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Please revert Mechanical Genius.


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I really don't care about rifle or any of the other changes as I understand Mechanist needed a nerf.

But you guys at balancing just destroyed mechanist dps by about 3k by reworking this trait alone, cannon mech is useless in 98% of encounters now.


Inb4 "You just need to reposition mech with recall, shift signet or even Sky Circus"

That's not how dps works, each second your mech is walking, it doesn't do damage

Shift Signet is usually the ONLY stun break mechanists take and Alac Mechs like to have it on passive as the copied mech buffs really make a difference

Sky Circus is used exclusively for CC and it's a dps loss everytime it's used, specially if mech is not in melee range


Just remove the mech proximity mechanic and do like a player health % instead. Reward players for good play.


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I hope that they are reverting this change as well. It is repeating just the same mistakes Anet already made in the past.

Having to stay near your minions, which oftenly have very janky and random movement, is just not a fun mechanic to play around of. It has been clunky and fun killing back then in the first iteration of the scrapper and is clunky and annoying with the mechanist as well. Please, just stay away from the concept of "get an effect from your pet/minion being around you pulsing every 3 seconds".

It just doesn't work. Make mechanist demanding in different ways.

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Pmech is already doing 33k DPS bench, one of the lowest pure DPS specs. This new change to mechanical genius just makes the Mechanist very unfun to play having to constantly position yourself to your pet mech since the mech commands do not work half the time; and thats on top of the buggy pet AI and pathfinding.

Really hope they take in all the feedback and revert this change.

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Making a significant chunk of Mechanist dps depend on buggy mech AI, server ping and micro managing a deeply flawed and restrictive radius system is beyond broken. If nothing else, it fails one of the primary rules of game design, to make the game fun and enjoyable. It needs to be reverted immediately and then a better way of balancing the mechanist developed and properly tested (or feedback actually listened to during testing, because it wasn't on this occasion). 

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Im starting to get a bit toxic and making assumptions (sorry for that).

This change was made by incompetent workers.

They needed  to make Mech less easy played (not less dps, not less cc, not less support), you know when its fun  and easy people use it.

So they broke it. They could just tune numbers.

I only assume that elitists made their sound.


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I guess everyone wants a more direct damage nerf rather than something unique so you can maintain the high numbers. 

Regardless of how buggy the AI is, it is a good idea that you have to stay close to the mech for it do damage. I mean the easiest way to achieve this it turn off the mechs ranged trait and keep him melee.

Im a Ranger main and I have many tricks to keep my pet with me and one of them includes pet swapping so maybe a good middle ground is a faster reset on the mech summon. 

Edited by Mell.4873
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1 hour ago, Gendalfs.7521 said:

They needed  to make Mech less easy played (not less dps, not less cc, not less support), you know when its fun  and easy people use it.

People spam it not "because it's fun", it's because the almost passive high efficiency.

The change doesn't need to be reverted either. It already works, but sure, it can be improved in some ways.

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8 hours ago, Doragor.2749 said:

as I understand Mechanist needed a nerf

Not really, during their live stream they said that, in regards to the competitive game modes, the AA on rifle engi in general is a bit overperforming compared to where they wanted it to be. The change to Mechanical Genius was specifically to encourage both more player interactions for the LI build as well as putting more emphasis on positioning.

Issue is that the solution they came up with is just needlessly convoluted and feels completely unnatural. Simply taking some of the damage out of the rifle AA and putting it into 2 would have also addressed every performance related issue they said they wanted to address without any of the issues their actual changes brought along.

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2 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

People spam it not "because it's fun", it's because the almost passive high efficiency.

The change doesn't need to be reverted either. It already works, but sure, it can be improved in some ways.

Mechanist is a very cool elite spec thematically. 

You've got a large powerful robot companion with flashy skills to blow up anything that crosses your path. When it was announced, the general sentiment towards Mech was that it was the coolest elite spec to come from EoD byfar. 

For some people, that initial shine wore off when they realised how strong it actually was. For others, they saw a powerful AI and hated it on principle. And for ranger and necros, I reckon there was an element of jealously that engineer's pet was stronger than theirs was. 

For the mech mains in question, some didn't care much for how meta it was or wasn't and played it because the spec was exactly what they hoped it was. An engineer with a robot companion that is actually useful.

Changes like this hamper the fun of playing Mech because working around a stubborn AI that occasinally doesn't listen to you is frustrating. It turns the selling point of the spec into an active nuisance for the one playing it. This is true regardless of what numbers it pulls in instanced fights. This is where much of the contention lies. 

Seeing mech mains struggle and complain is vindicating for a lot of people. (Rifle) Mech was, and (some may argue) still is too passive so this comment, while off base, is understandable. The problem isn't that they made mech less passive. The problem is the half-baked method they used to do it. 



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6 minutes ago, Kuma.1503 said:

Mechanist is a very cool elite spec thematically. 

You've got a large powerful robot companion with flashy skills to blow up anything that crosses your path.

And nothing about that changed.

6 minutes ago, Kuma.1503 said:

When it was announced, the general sentiment towards Mech was that it was the coolest elite spec to come from EoD byfar. 

General sentiment? How exactly did you get to that conclusion?

6 minutes ago, Kuma.1503 said:

For some people, that initial shine wore off when they realised how strong it actually was. For others, they saw a powerful AI and hated it on principle. And for ranger and necros, I reckon there was an element of jealously that engineer's pet was stronger than theirs was. 

Ok, but even if we consider this to be true, if I had to be honest... I don't see relevance of this? Maybe there is some, but I'm completely missing it. 😉

6 minutes ago, Kuma.1503 said:

For the mech mains in question, they didn't care much for how meta it was or wasn't and played it because the spec was exactly what they hoped it was. An engineer with a robot companion that is actually useful.

...and, again, that is what it still is.

6 minutes ago, Kuma.1503 said:

Changes like this hamper the fun of playing Mech because working around a stubborn AI that occasinally doesn't listen to you is frustrating, not fun. This is true regardless of what numbers it pulls in instanced fights. This is where much of the contention lies.

I still keep playing it -not just it, but also it- and frankly I don't see those gamebreaking issues. Granted, now that it matters to have it more consistently near the character, I think the proposal about having some symbol above friendly mech might indeed be helpful (and I don't see the reason for why we can see the rings around other players' mechs, as if that's supposed to be a meaningful information for us?), but overally I had no issues pretty much instantly adapting to the change.

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8 minutes ago, Tails.9372 said:

The change to Mechanical Genius was specifically to encourage both more player interactions for the LI build as well as putting more emphasis on positioning.


More interactions isn't necessarily a problem, if they are meaningful, tactical interactions and not pointless micro management.


I think their reasoning behind putting more emphasis on positioning is totally bogus. Mechanists still have to observe the same rules of positioning as any other class or build. A mechanist, whether ranged or melee, still has to dodge out of attacks, aoe and crowd control. They aren't played as some passive stand there behind a rock and let the pet do all the work class. And if a minority of players were doing this in certain situations, then fix that, but not by hurting the entire class with a horribly punitive mechanic.


20 minutes ago, Kuma.1503 said:

And for ranger and necros, I reckon there was an element of jealously that engineer's pet was stronger than theirs was.


But was it really? Ranger pets are far more varied and flexible in their roles. Necro pets are versatile too. The Mech isn't particularly versatile, just pretty good at the limited role it had. So, why are mechanists forced to do this pointless dance with positioning their mech when Rangers and Necromancers don't have to do it with their pets? I'm not suggesting they should btw, before Anet get any ideas. And I'm not saying this from a position of jealousy either (I have a Ranger which is my other most played character alongside Engineer). Just curious as to why the mechanist has been singled out?


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1 hour ago, Sobx.1758 said:

And nothing about that changed.

Correct. This partially contributes to its popularity. 

The appealing theme is what brings people in and gets them to try it out for the first time. 

1 hour ago, Sobx.1758 said:

General sentiment? How exactly did you get to that conclusion?

Observation, stalking the forums, and content creators like a hawk waiting for any new news about EoD prior to its launch. Reading comments and talking to friends who play the game. 

Sentiments about each were as follows from my observations

Virtuoso - It's mesmer desgined for people who hate mesmer. No more clones, shatters aren't instant cast. Animations are cool though. 

Harbinger - Engi and Necro had a love child and it was this. Blight is pretty cool concept. 

Catalyst - What is this garbage? Why Hammer? Why another melee spec? We were asking for longbow or ANY ranged spec but we're forced to be squishy and melee AGAIN. Also why is it a bootleg version of both tempest and weaver? (I  was excited for Catalyst as an Ele main, but aware that I was in the minority).

Specter - Very mixed. Some saw support theif and were happy. Others (like my friend who mains thief) saw thief with a scepter and thought... "Wtf"? Was hoping for greatsword or dual swords. Why this?

Untamed - The name is dumb. Why does the pet and player look like sewage? Why hammer of all weapons? It's the least popular. Looks kinda dull and uninteresting. 

Mechanist - This was the last one revealed and it's probably because it had the most effort put into it. The customization is cool. The bot is SLEEK, the animations are cool. I'm trying out engi in this expansion. Worried this will get nerfed since it's AI based. 

Bladesworn - Also had a decently positive response. But mains were still upset that it was yet another melee spec (melee pistol lol). Yet another DPS spec. Took away weapon swap and made you use a gunsword that you can't customize. Also rooting yourself for 5 seconds lol. Very anime, but will this work in any real fight?

Willbender - This will be BROKEN. Look at those dashes! It litearlly takes lethal damage but refuses to die. This is thief but on guardia-- wait. Why does it have negative stats in its traits. Some of these traits look so lazy. If I could I'd play this without taking any of the first line of traits at all. They're all bad. Also no virtue passives? 

Vindicator - Greatsword rev lets go! I hope this is an actual DPS build for a change, we keep getting supports every expa-- It swaps into a support spance. Ugggggh. Oh one dodge. Mirage has a cousin I guess. 


1 hour ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Ok, but even if we consider this to be true, if I had to be honest... I don't see relevance of this? Maybe there is some, but I'm completely missing it. 😉

This was setting up the next point. The fact that the shine did not wear off for some people, and they continued playing it in spite of the hate it got. Whether or not it was for fun reasons or because it was OP, these players were all lumped together in the same camp. Like you attempted to do. 

1 hour ago, Sobx.1758 said:

...and, again, that is what it still is.

Yes, albiet with a side of frustration. The bot was the selling point of the spec for a lot of players. Now it's the main point of frustration. 

When attempting to give feedback on this point. Players like yourself uncharitably assume they're just upset that their broken toy got nerfed and they actually have to use their brain for once. Or something to that effect 

1 hour ago, Sobx.1758 said:

I still keep playing it -not just it, but also it- and frankly I don't see those gamebreaking issues. Granted, now that it matters to have it more consistently near the character, I think the proposal about having some symbol above friendly mech might indeed be helpful (and I don't see the reason for why we can see the rings around other players' mechs, as if that's supposed to be a meaningful information for us?), but overally I had no issues pretty much instantly adapting to the change.

As have I. As a catalyst enjoyer, I can say that people can definitely overblow how bad a spec is. In this instance, it's not necessarily about how good it is, but about how it feels to play, and that second point is where a lot of players are having issues. 

It still feels good to you, and good for you. Props for adapting and continuing to have fun with the spec. I think your view point is valid and worth taking into consideration. But we shouldn't shoot down the many people who are not having such a positive experience. If there's frustrating design in the spec, and that sentiment is shared by a lot of players, that's worth pointing out and giving feedback on so it can be improved. 

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1 hour ago, Kuma.1503 said:

(Rifle) Mech was, and arguably still is too passive

I don't think so, a properly played rifle mech requires about as much player interaction as similar builds do and A-Net even stated in their latest patch notes that the LI build is basically where they want this kind of build to be.


41 minutes ago, Cernow.3974 said:

More interactions isn't necessarily a problem, if they are meaningful, tactical interactions and not pointless micro management.

Well as I said, they could have just put some damage from the rifle AA into 2, having to go in close if the player wants the damage from a shotgun-esque skill would have also encouraged both more active gameplay and "proper positioning" in a way that doesn't feel arbitrary. This would have also addressed the issue they took with it in regards to the competitive modes and I doubt people would have made a fuss about that.


41 minutes ago, Cernow.3974 said:

Just curious as to why the mechanist has been singled out?

I'd say because in general most people care more about visuals than actual effectiveness. A support / support hybrid can easily bring more value to their group than a pure DPS yet it is a lot easier for a pure DPS to be called "overpowered" cause "big numbers" or in case of the mech its strong visual presence.

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50 minutes ago, Cernow.3974 said:


But was it really? Ranger pets are far more varied and flexible in their roles. Necro pets are versatile too. The Mech isn't particularly versatile, just pretty good at the limited role it had. So, why are mechanists forced to do this pointless dance with positioning their mech when Rangers and Necromancers don't have to do it with their pets? I'm not suggesting they should btw, before Anet get any ideas. And I'm not saying this from a position of jealousy either (I have a Ranger which is my other most played character alongside Engineer). Just curious as to why the mechanist has been singled out?


Oh, I'm not actually arguing that point myself. I'm just looking at things from other player's perspective. Each type of pet has their pros and cons.

I for one would love to be able to instantly recall my mech to my side on a 9 second cooldown without using up a utility slot, while also healing it to full HP the same way Rangers do by swapping pets. That would actually make this mechanical genius change less frustrating to work around funny enough. 

I'm not jealous of rangers for being able to do that, but I think it's worth pointing out that Mech isn't a strictly better version of other pets, as much as it may feel that way to other players. 


30 minutes ago, Tails.9372 said:

I don't think so, a properly played rifle mech requires about as much player interaction as similar builds do and A-Net even stated in their latest patch notes that the LI build is basically where they want this kind of build to be.

I agree with you, but I'm acknowledging that some people could still find grounds to argue that it's too passive and too rewarding for people who only spam 1.  I don't agree with that personally. I don't think it's overperforming as it is currently, whether played in an LI style or played with the proper rotation. 

33k DPS is very low for a pure DPS spec to pull with a proper rotation. Even factoring in the AI and its ranged advantages. 

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22 minutes ago, Tails.9372 said:

Well as I said, they could have just put some damage from the rifle AA into 2, having to go in close if the player wants the damage from a shotgun-esque skill would have also encouraged both more active gameplay and "proper positioning" in a way that doesn't feel arbitrary. This would have also addressed the issue they took with it in regards to the competitive modes and I doubt people would have made a fuss about that.


Yep totally agree. All they had to do was move more of the damage from rifle auto attack into rifle #2 and rifle #5 and immediately you have a more interactive character that encourages forays into closer  combat (if that's their goal with this whole nerf mess).


I still think the positioning argument is totally bogus though. Mechanist still needs to move around as much as any other class to avoid attacks and cc. And a good Mechanist player will also move around the targets to keep as many mobs (or players) as possible in the rifle #1 pierce and grenade effects. If you just lazily stand there doing auto attack on one target at a time the dps is pretty mediocre. The fun of using rifle properly was hitting as many targets at once as possible with #1 and judging the best time to jump in for attack #2 and #5 or using cc effectively on #3 and #4. This is still true of course, but the rifle just feels clunky and ufun now. 

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I totally forgot about this bs and I realized earlier when I got on mine when I saw the new icon. 360 radius as I remember. You both gotta use the same weapons, either melee or ranged. Or be very close while your mecha tanks if you wanna use it like it. Not fun at all, it adds some pointless complexity to the combat when it's something mainly controlled by the AI. When I use mace and melee mecha it's ok but even rifle + ranged was problematic looking for where it was during big fights. And even worse when they are fights that demand you to move around since the mecha will sit in one spot forcing you to call it towards you and then tell it to keep attacking.

My guess is they feel like it's like a better ranger pet and they wanna make it harder to play as trade off. Either that or they have no clue what they are doing anymore seeing some of the new changes or what they wanted to do with deadeye kneel range lol.

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15 hours ago, Kuma.1503 said:

Correct. This partially contributes to its popularity. 

The appealing theme is what brings people in and gets them to try it out for the first time. 

In things like higher-end pve? Nope, that's pretty obviously not it.

15 hours ago, Kuma.1503 said:

Observation, stalking the forums, and content creators like a hawk waiting for any new news about EoD prior to its launch. Reading comments and talking to friends who play the game. 

So you require statistics for the balance patches, but in this case your observation of a hugely (and that can't be overstated, it's basically mostly looking at the class subforum and making up your opinion based on mostly few users that would almost always push for buffs and push back on almost any nerfs -it's not just limited to this subforum) limited playerbase in a very specific environment is suddenly enough to create this statement?

As for the each eod espec "descriptors", it seems you're not even talking about "general sentiment" here, you're simply listing your feelings about them, aren't you? 🤔

15 hours ago, Kuma.1503 said:

This was setting up the next point. The fact that the shine did not wear off for some people, and they continued playing it in spite of the hate it got. Whether or not it was for fun reasons or because it was OP, these players were all lumped together in the same camp. Like you attempted to do. 

It seems funny to me that this is the picture you're attempting to draw as a true one. You know, the one where mech was extremely popular because of its theme and then some some people stopped playing it because it was strong(???) or that they'r esomehow being -in essence- bullied out of playing it(???) and need to struggle through it to keep going despite it or sth (that's what you said, right? Or did I somehow misunderstand all of what you're saying above)? Meanwhile what it was is pretty much the opposite of it, people obviously tried it -just like the other especs- but it wasn't instantly everywhere. It started being everywhere when it started being apparent how high its performance/efficiency was for the very little input required.

15 hours ago, Kuma.1503 said:

Yes, albiet with a side of frustration. The bot was the selling point of the spec for a lot of players. Now it's the main point of frustration. 

When attempting to give feedback on this point. Players like yourself uncharitably assume they're just upset that their broken toy got nerfed and they actually have to use their brain for once. Or something to that effect 

Of course when someone wanted a mostly self-play highly efficient build, they'll get "frustrated" when they need to pay more attention to the bot. "They wanted a bot spec", but the moment they need to interact with said bot they're so discouraged and trustrated? I don't know about that, I know I'm not, it actually feels like I need to do something with the bot instead of it just... being wherever off my screen pewpewing for a free additional dmg no matter what. If anything, that change makes the controlled bot aspect better, even if there might be some space for ironing out few small wrinkles.

And saying they need to pay more attention to the bot isn't somehow the equivalent of saying "they need to use their brain for once". I know you also said "or something to that effect", but you seem to be intentionally turn what I'm saying into insult in, what I only can understand as, an attempt to vilify me similarly to your repeated ~"it's because the mech haters and jelousy!". No, it's not and what I'm saying is really far from being based on either of these ("hater"/"jelousy") feelings.

Ah and if people indeed play mech because it's cool and don't care that much about its performance or -in result- "being meta" then they can more or less disregard that buff. Their mech will have less stats, it still won't be useless and it will still do almost exactly the same thing it was doing before.

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On 12/2/2022 at 12:56 PM, Doragor.2749 said:

I really don't care about rifle or any of the other changes as I understand Mechanist needed a nerf.

But you guys at balancing just destroyed mechanist dps by about 3k by reworking this trait alone, cannon mech is useless in 98% of encounters now.


Inb4 "You just need to reposition mech with recall, shift signet or even Sky Circus"

That's not how dps works, each second your mech is walking, it doesn't do damage

Shift Signet is usually the ONLY stun break mechanists take and Alac Mechs like to have it on passive as the copied mech buffs really make a difference

Sky Circus is used exclusively for CC and it's a dps loss everytime it's used, specially if mech is not in melee range


Just remove the mech proximity mechanic and do like a player health % instead. Reward players for good play.


At the very least it should be renamed to mechanical dumbdumb, because nobody in their right mind would invent something like this.

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5 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

In things like higher-end pve? Nope, that's pretty obviously not it.

So you require statistics for the balance patches, but in this case your observation of a hugely (and that can't be overstated, it's basically mostly looking at the class subforum and making up your opinion based on mostly few users that would almost always push for buffs and push back on almost any nerfs -it's not just limited to this subforum) limited playerbase in a very specific environment is suddenly enough to create this statement?

I believe you are the one who said

"The best proof here is probably the fact that anet has access to -and uses- statistics for their game."

Which I would respond to with "We cannot see these statistics. Unlike other games like LoL. Which statistics showed that heal scrapper is overperforming in PvP/PvE?

You're reaching really hard for a "gotcha" here.


5 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

As for the each eod espec "descriptors", it seems you're not even talking about "general sentiment" here, you're simply listing your feelings about them, aren't you? 🤔

You sure do love making assumptions about other people. No these are not my feelings. I would have thought that'd be obvious when I put the Catalyst section in parenthesis.

It's clear you're reaching for another 'gotcha', but if you want to know my actual feelings about each, you need only ask. 

5 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

It seems funny to me that this is the picture you're attempting to draw as a true one. You know, the one where mech was extremely popular because of its theme and then some some people stopped playing it because it was strong(???)

More specificially because of what makes Mechanist strong. People on the engi and proffession forums have stated that they refuse to play mech because it's passive gameplay and reward for doing nothing devalues combat. 

Or in one particular poster's case, he took it a step further and proclaimed everyone who plays it is morally corrupt gamers (I got a good laugh out of that one)... and judging by the reactions it seems he's not the only one who shares that sentiment. 


5 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

or that they'r esomehow being -in essence- bullied out of playing it(???)

Not the argument I'm making. I've seen one person joke about doing so, but I doubt it's actually happening in game. 99% of people will let you play whatever you want so long as it clears the content. 

5 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

and need to struggle through it to keep going despite it or sth (that's what you said, right? Or did I somehow misunderstand all of what you're saying above)?

Misunderstanding and making assumptions seem to be your two specialties. 

5 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Meanwhile what it was is pretty much the opposite of it, people obviously tried it -just like the other especs- but it wasn't instantly everywhere. It started being everywhere when it started being apparent how high its performance/efficiency was for the very little input required.

One factor that brought in that initial group was the theme. Golemancer was a popular request for a new elite spec. People were happy that they got their wish.

After it got popular some people got very annoyed by the visual clutter all the jade bots caused and decided they would not add onto it. Other took offense to the passive gameplay and decided they would not take the easy way out by spamming 1 to achieve top DPS.

Members of both groups declared they would not play Mechanist. The evidence of this is on this forum for anyone to read.  

Obviously not everyone plays Mech for the theme. FoTM hoppers will class swap whenever something new becomes top dog. Not everyone who plays mech did so because of the FoTM.  


5 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Of course when someone wanted a mostly self-play highly efficient build, they'll get "frustrated" when they need to pay more attention to the bot. "They wanted a bot spec", but the moment they need to interact with said bot they're so discouraged and trustrated?

At this point you're being willingly obtuse. That is not the feedback people are giving. That is your uncharitable interpretation of said feedback. There's no point in repeating it since you seem determined to craft your own narrative instead. 

5 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

I don't know about that, I know I'm not, it actually feels like I need to do something with the bot instead of it just... being wherever off my screen pewpewing for a free additional dmg no matter what. If anything, that change makes the controlled bot aspect better, even if there might be some space for ironing out few small wrinkles.

That is your opinion, I respect that. There are several people who disagree, myself included. I doubt we'll see eye to eye on this, so there's no point in arguing further. 

Edited by Kuma.1503
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Remove the leash mechanic and give a 17% stat reduction for every mech ability set to auto cast. 

Promotes active gameplay over passive while still allowing passive for those who want it (at a cost) and none of this garbage ai babysitting required, it's just not fun to have to constantly care about the ai.

Lions court cm felt very frustrating trying to upkeep the buff as reg pdps because of the small but regular movement of boss, stuff like deimos oil was annoying too and a few others.


Is it managable? Yes ofcourse.

Is it fun or engaging? Absolutely not.


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11 hours ago, The Boz.2038 said:



lol i think he/she understood the implication… 

i think reverting the changes is a good idea… remove the clunkiness.. make adjustments to the balance elsewhere..


preferably without introducing additional clunkiness

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2 hours ago, Alcatraznc.3869 said:


As someone who never used auto cast I only see a win in this 


yes i concur… though it feels weird as a mechanic, as now you are punishing people using UI features.. i think auto cast, except for auto attack should just be disabled

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