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11 hours ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

The English Wiki usually provides a complete answer to everything, even more so when you follow the helpful links that are embedded in each article.

In this case it does not. It is possible to get 80-90% of the answer by going through the pages. Not 100% because at least one of the pages still leaves some doubt as to whether it is once per day per account or per character. However that is trivially answered by simply going and doing the event twice.

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Another thing to remember is that "go see the wiki" is not really the GW2 equivalent of "google it". 


It has already been said, but most of players understanding you are a new player will direct to the wiki, simply because most veteran gw2 players are using it on a daily basis and it is the best source of information you have. Directing players that may not know of its existence is seen as "the good answer".

Another reason you should not take it personnally people redirect you: chances are someone that will answer you just did a /wiki <page> to check their answer before writing it. I happen to do it often just to double check, even when I know the answer.


Finally, the example you gave is a bit odd. The chances of getting an infusion from a boss twice -even if possible- in the same day qualifies you to be one of the luckiest player there is - which means it's quite understandable the information is simply not available anywhere except in Anet's configuration files. 


For your question, here's how I'd proceed

#1  go to the infusion list, section Open World PvE related Infusions

#2 for each infusion, check where it is dropped

#3 then as follwo : meta event chests can be looted only once and direct drop are looted every time you kill the thing. 


Either way, I think your question of "having a list that shows for each droppable infusion if could theorically be dropped multiple times  a day" is far too specific to not asking a little bit of research on your or anyone's part that would try to answer your question. It's a bit unsettling to see you were expecting to find this information written somewhere, actually...

Edited by latlat.4516
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11 minutes ago, Khisanth.2948 said:

Not 100% because at least one of the pages still leaves some doubt as to whether it is once per day per account or per character.

That should be answered when you click the link to the reward chest that contains the item you are interested in (or the chest per se).

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1 hour ago, Khisanth.2948 said:

In this case it does not. It is possible to get 80-90% of the answer by going through the pages. Not 100% because at least one of the pages still leaves some doubt as to whether it is once per day per account or per character. However that is trivially answered by simply going and doing the event twice.

I'd like to check, which one? (still, I'd probably read "once per day" as "once per day per account")

Edited by Sobx.1758
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23 hours ago, Drast.8532 said:

Latest exmaple: I am trying to find a list or anything at this point, on what metas/bosses that drop infusions are once a day chances or multiple chances. Now I got it down to the open world pve infusions sections on the wiki. Got it, I know where to go but not how many times. I ask my question. After back and forth explaining I have searched I am searching and trying to find it on my own, I then get told I am wasting my time trying to get an infusion I should just farm the gold. I don't think what I do with my time to farm that gold should matter. 

I know a lot of us are thinking it, and several posts have alluded to it but it's bothering me so I'm going to say it directly, just in case it does need saying: infusions are not a good way to farm gold. Yes they're worth a lot on the Trading Post, but that's because they're some of the rarest items in the game and chances are even if you're doing events which can drop them multiple times a day you will never see one.

If you like the idea that what you're doing has an extremely low chance of a very valuable drop because that possibility, even if it never happens to you, makes the events more exciting, then that's fine. If you want a specific infusion to keep and use and it's important to you that you earn it yourself instead of buying it than that's ok but you need to bear in mind you'll probably never get one.

If you're looking for a way to make gold, even hoping for a one-off big score that means you won't have to bother with gold farming again then you're setting yourself up for disappointment and a lot of wasted time. This is one of the ways GW2 is different from other MMOs; gold farming isn't about specialising in farming and selling one rare drop, or even a type of drop. Instead it's more effective to focus on things which give you large amounts of items which may not sell for much individually but are in high demand (usually mid-tier crafting materials) so you can collect and sell a lot of them. (You also need to be prepared to change what you're farming periodically as supply and demand chances and prices fluctuate.)

I think that's mainly because of how the Trading Post works, it's shared between all servers in both regions and all trade goes through it (except private arrangements done by mail) so the only limitation on the availability of an item is usually it's drop rate. If something is extremely expensive it's because it's incredibly rare and/or expensive to get, if you could reliably farm it on a regular basis people would, and then the price would drop rapidly.

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1 hour ago, Sobx.1758 said:

I'd like to check, which one? (still, I'd probably read "once per day" as "once per day per account")


The hero's choice chest is once per day per account as noted which implies the rest have no limit but they might be once per day per character.

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4 minutes ago, Khisanth.2948 said:


The hero's choice chest is once per day per account as noted which implies the rest have no limit but they might be once per day per character.

Ok, ty. How I read it "by default" is: listed items are drops (or chance for drop) from pinata whenever you kill it, while the chest by itself is once per day. Since the festive infusion isn't shown as coming from the daily-limited chest, it has a chance to drop any time you kill the pinata. If there was any limitation about dropping infusion or anything else from that list, I'd fully expect it to be specifically mentioned in the wiki too, just like it is next to the daily chest.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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1 minute ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Ok, ty. How I read it "by default" is: listed items are drops (or chance for drop) from pinata whenever you kill it, while the chest by itself is once per day. Since the festive infusion isn't shown as coming from the daily-limited chest, it has a chance to drop any time you kill the pinata.

The stuff listed seems to be the things that you get in the bouncy reward chest. Never paid enough attention to my inventory log to see if the pinata itself drops anything but that is another thing that would be easy to verify.

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9 minutes ago, Khisanth.2948 said:

The stuff listed seems to be the things that you get in the bouncy reward chest. Never paid enough attention to my inventory log to see if the pinata itself drops anything but that is another thing that would be easy to verify.

It's not from the chest, the dots are at the same level as the chest, which means they're not "subsections of the chest", but their own separate "sections". The first subsection comes from "One of the following:" and not the chest, so it isn't listing what comes "in the chest", it's listing what comes "other than the chest". To see what you get from the chest, you click on the chest on that list and it takes you to the next page: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Crystal_Oasis:_Hero's_Choice_Chest where you can see its "contents" listed. (and in that list again, you're getting 3 pieces of rare unid gear AND one of the listed items, as chosen by the player)

In other words you get:

Hero choice chest [daily per account] + mosaics + "one of the following [list]" + "chance at one of these listed items [list]" + "rare chance at infusion" + "one bonus item". And only Chest is listed as daily.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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Didn't read all the replies, but I can make a general observation.

I personally answer also questions of things you can find on wiki but it's a thing that I do because I like, no one is obliged, it's good to remember it.

Anyway in general I say that I don't like in a community the automatic "google it" attitude for literally everything... then why are we all together for? also a question, even if the person who made it can find the answer on wiki/google, can open a dialogue among players also about other interesting correlated things.

And tbh in gw2 is most of the times like this, people answering a lot and sometimes I start talking with other players about a lot of interesting things from a single question. BUT not everything can be answered easly... sometimes answering in the chat is complicated and it's better to say read the wiki page (that has also images of maps or whatever) because sometimes it's toooooo long/hard to explain something in chat.

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14 minutes ago, Nymeria.1653 said:

Didn't read all the replies, but I can make a general observation.

I personally answer also questions of things you can find on wiki but it's a thing that I do because I like, no one is obliged, it's good to remember it.

Anyway in general I say that I don't like in a community the automatic "google it" attitude for literally everything... then why are we all together for? also a question, even if the person who made it can find the answer on wiki/google, can open a dialogue among players also about other interesting correlated things.

And tbh in gw2 is most of the times like this, people answering a lot and sometimes I start talking with other players about a lot of interesting things from a single question. BUT not everything can be answered easly... sometimes answering in the chat is complicated and it's better to say read the wiki page (that has also images of maps or whatever) because sometimes it's toooooo long/hard to explain something in chat.

The OP is talking about something very specific that the wiki doesn't apparently have content on. If the wiki doesn't have the content, it is rather unlikely that the random people online in that map will have more detailed knowledge. We do not know the context in which the "wiki it" has been said. In addition, the OP seems to take a very negative view - in at least one example - of people volunteering what they consider to be helpful, additional wisdom. 

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18 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

It's not from the chest, the dots are at the same level as the chest, which means they're not "subsections of the chest", but their own separate "sections". The first subsection comes from "One of the following:" and not the chest, so it isn't listing what comes "in the chest", it's listing what comes "other than the chest". To see what you get from the chest, you click on the chest on that list and it takes you to the next page: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Crystal_Oasis:_Hero's_Choice_Chest where you can see its "contents" listed. (and in that list again, you're getting 3 pieces of rare unid gear AND one of the listed items, as chosen by the player)

In other words you get:

Hero choice chest [daily per account] + mosaics + "one of the following [list]" + "chance at one of these listed items [list]" + "rare chance at infusion" + "one bonus item". And only Chest is listed as daily.

You can also look at the Confetti Infusion page and see the list of where it does come from, the Hero's Choice Chest not being listed as a source, but the Pinata event itself is (alongside a variety of festival chests I didn't know about).

I agree that it appears that the Confetti Infusion does not have a daily limit based upon the Wiki article.  However, given the incredibly low drop rate, I think it would be hard to prove that you could get 2 to drop for the same player in 24 hours.

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3 hours ago, Mungo Zen.9364 said:

You can also look at the Confetti Infusion page and see the list of where it does come from, the Hero's Choice Chest not being listed as a source, but the Pinata event itself is (alongside a variety of festival chests I didn't know about).

I agree that it appears that the Confetti Infusion does not have a daily limit based upon the Wiki article.  However, given the incredibly low drop rate, I think it would be hard to prove that you could get 2 to drop for the same player in 24 hours.

The other possibility is that a player got it from a subsequent meta on the same day.

If we look at https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Stop_the_choya_piñata_before_it_gets_away!, we can see that the Hero's Choice Chest is a first-level bullet point. The infusion is also a first-level bullet point, along with items such as elegy mosaics (which are autolooted). Thus, because the infusion is a first-level bullet point, it is not contained in the Hero's Choice Chest. That would require it to be a second-level bullet point inside the Hero's Choice Chest bullet point. And only the Hero's Choice Chest is once per day.

I hate the way the wiki has the same bullet point icon for all levels of indentation (and the same amount of line space between the bullet lines), but trying to get that changed is a fight I will lose. 

Which also means it's a guaranteed source of multiple elegy mosaics for anyone wanting to farm those. 

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14 hours ago, Logan.4796 said:

Plan A) Attempt to /wiki TOPIC_GOES_HERE

Plan B) Attempt a full 5 minutes of google searching.

Plan C) Ask for informational help from local sources like Map or Team chat. As well as friends and acquaintances.

If you skip A and B and go straight to C.... Then I proceed to do my own problem solving of


Then lazily find the answer to your problem in 5 seconds with a direct copy paste from the /wiki command.

I'm gonna be a bit unhappy that you spent 20 seconds typing a message instead of 5 seconds typing a command.

People who skip straight to Plan C without remotely attempting A or B are the bane of all Tech Support's existence.

Let me google that for you (Broken outdated website these days)

Used to exist as a meme for people who skipped straight to Plan C..... Basically you would type in a google search term. Then Let me google that for you would spit out a Let Me Google That For You version for you to share to the person that skipped straight to Plan C.

When you click the new link. A joke website pops up. Moves a fake cursor on the screen in an animation... Then proceeds to click a fake search bar window.

Then proceeds to automatically type in the google search bar the exact term the person who created the link gave it.

Then after it types in your term for you and hits enter to search the term for you.

It mocks you with a "Hey that wasn't so hard now was it?"

Its a social game not IT support line.  If you feel annoyed by questions ignore them.

I on the other hand preffer talking to people if I have the chance instead of browsing web sites. 

And yeah players that respond to questions with just google/wiki it are annoying. I mean pointing out wiki is fine as maybe some dont know it, but going further on it really comes out anti social. 

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Without using the specific example the OP gave for the "go wiki it" advice, I will say that I've noticed an increasing trend of impoliteness when it comes to referring people to the wiki, as well as derision for not understanding something in the wiki.


I asked a question about the Halloween Clock Tower this last year and even said that the wiki page was confusing to me, so I was looking for clarification on whether the meaning was A or B. The replies I got in map chat were horrendous. Multiple people repeatedly telling me to just check the wiki page, even though I stated I already had and was looking for clarification. Finally, after being repeatedly scolded (literally and repeatedly insulted as well) for asking my question in chat instead of only relying on the wiki page, I managed to squeeze an answer out of someone who was the most insulting about the situation.


Turned out they didn't understand the wiki page either because the information they yelled at me with and continually called me stupid etc. over, was flat out wrong. Turns out that the wiki didn't have the specific answer to my question, and they were using a different part of the wiki to give me an incorrect answer, all while chewing me out for being confused.


This has not been an isolated experience either. I've stopped asking questions in chat almost entirely because it's just exhausting to constantly be scolded in one way or another for having the audacity to be confused by something in the wiki or not know where in the wiki something was. So, regardless of the OP's exact example provided, I will agree that there is a problem in the community regarding helping players with questions in chat. Of course, not everyone experiences this problem or is a part of the problem itself, but it does happen enough to be an issue worth being conscious of and repairing.


The wiki is a fantastic resource, and I do recommend it often to players. But the manner in which we suggest it makes a difference. Too often the only response is just "Wiki it", instead of something more helpful like saying "Idk but Wiki might" or offering specific search terms as it can be complicated to know what to type into the wiki command to initiate your search. It's not a bad thing to recommend players to the wiki for the information they need, but the way we do it can be quite rude or less helpful.

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