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So defending is now not going to grant anything at all?


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3 hours ago, Krexen.9057 said:

Do WvW they said.
It'll be fun they said.

All I've known in my entire WvW experience is a green swarm eating everything. And now participation is being yanked away. Outstanding.

I take advantage of what you wrote first of all because it is always nice to read about players recently joined this mode, so welcome. Second to tell you and confirm that this mode is really fun and engaging (as long as the numbers allow it, because we know we have a series of balance problems between servers, especially in EU with the matter of servers without links etc etc ) you just have to learn and watch wvw for what it is, A large-scale PvP game. So you don't have to be you vs a green zerg. Always take your time, make friends with other players, learn your server's operating hours, style of play, habits, join a group, a guild. I assure you that this game has what it takes to give you many hours of fun free time.

With this I take this opportunity to say a few words to all the others who write in reference to this recent update.  This is the official forum, it is the right place for all constructive suggestions and reports for any update if you see that something has been overlooked or forgotten. But please don't make it so dramatic.

Go online in WWW and play, in any way you like to do it, play , interact with other people and take all the fun you can. The gold you earn or the stake you earn will come by itself are all secondary aspects of this mode. It's an end-of-game mode, you should have done everything in PVE, earned anything with all the most different equipment. You shouldn't need much else here to have fun.

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Defending now is a joke. My scout friend used to defend our front towers for ages with shield generators until someone could get rid of trebuchets from SMC. Now he said we should just let the towers get taken and flip it back so he can at least get something out of playing. Broke my heart really. What's the point of buffing rewards when the effort to get them is a mountain high?


Feels bad at all the non-pvpers in WvW too because now you either have to 'git gud' or just PvE in WvW by flipping camps and sentries. Heck, why even stay in WvW when open-world PvE gives more rewards for your time and effort? Oh, yeah, at least Gift of Battle will force them back.

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1 hour ago, samanthagroves.6513 said:

Defending now is a joke. My scout friend used to defend our front towers for ages with shield generators until someone could get rid of trebuchets from SMC. Now he said we should just let the towers get taken and flip it back so he can at least get something out of playing. Broke my heart really. What's the point of buffing rewards when the effort to get them is a mountain high?


Feels bad at all the non-pvpers in WvW too because now you either have to 'git gud' or just PvE in WvW by flipping camps and sentries. Heck, why even stay in WvW when open-world PvE gives more rewards for your time and effort? Oh, yeah, at least Gift of Battle will force them back.


Thats not good. Are we going to Warhammer musical objectives?  I was trying to experiment with defending towers in wvw while the objective is active and i have no idea. 5 kills and no credit. one kill and bronze credit. 4 kills and no credit.  This seems very unintuitive.  All of this was inside of the tower while at least one wall was destroyed.  I get that people were annoyed about people just repairing SMC outer walls and having them get redestroyed, but this seems to affect all aspects.

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It's a complete joke now, t1 garrison in EB was under attack:

  1. defense event, destroyed 2 rams and fixed door to prevent more flooding in: silver reward
  2. defense event, killed some at inner: no reward
  3. defense event, killed some around lord: no reward
  4. defense event, wiped half of the group while other half fled out of the keep: still no reward while getting exp for like 20'ish kills

Anet's way of telling to go back to k-training and just capping things and not bother about defending at all... :classic_wacko:

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Defending is now officially dead in WvW (at least in the hours I am online). It's all just blob to this target, pvd it down, then blob onto the next.


Well done Anet, if your goal was to completely gut WvW gameplay except for blobbing, you have achieved your aim fabulously!


You get nothing for defending/scouting/repairing - absolutely nothing, so big surprise, nobody is doing it!


Long live the Ktrain - all other gameplay is dead!


Wish I could use the language I really want to use to describe the stupidity of Anets work here.

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19 hours ago, Mabi black.1824 said:

Go online in WWW and play, in any way you like to do it, play , interact with other people and take all the fun you can.

Every map I join has the 'Outnumbered' buff. I have yet to see a map without it.

I'm sure WvW is fun...for Team Green. The rest of us are too busy trying to figure out what to do, because every action is met with a response in the form of a zerg. I got a leg up in a 1v1, was so happy, then turned around to see 30 people running at me full speed. I'm 1 dude, you needed to send a division? It's not fun, it's insulting.


36 minutes ago, Saepio.7980 said:

Defending is now officially dead in WvW (at least in the hours I am online). It's all just blob to this target, pvd it down, then blob onto the next.

Exactly the same experience I've witnessed. I think there was a single map where we defended as a group, but everything now is just rush rush rush. No one defends their own teammates, gotta stay with the commander tag! :classic_unsure: Who needs healers anyways.

Least I got my Warclaw I guess.

Edited by Krexen.9057
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4 hours ago, Krexen.9057 said:

Exactly the same experience I've witnessed. I think there was a single map where we defended as a group, but everything now is just rush rush rush. No one defends their own teammates, gotta stay with the commander tag!

I'm sorry you're having trouble finding a way to enjoy your current game. I too have been many times in complicated matches. However, it is not this recent update that brought you there. And it's not even Anet who has direct responsibility for the broken game you're playing. The problem is the player, indeed entire groups of players.

They hide behind the excuse of looking for content, in reality they just want to win easy, so they have a tendency to transfer or go on their alt. They just want so many against a few. They empty on one side to fill on the other side. Anet has an indirect responsibility, since by now he should be well aware of these situations, and would have a duty to act.

Create conditions so that all players can have fun equally.

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On 3/18/2023 at 1:10 AM, Krexen.9057 said:

I'm sure WvW is fun...for Team Green. The rest of us are too busy trying to figure out what to do, because every action is met with a response in the form of a zerg. I got a leg up in a 1v1, was so happy, then turned around to see 30 people running at me full speed. I'm 1 dude, you needed to send a division? It's not fun, it's insulting.

Yeah I'm not sure what they changed about the population algorithm when they rebalanced it relatively recently, but opening up the formerly "full" (and some now full again) servers seems to have made this more common. Hopefully the next relink at least gives lower population links to the higher population servers, because that's definitely not what happened this past time.

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  • 3 weeks later...

So is this just actually never getting fixed? Another PvP patch that's hurled in and forgotten about for years like the 300s traits?

In one month I've gained only 14 tower defense ticks for the achievement during frequent gameplay and tons of non-credited defenses where I killed 10+ people during event. For Keeps: 0.

Edited by Doggie.3184
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I admit I defended before the rewards system. I want your stuff, you can't have mine. I look forward to match end rewards to balance the idea of attacking versus defending still. I  think they need to change defense if they release the failed attack events else it will be worse. I defend still in hopes of that, and well, its my stuff, back off! 🙂  So to the defenders, yeah its annoying, but we still have stuff to keep and less peeps to help after an attack. Keep at it, and just be more ready to take their stuff since they wasted your time. Nuff said. Good hunting.

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In 2 nights of playing in NA prime since reset this week:

3 camp defenses

3 tower defenses

6 keep defenses

8 smc defenses

Seems to me it works fine.  While i would have had much higher amounts of defenses prior to the rewards rework, i've been flying through reward tracks and wxp ranks (ie more materials/gold).  If you aren't getting enough defenses by the weeks end but putting the time in the game mode, then you are personally doing something wrong.  You need to kill people who killed guards (maybe players too?), damaged walls or destroy their siege within the Dragon Banner boundaries of that objective.  Its not hard forsaking a bag or two and nuking a piece of siege (or just tagging it enough as a support).  I am on support more often than not, yet i've not had a week where i didn't finish my weekly rewards.  It was a struggle the first couple until they added more variety to the weeklies.

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On 3/15/2023 at 4:55 AM, LordHT.8297 said:

As far as I've tested, you don't get credit unless you kill someone during defense. And that's a problem because it's not hard to imagine people not getting any kills on defenses. Sustain in WvW is totally out of control these days. It's basically impossible for pugs to kill big boons blobs unless you're maguma and even for them it's been a difficult task.
The sustain of these groups has gone insane (thanks to the insistent damage nerfs of pretty much every class) and to make it worse every class in the meta has some revive mechanic (which includes illusion of life which has bugs that have been exploited for nearly all guilds for longer than any reward system) so even if the poor pug manages to knock someone down he will be revived almost instantly and if not revived, the down will mist away because the meta is full of tempests, catalysts  of all kind.
So imagine being farmed for 3 hours straight and getting absolutely nothing for it. And if you are a boon blob bot, this affects you too, because if there are no rewards for TRYING, then nobody will try and you will loose your easy bags.
And I don't know how to solve it. I would say anet should just go cancel this whole new reward system and start over or maybe fix the meta or maybe both.


To be honest, they should have just left it as it was. I don't care who repairs walls or doors, at least someone is doing it and let them have a reward. Noone is complaining about the Blobbs running around mindless pressing one skill and getting loot for it, so who complains about some randoms repairing stuff and getting loot for it?

Oh and to add something there, the decrease in defense supplies is such a Roy thing to implement, please just switch it back.

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But why do they need a guaranteed event reward?  It's too easy as it is afk in an objective and call it defense.  Repairing walls currently being trebbed once per tick isn't really participating.   

Active participation in defenses will still make you have a net positive gain of wxp vs the old reward weighting with wall repairs guaranteeing participation.  People asking for the best of both worlds is ridiculous. 

 Prices for Unids are dropping just from the amount wvwers are bringing in now with the r ward system wxp gains.  Other material markets will be affected too.  If they improve success rates of defense events too much, the wxp will need to be heavily nerfed to counter the market implications.

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48 minutes ago, neven.3785 said:

Prices for Unids are dropping just from the amount wvwers are bringing in now with the r ward system wxp gains.  Other material markets will be affected too.  If they improve success rates of defense events too much, the wxp will need to be heavily nerfed to counter the market implications.

Who cares? Pve has been basking in gold showers for 10 years while in wvw we sat begging for spare change in gold, gear, and materials. Couldn't give a kitten over some tp flipper losing money. Should we abandon giving more rewards to wvw because it affects some pve'ers pockets? 🤷‍♂️

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41 minutes ago, Xenesis.6389 said:

couldn't give a kitten over some tp flipper losing money.

Especially since it comes in the very nature of flipping stuff; you can't win them all. All I can say is "nice try" to them  xD

Also I can't believe we're literally fighting over WvW getting a few more greens. Siege and disablers and whatnot cost stuff, while there is essentially no cost in pve besides waypoints-- which don't apply to instanced content anyways.

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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5 hours ago, Xenesis.6389 said:

Who cares? Pve has been basking in gold showers for 10 years while in wvw we sat begging for spare change in gold, gear, and materials. Couldn't give a kitten over some tp flipper losing money. Should we abandon giving more rewards to wvw because it affects some pve'ers pockets? 🤷‍♂️


5 hours ago, ArchonWing.9480 said:

Especially since it comes in the very nature of flipping stuff; you can't win them all. All I can say is "nice try" to them  xD

Also I can't believe we're literally fighting over WvW getting a few more greens. Siege and disablers and whatnot cost stuff, while there is essentially no cost in pve besides waypoints-- which don't apply to instanced content anyways.


You maniacs. Lol. I admit I am missing some marbles, though the jacket that hugs you back is still in the closet, for now, which is why I have you lunatics as friends, and inmates need peeps. Ran gw2effieceny again, using guild siege still losing a lot of gold per hour and some with Sup siege. Yes, its the guild siege but...ANet, were not there yet.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 4/9/2023 at 3:53 AM, neven.3785 said:

In 2 nights of playing in NA prime since reset this week:

3 camp defenses

3 tower defenses

6 keep defenses

8 smc defenses

Seems to me it works fine.  While i would have had much higher amounts of defenses prior to the rewards rework, i've been flying through reward tracks and wxp ranks (ie more materials/gold).  If you aren't getting enough defenses by the weeks end but putting the time in the game mode, then you are personally doing something wrong.  You need to kill people who killed guards (maybe players too?), damaged walls or destroy their siege within the Dragon Banner boundaries of that objective.  Its not hard forsaking a bag or two and nuking a piece of siege (or just tagging it enough as a support).  I am on support more often than not, yet i've not had a week where i didn't finish my weekly rewards.  It was a struggle the first couple until they added more variety to the weeklies.

We're NOT doing something wrong.  Not everyone can play during NA prime time.  Defense events outside NA prime time are quite difficult to acquire even when running with a zerg.

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11 hours ago, nathanlang.8976 said:

We're NOT doing something wrong.  Not everyone can play during NA prime time.  Defense events outside NA prime time are quite difficult to acquire even when running with a zerg.

lol, I admit, I hadn't seen that reply. Agree a lot wrong there.

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On 3/15/2023 at 2:22 AM, Saepio.7980 said:

So home Garrison hit by 20, ewp in, kill 5 of them, destroy all their siege and then rep inner/outer gate.




Absolutely nothing, what a joke you have made of WvW. 


Never going to defend again, just join the blob and blob around the map Pvdooring, only way to get rewards in this current format.

The good news is they are adding an infusion drop to wvw that ONLY drops from keep lords.  So, the ktrain boon-blob can get cool (likely expensive) infusion drops to sell/use and defenders get...you guessed it...nothing.  Not even credit for defending.


Sure, they will let you buy an account bound one, but once again Anet proving they HATE that people actually fight back/defend.

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On 4/10/2023 at 8:12 PM, neven.3785 said:

But why do they need a guaranteed event reward? 

They don't but the driving concept on both defense and offensive actions is to be more rewarding to encourage people to be more active and less afk. So your statements actually side with just AFK thru it when read. Just FYI.

On 4/10/2023 at 8:12 PM, neven.3785 said:

It's too easy as it is afk in an objective and call it defense.  

No its not, how so in the current system?

On 4/10/2023 at 8:12 PM, neven.3785 said:

Repairing walls currently being trebbed once per tick isn't really participating.   

That was removed before the point showing the issue in defense activities and also removing people from repairing again leaving the people that would repair without reward even more time repairing since they wanted to keep their stuff rewards or not. So less people to actually do the boring job of repairing and more people to just karma train.


On 4/10/2023 at 8:12 PM, neven.3785 said:

Active participation in defenses will still make you have a net positive gain of wxp vs the old reward weighting with wall repairs guaranteeing participation.  People asking for the best of both worlds is ridiculous. 

Don't care about WxP, its about keeping your stuff while you take theirs. That's the best of both words issue.


On 4/10/2023 at 8:12 PM, neven.3785 said:

 Prices for Unids are dropping just from the amount wvwers are bringing in now with the r ward system wxp gains.  Other material markets will be affected too.  If they improve success rates of defense events too much, the wxp will need to be heavily nerfed to counter the market implications.

TP issues are players going for quick coin, it has nothing to do with people holding what they have and defending, don't mix the topics. Reasons to win is a bigger connection here. In the end we want people to attack, people to defend, people to win to make the system to work at its best. Players have made their own reasons to win overtime .Each players' mileage varies depending on what resources they deploy while playing.

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3 minutes ago, Ubi.4136 said:

The good news is they are adding an infusion drop to wvw that ONLY drops from keep lords.  So, the ktrain boon-blob can get cool (likely expensive) infusion drops to sell/use and defenders get...you guessed it...nothing.  Not even credit for defending.


Sure, they will let you buy an account bound one, but once again Anet proving they HATE that people actually fight back/defend.

Yeah, that might be a thread of its own or more of a boost to defense thread requests but still a great point to raise.

Edited by TheGrimm.5624
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Defense is great I can't get enough of it. Hate that the siege was nerfed, the walls were narrowed and the wall edges was raised to keep from shooting down at the enemy but I'll make it work. Fought off three heavy zerg attacks today and when our zerg arrived the fort was all sieged up for those not so good at pvp, I took that joker from zero to tier three.

Rewards don't really mean nothing to me because I can always go to Drizzle Wood or fractals if I need a payday, but I do believe I upset a few people because they kept running back and forth trying to pick a fight. Dang folks are touchy nowadays.  

I think I'll do the same thing tomorrow. 

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