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New Xpac Skyscale

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16 minutes ago, Batalix.2873 said:

Just give me everything in the game. All weapons on all classes. All masteries completed. All skins unlocked. Full legendary armory.

Thanks Anet, love you mean it.

That sounds good. Now I don't feel left out.

I was looking at getting the griffon and it looks like i have to play the game to get it but it would work out better for me if they just included it with the skyscale bundle.

Edited by Witch Engine.2305
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On 7/1/2023 at 11:05 AM, Blue D Phoenix.7260 said:

That is so true, working for the best mount made it worth achieving for, especially when you took time to see and play with the kid sky scale.


Now it's nothing much, the new players won't be attached to the mount as much. It just would be seen like a tool to be used. Sad people are gonna miss out on that.

Personally by the end of the journey I hated the thing and was hoping that the actual skyscale would be a disappointment so I could justify the hate.


You could have the whole journey including playing with the thing but reduce the whole journey by about 3/4. You'd still get the whole story but with less of the hastle 

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On 7/2/2023 at 1:34 AM, Ashen.2907 said:

I see.

Difficult, generally, means that there is an obstacle to success that requires some degree of skill or competency to overcome. Tedious usually means that there is no such obstacle to success but rather requiring time, repetition, or the like. Solving advanced calculus equations might be difficult while counting to a billion might be tedious.

then, it's kinda both, it's difficult in certain tasks, but that depends on the person, I'm n00b so it's difficult for me. Also of you don't use guides, then it'd be difficult too. Otherwise it's balanced with dfiffucty and tedious thing.

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On 6/30/2023 at 4:08 PM, Richard.7518 said:

I don't think I'll be buying the new xpac. As glad as I am for gw2 to be releasing a new xpac, it's just made my past effort to get a skyscale worthless. The skyscale was the legendary of mounts and now its just "here you go", past efforts void. No point playing for the grind if its just given away to please those who can't be bothered to put in the effort to begin with.

It's so wild to me that people are mad about an objectively good change because of some false sense of achievement/accomplishment and would rather the game stay worse just to maintain it for themselves, it's the most cringe example of survivorship bias I've probably ever witnessed. Also your effort in doing the old collection is rewarded with bonuses that players who only do the new way don't get. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
6 hours ago, Richard.7518 said:

Changed my mind....... after more reading, I've decided I will be getting the Xpac after all.

Apologies for being a groucho!

Looking forward to the next chapter of GW2 🙂 

So what changed your mind because I aint seeing a reason to.

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On 6/30/2023 at 6:08 PM, Richard.7518 said:

I don't think I'll be buying the new xpac. As glad as I am for gw2 to be releasing a new xpac, it's just made my past effort to get a skyscale worthless. The skyscale was the legendary of mounts and now its just "here you go", past efforts void. No point playing for the grind if its just given away to please those who can't be bothered to put in the effort to begin with.

So making the mounts easier to get, is a good idea.

However, when are they going to go back and fix the old mastery and resource and time sink of the old season/expacks? Am I going to get a refund now since all these new players can get it for a pittance, when I had to farm for weeks and sacrifice an arm and a leg?

A large majority of the masteries are not worth investing in because they dont benefit you worth a bloody dam, the skyscale was one that felt worth it, but now you are making it easier, the old mastery should either be made easier in just the same way, and all resources should be refunded.

If something is so dramatically being changed from a past expack, that from all accounts(because ANET HAS TO ANET) and it is not changing, then refund all investment and change it to be exactly like the new expack.

Edited by Darkvramp.5640
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On 7/1/2023 at 11:16 AM, Witch Engine.2305 said:

Either way, if this game gets the same revitalization that FF14 did then I'd be happy.

It won't be revitalized because it still has core problems, still not solved by the expac,  and it is not a complete overhall of all systems like in ff14's case.

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On 7/2/2023 at 12:58 AM, Gharuda.7805 said:

It's not assuming I think.
Skyscale [1] is gated behind achievement of LW4 and mastery point of PoF.

Skyscale [2] is gated behind SotO, and will have SotO mastery point.

it's must be two different mastery point, because it's two different expansion,
if new player only have SotO expac, when he unlock skyscale it's weird when he get the skyscale PoF mastery unlocked, because he don't have PoF expac.
so if new player want to unlock Skyscale[1] he need to have PoF expac.

That's explain, why it will be two different mastery that gated by two different achievement.

Also you can check it on wiki, SotO mastery 
My main issue is, they need to increase bonus for dedicated player who unlock two skyscale mastery. 

Edit :
Well, having my skyscale can ride leyline, seem pretty good.
Also, new SotO skyscale don't have "Rift Repair" mastery. 

Not sure if ppl still need to go through hatching eggs again if they got Skyscale from SotO or just need to buy PoF/LWS4 to unlock skyscale[1] masteries?🤔

I hope one more bonus could be added, 

sharing Combat Launch ability to all other mounts if player completed both Skyscale[1] and Skyscale[2] masteries lines. 😄


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On 7/15/2023 at 6:06 PM, Linken.6345 said:

So what changed your mind because I aint seeing a reason to.

Well people still need to do the work for the double benefits. So those without Skyscale already, that's on them. It was reading some of the comments from other peoples perspectives that changed my mind. We all get new content, a new story. So looking forward to whats yet to come. If it means everyone needs a skyscale then so be it 🙂

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The upcoming expansion will require lots of flying, and it's be unreasonable to ask new and/or returning players to spend gems and then several weeks to grind the skyscale the old way just to be able to play the expansion with the veterans. This is pretty much the best they could've done. New players get the skyscale more easily while veteran players get powerful enhanced masteries for maxing the new skyscale while already having done it the old way. 

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Hace 1 hora, Chronardis.4028 dijo:

La próxima expansión requerirá muchos vuelos, y no sería razonable pedir a los jugadores nuevos y/o antiguos que gasten gemas y luego varias semanas para moler la escamaceleste de la manera anterior solo para poder jugar la expansión con los veteranos. Esto es prácticamente lo mejor que podrían haber hecho. Los nuevos jugadores obtienen la escamaceleste más fácilmente, mientras que los jugadores veteranos obtienen poderosas maestrías mejoradas para maximizar la nueva escamaceleste mientras ya lo han hecho de la manera anterior. 

If I understand it, there are no resources to create a new mount to save yourself the trouble in an EXPANSION, I don't question the price because it is predictable as a living world and I understand that they hate effort and achievement, for now there is no idea of creating a mount that Don't fall for the turtle's problems, it's my opinion.


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16 hours ago, Richard.7518 said:

Well people still need to do the work for the double benefits. So those without Skyscale already, that's on them. It was reading some of the comments from other peoples perspectives that changed my mind. We all get new content, a new story. So looking forward to whats yet to come. If it means everyone needs a skyscale then so be it 🙂

Ngl this has to be the first time on these forums when someone admits they were wrong.

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I'm all for there being an "easy option" to getting the skyscale, especially if the new expansion makes it nessary to have one. The only thing that concerns me is if the skyscale feels like its being giving free off the bat. Like I want something to work towards, I want the sense of achievement regardless of how small. A lot of aspects of the game resolve around the idea of working towards something, the greater the prize the more work (makes sense right?). I keep seeing people who moan about having to do x in order to achieve y, basically entitlement and wanting instant gratification. I found skyscale collection to be tiring and confusing a lot of the time, but I wanted that skyscale so I worked for it. I do feel sorry for those who feel like their work has been for nothing with the new eaiser method to obtain skyscale, I don't agree with saying their feelings are invalid, I hope anet have come up with a good way of easing the blow to these people as much as they have catered to the people who didn't want to do the original collection but wanted skyscale.

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Maybe give a title to @Arenanet?

As it costs zero and would maybe make some people more happy 

"Grind Grind Grind"

Or whatever

You're more creative than me




Cliche, but maybe more fitting

Edited by jokke.6239
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1 hour ago, jokke.6239 said:

Maybe give a title to @Arenanet?

As it costs zero and would maybe make some people more happy 

"Grind Grind Grind"

Or whatever

You're more creative than me




Cliche, but maybe more fitting

"The DragonGrinder" 😂

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Made skyskale when it took like 1-2 weeks to make and even then I though let's do it, but yeah I make legendaries from time to time. People are just cheap and lazy and more than casual. Be cause you can easily get it even now - being casual. And it's now 3 days? Wow, three days and poeple complain, I hate humanity.

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6 hours ago, Redfeather.6401 said:

It is smart to make it more accessible. Considering the lastest wow expac gives a dragon mount and gw2's next expac is all floating islands. It is very smart.

Especially since Anet's response to the WoW announcement was essentially "just play GW2 now and try out the upcoming WoW mount".
But then any new player to GW2 couldn't actually use the skyscale.

Edited by idpersona.3810
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1 hour ago, idpersona.3810 said:

Especially since Anet's response to the WoW announcement was essentially "just play GW2 now and try out the upcoming WoW mount".
But then any new player to GW2 couldn't actually use the skyscale.

Oh wow. I didn't see that announcement from Anet. Any links?

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I'll never understand wanting others to suffer.

Giving the skyscale doesn't go far enough IMO.

They should look at HoT masteries in particular with a view of easing the grind in experience. It's absolutely insane. It's a huge barrier for players and the mushroom jumping, the gliding, surviving in poison clouds and the chalk... it's all so high effort for low but necessary reward. Like if you want to do the Season 4 story you need gliding maxed for part 2. But they recognize the value of gliding because they give it for free if you start EoD before HoT because they assume some people might skip buying HoT/PoF.

It's time to think about masteries and how to make them easier to complete rather than forcing players into grinding tens of millions of experience and the points to unlock them. It's such a frustrating system.

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