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I bought a tag, kicked a newbie, and now I'm a demon lord

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  • 4 weeks later...

You might have spent more time waiting for a replacement than it would have been to just let them join even if they died in the beginning. I'm seen xjj pass with 3 people dead easy. 

See I'm of the opinion beggars shouldn't be choosers. If you don't have your own static or community to ensure an exp group, it's not right to be super picky when you're begging for a group. You also potentially shot your future self in the face because if that newb doesn't learn because of a bad starter experience your pool is now lower. That's exactly what happened in na raids. Everything was kp only for so long the experienced community just started dying off gradually with no one to replace them. 

You're free to do you, just understand there's consequences. I ask for exp all the time because I don't have the time to train but usually it's in a context of a discord group. Depending on the encounter and time I'll let a newb stick around. 

Edited by Firebeard.1746
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1 hour ago, Firebeard.1746 said:

See I'm of the opinion beggars shouldn't be choosers. If you don't have your own static or community to ensure an exp group, it's not right to be super picky when you're begging for a group.

Ah, interesting... So the Commander who goes through the hassle of organizing such a PUG is the "beggar" now, and the "benevolent" people who join within seconds of the LFG ad going up are the gracious ones who only came to help the beggar out? 😂

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9 hours ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

Ah, interesting... So the Commander who goes through the hassle of organizing such a PUG is the "beggar" now, and the "benevolent" people who join within seconds of the LFG ad going up are the gracious ones who only came to help the beggar out? 😂

Wow there's alot of injected narrative here. Technically anyone who joins the group while it's still up and has free slots is joining in the begging. That said lfg posts can and sometimes are outright ignored. Like the psycho asking for exp only on lair of the snowman. I make my own groups when I see that garbage.  

A Commander should expect to command and lead. 

Edited by Firebeard.1746
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I tagged for pug strike groups all the time so I feel this pain.

Your tag, your group, your time.

Doesn't matter what mode it's in. You asked for experienced players. That was the expectation that was set in the lfg. People can - and should (yet often don't) - read that before joining. It's not unreasonable to want to clear the content without having the extra burden of teaching someone who is brand new to said content. If I wanted to run newbies through the content I would make an lfg that says "training".

A good question to ask those criticizing you as a comm is "How many groups have you tagged for?". Or better yet "How many training groups for *this* content have you lead?". The answer is probably going to be 0.

I feel people completely disregard the lfg because they either think they're entitled to the run or are hopeful that the comm will make an exception *juuuuuuuust* for them. 

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13 hours ago, Mrs Lana.2506 said:

I feel people completely disregard the lfg because they either think they're entitled to the run or are hopeful that the comm will make an exception *juuuuuuuust* for them. 

"Oh, this squad is asking for 2 healers and 2 boonDPS? I'll join in regardless, they'll sure be fine with it" - The 9 people who join as "hi dps"

On 6/30/2023 at 6:42 AM, Firebeard.1746 said:

Wow there's alot of injected narrative here. Technically anyone who joins the group while it's still up and has free slots is joining in the begging. That said lfg posts can and sometimes are outright ignored. Like the psycho asking for exp only on lair of the snowman. I make my own groups when I see that garbage.  

A Commander should expect to command and lead. 

Sure, you can ignore my LFG requirement, but you'll get the boot right away. Commanders command and lead, command you to pick what is needed or lead you to the exit from the squad. 

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On 4/26/2023 at 12:33 AM, scout.9723 said:


So does your mocking question mean that, despite any requirement I asked in LFG or reasons I may only want specified people in my squad, I as the tag should still follow other people's moral expectations and not kick anyone from strikes as long as its Normal Mode?

Why, because it's easy?

What if I didn't think it was that easy?

I grinded 300 gold to get a tag. I put myself up there in LFG and asked for people to join. I have to deal with sorting subgroups. I have to make sure everyone is doing their job while also dealing with the fight. I have to deal with the consequences if people aren't doing their job and make the calls.

If I'm doing all of this, shouldn't I get at least some say in my own squad to either lower the risk of failure or lessen the time it takes to finish?

If a tag isn't allowed even that bit of formality, then it's no wonder nobody ever tags up.



Thank you. You made me feel much better about it. I'm pretty new with leading and also somewhat new in the game still. I was very surprised that being a commander wasn't only about simply putting a tag and posting in LFG. After tagging a while, I've been feeling a bit burdened by some of the people's expectations of me, so I got stressed out when this happened. It could also be my inexperience but I've been thinking that maybe leading isn't for me...

let me translate u bought a tag now u feel entitled u had some power trip i get it.

XJJ is freaking faceroll easy u didn't even gave the new player a chance to prove the skill. 

i even guess u don't have a dps meter? 

u have a tag does not give u higher rank u are just asking ppl to join they are equal to u. 

sadly u showed ur own weaknesses to a new player. 

when he 2 minutes later found another group he will wonder what was that guys problem. thats beginner content.

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On 6/30/2023 at 3:35 AM, Ashantara.8731 said:

Ah, interesting... So the Commander who goes through the hassle of organizing such a PUG is the "beggar" now, and the "benevolent" people who join within seconds of the LFG ad going up are the gracious ones who only came to help the beggar out? 😂

where was he optimizing? he judged a player on AP didn't saw players performance. just played a movie in his head on faceroll content.

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21 minutes ago, Balsa.3951 said:

let me translate u bought a tag now u feel entitled u had some power trip i get it.

XJJ is freaking faceroll easy u didn't even gave the new player a chance to prove the skill. 

i even guess u don't have a dps meter? 

u have a tag does not give u higher rank u are just asking ppl to join they are equal to u. 

sadly u showed ur own weaknesses to a new player. 

when he 2 minutes later found another group he will wonder what was that guys problem. thats beginner content.

Actually, being the commander DOES give you a higher rank than the rest; that's one of the "perks" of being the commander. He set up rules in the lfg and a player chose to ignore said rules and was removed from the group. It really doesn't matter if it's faceroll content or not; the commander sets the rules and has the right to enforce them if he so chooses.

3 minutes ago, Balsa.3951 said:

where was he optimizing? he judged a player on AP didn't saw players performance. just played a movie in his head on faceroll content.

In the OP, there's no mention of kicking anyone based on AP, but for violating the stipulations set up in the lfg.

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53 minutes ago, Zohane.7208 said:

Actually, being the commander DOES give you a higher rank than the rest; that's one of the "perks" of being the commander. He set up rules in the lfg and a player chose to ignore said rules and was removed from the group. It really doesn't matter if it's faceroll content or not; the commander sets the rules and has the right to enforce them if he so chooses.

In the OP, there's no mention of kicking anyone based on AP, but for violating the stipulations set up in the lfg.

he says experienced for faceroll content already takes away every chance he had of be taken seriously.

also good luck with the delusion having a status over someone else in a game.

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3 hours ago, Balsa.3951 said:

u have a tag does not give u higher rank u are just asking ppl to join they are equal to u. 

Being able to decide who joins your group is the definition of being above said people. It's like telling the bus driver he ain't above you when he can just throw you off the bus if you aren't adhering to the rules of the bus company.

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44 minutes ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

Being able to decide who joins your group is the definition of being above said people. It's like telling the bus driver he ain't above you when he can just throw you off the bus if you aren't adhering to the rules of the bus company.

its not u can have a team leader without a superior complex imagine that.

im doing squad leading all the time never i thought those players in my squad are beneath me. im just part of the team.

Edited by Balsa.3951
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2 hours ago, Balsa.3951 said:

its not u can have a team leader without a superior complex imagine that.

im doing squad leading all the time never i thought those players in my squad are beneath me. im just part of the team.

So if you say lets do it this way, we kill the bow wielding kodan first  and random person say no no we kill the hammer wielding kodan first.

You just  let the rest of the group vote?

Or do you say hey I got the tag my tactic is what we go with.

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5 hours ago, Balsa.3951 said:

its not u can have a team leader without a superior complex imagine that.

It would only be a sign of having 'superiority complex" if he required things from other players that the commie themselves wouldn't fulfill. Otherwise, he's treating everyone -including himself- equally.

9 hours ago, Balsa.3951 said:

let me translate u bought a tag now u feel entitled u had some power trip i get it.

XJJ is freaking faceroll easy u didn't even gave the new player a chance to prove the skill. 

That's great! (and to be clear, that's not sarcastic) So you can make your group and accept everyone. What's the problem here?
I don't see how someone making their group how they want to see it is supposed to somehow make them "entitled".

Edited by Sobx.1758
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22 hours ago, Balsa.3951 said:

let me translate u bought a tag now u feel entitled u had some power trip i get it.

XJJ is freaking faceroll easy u didn't even gave the new player a chance to prove the skill. 

i even guess u don't have a dps meter? 

u have a tag does not give u higher rank u are just asking ppl to join they are equal to u. 

sadly u showed ur own weaknesses to a new player. 

when he 2 minutes later found another group he will wonder what was that guys problem. thats beginner content.

Whether any given content is easy is entirely beside the point. If I'm making a group and setting certain requirements, or I wish to do it within a certain time period, that is my prerogative. Commanders are not public servants paid with taxes, noone owes you anything. By joining someone else's group, you are inherently agreeing to satisfy their requirements, otherwise, you're opening yourself up to getting forcibly removed from the group.

About tag not giving you a higher rank, while I agree that you shouldn't rub a tag that is easily purchased in anyone's face, the simple fact of the matter is that by being the tag in a squad and having the final say in who stays and who goes you are indeed superior simply from a practical standpoint. You need 9 other people to protest and leave to stage a mutiny against a commander, even then, you can only do so by saying "I'll make my own group with blackjack and kittens" not by overthrowing the commander directly. Simply put, the commander in a squad is objectively and absolutely superior to the members in terms of deciding what happens in said squad, denying that will get you nowhere. Whether it should be used as such is an entirely different discussion.

Edited by Passerbye.6291
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22 hours ago, Balsa.3951 said:

let me translate u bought a tag now u feel entitled u had some power trip i get it.

XJJ is freaking faceroll easy u didn't even gave the new player a chance to prove the skill. 

i even guess u don't have a dps meter? 

u have a tag does not give u higher rank u are just asking ppl to join they are equal to u. 

sadly u showed ur own weaknesses to a new player. 

when he 2 minutes later found another group he will wonder what was that guys problem. thats beginner content.

Imagine setting preferences and expecting people to meet them. I am looking for somoene and it's not you, deal with it. I wonder what you do to a person that rejected you, but I guess I am better off not knowing any details.

I am not interested in having newbies in a FC run. Having people who are surprised that Xera requires leyline gliding because "how could I have known that" is just not my thing.

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6 hours ago, Passerbye.6291 said:

Whether any given content is easy is entirely beside the point. If I'm making a group and setting certain requirements, or I wish to do it within a certain time period, that is my prerogative. Commanders are not public servants paid with taxes, noone owes you anything. By joining someone else's group, you are inherently agreeing to satisfy their requirements, otherwise, you're opening yourself up to getting forcibly removed from the group.

About tag not giving you a higher rank, while I agree that you shouldn't rub a tag that is easily purchased in anyone's face, the simple fact of the matter is that by being the tag in a squad and having the final say in who stays and who goes you are indeed superior simply from a practical standpoint. You need 9 other people to protest and leave to stage a mutiny against a commander, even then, you can only do so by saying "I'll make my own group with blackjack and kittens" not by overthrowing the commander directly. Simply put, the commander in a squad is objectively and absolutely superior to the members in terms of deciding what happens in said squad, denying that will get you nowhere. Whether it should be used as such is an entirely different discussion.

its freaking kittening XJJ normal mode. I think someone even with low AP can handles. 

yes im not going back on thst. all u guys do is insert ur own thoughts how a newbie who didn't even got a chance to proof himself is a burden.

u can make rules sure but kick someone based on what one thinks believe will happen during afight if the neebie stays on XJJ normal mode. 


sure make a group 10k Li for ascalon dungeon if u want tell everyone that u have no grip of game difficulty and search 5 minutes longer when u could be done by now with a level 35 group.

my house my rules is such a narrow minded way to see how the game works. i have 41k ap im absolutely able to judge game difficulty.

and AP is not an indicator of how good anyone is. Now go on with ur antj new player and act like u have a higher ground than them bcs reason.

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6 hours ago, BatelGeuce.3591 said:

Imagine setting preferences and expecting people to meet them. I am looking for somoene and it's not you, deal with it. I wonder what you do to a person that rejected you, but I guess I am better off not knowing any details.

I am not interested in having newbies in a FC run. Having people who are surprised that Xera requires leyline gliding because "how could I have known that" is just not my thing.

u are beside the point. u insert hard content and compare it with faceroll content. u also say u know someone don't know game mechanics are u a mind reader? 

i wonder what u do to someone don't met ur expectations but i better don't know or u know what I don't make assumptions like that over u or anyone till it actually happened. because im not a mind reader.

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17 minutes ago, Balsa.3951 said:

its freaking kittening XJJ normal mode. I think someone even with low AP can handles. 

yes im not going back on thst. all u guys do is insert ur own thoughts how a newbie who didn't even got a chance to proof himself is a burden.

u can make rules sure but kick someone based on what one thinks believe will happen during afight if the neebie stays on XJJ normal mode. 


sure make a group 10k Li for ascalon dungeon if u want tell everyone that u have no grip of game difficulty and search 5 minutes longer when u could be done by now with a level 35 group.

my house my rules is such a narrow minded way to see how the game works. i have 41k ap im absolutely able to judge game difficulty.

and AP is not an indicator of how good anyone is. Now go on with ur antj new player and act like u have a higher ground than them bcs reason.

I've had quite a few XJJ NM runs that finished with half the squad alive, because the other half doesn't realize that if it's big, red and ugly and the Commander says to stay away from it it will also hurt. These are the people some want to avoid with requirements. 
Yes, AP Isn't an indicator of skill. Since I've seen 30k+ AP people compete with healers for DPS while I had a ~700 AP Reaper on W4 almost being the top DPS despite playing only for like a week making no mistakes. It however is a guidance on what you can/should expect. If someone with barely any AP joins you won't expect them to be top tier, but if someone has more than 15k you expect them to be able to atleast understand what you say and play their profession.

23 minutes ago, Balsa.3951 said:

u are beside the point. u insert hard content and compare it with faceroll content. u also say u know someone don't know game mechanics are u a mind reader? 

You don't need to be a mind reader to know that the person ignoring the LFG requirements, only responding after multiple messages will have no idea about the fight.

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32 minutes ago, Balsa.3951 said:

u are beside the point. u insert hard content and compare it with faceroll content. u also say u know someone don't know game mechanics are u a mind reader?

According to OP's post, someone joined "experienced squad" and started from mentioning they're new. If that player knew what to do, mentioning they're new would be completely pointless. So it's safe to say no mind reading was needed in establishing someone didn't know what to do.

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54 minutes ago, Balsa.3951 said:

its freaking kittening XJJ normal mode. I think someone even with low AP can handles. 

yes im not going back on thst. all u guys do is insert ur own thoughts how a newbie who didn't even got a chance to proof himself is a burden.

u can make rules sure but kick someone based on what one thinks believe will happen during afight if the neebie stays on XJJ normal mode. 


sure make a group 10k Li for ascalon dungeon if u want tell everyone that u have no grip of game difficulty and search 5 minutes longer when u could be done by now with a level 35 group.

my house my rules is such a narrow minded way to see how the game works. i have 41k ap im absolutely able to judge game difficulty.

and AP is not an indicator of how good anyone is. Now go on with ur antj new player and act like u have a higher ground than them bcs reason.

I have a fairly good grasp on difficulty as well, having led quite a few runs of endgame content, what you refuse to understand is that you don't get to be utterly useless in an experienced run and be a dead weight for 9 other people just because it is possible to finish said content that way. I can easily 3-4 man every single strike, can probably solo some tbh (this will feel like I'm bragging to you, but I'm not). This doesn't mean I'll let 9 other people who are absolutely useless join my run when I'm trying to get a quick experienced run to get the daily clear. Before you go nitpicking on my example, this is what you're promoting by saying, so long as it is easy and can be done, there is no harm in people joining and griefing. 
There is nothing wrong with joining an experienced run without prior knowledge and asking if it is ok for you to tag along, but you need to be ready to take no for an answer. If you join my experienced run without any knowledge, and then act all obnoxious saying "It's easy bro, you can just 9-man it, what's the big deal" you'll get kicked every single time. I'll probably invite you back and kick you again just for the lulz in fact.

Regarding AP, if you are going to say AP is not an indicator of how good anyone is, don't try to flex your AP, if anything, that means you spent more time chasing butterflies than lead endgame content.

Edited by Passerbye.6291
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