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What is something unique that Warriors bring to a group?

Witch Engine.2305

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We're not top dps, we have little support, so what is it that we do? Is there ever a time where a group will say, "If we only had a warrior".

I'm newish, got almost full ascended but I'm at a crossroads because I don't know where my place is when I'm overshadowed no matter where I go. Do I continue with warrior or move on to one of the other professions that Anet seems to prefer? Help.

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20 minutes ago, Witch Engine.2305 said:

Do I continue with warrior or move on to one of the other professions that Anet seems to prefer?

Make the switch, trust me, if you have your doubts now, no point waiting for it to get better, it hasn't, and I've been playing for a decade. Make the switch before you're too far gone and it becomes too tedious to start over.

Edited by eXruina.4956
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Prolly not what you're looking for, but afaict Warrior is the only profession that can revive up to 5 downed people instantaneously to 100% health at range... other professions either do less people, less health, less range, require traits to be good, or a sacrifice of a pet, and so on.  And, warrior has a good chance of still being up to be able to do it when others go down.

I play Warrior because I enjoy the game-feel of many of the skills, and I don't find the profession mechanic too cumbersome.  I like that I have to play aggressive in order to thrive because what we get for sustain requires it... I have a propensity to default playing passively, and this is the right kind of push away from it to keep me interested in (and understanding) what's going on my screen.  Lots of professions (including this one) there's talk about rotations and dps, but Warrior for me is seeing what's going on in the fight, and choosing the current best weapon/utility/whatever skill for the situation.  Others have rotations, I have options and applied pressure.

It's not the tankiest profession... it's not the highest dps... it's not sinister w/ condition application... and its biggest contribution to boon sharing is pretty much only might... but it's a kittenin' pain in the kitten to take down.  And, I'm gunna do my best to make any enemy pc, champ, or legendary suffer for every HP they take away from me before I go down. 


P.S. Before the expacs I woulda also said we had more options to bring to a planned fight... we still have options, but other professions have caught up (and some of the weapon nerfs have undercut their utility).

P.P.S. Never let a sunk-cost fallacy keep you from finding and playing the profession you enjoy the most.

Edited by EphemeralWallaby.7643
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40 minutes ago, EphemeralWallaby.7643 said:

Prolly not what you're looking for, but afaict Warrior is the only profession that can revive up to 5 downed people instantaneously to 100% health at range... other professions either do less people, less health, less range, require traits to be good, or a sacrifice of a pet, and so on.  And, warrior has a good chance of still being up to be able to do it when others go down.

I play Warrior because I enjoy the game-feel of many of the skills, and I don't find the profession mechanic too cumbersome.  I like that I have to play aggressive in order to thrive because what we get for sustain requires it... I have a propensity to default playing passively, and this is the right kind of push away from it to keep me interested in (and understanding) what's going on my screen.  Lots of professions (including this one) there's talk about rotations and dps, but Warrior for me is seeing what's going on in the fight, and choosing the current best weapon/utility/whatever skill for the situation.  Others have rotations, I have options and applied pressure.

It's not the tankiest profession... it's not the highest dps... it's not sinister w/ condition application... and its biggest contribution to boon sharing is pretty much only might... but it's a kittenin' pain in the kitten to take down.  And, I'm gunna do my best to make any npc or enemy pc suffer for every HP they take away from me before I go down. 


P.S. Before the expacs I woulda also said we had more options to bring to a planned fight... we still have options, but other professions have caught up (and some of the weapon nerfs have undercut their utility).

P.P.S. Never let a sunk-cost fallacy keep you from finding and playing the profession you enjoy the most.

Necro gets several ways to rez people BTW.

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6 minutes ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

Necro gets several ways to rez people BTW.

But not as good, is my point.  Their only instant revive is signet of undeath afaik, and that only targets 1 person and doesn't revive to 100% health I believe.  Do they have something else that's instant?


Edited by EphemeralWallaby.7643
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49 minutes ago, EphemeralWallaby.7643 said:

But not as good, is my point.  Their only instant revive is signet of undeath afaik, and that only targets 1 person and doesn't revive to 100% health I believe.  Do they have something else that's instant?


Ritual of Life and Transfusion are two other ways. Transfusion with a scourge is particularly effective to do so from range and with Reaper it procs extra times for more resurrection potential. Transfusion will also end up resurrecting more players in the time it takes Battle Standard to recharge than Battle Standard does in it's once cast.

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58 minutes ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

Ritual of Life and Transfusion are two other ways. Transfusion with a scourge is particularly effective to do so from range and with Reaper it procs extra times for more resurrection potential. Transfusion will also end up resurrecting more players in the time it takes Battle Standard to recharge than Battle Standard does in it's once cast.

Aha! Neither are instant nor on successful revive put players instantly to 100% health (and they require picking as traits)!  Warriors rule, Scourges drool. 

(pssst, just go with it. Warriors need the win)

Wait, why did I earn a confusion emote in my previous post from someone? Rude.


P.S. Since this is the internet I feel obligated to point out the above question was rhetorical. 😁

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36 minutes ago, Dante.1508 said:

Warrior is trash, Revenant is trash, i'm not trolling... Just don't do it. Find another class honestly.

I know you are not trolling, but the real question is why Anet hates 2 out of 3 Heavy armor class? while the guardian is their golden child.

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38 minutes ago, DKRathalos.9625 said:

I know you are not trolling, but the real question is why Anet hates 2 out of 3 Heavy armor class? while the guardian is their golden child

We don't know why they are doing this. We don't know why they are doing what they are doing. They don't want to talk with us cause we are only the stupid community and we have no plan how to play this game :/

Edited by Viper.2436
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It's not much but out of 4 lvl 80's Warrior is my main. I haven't put the time into most classes to learn them...so I stick with what's familiar. Especially in PvP. I am not good , but I play a defensive build with lots of CC. I can literally be a meatsheild and keep 4 players occupied for a bit of time while rest of team caps. If someone throws up a target...that person is dead...not by my hands but I will lock that player down for the dpser's. Really that is my only niche I've found. Not sure if other classes can Meatsheild up? My other most played is Herald and Mech. Tried them both the other day in unranked and was worthless. Quickly went back to Warrior for the daily.  If I do manage to move on from Warrior will always be my Living Word 

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3 hours ago, DKRathalos.9625 said:

I know you are not trolling, but the real question is why Anet hates 2 out of 3 Heavy armor class? while the guardian is their golden child.

Because the people doing balance are bias. And they don't know what they are doing for many classes.

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Warriors aren't about being unique. That's their profession's weakness and most likely is such by design.

What they do bring is a simple, no nonsense approach to getting kitten done.
Function over form as one might say.

Need something killed? Warriors won't have you take piano lessons to do it.
Need to buff of save the team? It's simple, easy and doesn't require you to jump through weird hoops (asides maybe zerker quickness, but that is a new arrival).

If you need something really unique - their 5s weapon swap cd if you go Discipline.

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14 hours ago, EphemeralWallaby.7643 said:

Prolly not what you're looking for, but afaict Warrior is the only profession that can revive up to 5 downed people instantaneously to 100% health at range... other professions either do less people, less health, less range, require traits to be good, or a sacrifice of a pet, and so on.  And, warrior has a good chance of still being up to be able to do it when others go down.

You mean the everyone and their grandkids are long dead before the banner hits ground revive? 

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1 hour ago, dukefx.9730 said:

You mean the everyone and their grandkids are long dead before the banner hits ground revive? 

If the banner is too slow for the situation, then all the revive-over-times from other professions aren't gunna work either and the group is likely kittened anyways. *shrug

The only revival that comes close to competing is Nature's Renewal that i'm aware of, and that has its own drawbacks... worse ones than the banner in most (but not all) situations, imo

Don't let the warrior salt blind ya' to the little good we do have. 🙂


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Guards wear plate .....but lets be real.  Boon and skills based mitigation is way more powerful than plate.  Wars have plate, but we're squishy as hell with all the power creep and lack of updated tools to deal with it.  Bladesworn is a sustain champ not because of plate ...but bloated healing, barrier application, and adrenal health.

Armor type means less in this game than any other MMO I've ever played.

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1 hour ago, EphemeralWallaby.7643 said:

If the banner is too slow for the situation, then all the revive-over-times from other professions aren't gunna work either and the group is likely kittened anyways. *shrug

The only revival that comes close to competing is Nature's Renewal that i'm aware of, and that has its own drawbacks... worse ones than the banner, imo.

Don't let the warrior salt blind ya' to the little good we do have. 🙂


Think WvW and large groups

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34 minutes ago, dukefx.9730 said:

Think WvW and large groups

I was editing my reply as you were typing, lol, to cover for that... yeah... in raids and massive groups, Nature's Renewal can situationally have the advantage (if traited)... which isn't a majority of content, nor situations within that content.  Not to mention we still give full health on revival, and afaik NR doesn't.


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It's an honest profession, as was said in the past multiple times.
No additional bulls*it, easy to understand, does not have too much of visual clutter, has clear strengths and flaws.
Is it enough to pick it over some other stronger options? Probably no, but I am happy that GW offers me this choice.
That being said, you should not be afraid to try other professions, due to how alt friendly GW is.

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