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Alts. need to go

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4 hours ago, Xenesis.6389 said:

WTF are you on about? this isn't like some in game content or skill balance problem.

There is no solution to prevent having additional accounts, no game has a solution to this other than locking accounts to servers and having no transfers, which still isn't a solution. Not even locking f2p accounts will work. Maybe they can hilariously go the Overwatch route and lock one account to a phone number, but why would any company try to stop additional sales of their product.

I get where you're coming from, I guess this is the only way some folks can get their rocks off. Not angry at them starting to actually feel bad for them. Me myself I get hunted, with an alt posted at a cross roads giving directions to the opposing server. How do I know? Too many occurrences, but I drive on like people like to say "it's only a game." 

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6 hours ago, Infusion.7149 said:

1. That is not the definition of an alt, an alt account is another account you play whether it is on the same WvW server or on another one.
2. What do you expect people with 10K WVW rank and every WvW title to do besides play an alt? (or go PvE/PvP)
3. Arenanet needs to disconnect people constantly running into a wall for hours because those players are probably not getting pips anyway unless they do something every 10-15 minutes or so. I think you mean afkers not alts.
4. Whether a queue exists impacts how much those afk players affect the matchup. If there is no queue there is negligible effect.
5. A player with accounts on both sides of a matchup and logged into the matchup on multiple accounts from the same device should probably be flagged for match manipulation. There is a rule of one button press per action or something along those lines. Someone multi-boxing probably breaks those rules unless they outright afk on  one logged in account.


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5 hours ago, Polar.8634 said:

sometimes in the middle of zerg fight i need to go wc lay one big egg, but q to the map is like 50 so what, you consider me an alt if i afk 5 minutes?

but what would be usefull is to restrict WvW and PvP access from several alts at the same time, because thats how people manipulate matches, pull tactivators etc

That's you I never mentioned some person having to go poo. Your 2nd paragraph is spot on how? that's the big mystery.

Edited by Widebody.5071
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35 minutes ago, Chaba.5410 said:

And what does purchasing the game and expansions have to do with your opinion that the game is broken because people can also purchase alts?  What the OP described to me isn't because of alts.  It's a behavior that has nothing to do with alts.  I seen people do that on their single accounts too.

Unfortunately your take on my op is way off.

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One could argue that for WvW, rewards are based on time, not participation, which encourages this behavior.  You do have to do occasional participation to get those rewards, but you can capture a camp, then hang out for 10 minutes or so to get 2 cycles of rewards, capture another camp, repeat.

And to get maximum participation in a week, needs 10-20 hours/week (depending on various factor), and given that time commitment, it would not surprise me that some number of folks are doing other activities (watching videos, surfing the web, etc) while doing something every 10 minutes to keep participation up.

I do wonder how many players who may not even be that interested in the WvW claim tickets might be doing this, as it is a pretty low effort way to get some minor amount of loot.


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7 hours ago, Chaba.5410 said:

And what does purchasing the game and expansions have to do with your opinion that the game is broken because people can also purchase alts?  What the OP described to me isn't because of alts.  It's a behavior that has nothing to do with alts.  I seen people do that on their single accounts too.

I didn't say any of this.
Speaking of Alts I wanted to highlight a related thing: i.e. those people who have 10 20 alt accounts fill server slots when those slots could be used by 9 19 other players who could play in wvw.
And since it is very probable that there are more than one person per server who have multiple accounts (with those numbers), it is also thanks to them if we  get to the "server full" situation aka population imbalance between servers.

As I said, I have no problems if one wants to get an additional account, BUT since you can't do multiboxing as you would in WoW:

  • log in 10 different accounts 
  • use specific programs to control 10 characters at the same time 
  • form your own parties with those 10 characters and go farm dungeon by yourself

Having more than 2 accounts is just stupid and totally unnecessary. Especially if you take into account that the only thing you can actually do with 10 characters logged  simultaneously in GW2 is position them 1 by 1 and then dance in LA looking for attention.


NOW from what I said tell me how the heck did you arrive at this conclusion: 
And what does purchasing the game and expansions have to do with your opinion that the game is broken because people can also purchase alts?


Nex time you reply make sure to do it under the supervision of a healthy adult  😁


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17 hours ago, ilMasa.2546 said:

Once it was the developers who had to find the solution to fix their product.

Implies product is broken (it is not).

18 hours ago, ilMasa.2546 said:

But when I see 10 characters dancing (named choco banana,chocopuff,choco orange,choco muffin....)and doing nothing else, because that's all they can do given the Anet multiboxing policy, it makes me think: what if my server is full and maybe i could get 9 new players in wvw instead of  9 pointless alts dancing just for attention?

Because of alts dancing?  What?

17 hours ago, ilMasa.2546 said:

Now it's my turn: I bought the game, I bought the expansions, I buy the skins I like... but apparently I also have to fix the game.
But if I have to do their job at least I want a percentage every time someone buys gems

What?  Choco, banana, chocopuff, choco orange, choco muffin probably spent much more money on the game than you did.  Maybe they are doing exactly what they spent their money for?

Post unclear.  What I wrote was a question, not a conclusion.  What does buying alts have to do with your opinion that the game is broken?  All you did was sound like you're entitled to something because you spent money on the game, but I'd rather get clarification from you first.



Edited by Chaba.5410
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4 hours ago, ilMasa.2546 said:

Having more than 2 accounts is just stupid and totally unnecessary. Especially if you take into account that the only thing you can actually do with 10 characters logged  simultaneously in GW2 is position them 1 by 1 and then dance in LA looking for attention.

See, this is your limited and totally subjective perspective.

Having more than 2 accounts is a perfectly rational response to the limitation created by servers.  And when the limitation for playing with friends becomes the guild with World Restructuring, alts become even more useful.  It's going to be stupid to not have an alt you can use to play with another guild that gets placed on a different team.

Edited by Chaba.5410
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I wonder how widespread this actually is?  How many people have alts, how many play together such that if they all decide to play Match A as opposed to Match B it will mess up the population algorithm?  Because if there are a significant number of players doing this then Alliances may be for naught. Pointless for Anet to even try to balance population if there are a lot of players that can just mess it up easily. 

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1 hour ago, Chaba.5410 said:

Implies product is broken (it is not).

Here is the problem: you are cherry picking a single sentence ,that obviously offended you, out of the general context of my entire reply, which btw was clearly a joking answer, even tho objectively the game has some problems . Thats some NPC logic you showing

1 hour ago, Chaba.5410 said:

Because of alts dancing?  What?

You are missing the whole point. If the servers have a population cap, the moment you have 10 or more people creating 20 alts accounts to mess around in LA,they are defacto taking slots away from other players. Those 10 alt accounts could be 10 different players joining WvW maps,maybe in a different timezone?!. Ofc there is also the stacking problem in specific servers,spy accounts,troll accounts but you can't deny that people who create 20 different accounts on a server  are also a factor in bringing a server to the "server full" status.

1 hour ago, Chaba.5410 said:


What?  Choco, banana, chocopuff, choco orange, choco muffin probably spent much more money on the game than you did.  Maybe they are doing exactly what they spent their money for?

I don't care if you can afford to pay the base game and 3 expansions for 40 accounts,or just one single main account. It creates a problem when those forty accounts remove 40 possible players from wvw. As I said it doesn't work like in WoW where a guy can multibox 40 ele shaman at the same time in Alterac Valley or any BGs. In GW2 you can also have 100 accounts if you want, BUT you can only enter with one at a time in any BL,cos you are not allowed to multibox

1 hour ago, Chaba.5410 said:

Post unclear.  What I wrote was a question, not a conclusion.  What does buying alts have to do with your opinion that the game is broken?  All you did was sound like you're entitled to something because you spent money on the game.

are you sure it's not you who doesn't understand the point rather than the post being unclear? 🤔

Edited by ilMasa.2546
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1 hour ago, Chaba.5410 said:

See, this is your limited and totally subjective perspective.

Having more than 2 accounts is a perfectly rational response to the limitation created by servers.  And when the limitation for playing with friends becomes the guild with World Restructuring, alts become even more useful.  It's going to be stupid to not have an alt you can use to play with another guild that gets placed on a different team.

HOW MANY guilds do you need to be in for WvW?!  
HOW MANY accounts do you need to play this game?!

Been playing this game over a decade with 1 US account and 1 EU account. lol

At this point i bet this guys has like 40 accounts,he joined 40 different WvW guilds,never rapresent or shows up on guild raids and when his guildmates are actually raiding he's afk farming with turrets or minions and then complains about server population that one time he enters EBG to farm the weekly 😁

Edited by ilMasa.2546
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53 minutes ago, Chaba.5410 said:

See, this is your limited and totally subjective perspective.

Having more than 2 accounts is a perfectly rational response to the limitation created by servers.  And when the limitation for playing with friends becomes the guild with World Restructuring, alts become even more useful.  It's going to be stupid to not have an alt you can use to play with another guild that gets placed on a different team.

A choice should be made here, based on your reasoning. Or choose not to spend even 1 minute of your time developing alliances to improve what they commonly call ''server balance''. Or choose to somehow control (and I don't know how) those 50 bogus accounts, made on purpose only to clog the enemy with empty players. Anet builds games for all of us, every week, to play and have fun you just need one accout. at least in theory.

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6 minutes ago, Mabi black.1824 said:

A choice should be made here, based on your reasoning. Or choose not to spend even 1 minute of your time developing alliances to improve what they commonly call ''server balance''. Or choose to somehow control (and I don't know how) those 50 bogus accounts, made on purpose only to clog the enemy with empty players. Anet builds games for all of us, every week, to play and have fun you just need one accout. at least in theory.

Actually they way Chaba is thinking is eve worst.

If with the alliance system ANET is trying to solve the problem of population disparity that currently exists between the servers we could get o a situation where the numbers are messed up by those who decide to join with more than x accounts. Is that a certainty? No, but it remains a possibility

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43 minutes ago, ilMasa.2546 said:

You are missing the whole point. If the servers have a population cap, the moment you have 10 or more people creating 20 alts accounts to mess around in LA,they are defacto taking slots away from other players. Those 10 alt accounts could be 10 different players joining WvW maps,maybe in a different timezone?!. Ofc there is also the stacking problem in specific servers,spy accounts,troll accounts but you can't deny that people who create 20 different accounts on a server  are also a factor in bringing a server to the "server full" status.

I think you may need to go back into some of the other posts on server population (within the WvW forum).  The population you see for a server is only the server WvW population.  It does not include PvE, as that is a megaserver.  As for how precisely the WvW population is calculated we truly do not know (as we do not have the actual calculation).  The only things we do know are the variables that are in place.

Edited by Morden Kain.3489
brain got ahead of fingers (missed some words in there)
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Let's say that if we are talking about simply playing the games that Anet offers you, then I am missing something. If instead we talk about abusing or manipulating the games that Anet offers you, then everyone is clear to me.

Some rule or some sort of ''referee'' in a competitive mode should be helpful. But I also understand that you may feel bad this way, or even just less free or ''limited'' to behave as you see fit. I could even agree with you, better to tell us first and not waste time with alliances. We have been living with a certain imbalance for a long time, we will continue to do so without too many pretensions. But at least let's face it.✌️

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10 minutes ago, Morden Kain.3489 said:

I think you may need to go back into some of the other posts on server population (within the WvW forum).  The population you see for a server is only the server WvW population.  It does not include PvE, as that is a megaserver.  As for how precisely the WvW population is calculated we truly do not know (as we do not have the actual calculation).  The only things we do know are the variables that are in place.

The thing is it's alla speculations.
The general idea is that World sizes are based on WvW play hours and players. People who do not play WvW, or are guests, do not factor into the population size of a server.

But even if this is actual the case a
 Full server can remains full until people transfer to another server. In 10 years there have been several situations where some servers ,despite being full, did not have people in WvW.

As you said it will be amazing to know  how exactly the calculation works

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1 hour ago, Riba.3271 said:

True friends would be in same server. Stop befriending enemy scum. 😆

The problem is that some ''friends'' lack balls when the game gets complicated. and they can't resist their instinct for self-defense, which they normally call ''escape'' 😉

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