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So anybody else noticing suspicious games and PvP hacking from the minority of people in games straight up not even trying to hide it?


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Just queued a game an hour ago, entire team except myself and the rev on my team dced not once, but multiple times throughout. It looks very clear like targeted hacking because it would have been a balanced game otherwise, added the names of the duo on the enemy team were extremely suspicious, character names "Munchkinator" a vindicator and "Terrorist Tickler", a deadeye. If ANet would like to get involved and contact me privately in-game, discord, or email about the issue, give me the source and I'll give you the evidence. I also took the liberty of blocking so I could get the account names for you to investigate. It's all-too convenient for 3 members on my team to crash twice much less the same teammates having no problems in other games, and there wasn't any "server lag" that I'd noticed, the game played just fine on my part, and the crashes were timed suspiciously where 2 crashed immediately and then a third, and then all 3, etc. It just doesn't seem like a normal server crash or anything relative to "normal" in this event.

Pretty ridiculous my duo partner has to deal with a desertion punishment for being voluntarily crashed by the enemy party as well. Too many "unfortunate" acts made the match not only unplayable but unbearable to even bother trying when I looked and saw "Oh, my whole team is disconnected."

Honestly feel like it's a stretch even trying to reach out through forum channels given over half of it goes ignored, but I've done email, discord and other attempted requests for contact, so it can't hurt any to make people aware of this issue. If this was just the usual troll, a booster, a throw/afker I wouldn't even bother making a post because we all know how "effectively" they get "punished" but this is extreme. Please fix this unplayable mess. I'd embed screenshot links for anyone curious to see the actual game event but I hardly do forum posts as-is and would need guidance for doing so.

Feel free to share your experiences and suspicious games you've noticed here too. Love to read about others' experience and honestly wish more people would speak up when they see this. Hoenstly even the vent makes it feel a little better, but if anet would investigate the issue would be the best.

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There are other curious hacks. Few weeks ago, I discovered one i never saw before. I was at WvW and downed a player.  It was a 1vs1 momment and instead of try to finish with F, i decided to go on my way and kill  him from range with skills. For my surprise when i reacted, i was not hitting it while he was doing damage to me all time.  As it was strange not doing it,  i healed myself and tried to kill him with ground target skills and failed too.  I can only explain it as he had something installed that made him untargetable as i was unable to target him and also each time i tried to ground targed a skill on him, my mouse changed its position to some random one near me when i was pointing on him lol. So both, the target hey and the mouse where failing.  So he got time to call for help, etc.  I knew about the speedhacks,  flight ones, tp ones, etc. But no one like this that i saw and suffered this time.

At least now I know there is also a hack that does that too because, for a moment, I thought it was my mistake and foolish to fail the skills at the time until i saw clearly how my mouse was changing its position when i click on him before ground targed skills do something. So the mouse changed its position and then the skill was cancelled completely.  😒

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11 hours ago, Zoser.7245 said:

, i was not hitting it while he was doing damage to me all time.

This player was desynched. That sometimes happens with people in downstate. You see him lying right infront of you, when in reality he is a few meters away.

11 hours ago, Zoser.7245 said:

tried to ground targed a skill on him, my mouse changed its position to some random one near me when i was pointing on him lol.

Your mouse changed to the position where he actually was lying.

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Untargetable player in downstate is just a desync and had been a unfortunate occurrence as long as I can remember, definitely not a hack tho annoying.

Common hacks ull see in gw2 are speed hacks, evade hack(player is given evade frame on interval) and port hacks including while in downstate. I'm sure there's probably more but those are only ones I've seen around, I've also Google gw2 hacks and looked around to verify and all 3 of those were commonly advertised.

I feel really bad for people who feel the need to hack in gw2 let alone any game, it's sad.

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I can confirm the speed/teleport hacks, saw it few times where the person just popped out of nowhere (and no, he did not have any type of mobility to get from spawn to node that fast after he died).

Also some glitches through map but that might be problem at ANet side.

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I remember a couple of years ago some random person on pvp lobby wanted me to join his party. I did, and as soon as I did the game crashed. Re logged and he was still there in the lobby and he tells me that happens when he invites someone to his party, he just wanted to try it and see if it worked on me as well. Anyway, I said nothing and played a couple of games, he popped up on the opposing team, and funnily enough the entire match everyone from both team except him were randomly getting dcs. I blocked him, then went to wvw. Not sure what that sort of hacking is called :s

Edited by asterix.9614
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2 minutes ago, asterix.9614 said:

I remember a couple of years ago some random person on pvp lobby wanted me to join his party. I did, and as soon as I did the game crashed. Re logged and he was still there in the lobby and he tells me that happens when he invites someone to his party, he just wanted to try it and see if it worked on me as well. Anyway, I said nothing and played a couple of games, he popped up on the opposing team, and funnily enough the entire match everyone from both team except him were randomly getting dcs. I blocked him, then went to wvw. Not sure what that sort of hacking is called :s

That's definitely abusing an exploit and oversight in the game's engine. If your client completely locked up but your system was fine and responsive, and the same thing happened to others in the game (especially on your team), + more than once, definitely drop hacking. It uses an exploit in the game client that has gone either un-noticed by anet, or unfixed for a long time. This is exactly what I've experienced in a few games as well over the last few years. It's a minority of games, but it isn't limited to late hours where pvp pop is low and it has happened in both unranked and ranked games. I know a few who were abusing it.

The drop hack in itself exploits overloading the main server with a high number of packets. Not exactly sure how they achieve that but it's very clear our game client can't handle it, and in this case and they know how to make it affect whichever targets they want by now given how organized it was during my match. Very likely whoever you met then has been with a minority of people making alts and abusing this in unwatched games.

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3 hours ago, Greyrat.2378 said:

I can confirm the speed/teleport hacks, saw it few times where the person just popped out of nowhere (and no, he did not have any type of mobility to get from spawn to node that fast after he died).

Also some glitches through map but that might be problem at ANet side.

There's definitely physics issues that cause people to get stuck and that's more on ANet's side for sure, + clips, though someone abusing them intentionally still in theory is reportable, just no guarantees.

Speed/tele hacks definitely still happen in a minority of games as well, people can be very tricky because of stealth not letting us see their initial position, and the amazing lack of awareness of map presence on NA... Definitely not as harmful as crashing players' game clients though, but still pretty ridiculous to see. It's almost akin to AFKers at this point in terms of how severe anet considers it to be.

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They speedhack constantly, for years; Anet doesn't care. Name a hacker and you will get punished. 

Clearly something more is going on here because if a normal player used these hacks in such a blatant way, they would get punished. Everyone knows who the cheaters are, everyone has seen them do it, nothing happens. Something about that does not add up. 

Edited by LCL.6259
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On 6/15/2023 at 8:15 AM, Psycoprophet.8107 said:

Untargetable player in downstate is just a desync and had been a unfortunate occurrence as long as I can remember, definitely not a hack tho annoying.

Common hacks ull see in gw2 are speed hacks, evade hack(player is given evade frame on interval) and port hacks including while in downstate. I'm sure there's probably more but those are only ones I've seen around, I've also Google gw2 hacks and looked around to verify and all 3 of those were commonly advertised.

I feel really bad for people who feel the need to hack in gw2 let alone any game, it's sad.

Imagine hacking in a multiplayer mode that NOBODY plays.

It's the height of absurdity.

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the real issue are vpns. even if a hacker does get banned they'll just reconnect with a different ip, and even if their account gets banned they can just make another one. the gov needs to step in at this point and lay some ground rules for vpns but thats a whole can of worms that can go sideways fast

Edited by Stand The Wall.6987
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