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Solemn reminder that no new spvp content has been released since Nov 2018.


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Very frustrating that it's been almost 5 years since we've had nice things. We see expansions come and go, patch after patch, sagas, living world seasons, festivals and we watch all of the other "popular" modes get updates, restructures, accurate balance, QOLs changes, new skins, achievements, titles, currencies. It's just crazy that GW2 has some of the best mmorpg pvp in the business, a pillar of the game when it released, and there is just nothing for years and years to attract new and existing players to the game mode. Here are some ideas I've had; what kind of things would you like to see added?                                     (Please don't spam bump and get the thread taken down again)

  • Things I would like to see:
    • Release a new map for conquest
    • Fix Raid on Capricorn for ranked
    • Fix Spirit Watch for ranked
    • On Legacy of the Foefire, allow condition damage vs keep doors.
    • Release a new map for Stronghold
    • Release a 15 v 15 large battle mode
    • Add 3v3 to ranked map rotation
    • Add 2v2 to ranked map rotation 
    • Add Stronghold to ranked map rotation
    • Add additional reward tracks
      • repeatable silverwastes
      • repeatable dry top
      • repeatable tracks for individual expansion maps, similar to LW tracks
    • Add additional songs to the rotation
    • Add new achievements, like:
      • number of kills of a certain class
      • number of points capped
      • number of stomps
      • number of lord kills
      • number of beast kills
      • number of bells rung
      • number of skyhammers
      • number of djinn favors
    • Allow spvp legendary armor to count towards legendary item collection achievements
    • Make Shards of Glory a wallet item, replace them in crafting recipes with Ascended Shards of Glory
    • Reward Ascended Shards of Glory from unranked matches
    • Increase reward track progression from unranked matches
    • Increase spvp rank requirements for ranked matches to 50 or even 100
    • Allow more stat combos to be used. (currently spvp has only 33% of available stat combos)
    • Allow more sigils to be used. (currently spvp has only 27% of available sigils)
    • Allow more runes to be used. (currently spvp has only 62% of available runes)
    • Show our spvp rank on our player icon and hp bar
    • Allow us to vote to forfeit a match. (team majority)
    • Allow us to leave a match after it has been 4v5 for more than 2 minutes
    • Immediately cancel a match that has a 4v5 within the first 30 seconds
    • Limit match making to only allow one of each class per team.
    • Reduce Respawn timer from 15s to 10s
    • Reduce '/stuck' time from 30s to 5s
    • Stop forcing us into a 50\50 win loss ratio. (I've played 18,000 ranked spvp matches solo(literally), win rate of 49%)
    • Allow us to Swap equipment\build templates during a death cooldown
    • Update the map icon so it's not just core class icons
    • Let us spend gems on a permanent a Champion's Rest Pass
    • Please do something about bots. For real
Edited by Voraxen.2035
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43 minutes ago, Stand The Wall.6987 said:

... but really i only want one change: make respawn timer 5 sec

That's interesting, it would make matches faster for sure. Even just reducing it from 15s to 10s would make a difference. 

My '/deaths' right now is "You have died 59,017 times." Simple math and reducing it by just 5s would have saved me 82 hours of my life. Hahah

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List the positive vibe checks that have come out of pvp since then and you might convince the devs.

Also I wonder what the statistics say about the income anet earns through active pvpers, my guess it is neglectible in comparison to the average pve'r.

You might think this doesn't matter but to investors it most def does warrant not spending resources on a gamemode that might at the bottom line cost them money to upkeep.

Think bro think they apparantly hired a player to do pvp balance that says enough and according to rmors try tomake a side buck on it through rmt

The writing is on the wall. It costs them money

Edited by demonbeetle.2387
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Honestly? Good. The game wasn't designed well enough to ever support a pvp environment that didn't feel cheesy and frustrating as kitten and the mode has clearly never been a moneymaker or a huge population draw. Better for them to focus content on the game's strengths than throw cash into a pointless moneypit like they did with the whole esports push.

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17 hours ago, Voraxen.2035 said:

That's interesting, it would make matches faster for sure. Even just reducing it from 15s to 10s would make a difference. 

My '/deaths' right now is "You have died 59,017 times." Simple math and reducing it by just 5s would have saved me 82 hours of my life. Hahah

oof thatsa lotta time loller

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Just more modes, even if just added to the AT rotation or as unranked.
2v2, 3v3 already exist and 10vs10 was also in the game at some point. Or just add TDM on conquest maps. Would probably be rather easy to implement those things in Custom Arenas and Anet could finally make some money on PvP stuff again (people hosting their own lobbies with custom rules).
Also.. Anet doesn't give a kitten about the population anyway so why not just give us all the possibilities? Worst case would be that the other modes die but at least nobody can blame Anet anymore then (apart from maybe too little too late).
I'd guess the average case would be that every mode will be somewhat populated and overall increase the population again. Ranked is not dead just because Stronghold has a queue either so I don't see any viable counter-arguments (although I will probably get bashed with the same old 2-3 points that have always been made in the last 8 years to give Anet excuses..)

Maybe give unranked a bit more reward most of the PvP rewards are gated behind ranked (apart from the reward track).

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  • 3 weeks later...

Another patch, another festival and another expansion announced. Zero mention of spvp. One developer doing a six month project could show your players you care. Anet, please add new spvp content, put more time into better balance and give us more stat options.

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İt's obvious they don't care .They don't care  forums they don't care  reddit.They don't care feedbacks.They trimming content little by little and selling us from same price.I'm so sick and tired A-net white knights keep defending every decision of A-net by "They are little company".No wonder they 'll bring open world legendaries.Because they only care those meta train players.No new map ,no new rewards ,what is the worth of rank in pvp anyway?

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@Sweetbread.3678 right sir surely its better to waste Ressources for Design Strikes that everyone just trys one time and then left behind cause it gain no real rewards at all that you can't get more ezy per doing idk.... PvP or WvW? xD. Besides this. Its not the gamemode fault that anet does nothing to actually get a way to gain Money out off it. I mean the only thing we could buy in PvP rn are Just finishers xd

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I haven't played spvp since Release.. I'm still a rabbit level. I don't know anyone else who even talks about spvp let alone plays it..

I've legit done one strike for my Turtle mount.

I have zero Agony on my armor..

I tried one raid and failed years ago.

Edited by Dante.1508
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Why do you think they pushed to release automated tournaments, then deleted their forum post containing the rest of their to do list of plans for PvP back then?

So they can ignore you while you continue to play pretend esports as this gamemode now runs itself.

We could of at least had more game modes but seems like enough of the right people lobbied against it.  So if all these years still isn't enough of an example to see where this is going and you still can't quit, then enjoy your infinite loop i guess.

They won't write to you.

They won't stream to you. 

The only people they care about are those who will sit there and paint Sylvari weekly for the Art Show streams.  You're better off painting a picture of the pvp forums if you want to reach them.

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Some of these changes are good, however, they will never implement any of this because PvP brings them no money, simple as that. There are not enough players that invest time into PvP and the situation is only going to get worst as more players keep slowly leaving the gamemode. They should stop trying to make the game "competitive" (has never really been) and just make it more casual fun, bring more build variety, bring back some stats or straight make different amulets for pvp, maybe some wacky changes to maps that could be fun in unranked. But really there is no point in trying to waste your time and energy on a company that is not interested on supporting a maintenance  gamemode like PvP right now

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