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Changes to Engi next xpac.


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What changes to engi or its elites do u want to see next expac since they mentioned possible mechanics changes, restrictions lifted etc instead of new elites?

 Imo being able to swap weapons would be awesome, having 2 weapons kit options with utility kits would add a ton of options to engi.

Also allowing classes to equip one more utility skill would increase build diversity by a lot with just the addition of one utility skill.

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2 hours ago, lorddarkflare.9186 said:

Weapon swap sounds like an invitation to piano harder, so I won't fight against people getting what they want, but I will say that no good will come of it.

Massive reworks for Scrapper would be the least of my expectations. Also 1 new mainhand and one new offhand weapon.

Yeah scrapper definitely doesn't need any reworks it's good as is for sure.

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My wishlist would be in this order:
- Inventions rework
- Turret rework
- New core weapon. Preferably power mainhand
- Firearms rework
- Elixir X rework, Added Gadget elite skill
- Holosmith getting heat interaction on their other weapons
- Mechanist getting an adept trait, that turns it into a Ventari tablet
Just for the lulz: Core engi getting a free kit.

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Now that anet showed us that they don't want to fix Scrapper, and they nerfed every other build option instead of the problematic build. I'd go with core engi.

-Fireamrs: Improve conditions (like +120 condition damage per pistol, and incendary powder trait cd reduction)

-Inventions: Give back healing strengh. Conditions convertions to boons got nerfed, Stealth got nerfed, superspeed got nerfed, so why to keep healing nerfed too?- No sense.  When you choose experimental turrets, supply crate and turrets cd should be reduced.

- Turret reworks.

- Buff kits conditions (Fire bomb, Confusion bomb at bomb kit; Flash grenade applies confusion, Napalm burning improved on flamethrower)

- Improve streamlined kits on tools traits; including flamethrower's fire aura and Dronp Gunk from mortar kit

For competitive

-Nerf grenade power coeff on competitive but get its conditions buffed.

- Incendary ammo should stunbreaks if you choose juggernaut


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If we are really not going to get another elite spec, then Anet has to give us back boon removal in core. We need a way to deal with boon spam and just having literally one skill available to do so (throw mine, which even just removes 1 boon in WvW) is by far not enough.

I initially thought that they were taking away all our boon rip because they wanted to create design space for a new elite spec, but since this doesn't seem to be the case, I really don't get why they took it all away from us. Bring back boon removal on engineer.


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Core eng being able to modified its turrets to move with the eng. All core classes should be able to modified there core utility and over all get more out of there core traits then say an elite spec. Seeing how we are maybe done with new elite spec.

At the same time elite spec should be able to modifies there class skill (no ideal how to change them on eng.)

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37 minutes ago, Jski.6180 said:

Core eng being able to modified its turrets to move with the eng. All core classes should be able to modified there core utility and over all get more out of there core traits then say an elite spec. Seeing how we are maybe done with new elite spec.

At the same time elite spec should be able to modifies there class skill (no ideal how to change them on eng.)

Alternatively, make turrets behave like rev spirits - you deploy them, they operate for a certain length of time, then run out of ammo/fuel/power and self-destruct. That way they can be balanced so that they actually have a real impact while they're out.

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4 minutes ago, draxynnic.3719 said:

Alternatively, make turrets behave like rev spirits - you deploy them, they operate for a certain length of time, then run out of ammo/fuel/power and self-destruct. That way they can be balanced so that they actually have a real impact while they're out.

Or better yet, make them like spirit weapons. Basically the same like rev spirits, but they are also indestructible.

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My biggest wish is, don't destroy any of the fun synergies that exist today. But instead rework only the very underpeforming traits, or add effects to them. Such as the majority of firearms and inventions traits. Please also bring back purity of purpose in pvp. A 2 sec icd is too much for small scale content. Its been useless ever since that change. 


But most of all please don't destroy the seemingly unused -but actually very cool and useful- stuff like streamlined kits (so many cool effects in there with niche uses like root trail, magnetic aura and drop gunk), elixir X (I love using this on core engi and meming people with the moa and tornado form) and static discharge's synergy with some instant cast short cd toolbelts. There's more to name ofc, but please don't streamline the entire class. Keep some of the weird stuff for us to theorycraft with.

Edited by Koensol.5860
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Nerf on aim assisted rocket and buff on explosive temper 

It always puzzled me why a trait who literally need 0 interaction with the player (the only one being to have a target ...) is more powerfull and used on every engi dps build (except holo , because no low cd range attack) than a trait that needs you to use explosive attacks which endorse you to use grenade kit with a good uptime to keep the 10 stacks so to be a bit more active in your rotation .

And a good slap off "sharing boons" for scrapper , because today scrapper vs herald ... superspeed yes ... against a crazy boon extender who can perma bubble or have a stab source and give a fairly good amount of boons for a dps supp.

Edited by zeyeti.8347
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My hopes are for

1- weapon swap.

2- rework or slight buff to sneak gyro, was over nerfed.

3- rework or significant buffs to turrets so the can be actually useful in pvp/wvw, such a waste of a cool design and theme to have them sitting there rotting.

4- remove stability from the trait used with flamethrower and scatter more stability throughout some utility and tool belt skills, every decent build seems to have comparatively low stun breaks and stability compared to other classes, I've played many hrs on all but mesmer. Elixir u 1 1/2 stability and 1 1/4 if hgh wtf anet haha.

5- make bombs in bomb kit throw-able but only detonate if enemies are in blast radius, reduce blast radius. That way not just at players feet, if remains as is buff them to compensate having to lay at feet.

6- add stunbreak to rocket boats, seems silly to not have on a skill such as this when stunbreaks are rare on most builds.

 Keep in mind I've played this game for many years but have only started playing ele few weeks ago so I'm definitely aware I'm not super knowledgeable on the class but these to me are things that could be changed to improve engi as a whole, again my opinion only lol.

Edited by Psycoprophet.8107
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On 5/6/2023 at 3:50 AM, zeyeti.8347 said:

Nerf on aim assisted rocket and buff on explosive temper 

It always puzzled me why a trait who literally need 0 interaction with the player (the only one being to have a target ...) is more powerfull and used on every engi dps build (except holo , because no low cd range attack) than a trait that needs you to use explosive attacks which endorse you to use grenade kit with a good uptime to keep the 10 stacks so to be a bit more active in your rotation .

And a good slap off "sharing boons" for scrapper , because today scrapper vs herald ... superspeed yes ... against a crazy boon extender who can perma bubble or have a stab source and give a fairly good amount of boons for a dps supp.

I take explosive temper because the damage you get can be used for both mele attacks and ranged... and I am frequently altering in a fight between both.   Also I've killed more engi oponents with a reflect against AIM then I can count... doesn't happen to explosive temper.   If we're talking PvP I wouldn't say one is clearly better than the other.

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4 hours ago, Psycoprophet.8107 said:

Wow all u engi mains have a lot of ideas lmao, gues engineer is in a perfect spot right now, thats good news 🙂 hophopefully anet changes nothing come lat june balance patch lolz.

I think it's more that it's been discussed to death and enough consensus exists on the major pain points that people don't feel the need to say much more once someone's pointed one out. Top of my list is a turrets rework (they were supposed to be a core part of the identity, but apart from heal turret were nerfed into uselessness before HoT launched because of how strong they were at holding a point - nowadays, they mostly only exist for toolbelt skills) and a core melee mainhand power weapon (although if elite specialisations really are dead - something I personally doubt - this might be less important).

I personally don't think weaponswap is needed or even necessarily desirable - kits perform that role, and engineer can already be pretty pianoesque as it is.

Edited by draxynnic.3719
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At this point the only thing I want is a staff/range support and for them to bring back the rifle skill 1 3x burst animation. Also the self cc on skill 4 was really cool. In fact I want them to rework most of the rifle, it does not feel good at all now.

But really the only thing I really want is for a staff weapons with 1200 range heal/support focus.

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On 5/3/2023 at 10:31 AM, wasss.1208 said:

My wishlist would be in this order:
- Inventions rework
- Turret rework
- New core weapon. Preferably power mainhand
- Firearms rework
- Elixir X rework, Added Gadget elite skill
- Holosmith getting heat interaction on their other weapons
- Mechanist getting an adept trait, that turns it into a Ventari tablet
Just for the lulz: Core engi getting a free kit.

I feel like when we get a turret rework supply drop will become problematic so maybe the elite gadget can replace it.

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