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Shouldn't we have another set of legendary armor available?

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45 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

So same people who complain about the time or content it takes to get the legendary gear and at the same time claim that getting more exotic gear for different stats is too hard/annoying/whatever are somehow in a dire need of additional long term goals?

Vayne's deliberately talking about people in Ascended.
It can be safely assumed most such players are capable of using the trading post including the advanced filters to search for specific stat combinations.
In which of the multitude of possible realities would these people complain about exotics being hard/annoying/whatever to obtain?

Even granted You didn't pull such a combination out of Your sock - and, therefore, assumed without evidence = dismissed without evidence - or don't know both of these individuals personally.

46 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

If those players "need goals", first step would easly be playing more of the game's content they clearly still refuse to play. -or simply getting more gear for the builds and roles they want to play. Adding more rewards to world bosses they're already semi-afk farming doesn't seem like a huge change aimed at what you're talking about.

You haven't said a thing to debunk the fact that goals can be, and usually are, mostly irrational in effect, meaning You literally can't simply point in a random direction and make a person suddenly desire to go there.

And, once more, "...bosses they're already semi-afk farming...": a pure assumption magically conjured out of thin air.
And, AGAIN, even if granted, the way somebody uses their gear is literally none of Your business. If anything, You should be lobbying for improvements to OW gameplay instead.



3 hours ago, vares.8457 said:

Can you please stop derailing this thread with your permanent insults and personal attacks? No one wants to read this, if you haven’t anything to contribute to the topic just stay away. It’s really annoying having to read your toxic posts. Thank you 

I'd given the guy so much good faith in a single thread he wouldn't be able to balance it out if he became a monk this instant and lived for a millennium, and have done so in every thread since before this account of Yours has first seen the depths of these forums.

This is exactly how he almost always responds - almost, because there was a point in time when we actually had a decent discussion - with literal nothing, because he's got literal nothing besides his Status No. And I could keep tearing his "arguments" apart - although I can't take credit for something so poorly thought-out that it crumbled to dust at a mere glance thrown its way on its own - as I had done over the rest of the topics but why would I when You Yourself have seen how the sobbing goes:
S: Why would you suggest this?
V: Because humans are like that.
S: Stop dodging. Why would you suggest this?
V: Alright, more specifically: because I'd like something else.
S: No! Stop dodging!
Like, I don't even have anything to dodge at that point.

So either he's unhinged, in which case he's not worth talking to, or he's incapable of comprehension thanks to the obvious lack of effort to meet me half-way, even if I were the thick-as-a-brick portion of the conversation, in which case he's not worth talking to either.

Finally, I'm not one to beat around the bush.
Sob's an abusive cretin even when he's right - and, like, how far down do you need to go to kick a person when they're down? -  and - no matter how much of a cesspool this forum is - people like him should not be allowed to run amok, putting every single person around through the wringer just by the virtue of their existence.
Doubly so on the official pages of a high-profile online game.

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24 minutes ago, Vyr.9387 said:

Vayne's deliberately talking about people in Ascended.
It can be safely assumed most such players are capable of using the trading post including the advanced filters to search for specific stat combinations.
In which of the multitude of possible realities would these people complain about exotics being hard/annoying/whatever to obtain?

Hence the next thing I wrote, if those specific people need more goals, it sounds like they have still quite some content to learn and play.

24 minutes ago, Vyr.9387 said:

Even granted You didn't pull such a combination out of Your sock - and, therefore, assumed without evidence = dismissed without evidence - or don't know both of these individuals personally.

Those people shared their opinions on this very forum, so we very much do know those people exist.


24 minutes ago, Vyr.9387 said:

psst, this is where you eagerly jumped in:

Where we were discussing the "why" and you jumped straight into "how". As I said, if you weren't interested in being included in what was being discussed there, then there was no reason to quote me in that discussion. Subsequently the only reason you managed to "show" is... "because I want it!1" which, if you bothered reading what was written before it, is not exactly a reason, let alone a reason for any discussion. Counterarugment: "because someone doesn't want it!1". Truly the pinaccle of explaining your position. 🤦‍♂️

Edited by Sobx.1758
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4 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Hence the next thing I wrote, if those specific people need more goals, it sounds like they have still quite some content to learn and play. Subsequentially, more content brings more rewards, oh look, even more goals opened up now.

Assuming those people didn't try or aren't aware of what's fun to them, meaning You're not only disregarding their suggestion but even their agency to make decisions for themselves?

6 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Those people shared their opinions on this very forum, so we very much do know those people exist and are aiming at that goal as if there's no other goals left for them (which, as already explained, is obviously false).

Provide evidence.
Otherwise Your words are the epitome of "baseless".

Both of these are baseless by default regardless because of Your not addressing the fact that You can as much force a goal upon a person as tell a tornado to spin the other way, causing any further discussion to be fallacious, but challenging the impossible is what superheroes do!

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6 minutes ago, Vyr.9387 said:

Assuming those people didn't try or aren't aware of what's fun to them, meaning You're not only disregarding their suggestion but even their agency to make decisions for themselves?

When someone says they didn't do something, I don't need to assume they didn't do something.


Provide evidence.

Read through previous threads, link to one of them is somewhere on the first page of this one, pretty sure.

6 minutes ago, Vyr.9387 said:

Both of these are baseless by default regardless


6 minutes ago, Vyr.9387 said:

not addressing the fact that You can as much force a goal upon a person

Nowhere I said that if someone sets a goal for themselves to be "acquire legendaries", they somehow can't or shouldn't do it. They can do it if they want to and they have 1 way in every mode of the game to choose from.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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2 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

When someone says they didn't do something, I don't need to assume they didn't do something.

Read through previous threads, link to one of them is somewhere on the first page of this one, pretty sure.


Burden of proof: the obligation to prove one's assertion.

At Your earliest convenience.

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Just now, Sobx.1758 said:

It's hilarious that you think I'll be rummaging through the past threads you didn't care to read, but anyone who did knows what was said there. Bad bait. 🤷‍♂️

It's called having a spine. Kinda hoped You've already evolved past being an invertebrate.
If you can't back up your words, you better bite your tongue and admit you do not know, not die on a hill made of wishful thinking.
Otherwise you risk looking like You.

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5 minutes ago, Vyr.9387 said:

It's called having a spine.

Yes, reading the topics you're trying to discuss here would be considered having a spine. You making obviously bad baits is just you making obviously bad baits.
Here, I'll help you with the first step:

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2 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Yes, reading the topics you're trying to discuss here would be considered having a spine. You making obviously bad baits is just you making obviously bad baits.
Here, I'll help you with the first step:

Keep rhyming the same word with itself.
After it no longer means anything You might even start liking it.

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To OP's question of 'should we have a non-raid PvE legendary armor?' - Yeah, we should. Leave it to ArenaNet to figure out what kind of time and materials would be required for it.

If openworld PvE legendary armor were implemented tomorrow afternoon, the squalling would carry on for maybe a week tops and then things would go back to normal and people would shift off to complain about something else (It's happening in this thread already). The game'd be fine - if not much improved - with the addition of this obvious carrot toward engagement with the majority of the game's existing content.

PS: When swimsuits?

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If this community would finally stop parroting these stupid myths about toxic raiders, this problem wouldn't even exist.

Raiding is giga easy, except for a few select bosses that you will never need to see when going after legendary collections, if you are willing to compromise on your 3k dps Bearbow Ranger build and you have a keyboard with working WASD keys.

Most people are super chill and very friendly, if you aren't trying to sabotage their runs on purpose by being deceitful. I pugged every single LI I have (250 so far), I have never even come close to reaching Benchmark numbers and I don't have infinite time either. 


Asking for Legendary Armor in OW is pure and utter entitlement. I payed for GW2 and therefore demand the game to cater to my preferences, instead of me engaging with the game like the devs intended. And interestingly, there is a new thread about Legendary Armor basically every week, but barely ever one about PvE legendary rings...

Edited by SnowdropFox.2456
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7 hours ago, vares.8457 said:

Strikes do give LI for legendary armor. But maybe they could add a legendary backpack or trinket for strikes. 

Really? You are arguing that you don't want a secondary legendary armor for PvE but you are ok with a 2nd PvE back or a 3rd PvE trinket? This is madness! 😱

Anyway, legendary armors are the carrot to bring players to "unpopular" content, if you add an easier method that content will suffer. The only way that comes to my mind is to add to it such an insurmountable wall that players would prefer current methods to it.

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Raids are dead and casual players who want raid legendary armor use their creditcard to pay raidsellers. Adding non-raid legendary armor to PvE will benefit the majority of the playerbase who play PvE openworld and have no interest in raiding, WvW or PvP.

The only incentive for raid legendary armor is the unique skin, which people have critisized for being lackluster.


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2 hours ago, Flamenco.3894 said:

Raids are dead and casual players who want raid legendary armor use their creditcard to pay raidsellers. Adding non-raid legendary armor to PvE will benefit the majority of the playerbase who play PvE openworld and have no interest in raiding, WvW or PvP.

The only incentive for raid legendary armor is the unique skin, which people have critisized for being lackluster.


Raids aren’t dead, there are many groups in LFG, a lot of statics and training groups.

An open world legendary armor would benefit no one, on the contrary it would do more harm than good. You have to see the bigger picture here. It would devalue the existing armors and would be negative for WvW, PvP and raids. 
The vast majority of open world casuals aren’t interested in legendary armor, they are just not the right audience. Anet would spend a ton of resources for a very tiny minority 

Edited by vares.8457
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9 hours ago, Linken.6345 said:

So if the return to amulet kind of ruined amulet as a legendary reward, whatwould  a purely open world legendary armor do bud?

Yeah the alternative shouldn't be so easy and "fast" to invalidate the existing method. A PvE alternative should exist. It is called nuisance take on an issue. That is not the gotcha moment you think it is. Jesus, people online are insufferable.

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1 hour ago, vares.8457 said:

Raids aren’t dead, there are many groups in LFG, a lot of statics and training groups.

An open world legendary armor would benefit no one, on the contrary it would do more harm than good. You have to see the bigger picture here. It would devalue the existing armors and would be negative for WvW, PvP and raids. 
The vast majority of open world casuals aren’t interested in legendary armor, they are just not the right audience. Anet would spend a ton of resources for a very tiny minority 

Well when WvW people wants new look on their Armor , i see you and raiders in every post saying "no"and deliberty closing the thread .

When WvW people say that they want faster aquisition (not 26 weeks for the first armor) , i see you and raiders in every post saying "no"and deliberty closing the thread .

When people want Housing , , i see you and raiders in every post saying "no"and deliberty closing the thread


Whos exactly boycoting other modes to protect with their life the "Raids aren’t dead, there are many groups in LFG" group ?

You created this problem , for not giving tools like other games , becausee you  didnt want to devalue the Raid Armor (a.k.a protect the selling bussnesses)  .

Please don't destroy other modes , mister raiders .Or better yet if you happen to play other games...continue this tactic in that game... and magically  casual from there  will come here ...for some unknown reason :PPP

Edited by Killthehealersffs.8940
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21 minutes ago, Bakeneko.5826 said:

I'm not against Open world having leggy armour, but raiding isn't that hard with EoD elites pushing power creep so hard, it's borderline snoozefest to raid

That + emboldened mode and it will be as hard as an open world boss.. and if people cant do that, they are just asking to give them legendary armor for free at this point

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On 6/18/2023 at 4:32 PM, soul.9651 said:

The game just doesnt have ANY solo content where having legendary armor is relevant.. so OPs wish is just unrealistic. In fact all solo content in this game is trivial.. and the only way to get a challange by soloing things in this game is just to solo group content. And i doubt devs intended for a group content to be soloed but thanks to the powercreep anything is possible in this game rn.

Oh, tell me, how exactly is legendary armor relevant in PvP?

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6 minutes ago, Eloc Freidon.5692 said:

If Competitive gets two methods for legendary armor, PvE should get two as well.

PvP and WvW are different game modes. Every game mode has a method for legendary armor. 

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1 minute ago, Vayne.8563 said:

Oh, tell me, how exactly is legendary armor relevant in PvP?

Oh, tell me first, how exactly is legendary armor relevant to open world people? Gonna change your stats while going fishing to the next map? 

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