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Jade Runestones price manipulation

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It's about a couple of weeks that someone, tipically that kind of people that owns a consistent amount of gold, those are actively drugging the Jade Runestones market price, more than once a day they are pureposely injecting a chunk of runestones at a stupid lower price.
In few days Jade Runestone fell from 1god each to 69 silvers.
What's the purpose of ruining the market? Someone please explain it to me because i only feel bad for this attitude...
Speculation is ruining our lives in the real world, and now is ruining the fantasy worlds also -_-
I paste here an example:

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The prices were bound to fall regardless. Previously you have people farming multiple characters across multiple accounts on a single chest. Now you have at minimum 4 chests to grab per account. The price would only last so long at 1 gold per. It won't rise much even if another legendary set is released and I think will continue to decline until it reaches near the same value as before (25-30 silver)

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It will drop naturally like all the legendary eod mats are and probably still will. Especially a. s. s. and runestones because a large supply comes from just logging in. 

Maybe people are just selling while price is still high. I know I did sell my stacks because hoarding at these prices right now is wasting gold. 

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1 hour ago, nellone.5836 said:

It's about a couple of weeks that someone, tipically that kind of people that owns a consistent amount of gold, those are actively drugging the Jade Runestones market price, more than once a day they are pureposely injecting a chunk of runestones at a stupid lower price.
In few days Jade Runestone fell from 1god each to 69 silvers.
What's the purpose of ruining the market? Someone please explain it to me because i only feel bad for this attitude...
Speculation is ruining our lives in the real world, and now is ruining the fantasy worlds also -_-
I paste here an example:

It was ~30 silver 3 months ago, so the price is still higher than it was before the kaineng jp change.

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1 hour ago, Sobx.1758 said:

It was ~30 silver 3 months ago, so the price is still higher than it was before the kaineng jp change.

i didn't know that....
Anyway i see people that continuosly lowers the price with no other purpose than make it fall, it's so obvios

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3 minutes ago, nellone.5836 said:

i didn't know that....
Anyway i see people that continuosly lowers the price with no other purpose than make it fall, it's so obvios

And why would they be doing that, apparently throwing their gold out just for the sake of it? What's the plan there -buy high, sell low? 😄

Edited by Sobx.1758
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Looks like things settling after the pointless "OMG THE SKY IS FALLING" panicking. There IS some manipulation but that is in the form of 320k in fake demand. Though still not as bad as the 9.5 million in fake demand for Mystic Coins.

32 minutes ago, nellone.5836 said:

i didn't know that....
Anyway i see people that continuosly lowers the price with no other purpose than make it fall, it's so obvios

That happens for everything where supply is higher than the demand and I am talking about real demand in this case not the fake orders at a couple coppers.

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2 hours ago, nellone.5836 said:

i didn't know that....
Anyway i see people that continuosly lowers the price with no other purpose than make it fall, it's so obvios


It is people selling off their stockpiles while the price is still inflated. This is normal behavior.

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6 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

And why would they be doing that, apparently throwing their gold out just for the sake of it? What's the plan there -buy high, sell low? 😄

It's clearly manipulation going on. Case in point:

I sell some I had saved on Monday night of this week right before reset for something like 84-87s and someone or some people then cleared out a bunch after me to where the lowest was 89s. Within maybe 3 minutes after reset, the price was down to I believe the mid 70s because someone went and put a sell order at I think 77s when the lowest sell before they did that was still in the 80s and then the usual of people doing the stupid 1 copper less thing after that. To use your words, why would someone throw away gold just for the sake of it? If things are selling for 84+ then why on earth would you list in the mid 70s? Heck, I had some sell sometime from last night to this morning for I believe 82-84 yet when I got up, the lowest sell was I believe under 70. 

It's being manipulated whether the people replying to the op here want to admit it or not. The plan that you ask about is most likely people who want more runestones are lowering the price and then buying them up because the non manipulators who have no use for these things other than to make gold are seemingly clueless and will keep lowering the price instead of realize they're being manipulated. It's no different than what happens in the real world now with other "free" markets. I've seen GW2 trading post gurus talk about how they will sacrifice some of their stuff by going low on a sell order only to get others to follow and then they buy up the lower priced stuff. Why would it be different here? 

Whether the price of these things got too high after that change in late feb is irrelevant to the fact what's going on right now is clear manipulation.

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I list stuff for sale at prices under the current sell order all the time. And still, if supply is outweighing demand, I find that others are also keen to sell and undercut me in turn.. I don't assume some nefarious ploy to undermine the economy, I just accept that market forces are bringing the price down and I pitched too high or at the wrong time.

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8 minutes ago, loregnum.3619 said:

The plan that you ask about is most likely people who want more runestones are lowering the price and then buying them up because the non manipulators who have no use for these things other than to make gold are seemingly clueless and will keep lowering the price instead of realize they're being manipulated. It's no different than what happens in the real world now with other "free" markets.

If you are convinced that something is listed below its "true value" why don't YOU buy up that stock and then sell it at a profit?

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27 minutes ago, loregnum.3619 said:

It's clearly manipulation going on. Case in point:

I sell some I had saved on Monday night of this week right before reset for something like 84-87s and someone or some people then cleared out a bunch after me to where the lowest was 89s. Within maybe 3 minutes after reset, the price was down to I believe the mid 70s because someone went and put a sell order at I think 77s when the lowest sell before they did that was still in the 80s and then the usual of people doing the stupid 1 copper less thing after that. To use your words, why would someone throw away gold just for the sake of it? If things are selling for 84+ then why on earth would you list in the mid 70s? Heck, I had some sell sometime from last night to this morning for I believe 82-84 yet when I got up, the lowest sell was I believe under 70. 

It's being manipulated whether the people replying to the op here want to admit it or not. The plan that you ask about is most likely people who want more runestones are lowering the price and then buying them up because the non manipulators who have no use for these things other than to make gold are seemingly clueless and will keep lowering the price instead of realize they're being manipulated. It's no different than what happens in the real world now with other "free" markets. I've seen GW2 trading post gurus talk about how they will sacrifice some of their stuff by going low on a sell order only to get others to follow and then they buy up the lower priced stuff. Why would it be different here? 

Whether the price of these things got too high after that change in late feb is irrelevant to the fact what's going on right now is clear manipulation.

What you are describing implies the item is overpriced relative to its demand. If that was not the case the person would have to keep feeding in under priced sell orders to maintain it.

The TP itself makes the situation you described happen by accident very easily. I have fallen for a few times and almost done it a few times and people complain about it happening. When you try to fill buy orders but run out of buy orders to fill the TP will put it up as a sell. People who just want to dump their stock regardless of the price are the ones most frequently affected by it.

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It is happening to many items in the game but here it was more than obvious it will happen. Sometimes people sell it lower because they think it will sell faster because many people will not sell it one copper less if difference is 10 silvers for example but rather 1 copper less than 2nd seller. Also people who are doing this are people who bought hundreds or thousands of runestones when they were for those 30 silvers, so they still make a lof of money, they are not buying high and selling low lol. And as someone said they can just force clueless people to sell it at low price, then they just buy it and sell higher, why not. Every single person can manipulate the market as they want and there is no reason to stop them, its how economy works. Rich people can always manipulate 🙂

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14 hours ago, loregnum.3619 said:

It's clearly manipulation going on. Case in point:

I sell some I had saved on Monday night of this week right before reset for something like 84-87s and someone or some people then cleared out a bunch after me to where the lowest was 89s. Within maybe 3 minutes after reset, the price was down to I believe the mid 70s because someone went and put a sell order at I think 77s when the lowest sell before they did that was still in the 80s and then the usual of people doing the stupid 1 copper less thing after that. To use your words, why would someone throw away gold just for the sake of it? If things are selling for 84+ then why on earth would you list in the mid 70s? 

Because supply is high and if you beleive the price is going to fall further you play it safe and list a bit cheaper. 

If youre selling large quantities you dont want to list at a price that might not sell. Because if you would need to relist at a lower price youre also losing the TP tax, so you might aswell insta sell.

When price was steady after the jp chest nerf I was listing high because I was certain it will sell. Now I am listing lower because I think it will further fall. I expect a drop to about 50-60 silver. Then still a slower decline in the future like all legy mats. Unless new sinks come. 

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On 5/21/2023 at 1:07 AM, nellone.5836 said:

i didn't know that....
Anyway i see people that continuosly lowers the price with no other purpose than make it fall, it's so obvios

For every sad person selling them, there are happy people buying them.

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This isn't something that's unique to Jade Runestones. Almost all high-end materials see 'extreme' price fluctuation at some point or another. As others have mentioned, it's largely due to supply and demand, but also affected by players who only log in during the weekend (which affects prices both up and down; more players on the weekend can either result in more materials being purchased or dumped on the TP). Prices also fluctuate greatly depending on the day of the week. Mondays are when the Antique Summoning Stones reset for purchase, so you're likely to see those dumped on the TP that day along with a lot of other items required in crafting Aurene legendaries.

Just be happy you've only seen a drop of 40-50 silver in the Jade Runestones. I still miss the days when Ambergris sold for 3g each!!

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