an eye or complain. Nobody really cares or talk about PVErs on Gandara one way or another. Besides, unlike xenesis in his blind hatred, use youe brain for a second. Gandara has been Full and locked for years, how many newbies can it possibly have?

Anyway, don't follow xenesis on his whining marathons.

Edited by Karagee.6830
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9 minutes ago, Karagee.6830 said:

Sure, let's do it. I will bet nobody will bat an eye or complain. Nobody really cares or talk about PVErs on Gandara one way or another. Besides, unlike xenesis in his blind hatred, use youe brain for a second. Gandara has been Full and locked for years, how many newbies can it possibly have?

Anyway, don't follow xenesis on his whining marathons.

I don’t follow anyone lol.  We have had our issues.


you don’t feel you are contradicting yourself but it is evident to people that are used to disagreeing that you have given a poor justification as reasoning in this case.  

Just calling a ♠️ A ♠️

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lmao, I'm not the one creating threads whining about my server being full, whining about other servers not being full or asking for another server to get a link in hopes of getting one myself, and now chasing me down in other threads to whine about my arguments, stalker. Hey guys we're not full! we have no zergs! we have no commanders, but hahahah look at our impressive kdr! it must be all from the roamers! we're just as good as mag!


Everyone sees what these request for what they are. Me come clean and tell the truth? about what? No, how about you? I'm always up front and state facts, if you can't handle those truths that's not my problem, if you want to call me a whiner cause I call you out for your whining, I have no problem with that, just shows you have no real counter argument.


We've had people come from SoS saying how they're a dead server! how are they full! meanwhile it's because SoS almost always has dead times between eu and na but a health ocx sea times, while all the other servers are heavily NA, everything Gandara doing is straight from the BG playbook, people like that complain and don't fully understand coverage, or time zones, or play times. We've had 10 years to see everything, and we've seen the excuses.


You know what, you're going on ignore, you have nothing of interest to say to me. Good luck on your crusade, I'm sure anet will reward you all with a link next week, then in Jan I'm sure we'll once again see the whining about losing the link again.

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12 minutes ago, Strider Pj.2193 said:

I don’t follow anyone lol.  We have had our issues.


you don’t feel you are contradicting yourself but it is evident to people that are used to disagreeing that you have given a poor justification as reasoning in this case.  

Just calling a ♠️ A ♠️

Such as? I didn't give any explanation...

My position is that some dailies are too easy and I proposed changes for people who think they draw too many PVErs. In all honesty, I don't give a rat's kitten about the effects on population or queues because this is all frankly irrelevant for my server. It's a complete non issue.

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36 minutes ago, Xenesis.6389 said:

lmao, I'm not the one creating threads whining about my server being full, whining about other servers not being full or asking for another server to get a link in hopes of getting one myself, and now chasing me down in other threads to whine about my arguments, stalker. Hey guys we're not full! we have no zergs! we have no commanders, but hahahah look at our impressive kdr! it must be all from the roamers! we're just as good as mag!


Everyone sees what these request for what they are. Me come clean and tell the truth? about what? No, how about you? I'm always up front and state facts, if you can't handle those truths that's not my problem, if you want to call me a whiner cause I call you out for your whining, I have no problem with that, just shows you have no real counter argument.


We've had people come from SoS saying how they're a dead server! how are they full! meanwhile it's because SoS almost always has dead times between eu and na but a health ocx sea times, while all the other servers are heavily NA, everything Gandara doing is straight from the BG playbook, people like that complain and don't fully understand coverage, or time zones, or play times. We've had 10 years to see everything, and we've seen the excuses.


You know what, you're going on ignore, you have nothing of interest to say to me. Good luck on your crusade, I'm sure anet will reward you all with a link next week, then in Jan I'm sure we'll once again see the whining about losing the link again.

For someone complaining about walls of text you seem pretty adept at writing some yourself. The shocking reality however is that you didn't write a single paragraph without something inaccurate or false!!!

Whoops failed again re: linking. I wasn't asking to give BB a link in the hope of getting one myself. That's what you assumed because you couldn't understand the point being made.

And whoopsies, you don't seem to understand the basics of why the situation between EU and NA is fundamentally different. Nobody on Gandara would complain for being locked for 2 years, if we had a link all that time. You know, just like every server on NA, including BG and Maguuma. 

And triple whoopsies for not understanding my point about coverage which was leaps and bounds more accurate and truthful than yours and for then trying to backpedal saying they were essentially the same thing.

It'a funny how nobody on Gandara complained about links in the last 4 months, but you claim to be able to see the future. Or tragic!?

Edited by Karagee.6830
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12 hours ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

I doubt someone popping in a minute to buy a pair of catapults mess with the overall server population hours particularly much.

Those other things you say promote karma training and flipping is just as diffuse as the rest of the PPT/PPK split that the elite WvW community is constantly pushing . And whenever there's a capture daily, there should be an equivalent defender one - there is at any time, it's called... defending a tower/keep you know the kitten enemy is going to try and take because that's what get you fights. The "fighters" would take that fight regardless of having a daily or not. Who is your target audience here? The elite PPKers that think defending doesnt mean fighting, so they need a daily to justify them coming there? Dont think that's your meaning but that's effectivly what it means, lol.

I'm fine with having more dailies, but removing existing ones is pretty pointless.

About this proposal, I don't mind either way, but I think you are kidding yourself if you think people would leave EB specifically to do dailies. You could even change tower and keep capture to be on borderlands or a specific borderland and it would hardly make a difference.

Obviously this is just my opinion, which is also partly based on what people say on forums. I guess Anet could test this and see how it goes. Maybe you are right and you will see people tagging up just to capture/defend specific daily objectives. 

Edited by Karagee.6830
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