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Guild wars 2 has more bugs than new world at launch


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Expecting good faith approach from forum people who have more forum posts than hours played - not afking in the game, is a little silly. Literally every single release is riddled with bugs. Just this raid reset, we encountered like 5 bugs - in 5 year old content. Harvest Temple is still bugged, which should be a crowning achievement for completing hardest content in the game. Old Lion's Court was released with bugs and then people proceeded to exploit the cm title by doing it in normal mode, the usual bug in instanced content category. Even the latest release of season 1 - still has bugs. 

That's just instanced content which I'm most familiar with. OP brought balance/class bugs and there is a ton more in the open world.


15 hours ago, Natanoid.9648 said:

You should stop every single feature development and focus on fixing the bugs, otherwise, you will keep losing more and more players.

This is just stupid idea. You have this very thread as proof that vast majority does not even encounter those bugs. There is no point in stopping everything to fix years-lasting-bugs. All you can hope (cope) for is that future content releases will have less bugs. 

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4 minutes ago, Bollocks.4078 said:

But they do get fixed.  We all know that there will be bugs with software development.  But for certain industries bugs can't be left like the person I quoted was saying.  Not sure where you trying to go with this now or what is has to do with what I said.

Often they get fixed. Replaced by new defects. Defects are not only accepted but are expected. Every software company that releases their product into the wild does so knowing that it has bugs. Accepts this. Does it anyway. Knowingly pushes fixes that create new bugs that may very well be worse than what they are supposed to fix. Accepts that some bugs will never be fixed because newer bugs will be higher priority due to their impact.

It isn't about it being OK to allow your product to continue to have bugs so much as it is about doing what can be done to address those bugs, or others recognizing that your product will still be buggy regardless.

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A QOL patch for some bugs & problems would be really desirable. As a thief on the red borderlands (WvWvW), I still can't port on the wall in some cases. Same thing in SM.  Considering that many towers often also have the watchtower, this is unfair at best.


In addition, various haairstyles have clipping bugs that have existed for a long time, and this is also the case with certain armours. It's a pity that the developer doesn't show more determination to fix these.


Of course there are priorities, but if nothing is done on many fronts, it adds up in the end.


Ps: Some updated Body Textures would be also fine. The OG ones are pretty outdated atm.


Edited by Burial.1958
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People play New World? Game was dead before it left beta. Hated it. Made me fight to stay awake while playing it and the character design and creation was some of the ugliest I've ever seen. Kind of a weird comparison.

It'd be fantastic though if they fixed the Specter Scepter/Dagger 3 being body blocked by pets and allies though that was reported by dosens of people since EoD beta. Like they really just totally ignored all Specter Feedback for a year.

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5 hours ago, The Greyhawk.9107 said:

Is it weird that I'm more confused by what the OP meant by their "Static"?

A static is a group where the membership stays the same over time, i.e. the opposite of a PUG.


6 hours ago, Elricht Kaltwind.8796 said:

Literally. And by literally I mean figuratively.

So literally the opposite of what you wrote 🙂

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Please realise that the game is made by humans, eh? Do you really think ArenaNet devs are like "yes, and then we're going to add this bug where the FB tomes don't recharge, that should show 'em"? For every bug you see post-release, they probably squashed a few more before it. QA might help, but you know what? Also human. Also prone to mistakes.


On top of that, software engineering almost never makes "no bugs" the top priority these days. Speaking from personal experience as an egineer. Marketing deadlines have long since surpassed quality on the priority list in the industry. It's not just an ArenaNet thing. I'm not saying that's a good thing, far from it. But, if you really want to complain about bugs, go knock on the door of people who didn't write unit tests, and as a result, planes ended up crashing.


I'm also expecting the argument of "yes but we give them money!". True, but that doesn't make the team your property. Didn't any of you make mistakes at your jobs or schools? Everybody does.


Messages like these can be very demoralising to the teams. Please try to also show your support when pointing out the issues instead of just bashing them. For every bug on the list there are 100s of cool stuff that they delivered and work flawlessly.

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