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Berserk status


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for warriors/fighter mains in RPGs, the berserker always has been attractive for most a lot of us, but in GW2, the Berserker feels left behind, the berserker gameplay is basically; "You're core, now you're berserker, repeat" and the holosmith with that heat mechanic feels more berserker than this class in my opinion.

So, what if this spec gets a rework? Yes, another one, the berserk mode duration increase from Rage skills is questionable for PvP, like if it's wasting "tokens" and it's not getting anything else because of that, headbutt is the only rage skill that doesn't provides adrenaline on use, yes it gives you 30 adrenalie if hits, but it's also reaaaally telegraphed, should probably just generate at least 5 adrenaline if doesn't hits. 

About the "you're core now, you're berserk now" gameplay, what if this spec is always, you know, a berserker? (that's my secret captain 🤓) I'm not sure how to make this work (because this class is tied to the adrenaline system, we can't ignore this).

But for now, i have some ideas to make the rage skills more attractive:

-Rage skills: now gives you 5 might and 1 unblockable for your next skill.

-Outrage: doubles your 5 might generation and gives you 2 seconds of Savage Instinc, of course increase it's CD with this to at least 25 or 30 seconds for PvP.

-Shattering Blow: now cripples, Increase the power. damage

-Sundering Leap: fix the aftercast.

-Wild Blow: unblockable baseline, now stuns instead of knockdown, gets its damage back for pvp, if has unblockable (from previous rage skills used) > deals extra damage.

Edited by Zizekent.2398
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If I were to redesign Berserker, I'd just scrap the entire Berserk mechanic. The attribute bonuses would become permanent, albeit probably not as much as they are now. Primal Bursts would also be constantly available on F2.

Switching between hitting like a single Spaghetto (not Berserk) and hitting like one and a half Macaroni (Berserk) as well as locking the Primal Bursts behind that mechanic always rubbed me multiple wrong ways.

But I'd also give core Warrior offhand Bursts with three tiers.

Edited by Fueki.4753
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berserker could entirely just be core warrior tbh. (without the extension, just fixed duration)

core warrior lacks too much as a class.


but you know what i do? add a new energy called "rage" and link that to berserk instead of adrenaline.

so you can still fight normally with your burst skill in normal mode and not feel like a complete waste due to the need of saving adrenaline for berserk and not be able to use burst skill and having trash weapon skills without burst skills.

you fight like normal warrior and build up rage meter, so you can berserk. rage skills now increase rage meter instead and can still extend berserk duration.

this is possibly the easiest and most balanced way to make the class actually worth something.

another way, is just completely unlink berserk to adrenaline and can just be casted off cooldown.

both would fix berserker without the need to have huge reworks.

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I think this speaks to the fact that both core and berserker fundamentally need something unique.

I agree with Fueki. Give Core bursts on F2 that are for OH and 2H weapons.

For Berserker give F2 entry/exit at will without the need for adrenaline. Traits that proc on entering gain a 10s CD (rework EC as needed). Make Primals stronger.

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3 hours ago, felix.2386 said:

berserker could entirely just be core warrior tbh. (without the extension, just fixed duration)

core warrior lacks too much as a class.


but you know what i do? add a new energy called "rage" and link that to berserk instead of adrenaline.

so you can still fight normally with your burst skill in normal mode and not feel like a complete waste due to the need of saving adrenaline for berserk and not be able to use burst skill and having trash weapon skills without burst skills.

you fight like normal warrior and build up rage meter, so you can berserk. rage skills now increase rage meter instead and can still extend berserk duration.

this is possibly the easiest and most balanced way to make the class actually worth something.

another way, is just completely unlink berserk to adrenaline and can just be casted off cooldown.

both would fix berserker without the need to have huge reworks.

If you are going to tie berserk to “rage”, primals should be disconnected from adrenaline and just be usable on CD while in berserk.

It really doesn’t make sense that someone going berserk would need to “build adrenaline” to do something. The whole point is they are on 100 the whole time. 

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Idk I Personaly like the Berserker mechanic. You fill your adrenaline to Go rage mode after fill it to100%. The only thing i think warr need is maybe something baseline to generate Adrenalin (maybe let us gain Adrenaline while we get hit as baseline Mechanic). Besides this every Burst Skill right now feels somewhat unrewarding. Its just that all what they do is dmg and even on this Point they are not good rn. All this said...... Warrior relies on numbers Tuning. More dmg = better warr but sadly in when it comes to numbers the class is complete underpowered since Febr 2020 patch

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4 hours ago, BANNED.9527 said:

I hate everything in here. Just bring back Arc Divider and the rest of the class is fine, condi included finally.

This tbh.

A lot of the prior changes have gone under the radar, but they made berserker much better. 

Its literally only arc divider being made weaker for some strange reason.  I can work with the rest. 

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8 hours ago, Zizekent.2398 said:

for warriors/fighter mains in RPGs, the berserker always has been attractive for most a lot of us, but in GW2, the Berserker feels left behind, the berserker gameplay is basically; "You're core, now you're berserker, repeat" and the holosmith with that heat mechanic feels more berserker than this class in my opinion.

Eh, in RPGs, Berserkers have trade-offs to their viciousness and unkillability. I believe mechanics like "exhaustion", armor limitations, falling out of their berserker state, no special actions like casting or what not are all normal attributes to the class fantasy. 

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8 hours ago, Zizekent.2398 said:

-Rage skills: now gives you 5 might and 1 unblockable for your next skill.

-Outrage: doubles your 5 might generation and gives you 2 seconds of Savage Instinc, of course increase it's CD with this to at least 25 or 30 seconds for PvP.

-Shattering Blow: now cripples, Increase the power. damage

-Sundering Leap: fix the aftercast.

-Wild Blow: unblockable baseline, now stuns instead of knockdown, gets its damage back for pvp, if has unblockable (from previous rage skills used) > deals extra damage.

Can we not make Rage skills absolutely mandatory for Berserker? As it is I'm basically forced to run them for adrenaline generation.

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7 hours ago, oscuro.9720 said:

If you are going to tie berserk to “rage”, primals should be disconnected from adrenaline and just be usable on CD while in berserk.

It really doesn’t make sense that someone going berserk would need to “build adrenaline” to do something. The whole point is they are on 100 the whole time. 

generally speaking, all burst still should be untied to adrenaline, but that's not happening, 50% of warrior traits/utilities are tied to adrenaline for it to happen.

entire core warrior is built around it, so it's fine. just untie berserk, will free up a tons of adrenaline consumption, because right now, most of adrenaline related skills are balanced around consumption of core warrior, but berserker basically requires infinitely more adrenaline due to berserk as all of these skills consume ALL adrenaline, so now they either make all rage skills mini signet of fury and force people into using rage skill, or nothing.

that's not really a problem in PvE tho, because the entire boss fight you are in combat and never lose adrenaline, and you don't want to drop out of berserk, which only consume 10 adrenaline primal burst.

while in other modes, berserker has to be actively activate and deactivate berserk and still needs to core burst to keep up the perform, which makes berserker demanding alot more adrenaline than core warrior.

Edited by felix.2386
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  • 3 weeks later...

@Zizekent.2398 Something i acutually realy wana see is basicly...... give the berserk mode increase on rageskill use...... How it Stands now you need to eather hit something with it or be in range of someone while using it. I still don't get why this is not a "Just use and get" thing. Its mandatory for the e-spec to stay in the berserk mode so why forcing it to Hit Something to make it harder to Play for no reason. 

Edited by Myror.7521
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59 minutes ago, Myror.7521 said:

@Zizekent.2398 Something i acutually realy wana see is basicly...... give the berserk mode increase on rageskill use...... How it Stands now you need to eather hit something with it or be in range of someone while using it. I still don't get why this is not a "Just use and get" thing. Its mandatory for the e-spec to stay in the berserk mode so why forcing it to Hit Something to make it harder to Play for no reason. 

It's basically just a tradeoff at this point, you can see a "similar" class without a tradeoff getting into "berserk mode" without even being in combat, like soulbeast, doesn't even needs to be in combat to use their big burst combo, something that we can't say for warrior builds like gunflame and berserker in general.

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9 hours ago, Zizekent.2398 said:

It's basically just a tradeoff at this point, you can see a "similar" class without a tradeoff getting into "berserk mode" without even being in combat, like soulbeast, doesn't even needs to be in combat to use their big burst combo, something that we can't say for warrior builds like gunflame and berserker in general.

It's not even a trade-off. It's just a design failure that's holding Berserker back.

It's the same as many traits requiring Bursts to hit, rather than just using Bursts.

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14 minutes ago, Fueki.4753 said:

It's not even a trade-off. It's just a design failure that's holding Berserker back.

Yeah, i know, i said "it's a tradeoff at this point" as expression because of that, it's just holding Berserk back, doesn't really has a real point to be a thing.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 7/9/2023 at 11:13 PM, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:


Its literally only arc divider being made weaker for some strange reason.  I can work with the rest. 


More important to me personally, the made Arc Divider Lamer.

It just feels kitten now! 3 hits or bust!

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3 minutes ago, NeverLoseGuy.3894 said:

Not gonna lie, I played Dragonfall with Berserker and often times mobs just dies before I could even reach max adrenaline to activate Berserk mode. I would appreciate it if it's something that can be uh...pre-filled before combat.

Yet another reason why I think Adrenaline needs to go. Just turn Core bursts into Ammo skills that work like pistol 5. Consume all charges on use and recharge 1 charge every 3s. Berserk mode would just be a mode to trigger then. I would get rid of Flow on Bladesworn entirely and just have DT charge bullets as you stay in the stance.

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25 minutes ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

Yet another reason why I think Adrenaline needs to go. Just turn Core bursts into Ammo skills that work like pistol 5. Consume all charges on use and recharge 1 charge every 3s. Berserk mode would just be a mode to trigger then. I would get rid of Flow on Bladesworn entirely and just have DT charge bullets as you stay in the stance.

I would just be happy enough, if Adrenaline no longer decayed out of combat.

Life Force doesn't decay out of combat. Revenant doesn't start combat with 0 Energy. Virtuoso's Blades and Thief's Initiative even fill up out of combat.

Adrenaline is the only resource that decays. There is no point, other than to artificially hold back Warrior.

Edited by Fueki.4753
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37 minutes ago, Fueki.4753 said:

I would just be happy enough, if Adrenaline no longer decayed out of combat.

Life Force doesn't decay out of combat. Revenant doesn't start combat with 0 Energy. Virtuoso's Blades and Thief's Initiative even fill up out of combat.

Adrenaline is the only resource that decays. There is no point, other than to artificially hold back Warrior.

I know. It is so frustrating that Warrior is the only one that has to have that drawback, but the attack that relies on that resource is so easily negated and for the most part nerfed heavily.

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28 minutes ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

I know. It is so frustrating that Warrior is the only one that has to have that drawback, but the attack that relies on that resource is so easily negated and for the most part nerfed heavily.

Bursts are easily negated.

Bursts aren't even that great, even when they hit.

Many Burst-related traits only activate when hitting with the Bursts.

Berserk doesn't even count as a Burst and still consumes Adrenaline.

There simply are too many drawbacks to Bursts to justify the Adrenaline decay.

The plot is so thick, one can almost smell that it's on purpose to keep Warrior down.

Edited by Fueki.4753
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13 minutes ago, Fueki.4753 said:

Bursts are easily negated.

Bursts aren't even that great, even when they hit.

Many Burst-related traits only activate when hitting with the Bursts.

Berserk doesn't even count as a Burst and still consumes Adrenaline.

There simply are too many drawbacks to Bursts to justify the Adrenaline decay.

The plot is so thick, one can almost smell that it's on purpose to keep Warrior down.

And yet I still blow up people in pvp/people still cry >:3

Even if it must be with a rusty spoon I will defeat people too haughty to respect my damage.

However, just because I'm winning with a rusty spoon doesn't mean the rusty spoon is good or justified. 

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