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Guardian is getting dual pistols


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16 minutes ago, xellink.7568 said:

That's what the magical hat is for. Now buy the expansion!

Be cool if the dual pistols actually came with a hood, look cool with pistols and xcould be used on all other guard spec so guards can actually achieve that battle mage look. I can't understand for the life of me how guardian doesn't have a themed hood or 2 after all these years, this game has to be the only mmo I've seen where the guard has no real hood option, aside from one's from gem store that don't really fit the theme.

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It was unexpected that is sure, there are so many other options that would have probably made more sense for a heavy class. If someone wants range they can already run scepter or longbow.

The only real reason I can see is the under usage of pistols across popular builds.

Edited by Infusion.7149
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4 hours ago, Psycoprophet.8107 said:

Sure but the majority of players won't have tons of outfits to match lol. If the devs gave some of the heavy armor wearers skin options that resembled medium armors dual pistol could fit guard easily but as it stands a heavily armored looking guy with pistol just looks silly imo lol.

Early pistols were around at the same time as later variants of full plate (and were commonly used to test it) and a pre-loaded pistol is likely to require less of a range of motion to use than a longbow. I don't see an issue.

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2 hours ago, draxynnic.3719 said:

Early pistols were around at the same time as later variants of full plate (and were commonly used to test it) and a pre-loaded pistol is likely to require less of a range of motion to use than a longbow. I don't see an 

When heavy armor combat was common spears, bows and following were less commonly used weapons. Very soon after pistol firearms arrived heavy armor declined, now if were talking rifles than yeah there were short periods where ud have heavily armored soldiers touting rifles, samurai loved em although most ashigaru weren't dressed in full sam armor. I donno dual pistol knight seems weird to me....awesome but weird. I mentioned in another post if anet had more heavy armor sets that looked like a mix of med and heavy armor I'd look bada$$, like with a cloak and hood or something.

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20 hours ago, Bewt.9258 said:

You don't think a Sheriff or Van Helsing theme fits a virtuous Guardian?

paladins are not sheriffs. paladins are not gunslingers. But hey you can make anything into anything else, but at some point it becomes ridic and loses the ideal of what it stood for in the first place. Identity gets lost , but thats seems to be what anet is doing giving every class every other classes weapons and everyone gets boons! 

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30 minutes ago, Tiviana.2650 said:

paladins are not sheriffs. paladins are not gunslingers. But hey you can make anything into anything else, but at some point it becomes ridic and loses the ideal of what it stood for in the first place. Identity gets lost , but thats seems to be what anet is doing giving every class every other classes weapons and everyone gets boons! 

I reject your rigid definitions on what Guardian should and shouldn't be. The profession can fit the ideals of a 'Paladin' archetype, but it isn't and shouldn't be bound to it. It's canon that Guardians are the evolution of the GW1 Monk class not a traditional 'Paladin', yet it hardly resembles it anymore save for Willbender Physical skills.
You can still RP as a Paladin. No one is taking that away from you.

The only thing that should stay true of the Guardian profession, no matter what direction Anet chooses to take it in the future, should be 'Virtuous' and 'Lawful'. imo that should be the only theme that should be tied to this profession. You can be a virtuous/lawful gunslinger, it doesn't betray the class identity.

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13 hours ago, Psycoprophet.8107 said:

Sure but the majority of players won't have tons of outfits to match lol. If the devs gave some of the heavy armor wearers skin options that resembled medium armors dual pistol could fit guard easily but as it stands a heavily armored looking guy with pistol just looks silly imo lol.

I don't know. It looks pretty kitten to me.

The prophesy had come true...

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7 hours ago, Psycoprophet.8107 said:

When heavy armor combat was common spears, bows and following were less commonly used weapons. Very soon after pistol firearms arrived heavy armor declined, now if were talking rifles than yeah there were short periods where ud have heavily armored soldiers touting rifles, samurai loved em although most ashigaru weren't dressed in full sam armor. I donno dual pistol knight seems weird to me....awesome but weird. I mentioned in another post if anet had more heavy armor sets that looked like a mix of med and heavy armor I'd look bada$$, like with a cloak and hood or something.

Heavy armour declined because it was impractical to armour against a heavy musket (early pistols, though? Easy enough that they were used for testing). Guild Wars 2 isn't following a parallel technological track, though. We have magic materials like mithril, orichalcum, and deldrimor steel that can provide worthwhile protection against bullets at reasonable weight. Imagine if modern body armour had become available in the mid 1600s rather than armour being mostly abandoned for the majority of the gunpowder era.

That's essentially the situation we have in Tyria, except that the modern heavy armour is still metallic. Historically, heavy and medium cavalry in the transition period did start using pistols before they started abandoning armour. In a world where armour was never abandoned, there's no practical reason why armoured soldiers wouldn't use firearms, particularly firearms that are convenient sidearms like pistols.

The only barrier I see to guardians using pistols, regardless of armour skin, is that guardians rely a lot on magic so for a pistol to be competitive against a scepter, they'd need to develop techniques for channeling magic through the pistol. But mesmers have demonstrated a precedent for that, and soon all of the main spellcasting professions will have them. 

50 minutes ago, Bewt.9258 said:

I reject your rigid definitions on what Guardian should and shouldn't be. The profession can fit the ideals of a 'Paladin' archetype, but it isn't and shouldn't be bound to it. It's canon that Guardians are the evolution of the GW1 Monk class not a traditional 'Paladin', yet it hardly resembles it anymore save for Willbender Physical skills.
You can still RP as a Paladin. No one is taking that away from you.

The only thing that should stay true of the Guardian profession, no matter what direction Anet chooses to take it in the future, should be 'Virtuous' and 'Lawful'. imo that should be the only theme that should be tied to this profession. You can be a virtuous/lawful gunslinger, it doesn't betray the class identity.

This. It was pretty obvious right from the beginning that ArenaNet wasn't sticking to the traditional paladin mould. The inspiration is there, but there are strong elements of arcane knight, force mage, and various other concepts - heck, guardian is probably actually the closest profession in Guild Wars 2 to a witcher!

In that broader context, I don't see adding pistols to be any more of a break than longbow. Dragonhunter has already been described as being a bit witchhunter-esque, so adding a weapon typically associated with that theme to guardian makes sense. And heck - gunslinging paladins is a concept that goes back to Murlynd. You could get the ebon vanguard hand crossbow if you really don't like it, but you might be missing out on some strong visuals.

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13 hours ago, Infusion.7149 said:

If someone wants range they can already run scepter or longbow.

Well maybe, just maybe, the pistol will be condition damage weapons. Scepter and longbow lean way more into the strike damage line. They would absolutely make sense and be in the theme of holy fire(power) pistols.

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8 hours ago, draxynnic.3719 said:

Heavy armour declined because it was impractical to armour against a heavy musket (early pistols, though? Easy enough that they were used for testing). Guild Wars 2 isn't following a parallel technological track, though. We have magic materials like mithril, orichalcum, and deldrimor steel that can provide worthwhile protection against bullets at reasonable weight. Imagine if modern body armour had become available in the mid 1600s rather than armour being mostly abandoned for the majority of the gunpowder era.

That's essentially the situation we have in Tyria, except that the modern heavy armour is still metallic. Historically, heavy and medium cavalry in the transition period did start using pistols before they started abandoning armour. In a world where armour was never abandoned, there's no practical reason why armoured soldiers wouldn't use firearms, particularly firearms that are convenient sidearms like pistols.

The only barrier I see to guardians using pistols, regardless of armour skin, is that guardians rely a lot on magic so for a pistol to be competitive against a scepter, they'd need to develop techniques for channeling magic through the pistol. But mesmers have demonstrated a precedent for that, and soon all of the main spellcasting professions will have them. 

This. It was pretty obvious right from the beginning that ArenaNet wasn't sticking to the traditional paladin mould. The inspiration is there, but there are strong elements of arcane knight, force mage, and various other concepts - heck, guardian is probably actually the closest profession in Guild Wars 2 to a witcher!

In that broader context, I don't see adding pistols to be any more of a break than longbow. Dragonhunter has already been described as being a bit witchhunter-esque, so adding a weapon typically associated with that theme to guardian makes sense. And heck - gunslinging paladins is a concept that goes back to Murlynd. You could get the ebon vanguard hand crossbow if you really don't like it, but you might be missing out on some strong visuals.

The fact that dual pistols on guard sounds so awesome to begin with makes ur arguments make much more sense to me. About the second point about anet not sticking to typical paladin archetype I'd say they actually are as paladins in dnd and most other sources say pallys get their power from their oaths and strong beliefs in a cause so in some games its their religion and in others some non religious source sourse. In gw2 I believe it's explained that it's thier own inner belief in a cause giving them power so really dual pistol could definitely be the conduit of that power, any weapon the guard holds could be.

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I don't like it because i feel not having dual weapons was what made guard unique compared to warrior, even though a dual pistol demon hunter could fit into the realm of guardian from a thematic stand point.

If it was my choice i would have gone for a MH dagger inquisitor/exorcist (with torch) type of thematic/gameplay.

Edited by Acyk.9671
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4 hours ago, JDub.1530 said:

According to the wiki:

What tactician wouldn't take advantage of all the tools at their disposal, i.e. firearms, infused with the power of their virtues.

Kitten Warrior's drag? Guardians have always leaned into defense and healing. Core warrior always had more "tactician" flavor with banners (and shouts), and Spellbreaker.

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