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With new browser tech can we get in-game wiki browser support? Please

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You can already redirect the BLTC to display whatever website you want (samples from the past). They'll probably never include the wiki in-game because it's by players and it wouldn't look right as is.

Also, this will be the 3rd time they've changed browsers - it's the same thing every time; expect nothing to change.

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15 minutes ago, cyhadam.3082 said:

How do you redirect the BLTC to display whatever website? Didn't know that functionality was possible.

It's not something you can just do. You have to host your own https server (with a trusted certificate), modify your DNS to change one of the BLTC domains (gemstore-dfw-live.ncplatform.net) to your own server, and clear gw2cache.

Having the wiki in-game like this isn't realistic and would just be annoying to use. Imagine keeping the gem store open - it would be in the way and closing it would reset it. Fun fact, the BLTC is an overlay, so you could just use a GW2-styled browser overlay and it'd practically be the same thing.

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2 hours ago, khorren.3702 said:



A tweet from That Shaman, giving a brief run down on why this isn't a good idea from a security standpoint.

Good explanations, clearly expressed.

Although, would it be possible to "mirror" the online wiki and sandbox it in order to prevent external linking and remote code execution?

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1 hour ago, cyhadam.3082 said:

@khorren.3702ok but I am sure there are ways to lock it down/make it more secure 

There are, but as that Twitter thread explains they'd have to build and maintain a lot of the security features other web browsers have, which is a different skill set to making a game and is an on-going problem because there are people who will constantly look for ways to circumvent the existing security. So they'd basically need to hire at least one person just to do that. It's possible but probably not worth it when the end result is players can open the Wiki in a different web browser.

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I wonder if they could use chatGPT with the Wiki as the source to create a summary in the game within a GW2 styled window.

Then use the /wiki command to open it. I'm not sure it should be a part of the permanent UI. The reason I say this is that Anet is doing everything it can to fit stuff into the existing UI (like skiffs, toys, etc.) without going outside that fixed UI. It probably relates to performance.

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10 hours ago, Mungrul.9358 said:

Although, would it be possible to "mirror" the online wiki and sandbox it in order to prevent external linking and remote code execution?

Request it at BlishHud Discord and probably someone will be able to create a module that display a browser overlay that doesn't integrate with the game in any way.

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in-game wiki sounds like a really bad idea.

i AM in favor of the game having increased descriptions and hints when playing -and no, not 90's style popup windows! ( we are all familiar with tool tips that do not match actual abilities - inventory + bank search that is inconsistent with the forge-search - hero-panel search and lack of search-options ).


the game really could do away with the wiki and have in-game components instead; it has always rather been odd that the lack of good information in game has lead to the need of the wiki. Look how complicated the crafting is for instance - or lack of names -> if a new player is trying to get a stated item like "Berserkers" they have to hunt and pick by stats, or sometimes "named" items like Zoja's or other names ... adding more text fields and making them searchable IN GAME would be a huge QoL improvement. But I think we'll get another "balance" patch before any of this happens

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I think it's a workload issue. Producing a large quantity of decent-quality strategy guide material takes a lot of person-hours. When you have a community willing to do that work for you (wiki editors), it takes a lot to justify that.

That said, having that material available in-game is a better experience for players. Whether that better experience is a big enough deal to justify the expense... well, I'm not as optimistic about that one.

I suspect the most damaging example of "you need to go out of the game to do this" is the community / LFG side of things. It's tough to get going on small group content without finding the right community on Discord, and the game doesn't even point you in the right direction - LFG just gives you the impression people barely play that content. If they haven't sorted that out, I don't expect a "wiki substitute" anytime soon.

Edited by Sirius.4510
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