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Yearly/Semi-Yearly Expansions Sounds a lot like Icebrood Saga we pay for.


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7 hours ago, Andifulated.3482 said:

The problem is, this isn't the first time ANet has promised to deliver or focus on other game modes in tandem with LW/expansion release only to not do it, or do it once and drop it entirely after

So there's no proof that they're working on a new project over Guild Wars 2 or even working on other projects, its just speculation without a real basis.

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6 minutes ago, Lily.1935 said:

So there's no proof that they're working on a new project over Guild Wars 2 or even working on other projects, its just speculation without a real basis.

I certainly hope that their problems with delivering content come from moving devs to non-GW2 projects, because if not, if the resources they show are all they have, then we're in a really bad situation. Because what they've shown us lately (and commented recently to be straining their capabilities) is far less than they've seemingly been using for GW2 during IBS times.

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2 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

I certainly hope that their problems with delivering content come from moving devs to non-GW2 projects, because if not, if the resources they show are all they have, then we're in a really bad situation. Because what they've shown us lately (and commented recently to be straining their capabilities) is far less than they've seemingly been using for GW2 during IBS times.

I'd hope they're working on new projects as well. BUT we can't be certain of that, or that its their primary focus. A small team working on a new title would make sense. Something likely outside of the MMO genre, but that's hard to speculate on. But I'm going with the assumption that if it is the case its not a significant enough impact on development to be concerned about the longevity with GW2.

Where I am concerned, however, is the content direction they're suggesting now. To me it seems like they're asking us to pay for living world and calling it expansions. I have an issue with that in that it doesn't expand my character's abilities. If they're asking me to pay for something that was previously free for those who played the game regularly then they need to sweeten the pot. If not, I don't think GW2 has a strong enough story bases to really justify it.

And the promise of new masteries aren't appealing to me since I'm more than happy with what we've got. Their are a very few possible masteries I'd be okay with, and none of the can be a replacement for the new skills, traits, weapons, specializations, elite specs, professions or new races. They just can't function as a replacement. Not for me.

This has been what's been on my mind on this and I don't want to speculate on something unannounced, to me it seems like a bit of a waste of energy. Maybe it is the case that Guild Wars 2 is on back burner, in which case Arena net has lied to the community about it being the primary focus. We have no way to really know because as good with transparency as we've had recently its still woefully too little. I personally don't think Arena net is lying though.

I do believe them when they say Guild Wars 2 is their primary focus. And beginning from there I want to hold them accountable for their promises and also criticize them when the direction they choose is causing concern or praise them when they do something amazing. Right now, I'm criticizing their direction given the knowledge they've provided us.

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18 hours ago, Lily.1935 said:

So there's no proof that they're working on a new project over Guild Wars 2 or even working on other projects, its just speculation without a real basis.


I was going to add some links to photo album of unannounced project and some other stuff but since you are so inclined;

https://www.arena.net/en/careers scroll down here and see the open positions for "unannounced project" if it's gw2, they would just say it's for gw2. 

Edited by fatihso.7258
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If nothing else, I hope this thread demonstrates to the studio just how burned a lot of us feel by IBS promises that many of us judge they failed to deliver.

I am still incredibly surprised that the studio thought it was a good idea to again play with fire, in that this announcement tells us they're delivering a diminished experience yet still wants to cash in on the label "expansion."

The one remaining optimistic brain cell I have believes that they didn't take it lightly, that they remember how poorly received IBS' claim of "expansion level" content was, and as such they have very good reason to believe things can be different this time.

The rest of me is right on board with @Labjax.2465:

18 hours ago, Labjax.2465 said:

These are vague words that can leave you to assume they mean well, that those two things will be proportional and they have your best interests at heart. The likelihood instead is that the overall cost for the customer will be more and you will find yourself increasingly feeling like you're paying something similar to a sub fee to keep up with the content cycle, on top of all the MTX and lootbox stuff that is still there.

Realistically, I think this is what we're going to get. Less quality, higher price, and.... nowhere else to go because where else can we have our characters run around Tyria? This would not be the first (and certainly not the last) time a studio pins their hopes of a price increase on the sunk cost fallacy.

I guess it all comes down to trust, which many of us are running quite low on at the moment.

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21 hours ago, fatihso.7258 said:


I was going to add some links to photo album of unannounced project and some other stuff but since you are so inclined;

https://www.arena.net/en/careers scroll down here and see the open positions for "unannounced project" if it's gw2, they would just say it's for gw2. 

Unfortunately this doesn't give us enough information to speculate on. And the idea that the new project is their primary focus is still not substantiated by evidence. Unannounced projects doesn't tell us much, not even that its a new game. Its likely, but I need more than this to think GW2 isn't their primary focus.

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27 minutes ago, Lily.1935 said:

Unannounced projects doesn't tell us much, not even that its a new game.

True, it seems to be a mistake to assume "unannounced project" somehow means "new game". There were "unannounced project" job offers with the job being focused on ~"new weapon and skills implementations" which can easly fit into especs or just expanding the available weapons per profession in the upcoming game updates. Is it a new game? Nope. Is it a potential unannounced project? Very much so.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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22 hours ago, voltaicbore.8012 said:


Realistically, I think this is what we're going to get. Less quality, higher price, and.... nowhere else to go because where else can we have our characters run around Tyria? This would not be the first (and certainly not the last) time a studio pins their hopes of a price increase on the sunk cost fallacy.

And, unfortunately, there's no MMO quite like GW2. My son and I tried a couple others recently, and I can't get over the lack of mobility in combat and the feeling that the open world matters.

Unless a surprising new MMO comes along, my disatisfaction with GW2 just means I'm playing more single-player games, and I come back here when I need to scratch that MMO itch. It also means I considered taking advantage of one of the mount licenses last night, and decide, no, I can't  justify putting real money into this game right now.

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1 hour ago, Gibson.4036 said:

And, unfortunately, there's no MMO quite like GW2. My son and I tried a couple others recently, and I can't get over the lack of mobility in combat and the feeling that the open world matters.

Unless a surprising new MMO comes along, my disatisfaction with GW2 just means I'm playing more single-player games, and I come back here when I need to scratch that MMO itch. It also means I considered taking advantage of one of the mount licenses last night, and decide, no, I can't  justify putting real money into this game right now.

There are lots of action combat MMOs on the market. BDO can be one example. 

Edited by Khalgir.3862
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12 minutes ago, Khalgir.3862 said:

There are lots of action combat MMOs on the market. BDO can be one example. 


That was meant to be a summary, not an exhaustive defense of GW2.

The point being I've tried a lot of MMOs, and not found one that fits me the way GW2 has.

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On 2/19/2023 at 7:43 PM, Izzy.2951 said:

1) That is really disrespetful from a customer perspective. That you are saying you are hard focusing on gw2, and then thats not the reality. After lots of hype before EoD and all the community has given in terms of playerbase and money since half 2021 till now.

Yep it is, but it's business as usual. Is that news in our society? Do people still believe the things companies say? The game industry is mostly run by companies whose customers are not you and I, but the share holders. Gamers really just need to believe the hype, put up and shut up.

On 2/19/2023 at 7:43 PM, Izzy.2951 said:

2) GW2 had the same amount of attention or players as wow or final fantasy when it launched, but the game didnt live to the expectations, and core gw2 was simply bad. 

Dunno if that's true. I don't think that GW2 ever had the attention of players like WoW and FF XIV, but games rarely live up to  expectations because companies hype their game so much, it's a wonder not more people are disappointed. Both WoW and FF XIV had rough starts btw, but they put a lot of resources into fixing it. Not NcSoft's style I would think.

On 2/19/2023 at 7:43 PM, Izzy.2951 said:

Then if they are gonna put all the profit they are gaining into a "gw3" and then kill gw2 as they did with gw1. They are gonna be again in a position where they only have 1 game that give them profit and lets see how it works. Instead of having multiple games and giving attention to all of them. And growing the company, just as other companies do: riot, hi rez... even ncsoft.

I don't think there's gonna be a GW3 for the reason you give here, at least not for the foreseeable future. I think they're working on something else entirely to bring out and keep milking making money off GW2 until they can't anymore. GW1 doesn't have so many micro-transactions so that's a different case really. They're keeping that alive because some people still play it and its connection to GW2.

But honestly, who believes what companies say anymore? Stop doing that. Just go to the game and see what it is and if that's good enough then you put time and money into it. Don't believe the hype, don't pay for potential. Chances are it'll never happen. For the moment I'm still happy except I play WvW a lot and that's currently going in a direction that means it may no longer be fun for me. That's my immediate concern and that's what I base my decisions on: the here and the now.

I think that the current plan they have is as good as it's gonna get and is actually viable all things considered. But you know, just cause they plan to do it, doesn't mean they'll actually stick to it. History has taught us that.

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2 hours ago, Khalgir.3862 said:

There are lots of action combat MMOs on the market. BDO can be one example. 

BDO is indeed a great (and great-looking) action combat game... but it's also BDO. It's almost the polar opposite of GW2 in terms of convenience and pro-consumer practices. Calling BDO an alternative to GW2 is really inaccurate, IMO. I get that you were just mentioning it as an alternative in terms of action combat and movement, but in this case I think the other differences are just far, far too great to ignore.

I still log into BDO to do chores. Chores. That's basically what that game devolves to. Sure grinding in any game can be called a chore, but at least with most other games there's still a level of fun attached to it. BDO has some of the least imaginative/exciting grind. PvE grinding literally puts me to sleep there, and yet I absolutely have to do it to progress.

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