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Mobs' reaction radii and their obliviousness to kin assploding into confetti

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Do you know the weird feeling when you invade a camp and there is this lazily shuffling mob just a skill jump away, pretending not to care about the sudden wave of Commander death sweeping through their oh so short attempts at living?

That's not a proper surival route and somebody should tell them that. There should be a screaming mob running from all the nooks and tents, trying to dogpile you into Channeled Agony. There should be an unified, Hollywoodish attempt at a defense. Not a beautifully dressed Pac Man methodically devouring the enemy force, chunk by chunk. 😛 What do you think?  Should the mobs get more spicy?

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The monsters in this game have an AI that detects when they can't see or hear something, which often allows you to approach them (and this is critical in some missions). Without this feature, they would swarm you in dungeons, jump puzzles and so on even through walls, floors, and ceilings.


Unfortunately, its also very buggy due to the same reasons as movement skills--it sees invisible walls everywhere, even on flat terrain, and they will only respond if they take direct damage.


Monsters are also supposed to call for help, but I think this algorithm was broken at some point as I rarely see it working anymore. You'll know when it happens because all monsters in the vicinity of the same type with have a crossed swords icon above their heads.

Edited by SoftFootpaws.9134
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3 hours ago, SoftFootpaws.9134 said:

The monsters in this game have an AI that detects when they can't see or hear something, which often allows you to approach them (and this is critical in some missions). Without this feature, they would swarm you in dungeons, jump puzzles and so on even through walls, floors, and ceilings.


Unfortunately, its also very buggy due to the same reasons as movement skills--it sees invisible walls everywhere, even on flat terrain, and they will only respond if they take direct damage.


Monsters are also supposed to call for help, but I think this algorithm was broken at some point as I rarely see it working anymore. You'll know when it happens because all monsters in the vicinity of the same type with have a crossed swords icon above their heads.

Oh. Okay, I feel like keeping whining for a while, wish me luck. 😄

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22 hours ago, Azureus.5428 said:

Do you know the weird feeling when you invade a camp and there is this lazily shuffling mob just a skill jump away, pretending not to care about the sudden wave of Commander death sweeping through their oh so short attempts at living?

That's not a proper surival route and somebody should tell them that. There should be a screaming mob running from all the nooks and tents, trying to dogpile you into Channeled Agony. There should be an unified, Hollywoodish attempt at a defense. Not a beautifully dressed Pac Man methodically devouring the enemy force, chunk by chunk. 😛 What do you think?  Should the mobs get more spicy?


I'm imagining this implemented in the game, exactly as described, then upscaled for a full zerg.  Behold, the bandit tents that can, somehow, hold hundreds of bandits! No, thousands!  Actually, there are no more tents in GW2.  They're all just giant bags of holding with thousands of mobs tucked neatly away in the depths of the void, just waiting to dog-pile on any Pact Commander that so much as looks at them.


Okay, I can get down with this.  

*Rogue Stamp of Approval*


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On 3/20/2023 at 5:58 PM, Azureus.5428 said:

That's not a proper surival route and somebody should tell them that. There should be a screaming mob running from all the nooks and tents, trying to dogpile you into Channeled Agony.

Not really. If they've ever heard of us, they know that they are dead anyways if they fight together or not.

Running is not good because that grabs the commander's attention and there is no way to outrun.

Even if by some miracle they beat the commander, the commander will ask for help and suddenly you have an entire squad of commanders destroying your entire kind

You do not mess with the commander.

It's best to blend in with the background and live under the radar. Dying in a blaze of glory is just a scam. And they don't pay enough. Someone else can take it for the team.

Same reason irl why some large predators will avoid humans, even though they may be much stronger. Pissing off humans is often a quick ticket to not only the death of you, but also the destruction of anything even remotely related to or resembling you.

The wolves too afraid to attack humans may have been cowards, but in nature there is no such thing. At the very least they can pass on their genes and not end up as someone's rug.

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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