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Queue Issues & Beta Announcement


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No in game mail, Only 48hrs Notice.......this is just like a poorly planned after thought that will once again annoy so many people.
Reading through some of the replies, the few that don't mind, are in a guild without any alliance or solo roamers.
But the many that are complaining, are in alliances consisting of hundreds of people and multiple guilds.

Delay it for a week please, most people are only hearing about this second/third hand via discords now and many weekend players won't even know about it before reset.

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apparently, announcements of skins ect. are simply more important than wvw announcements... and then a small post about it is put in a forum? hm well XD and no matter how nice some want to spin it here, it remains a communication disaster on the part of Arenanet.

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6 hours ago, Fae.5438 said:

Winter's Day starts December 13, so this shouldn't be a problem. I definitely like that there's another Beta, but this is really short notice and no idea what this "Teams" Section is for. I hope I'll be able to play with my friends.


You're right. Thanks. My dates were off.

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Yes, it's short notice.  Yes, the bugged in-game mail notification makes it worse.

It's still somewhat surprising that people don't appear ready for it.  We knew from the recap that there would be one more before the end of the year, just not the date.  We've had access to select a guild for WvW for the past month, unlike in past betas.  It's also saved our selection from the last time.  Are you all really changing your choices at the last minute or something?  The most unprepared I've seen in some other guilds is just a few players who need a re-invite to their alliance guild.

Edited by Chaba.5410
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22 minutes ago, Chaba.5410 said:

Yes, it's short notice.  Yes, the bugged in-game mail notification makes it worse.

It's still somewhat surprising that people don't appear ready for it.  We knew from the recap that there would be one more before the end of the year, just not the date.  We've had access to select a guild for WvW for the past month, unlike in past betas.  It's also saved our selection from the last time.  Are you all really changing your choices at the last minute or something?  The most unprepared I've seen in some other guilds is just a few players who need a re-invite to their alliance guild.


I go round and round. Based on the feedback all I can figure is a lot of people were trying to 'test' the Alliance part, that we aren't at yet, and did so by forming larger 'Alliance' guilds. The upside to that is more data points for ANet to have in their tests. The downside is they might be exceeding the current 'max' size parameters so when they then end up with more people calling out a bug that their guild was split, was it? Or was it that the test was thrown off by people doing these mass joining's during the split and round robin test cycle and were oversized and needed to be split. As a previous poster said I guess it comes down to how many people flip in and out of their normal WvW guild, else it should remember your last beta settings but we will see. Granted the bugged game mail not working is an issue I am hoping they add to their fix list.

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2 hours ago, Chaba.5410 said:

Yes, it's short notice.  Yes, the bugged in-game mail notification makes it worse.

It's still somewhat surprising that people don't appear ready for it.  We knew from the recap that there would be one more before the end of the year, just not the date.  We've had access to select a guild for WvW for the past month, unlike in past betas.  It's also saved our selection from the last time.  Are you all really changing your choices at the last minute or something?  The most unprepared I've seen in some other guilds is just a few players who need a re-invite to their alliance guild.

The problem for some larger alliances is -  Numerous players have maxed 5 guilds - some personal banks/pve guilds - so when there is a beta we urge everyone to make a guild space - to join a mock alliance guild. (people were asking anet at previous beta to increase guild cap to 6 for these tests)
And this has to be done as Anet have not worked out how to link multiple guilds still, which is supposed to be happening.
When beta finishes all return to the staus quo of guild banks etc as the mock guild has no buffs, no claiming rights and is useless other than a stop gap to bring everyone together for the test.

So when a beta announcement is thrown put on the forum (which Not everyone watches) with Only 48hrs notice, trying to rally nearly 300+people from multiple guilds and servers takes some time and effort.

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42 minutes ago, RetiringCommJAZZ.8026 said:

The problem for some larger alliances is -  Numerous players have maxed 5 guilds - some personal banks/pve guilds - so when there is a beta we urge everyone to make a guild space - to join a mock alliance guild. (people were asking anet at previous beta to increase guild cap to 6 for these tests)
And this has to be done as Anet have not worked out how to link multiple guilds still, which is supposed to be happening.
When beta finishes all return to the staus quo of guild banks etc as the mock guild has no buffs, no claiming rights and is useless other than a stop gap to bring everyone together for the test.

So when a beta announcement is thrown put on the forum (which Not everyone watches) with Only 48hrs notice, trying to rally nearly 300+people from multiple guilds and servers takes some time and effort.


Thanks for that. Again good data points for testing massive guilds. Sorry its an issue on that side. Agree error in the in game mail if that is what was is not a good thing. The downside to people doing these quick test Alliances is that they are also trying to rush the Alliance part of the WR which is slated for Q1. In this aspect it slows the purpose of this test which is to divide people to see if the algorithms can divide people up in the smaller components and come up with good matches. The more people we have trying to force groups together the more it throws those tests off that ANet will need to factor in when they ask themselves if it worked or needs further adjustment. Flipsides of a thing considering I don't think they are at the point where they can then come up with a good ranking on where to place these newly created 'servers' in the various tiers yet. So a question to keep open is how many servers do we end up with that are unbalanced in a given tier they land in and is one of the factors players throwing the test off by these pre-groupings. Will have to see. We already have a factor in people won't really be playing the game mode like they normally would because there is less reason to since it doesn't impact the week after the beta. So there will be mostly karma trains running around looking for max xp especially if they also activate the call to war boost for the week creating its own off normal population influences. So buckle in, its going to be a bumpy ride in any case.

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16 hours ago, roederich.2716 said:

...what alliance is it that you have 500 fix people for the betas? havent heared of any alliance who is in such high numbers yet. it would have spoken around and caught attention as wvw community is small, nothing happens without speaking around quickly...

...I have strongly the impression here are as usual people making things up and exaggerating just for the sake of ranting off.

nobody brought any reasonable explaination of the claimed "organisation problems"...

The alliance I'm in is asking people to let the leadership know if they won't be participating in the beta so they can be temporarily removed from the alliance guild to make room for some new folks joining the alliance. That's one organizational issue going on at the last minute. My actual WvW guild has members who don't speak English so translations have to be done to make sure they get the word. That's another last minute organizational issue. I have a friend with a small independent guild who hadn't heard about the beta till I told her. Now she's trying to make sure the WvW players in her guild get the word in time. That's yet another last minute organizational issue.

@roederich.2716 Just because you haven't heard of larger alliances doesn't mean they aren't out there. Just because you are not scrambling at the last minute to make sure all your members know what's going on doesn't mean others aren't doing that right now. Perhaps you need to calm down and not jump on people who are trying to deal with problems you don't have.

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On 11/30/2022 at 7:13 PM, Stonemist.4680 said:

Greetings from the Mists!

We’re aware of the issues involving the WvW Queue at the moment and are looking into the issue.

And, while we have your attention, we’ll mention that the latest World Restructuring Beta Event begins on Dec. 2nd. This Beta will have more UI work and further behind the scenes work on automation.

Seeing you all in the Mists.

Floyd Grubb
Senior WvW Designer

There is a lot of bugs.. Choosing World restruct or team.. will prevent you from entering WvW.. due it says ur in a dungeon. Also when you choose team.. its reset when you leave WvW.. or log back in.. 


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21 minutes ago, Chichimec.9364 said:

The alliance I'm in is asking people to let the leadership know if they won't be participating in the beta so they can be temporarily removed from the alliance guild to make room for some new folks joining the alliance. That's one organizational issue going on at the last minute. My actual WvW guild has members who don't speak English so translations have to be done to make sure they get the word. That's another last minute organizational issue. I have a friend with a small independent guild who hadn't heard about the beta till I told her. Now she's trying to make sure the WvW players in her guild get the word in time. That's yet another last minute organizational issue.

@roederich.2716 Just because you haven't heard of larger alliances doesn't mean they aren't out there. Just because you are not scrambling at the last minute to make sure all your members know what's going on doesn't mean others aren't doing that right now. Perhaps you need to calm down and not jump on people who are trying to deal with problems you don't have.

but up to now nobody explained their problems, people like usual only ranted so far and I posted that this is unfair as one cannot understand what the problem exactly is. This kind of ranting is unproductive.

now that we know from you what your personal problems are I can just tell you they are created by bad organisation of the leader of your guild solely and are not anets problems. Because other guilds handle it smarter, they have the rule if someone is going offline for some time can tell that BEFORE he takes a break. if someone is not online for x amount of time and didnt say anything gets kicked to free up space and can later ask for another invite if he is back. so creating a scenario where one needs to contact ALL members of an big alliance and waits for answer of every single person before kick is highly ineffective and can be done better TO NOT HAVE SUCH A PROBLEM OF BEING SHORT ON TIME.

for smaller guilds it is i think not asked too much that they should have by now communicated in their small circle so everyone has chosen the guild as wvw guild already since this function is already ingame since weeks or even months so smaller guilds should not have any problem like that at all.

now we have more info what the problems are we can say they can be prevented if some guild leaders improve their general guild management.  this has for me now acknowledged that its not a announcement problem and i still think you guys complaining is therefore unfair.

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One of my accounts is in such a large alliance that was almost maxed out at last beta.  Since the announcement yesterday, about 50 people have joined and probably a few more will continue to join up until the deadline tonight.  So only a small percentage of players across all these guilds in this alliance ended up dropping the alliance guild after the last beta because of things like maxed guild slots.  On the discord I haven't seen anyone panicking about this.

Are there alliances where over 300 people really dropped their alliance guild and need to be "rallied"?  Sounds like some sort of hyperbole to me.

Edited by Chaba.5410
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1 hour ago, roederich.2716 said:

...this has for me now acknowledged that its not a announcement problem and i still think you guys complaining is therefore unfair.

rofl - Opinions, right? Everybody's got one. And in my opinion, you are blaming players for issues caused by Anet's last minute announcement. Why do I think that? Well, for context, let's start with the larger picture - this can be a particularly busy time of year for a number of people. Retail people may have been working a lot of overtime since before Black Friday. Students may be finishing up their semester's work and preparing for final exams. Medical people are getting slammed again right now. That sort of thing. I know folks, including guild leaders, who fall into those categories and who are consequently very harried right now.

Then there are the some of the particulars. Working out what needs to be said and getting it to the person who can translate it, then sending it out to the non-English speakers takes some amount of time. Another particular is that in an active guild, people are coming and going all the time. And, given this busy time of year, people's schedules can change. So not everyone knows far ahead of time what their schedule for a given week will be like or whether they will have the time next week to spend in WvW. Another particular is that not everyone has the time or inclination to check the forums or reddit on a regular basis. So guilds may feel the need to make sure their members are up to speed on what's going on. Again, that takes some amount of time. Up until now, Anet has given advanced, not last minute notice, when a beta is going to take place. So at a busy time of year, it's not unreasonable for folks to assume they'll hear about a beta in a timely fashion so they can tend to whatever details they need to.

What happened this time? A couple of days ago people started posting queries on the forum here about ingame mails talking about the next beta, mails which some folks got and others didn't. Initially it wasn't clear if the beta announcement was real or some kind of glitch. Then yesterday, Anet posted in a bug report that yes, there will be a beta this week and people need to select their WvW guild by tonight. And finally, just today, Anet clarified what the WvW Team Selection interface was. Given that confusing communication, in my opinion, players are justified in being upset with Anet about the bungled announcement of this next beta.

And @roederich.2716 let's not forget that in at least one particular, your opinion was based on misinformation. Just in the posts in this thread, we now know there are two alliances large enough to approach the 500 cap. I hadn't heard of the other one before myself. You apparently hadn't heard about either of them. So you were already starting from a lack of information when forming your opinion.

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6 minutes ago, Chichimec.9364 said:

rofl - Opinions, right? Everybody's got one. And in my opinion, you are blaming players for issues caused by Anet's last minute announcement. Why do I think that? Well, for context, let's start with the larger picture - this can be a particularly busy time of year for a number of people. Retail people may have been working a lot of overtime since before Black Friday. Students may be finishing up their semester's work and preparing for final exams. Medical people are getting slammed again right now. That sort of thing. I know folks, including guild leaders, who fall into those categories and who are consequently very harried right now.

Then there are the some of the particulars. Working out what needs to be said and getting it to the person who can translate it, then sending it out to the non-English speakers takes some amount of time. Another particular is that in an active guild, people are coming and going all the time. And, given this busy time of year, people's schedules can change. So not everyone knows far ahead of time what their schedule for a given week will be like or whether they will have the time next week to spend in WvW. Another particular is that not everyone has the time or inclination to check the forums or reddit on a regular basis. So guilds may feel the need to make sure their members are up to speed on what's going on. Again, that takes some amount of time. Up until now, Anet has given advanced, not last minute notice, when a beta is going to take place. So at a busy time of year, it's not unreasonable for folks to assume they'll hear about a beta in a timely fashion so they can tend to whatever details they need to.

What happened this time? A couple of days ago people started posting queries on the forum here about ingame mails talking about the next beta, mails which some folks got and others didn't. Initially it wasn't clear if the beta announcement was real or some kind of glitch. Then yesterday, Anet posted in a bug report that yes, there will be a beta this week and people need to select their WvW guild by tonight. And finally, just today, Anet clarified what the WvW Team Selection interface was. Given that confusing communication, in my opinion, players are justified in being upset with Anet about the bungled announcement of this next beta.

And @roederich.2716 let's not forget that in at least one particular, your opinion was based on misinformation. Just in the posts in this thread, we now know there are two alliances large enough to approach the 500 cap. I hadn't heard of the other one before myself. You apparently hadn't heard about either of them. So you were already starting from a lack of information when forming your opinion.

I hadnt heared about any alliances 500, thats why I asked which ones that are. but thats not revelant at all cause I didnt have an opinion "on false information" as for me after yours post now is still clear all what you guys claim to be problems can be avoided with better general guild leadership and organisation.


almost 4 weeks ago anet already posted that they do another beta by the end of the year:

"We're looking at hosting at least one more Phase 1 beta before the end of the year to test out the changes above. Phase 2 (alliances) is slated to follow early next year, barring any unforeseen complications."


If you didnt knew this it acknowledges that you guys always claim that you want to be informed but actually dont read it carefully at all. You all had indeed already time enough to contact all your members that there will be another beta before the end of the year and that they shall click the wvw guild, or stay tuned for that. 

How much more time you want from anet infront? 6 month? for a 1 week beta? you guys would complain that the time between betas is too long.

be thankful that things are finally moving on this developement. and who knows maybe anet wanted you not to organise so they can make more tests with the auto-assigment of players? after all its a test and not final release day.

stay tuned, the announcement that there is a beta early next year is also already given to you so you can already start to organise.

happy holidays and a happy new year!


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20 hours ago, roederich.2716 said:

...what alliance is it that you have 500 fix people for the betas? havent heared of any alliance who is in such high numbers yet. it would have spoken around and caught attention as wvw community is small, nothing happens without speaking around quickly...


Your assumption was that if there were such large alliances you would have heard of them. That assumption was wrong. You then went on to blame players for not having done things the way you think they should have been done, without taking the larger context into account. That's the kind of misinformation I am pointing to in your comments.

58 minutes ago, roederich.2716 said:

...who knows maybe anet wanted you not to organise so they can make more tests with the auto-assigment of players? after all its a test and not final release day...

happy holidays and a happy new year!


I've actually wondered too if Anet deliberately gave such last minute notice so they could test something we don't know about yet. Like you said, who knows?

On a different note, I have noticed that when people disagree on this forum they sometimes get into long, pointless arguments. There doesn't seem to be much reason for that. So I won't go any further with this discussion. I'll just leave it the way you did, which was very nice. Happy holidays to you too, and may you have a very happy New Year.

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1 hour ago, Chichimec.9364 said:

Your assumption was that if there were such large alliances you would have heard of them. That assumption was wrong. You then went on to blame players for not having done things the way you think they should have been done, without taking the larger context into account. That's the kind of misinformation I am pointing to in your comments.

I've actually wondered too if Anet deliberately gave such last minute notice so they could test something we don't know about yet. Like you said, who knows?

On a different note, I have noticed that when people disagree on this forum they sometimes get into long, pointless arguments. There doesn't seem to be much reason for that. So I won't go any further with this discussion. I'll just leave it the way you did, which was very nice. Happy holidays to you too, and may you have a very happy New Year.

would like have heard from you about the fact that you all had anets info of a beta at the end of the year already 3 weeks ago.

i can understand that you have cut it out as I know there is nothing one can say against that as its the only and real, revelant fact here. hope it helps you to sort the issues with yours alliance organisation out until the start of next beta early next year.

keep in mind all alliances is to win the wvw competition. if it is lead like an partly offline pve community guild where 30 people from 400 are usually only online you will face the same "balance issues" like today and will be run over by maguuma or WSR alliance.

its the players who have in future more responsibility than ever.

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Funny how much effort went into the black friday sales, emails, front page news, forums, in game notices.

But hey a wvw beta, pffft forgetaboutit. Ok I get it, busy last week, but couldn't even be bothered to take 5mins to type up a couple sentences about it in the forums on monday, in game mail that probably 90% of the players didn't get, it worked last time.... Queue problems since like monday, but hey if it was something to do with the cash shop it would have been fixed the same day. I wonder why there's no faith in this company to deliver on anything, let alone a simple notice.


They're never going to improve their communication, they haven't in ten years, just have to move on and deal with it.

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16 minutes ago, Xenesis.6389 said:

Funny how much effort went into the black friday sales, emails, front page news, forums, in game notices.

But hey a wvw beta, pffft forgetaboutit. Ok I get it, busy last week, but couldn't even be bothered to take 5mins to type up a couple sentences about it in the forums on monday, in game mail that probably 90% of the players didn't get, it worked last time.... Queue problems since like monday, but hey if it was something to do with the cash shop it would have been fixed the same day. I wonder why there's no faith in this company to deliver on anything, let alone a simple notice.


They're never going to improve their communication, they haven't in ten years, just have to move on and deal with it.


lol, Xen. You know I am a sucker to play the other side even if I agree. Keep it light my friend. 🙂


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