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Streamlined Skyscale? Not cool.

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11 minutes ago, ShadowCatz.8437 said:

There are a reason and that is to get that one extra Shared Inventory unlocked if you already have all 28 SI that you can get (or less if you bough expansion which only gave one more SI; every expansion bought one by one add one SI slot).

I doubt anyone on the fence about buying an expansion is really going to be persuaded by one shared inventory slot.

(I don't disagree that having another SI slot is great, I use all of mine as it is!) 🙂

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I have not had time to go over the details of the new expansion but if getting the skyscale is part of it, I will buy it for my secondary account too.  I earned the skyscale on my main account the way everybody else did and I'm happy to have it, it's my favorite mount.

My secondary account doesn't have any LW episodes except for a few of the S1 scarlet ones that were released recently so I  would need to buy them there to be able to earn it.  I'm really happy I can get it right away with the new expansion. I wasn't planning on getting it for both but now I will.

Edited by Kaliwenda.3428
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4 hours ago, idpersona.3810 said:

I was wondering how long it would take the "Skyscales are my status symbol" people to complain on here. This is faster than I would have thought.

I like that legacy skyscale earners will get bonus functionality. This is a good change. Which is surprising given all of the bad changes lately/in this patch.

Bonus funcionality? How so?

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4 hours ago, TheOuroborus.6387 said:

I'm not down with a streamlined system for getting a skyscale. Many of us nearly quit the game trying to get one and now ANet is just going to hand them out? Not cool, not cool at all. It's such a badge of honor. If you want to give casual players a flying mount, then make it something different, don't make it the same thing dedicated fans worked REALLY HARD to get. I'm not happy.

Get over it.

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4 hours ago, Cameryn.5310 said:

That is not a long-term solution to the problem of wanting to design major content around the use of the skyscale.

Which honestly seems like a huge problem on its own.

Why would you want to do that? So you can make more NKC type maps and not care about navigability "cause people have skyscales"? This seems less like evolution and more like devolution. Soon we'll do core tyria events by all being in air on our skyscales, safe from mobs and shooting fireballs at them.

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I get that they give the mount to everyone since is an incredible asset and they want more players to enjoy it, but AT LEAST give everyone who did the old challenge or who does it even after this happens, something special like a unique skin or something. Come on Anet don't treat your most dedicated players like kitten.

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3 minutes ago, Neluv.5789 said:

I get that they give the mount to everyone since is an incredible asset and they want more players to enjoy it, but AT LEAST give everyone who did the old challenge or who does it even after this happens, something special like a unique skin or something. Come on Anet don't treat your most dedicated players like kitten.

They already announced what you are asking for There are bonuses for having unlocked Skyscale previously.
Also....you/we have gotten to use it for years.

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3 minutes ago, Neluv.5789 said:

I get that they give the mount to everyone since is an incredible asset and they want more players to enjoy it, but AT LEAST give everyone who did the old challenge or who does it even after this happens, something special like a unique skin or something. Come on Anet don't treat your most dedicated players like kitten.

They're making our masteries better than new people. You are getting something. You also had better qol for potentially years over other players.

I always hate the gatekeeping of this stuff. It's fine. Things change.

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10 minutes ago, Neluv.5789 said:

I get that they give the mount to everyone since is an incredible asset and they want more players to enjoy it, but AT LEAST give everyone who did the old challenge or who does it even after this happens, something special like a unique skin or something. Come on Anet don't treat your most dedicated players like kitten.

Read link provided earlier in this thread about how this will work for those who have done both PoF mastery AND SoTO mastery. You will get extra boost and feature from having done both so any extra skin only for those who have already done it seem very unlikely. There will be Skyscale skin which unlocks from doing achievement, so there is not really a need to add any more compensation at this stage.

Yeah, we all can wish for freebies, but it isn't realistic considering that what we will get when having done both mastery is Air Rescue grants Bond of Vigor, Upgrades Wall Launch to charge faster and launch farther and Flying mounts can use ley lines.

Scroll down to table where this is listed: https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/a-new-chapter-begins-in-guild-wars-2-secrets-of-the-obscure/

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20 minutes ago, idpersona.3810 said:

They already announced what you are asking for There are bonuses for having unlocked Skyscale previously.
Also....you/we have gotten to use it for years.


19 minutes ago, Wheezy.2846 said:

They're making our masteries better than new people. You are getting something. You also had better qol for potentially years over other players.

I always hate the gatekeeping of this stuff. It's fine. Things change.

Well then why don't put it on the update post?????

Such bad communication, they just needed to put 1 single line saying "for player who already own a skyscale there will be rewards" or something like that, but if you don't say absolutely nothing in the main update site how do you expect people to know???

Keep defending bad communication practices and they will be worse a worse every time.

Also do you even know the meaning of gatekeeping? I literally said that it is ok for me if they want to give Skyscale to everyone, how is that gatekeeping dude.

Edit: Also the bonus are a joke.

Edited by Neluv.5789
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3 minutes ago, ShadowCatz.8437 said:

Read link provided earlier in this thread about how this will work for those who have done both PoF mastery AND SoTO mastery. You will get extra boost and feature from having done both so any extra skin only for those who have already done it seem very unlikely. There will be Skyscale skin which unlocks from doing achievement, so there is not really a need to add any more compensation at this stage.

Yeah, we all can wish for freebies, but it isn't realistic considering that what we will get when having done both mastery is Air Rescue grants Bond of Vigor, Upgrades Wall Launch to charge faster and launch farther and Flying mounts can use ley lines.

Scroll down to table where this is listed: https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/a-new-chapter-begins-in-guild-wars-2-secrets-of-the-obscure/

Thank for the info, an actual useful comment, how rare in internet these days, thanks you!

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32 minutes ago, Neluv.5789 said:


Well then why don't put it on the update post?????

Such bad communication, they just needed to put 1 single line saying "for player who already own a skyscale there will be rewards" or something like that, but if you don't say absolutely nothing in the main update site how do you expect people to know???

Keep defending bad communication practices and they will be worse a worse every time.

Also do you even know the meaning of gatekeeping? I literally said that it is ok for me if they want to give Skyscale to everyone, how is that gatekeeping dude.

Edit: Also the bonus are a joke.

Communication from them isn't their strong suit. I don't think anyone is defending them on that. This announcement (the expansion) came in the form of like 4 separate pages worth of reading. It's easy to have missed some of the information bits since it's so spread out. Could it have been better? 100%. But it is there at least.

And I don't think they're a joke. It's something. And it's more than I would have expected. I don't lose anything from newer players having Skyscales. I/we do actually get something from the double mastery. That's a small thing, but it's kind of cool that this was considered.

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I had wrist injuries after getting skyscale. Just a guess, but it's probably a good thing when a game doesn't force the player base to potentially injure themselves for an in-game perk?

Also, normal skyscale acquisition requires owning PoF and all of LWS4. For new players who want the full experience, that's $125 (EDS Complete Collection + Soto), not including all the time needed to grind out masteries, materials, gold, the LWS4 story (that's also required, don't forget), getting to the various locations with one or two mounts at best, and so on.

Giving out perks to those who already have skyscale is the best way to handle it honestly.

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Parts of the collection was the most mind numbing 1999 WoW quest design garbage ever, i only finished it with the wiki and even then it was a drag. I resisted doing it for the longest time but finally it was obvious that id just have a 2000% easier time following trains and navigating the very vertically designed newer maps with the skyscale and so i caved. Was it worth it? Yes. Was it fun? Hell no.

Also probably someone on the team had the common sense to imagine the following scenario:

"Hello new player! Oh you want this fancy mount everyone has? No problem, this excel sheet style wiki page details all the samey 50 spots you have to go to, three times, on the same map, while time gated. Hey were are you going?"

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14 hours ago, TheOuroborus.6387 said:

I'm not down with a streamlined system for getting a skyscale. Many of us nearly quit the game trying to get one and now ANet is just going to hand them out? Not cool, not cool at all. It's such a badge of honor. If you want to give casual players a flying mount, then make it something different, don't make it the same thing dedicated fans worked REALLY HARD to get. I'm not happy.

This is just Art. You described exactlly how I feel! thank you

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I'm more concerned about its effect on the LS4 maps. Since new players won't be that enticed to get it unless they want to play the story. And even with that, the population retention will go down as well since they're not coming back after doing it.

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