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CMC should be embarrased

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51 minutes ago, GetFoxxed.9478 said:

@Josh Davis.7865You guys really gotta say/do something. People are NOT happy.

People are NEVER happy tbh.

Not saying right now the situation is fine, but the PvP population has been bitching non-stop for the past 18 months. With good reasons (unkillable vindicator\bladesworn\cata\specter, fractal-tier dps willbender\harbinger, whatever), but people are always angry at something.

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I mean, how else was Ele supposed to become Top-dog??? CMC decided to get hired and change balance rather than wait for others to consider it. Pretty badkitten 

If it's not ele, it's just gonna be another class to complain about. 

Edited by Stallic.2397
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9 minutes ago, Terrorhuz.4695 said:

People are NEVER happy tbh.

Not saying right now the situation is fine, but the PvP population has been bitching non-stop for the past 18 months. With good reasons (unkillable vindicator\bladesworn\cata\specter, fractal-tier dps willbender\harbinger, whatever), but people are always angry at something.

This time, PvE people are angry too. Mirage dodge -.-

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Well, even as a core ele enjoyer I gotta say this signet buffs are too much, I played several matches today and 1'd down all non cata enemies. 

Healing signet needs 50% cd increase or 50% healing reduction when you press the skill.

Earth signet can go back to +toughness, -10% to all dmg is too much.

Even as core ele i have all kinda of dmg reduction, even if I'm not as oppressive as cata with crazy stab and resistance uptime i can still get arcane and get crazy sustain out of it.

On top of that maybe a 10 secs icd on signet auras.

Even if you nerf cata, tempest will be there to almost be as oppressive, with good stab uptime and a lot of utility, all 3 final traits are crazy strong right now, and you could just adapt the match based on how much kill potential the other team has on you.

it kinda feelsbad, cuz dagger doesnt feel so strong with signets, neither scepter autos did before signets, but scepter and signets sustain together are too much.

Feelsbad, the only time in years you can run a non arcane build end up like this.

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33 minutes ago, Khalisto.5780 said:

Well, even as a core ele enjoyer I gotta say this signet buffs are too much, I played several matches today and 1'd down all non cata enemies. 

Healing signet needs 50% cd increase or 50% healing reduction when you press the skill.

Earth signet can go back to +toughness, -10% to all dmg is too much.

Even as core ele i have all kinda of dmg reduction, even if I'm not as oppressive as cata with crazy stab and resistance uptime i can still get arcane and get crazy sustain out of it.

On top of that maybe a 10 secs icd on signet auras.

Even if you nerf cata, tempest will be there to almost be as oppressive, with good stab uptime and a lot of utility, all 3 final traits are crazy strong right now, and you could just adapt the match based on how much kill potential the other team has on you.

it kinda feelsbad, cuz dagger doesnt feel so strong with signets, neither scepter autos did before signets, but scepter and signets sustain together are too much.

Feelsbad, the only time in years you can run a non arcane build end up like this.

I think people need to slow down and wait for the weapons update. Ele will not get a great deal of use, while it looks like multiple classes will get some direct buffs from the weapons, which will completely change the dynamics of the game. I still think vidni support with shortbow is going to greatly mess with signet cata, it has everything needed to do so.


Right now, the signets offer sustain+dmg, but do not forget what you all complained about prior, that cata was just ''immune immune immune''. Dagger offhand+signets has dramatically reduced this, while dagger offhand also does not have an unblockable ranged CC. If the cata wants to set up any burst, or interupts of any sort, it has to be done in melee range. As far as I am aware most are also running with earth/arcane. This means no super speed, they are also not running lightning flash. All of these combine to lower mobility, but higher sustain. A full signet setup is also weak to condi bombs (if not using fire line+focus transmute). If dropping arcane for fire, then blinds, combos and attunment shift buffs are lost or significantly reduced.


The signets are very strong there is no denying it, but just wait till melee classes get access to ranged weapons, mesmer gets shield.. and so on. And also, condi cata is made useless by clenses. The game seems to be still in a heavy power phase, nobody is taking clense that serious, so that a few specs like condi zerker, ele condi, have free damage.


I always play with ether renewel just to counter condi bombs/high condi dmg, druid roots etc.. which are essentailly a death sentence in a lot of cases. I have faught multiple condi cata on tempest now, and with ether it drastically shifts the fight in my favour.

Edited by Flowki.7194
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2 minutes ago, GetFoxxed.9478 said:

3. Revert the mesmer dodge nerf in pve.

4. Change back the scrapper quickness.

5. Untie alac from healing abilities on druid.

6. Read comments on what people actually complained about and stop trolling.

7. rework aura mechanics

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39 minutes ago, Anaston.2840 said:

When will someone propose solutions here? or maybe here its like a psychologist. The guys come to vent; I need solution. we want to see things resolved. We are all "customers"

Whenever we open a ticket to complain they say we should come to the forum. We want solutions and to be heard. Where ? i really want to see it happens. 

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2 minutes ago, Anaston.2840 said:

Whenever we open a ticket to complain they say we should come to the forum. We want solutions and to be heard. Where ? i really want to see it happens. 


the forum is a collective trashbin for people to throw their complaints into /shrug

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38 minutes ago, Aaron.1294 said:

@Flowki.7194 scepter fire auto

if you can freecast even condi cleanse heavy classes can't deal with it. It is simply overloaded from top to bottom and the argument that we need more broken stuff to fight broken stuff is just disgusting...

I didn't say we need more broken stuff. If the weapon changes go ahead then the game will change on a fundemental level, thats just how it is. Ele does not appear to benefit much from the weapon cross overs. What about other classes? I didn't test any other than ele/rev,  sage vindi with cent/allience and shorbow/mace&shield (or staff) looks like it will be very strong, maybe even better than tempest. The amoun of clensing it can do (which also procs heals+dodge sustain to cover white dmg) while also having a bow to shoot back with, Im not scared of any condi ele on that build.

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OP and these posts are on point !

I currently play some other mmorpgs won't name them but they are on the popular side , i don't remember classes being either this broken or this nerfed for such a long period of time in any of these titles ever.

The management of this game in terms of balancing should be replaced asap and severely looked into , i'm a day 1 vanilla player with 3000 hours under my belt and I must say i really miss the old days , the state of the game currently is unplayable and IMHO everyone should stop pvping for the time being and even more so wvw'ing and then when they see the player dip they might actually do something about it.

This game feels like it's been abandoned  and is being ran by a ghost dev crew. Sorry but that's how it feels right now.

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