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porion at the start of jumping puzzles

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It all depends on what you're used to. I have an easier time doing jumping puzzles on a norn or charr than an asura because I play them a lot more so I'm used to how they jump.

If you think doing it on your character is giving you a disadvantage then you could swap to another character. If you specifically want to do it on that character then I recommend practicing, not just in puzzles but anywhere you have an oppertunity to experiment with how far/high they can jump and where they're actually standing (especially important for charr) so you get used to it.

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1 hour ago, Danikat.8537 said:

It all depends on what you're used to. I have an easier time doing jumping puzzles on a norn or charr than an asura because I play them a lot more so I'm used to how they jump.

While that may be true for people who are used to big characters, it's also true that Charr and Norn objectively are worse for platforming, because you (and players around you as well) simply see less of the puzzles due to them blocking more of the camera than smaller races.

That aside, for the OPs problem, the aforementioned tonic already exists. Sadly, the tonic doesn't change how other players are displayed on one's screen.


Edited by Fueki.4753
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Some of us are using bigger characters for an extra challenge. On the characters I run JPs most frequently, I carry a full stack of Sinister Automatonics. They are rather cheap and the effect is in most cases sufficient. I do not use them for myself, but when I see somebody struggling, those become really handy. With them and a few simple instructions, there is often no need of a portal. The miniature tonic is perfect, but you never have a guarantee that everyone has it unlocked. The tonics can be mailed. 

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13 hours ago, Fueki.4753 said:


That aside, for the OPs problem, the aforementioned tonic already exists. Sadly, the tonic doesn't change how other players are displayed on one's screen.


I completely misunderstood
 You want a tonic that makes you see other characters as if they were tiny.

I thought you had meant that the current tonic effects could only be seen by the one drinking them.  I was confused as that is obviously false

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34 minutes ago, Zebulous.2934 said:

 You want a tonic that makes you see other characters as if they were tiny.

Yes, it'd be nice if that one existed, since there occasionally are maximum-sized Norn and Charr players grieving others in Jumping Puzzles by purposely blocking cameras.

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25 minutes ago, Fueki.4753 said:

Yes, it'd be nice if that one existed, since there occasionally are maximum-sized Norn and Charr players grieving others in Jumping Puzzles by purposely blocking cameras.

Idk, ive done what could be called a metric butt ton of jp's, and i dont think i have Ever seen this. 

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2 hours ago, slpr.2647 said:

Idk, ive done what could be called a metric butt ton of jp's, and i dont think i have Ever seen this. 

It only happens occasionally, but it happens.

In my opinion, it's comparable to Aviator Box trolling: Many people may never encounter it, but it's very annoying for those who do encounter it.

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1 hour ago, slpr.2647 said:

not even close, imo. i see that ALL the time lol 

That's exactly the point I made: To some people it happens often, to some people it happens occasionally, to some people it may never happen.

I haven't seen any Aviator troll since I stopped running Dragonfall (which  I stopped doing well before Season 5 released), but I know it still happens.

That's no different from Jump Puzzle grievers existing, even if most people may not encounter them.

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The aviator boxes are nothing if you know that using the box again removes the effect.  It is most effective against new players. Educating players about aviator boxes would be the least invasive measure against that troll 

I would think that Mesmer portals that lead to the bottom of a chasm would be more annoying.  

I don't want Mesmer portals disabled however because I like helping people get to the end of daily jumping puzzles 

I would not sacrifice my ability to perform a minor kindness inorder to prevent minor cruelty.

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