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Show your got dang tags cmon people!!


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I often run a private tag to not confuse others when another tag that is set to open joins the map while leading a larger force, plus it allows for more havoc based tactics whether splitting the enemies attention to multiple objectives or for mobilizing supply from different locations to later regroup to a objective that is attacked by both commanders. Newer tags / tags that are not seen in a specific borderland can often get verbally attacked in maps such as ebg   when set to open tag due to not being able to cover objectives  either due to lack of experience, lack of numbers,  lack of situational awareness. Even if there is no tag present within that said map for hours at a time. Often times people tend to think commanders just magically appear but if someone goes to command and lead in wvw many are scared to actually lead and take the first step of dawning the tag in the first place. I've done havoc commanding for more than a decade myself and many I have asked of  or recommend to attempt to lead hesitate at the opportunity. Either due to self doubt or not wanting to take the lead. At the end of the day when leading in wvw there are days commanders lead and are ran over, other days they succeed and win against impossible odds. Commanding is not for the faint hearted, especially when ever the tag is popped it is looked up to as a means to an end. Not whether one should command but shall this commander  provide me what I desire? If they fail should I abandon them instantly? Could I make suggestions about what they could improve upon especially if the commander may be new?  At the end of the day commanders choose when they command, when they lead, how they lead, not all commanders may have the same requirements, reasons nor strategies nor experience. But the moment they choose to be a commander is a choice they made and the same choice is when they choose to no longer be one. The first question one should ask is why does someone want to become a commander. For me it was to fight against equal or outnumbered odds alongside my guild members and allies alike to improve overtime with each passing battle. For the moments when you beat what some would deem impossible odds would it not make the glory of commanding that much more enticing?

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17 hours ago, Blockhead Magee.3092 said:

lol  someone else wanting me to play differently

Sorry for my rude tongue. 🫠

I'm curious why you think my post suggests that I want you to play in a specific way?

The TO expressed their dislike, asked nicely if Coms with hidden tag could make it visible. Or if not, what their reasons are, so the TO can change their mind.

For my part, if I decide to participate in a team game, I enjoy my part of freedom and simultaneously adapt to the playstyles of others. So if you want to break it down to your two extremes, „play as you want“ and „people (or me in your case?) want others to play in a specific way“, I totally disagree, cause there's a lot of space in between these two extremes. And that's what I enjoy as teamplay.

Have a nice one! 👍

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20 hours ago, Chaba.5410 said:

So what I'm hearing is that the game give choices and does not force anyone to have public tags, that the game's fun is derived from players being able to chose how they want to play.

- Certain groups don't need public tags.
- No one has fun if they chase away their enemies because moochers following a visible tag contribute to the problem of blobbing.
- Whether smaller groups ever succeed is inconsequential to the topic. They are choosing their fun, testing whether they can take on a bigger group or not, then choose to do something else.

But then we'd have to look at it this way. If someone's way of having fun is having negative effects on other people, would that be an issue? Like, is feeding the enemy griefing your the people around you?

A smaller group not wanting to blob down the enemy is admirable and there are certainly benefits in creating content especially if you outnumber the enemy.

But at a certain point if they just keep going in and insta dying, then what makes them any different from those hated pug rallybots? If anything it's a larger impact than random rallybots because there are now 10-15 people rallying the enemy at different intervals. If you're taking down as many as you lose that'd be another story.

Now of course the game rules allow this, but this does impact the enjoyment of everyone else playing the game.

It's not an easy question to answer by any means. We don't have any duty to any other players, but at the same time we do all share the same maps.

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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On 7/15/2023 at 12:48 AM, CrimsonOneThree.5682 said:

People just find a way to cloud around the tag and queue a map, for the tag who is on voice anyway and make their job harder, as their squad can't fit on the map, especially if the other servers squad has a strong comp and well coordinated squad.

We tried going full open the other day, the ones not on voice just w pushed and got downed instantly giving free bags to the enemies, due to bad movement, so there's a reason why there are voice only tags. For coordination.


Exactly, squads have people bringing something to the squad team, e.g. heals, stab. Pugmanders run public tags and you get what you can get. Comp'd or havoc groups run hidden tags, are all in comms, and are all listening to the comm's instructions. There is no "right" to be in a squad.

Guilds frequently advertise for more members in team chat. Some have strict requirements, e.g. they need more FBs so you must run that class. Joining a suitable guild can remove a bunch of these problems.

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On 7/19/2023 at 3:12 AM, XenesisII.1540 said:

Those particular groups don't need to use public tags, they run big enough without it, although indo usually runs with his on anyways. Usually when they do have their tags on for a map blob they tend to chase away enemies instead, well, not until they get fed a couple times before the losers figure it out anyways. So would it make the game more fun? not for the enemy, but certainly for their allies mooching off the free kills. 

I'm just inquiring whether or not the smaller ones ever succeed against those bigger groups while running private and no rally bots around. Most times I see them they're feeding multiple one pushes, and then it goes one of two ways, they leave the map entirely to find something else, or they put up their tag and suddenly advertising in team chat they need the "rally bots". 🤷‍♂️

Indo never runs on his own. Indo always has a side car so that he tends to have a map blob on him. His playstyle, his rules, all power to him.

And no, if we're in a havoc group of 15-20 ish, we stay away from blobs. There are other things to do in this game.

If you don't know where the invisible tag is, how can you see the multiple one-pushes?

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14 minutes ago, Hesione.9412 said:

Indo never runs on his own. Indo always has a side car so that he tends to have a map blob on him. His playstyle, his rules, all power to him.

huh? 🤷‍♂️

14 minutes ago, Hesione.9412 said:

And no, if we're in a havoc group of 15-20 ish, we stay away from blobs. There are other things to do in this game.

ok you have some sense unlike many other groups your size. 🤷‍♂️

14 minutes ago, Hesione.9412 said:

If you don't know where the invisible tag is, how can you see the multiple one-pushes?

I never said I had a problem with invisible tags or a problem finding them. 🤷‍♂️

Just because a group hides their tag doesn't mean their entire group disappears and you're not able to see them fight. 😵

like wut? 🤷‍♂️😵

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6 minutes ago, XenesisII.1540 said:

huh? 🤷‍♂️

ok you have some sense unlike many other groups your size. 🤷‍♂️

I never said I had a problem with invisible tags or a problem finding them. 🤷‍♂️

Just because a group hides their tag doesn't mean their entire group disappears and you're not able to see them fight. 😵

like wut? 🤷‍♂️😵

Then why is there a problem with them not showing their tag when you can see them?

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1 minute ago, Hesione.9412 said:

Then why is there a problem with them not showing their tag when you can see them?

Never said there was a problem about them not showing their tag....

Go read my first post on the first page...

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Commanders not showing their tags can be bothersome but what I find weird are the commanders  who's running their tags but are on the other side of the map chilling outside a keep or in the spawn area while at the same time doing nothing but yawing and complaining about people not knowing how to play.  Keeping the team chat filled with talk of nonsence, shaved butt cracks and bitterness. That's the kitten I consider detrimental to team cohension.

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My experience in wvw is that I see allot of organized groups running around and pvding for the most part, it reminds me of eotm play. When there is a big battle it seems like everyone is just looking for stragglers to gank.  You'll see 30 people chasing down 1-3 guys, man... it's crazy. 

But now I realize why I get swamped in battles. I'm probably considered one of the rallybots which may be true, I do get a little crazy at times say kitten it and just jump in. I'll lay down some heat though and break up a zerks plans. it's probably hard on the ego to have a rallybot screw up your plans. Hell I even had to take the role of commander a few times while our original commander was somewhere complaining about our group being no good and can't fight, tsk tsk tsk. 

Don't underestimate the power of the PUG we get kitten done. We have those guys hugging their commander throwing boons like a joey in their mommas pouch and we still come out ahead must of the time.

This server I'm with this cycle are some alright guys, they stick together and are not what I expected. I heard they were hackers and cheaters and all kinds of bad stuff but I'm still facing the same group of players I've always faced no matter who the matchup is with. I believe that's the problem, a certain bunch of players are bouncing from server to server and just being rabble-rousers and dickheads while projecting onto others crap that they're actually guilty of while keeping the team chat loaded down with nonsense. 

I try not to join tags simply because it seems someone is calling out my position allot of times. Kitten zerg would run past a commander attacking one of their towers and straight toward me on the opposite side of the lake and just bowl me down then gallop off while our commander breaks off his attack on the tower a few minutes later to go stand ib smc. It's cool I guess it means I'm making them feel my presence. From rallybot to public enemy #1, 2 maybe 25.

Playing ranged compared to melee is as different as night and day I didn't realize. I'm having a blast, only took 11 years to really get into my range characters, I'm gonna miss this server when the matchups changes, but not the whiners... Whew.

Beware the PUG.

Edited by Widebody.5071
spell corrections.
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17 hours ago, Widebody.5071 said:

Commanders not showing their tags can be bothersome but what I find weird are the commanders  who's running their tags but are on the other side of the map chilling outside a keep or in the spawn area while at the same time doing nothing but yawing and complaining about people not knowing how to play.  Keeping the team chat filled with talk of nonsence, shaved butt cracks and bitterness. That's the kitten I consider detrimental to team cohension.

Those commanders are bitter that people didn't listen to them and are raging. It's similar to their pvp counterparts that afk. Too much ego and too little skill to back it up. A lot of the good players left and left behind these wannabes. You definitely don't want to follow them.

5 hours ago, Widebody.5071 said:

But now I realize why I get swamped in battles. I'm probably considered one of the rallybots which may be true, I do get a little crazy at times say kitten it and just jump in. I'll lay down some heat though and break up a zerks plans. it's probably hard on the ego to have a rallybot screw up your plans. Hell I even had to take the role of commander a few times while our original commander was somewhere complaining about our group being no good and can't fight, tsk tsk tsk. 

Blaming rallybots is extremely overrated. Obviously they are bad and people should strive to not die  but after they changed it so that you can't rally more than one person it generally is a nuisance. It is terrible in small scale though.

I mean of course if enough of your server is rallybots you will lose but if someone keeps using that as a reason, they might be a rallybot themselves.

A truly cynical commander would simply move their group into the "rallybots" so the enemy pushes into them and then get out asap. The "rallybots" take one for the team and once they are finished off, you can now pound the enemy team with all your fresh cooldowns. Then you tag their rallybots. xD It's about taking advantage of your resources. This way you can turn even the most useless people into useful ones.

It's simply about being aware of your surroundings, your allies, or your enemies, like that Sun Tzu dude said. Many fight guilds pretend this is just an arena and only see their group and the main enemy one.

Also these guilds often use other guilds they deem inferior as bait anyways, so this really never ends. All and all, fair game.

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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15 hours ago, ArchonWing.9480 said:

Those commanders are bitter that people didn't listen to them and are raging. It's similar to their pvp counterparts that afk. Too much ego and too little skill to back it up. A lot of the good players left and left behind these wannabes. You definitely don't want to follow them.

Blaming rallybots is extremely overrated. Obviously they are bad and people should strive to not die  but after they changed it so that you can't rally more than one person it generally is a nuisance. It is terrible in small scale though.

I mean of course if enough of your server is rallybots you will lose but if someone keeps using that as a reason, they might be a rallybot themselves.

A truly cynical commander would simply move their group into the "rallybots" so the enemy pushes into them and then get out asap. The "rallybots" take one for the team and once they are finished off, you can now pound the enemy team with all your fresh cooldowns. Then you tag their rallybots. xD It's about taking advantage of your resources. This way you can turn even the most useless people into useful ones.

It's simply about being aware of your surroundings, your allies, or your enemies, like that Sun Tzu dude said. Many fight guilds pretend this is just an arena and only see their group and the main enemy one.

Also these guilds often use other guilds they deem inferior as bait anyways, so this really never ends. All and all, fair game.

The commanders I'm referring to are ,ostly rallybots themselves which is not hard  to imagine since we're typically tagged teamed by the other two servers. Most of the "good players" I see have specific classes they attack and are usually riding pretty deep. If alone and you get them they'll return with an invisible friend waiting to jump in at just the right moment.

The "cynical commanders" are the ones that I've noticed are usually the first to run from a fight. My believe is that some of them are just baiting out their zergs to be ganked by their oppnents. I've experienced numerous occasions where a commander would skip over a relatively secure attack position and head straight for a position that squarely places the zerk with their back to the enemies keep. So I suppose you 're right, getting rid of the "useless ones" has it's advantages.

It seems more like they're matched up against guildmates on the opposing server which can be bad and I can understand any conflict of interest they may have. 


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6 hours ago, Widebody.5071 said:

The commanders I'm referring to are ,ostly rallybots themselves which is not hard  to imagine since we're typically tagged teamed by the other two servers.

Not surprising. As I implied earlier, if you can't spot the rallybot but it always seems to be happening, then you may just be the rallybot.

6 hours ago, Widebody.5071 said:

Most of the "good players" I see have specific classes they attack and are usually riding pretty deep. If alone and you get them they'll return with an invisible friend waiting to jump in at just the right moment.

Their definition of "good" is created by then and whoever is in their echo chambers.  A big red flag is the spamming of unfunny inside memes. It's very cringeworthy.

This is also a result of always gearing excessively tanky. Some commanders will build for more survivability in order to not get sniped but because they're used to being mass healed and tanky they will often lead the zerg into very dangerous situations and wonder why the pugs died.

Non-comped people should not stack directly on the tag but orbit around it. Somtimes it's good to pass through the center of the squad for some heals and boonshare though but standing in one place doesn't work. When I mean orbit around it, you still stay within a few hundred range though.

Honestly, I think a good way to learn is to play a little more glassier so you get punished more for doing dumb things. Once you go back to your regular build, you will find yourself much harder to kill. I feel these people do the opposite.

6 hours ago, Widebody.5071 said:

The "cynical commanders" are the ones that I've noticed are usually the first to run from a fight. My believe is that some of them are just baiting out their zergs to be ganked by their oppnents. I've experienced numerous occasions where a commander would skip over a relatively secure attack position and head straight for a position that squarely places the zerk with their back to the enemies keep. So I suppose you 're right, getting rid of the "useless ones" has it's advantages.

Some guilds indeed treat their map as a personal playground and will do shady measures to get people off the map. Some will outright tell other players to leave, and some will get guildies on another map to pull troll EWPs. I really wouldn't take any of that childish behavior to heart. In a few months these guilds will either move or rebrand to another name because everyone else hates them. Of course, the stink follows...

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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7 hours ago, ArchonWing.9480 said:

Not surprising. As I implied earlier, if you can't spot the rallybot but it always seems to be happening, then you may just be the rallybot.

Their definition of "good" is created by then and whoever is in their echo chambers.  A big red flag is the spamming of unfunny inside memes. It's very cringeworthy.

This is also a result of always gearing excessively tanky. Some commanders will build for more survivability in order to not get sniped but because they're used to being mass healed and tanky they will often lead the zerg into very dangerous situations and wonder why the pugs died.

Non-comped people should not stack directly on the tag but orbit around it. Somtimes it's good to pass through the center of the squad for some heals and boonshare though but standing in one place doesn't work. When I mean orbit around it, you still stay within a few hundred range though.

Honestly, I think a good way to learn is to play a little more glassier so you get punished more for doing dumb things. Once you go back to your regular build, you will find yourself much harder to kill. I feel these people do the opposite.

Some guilds indeed treat their map as a personal playground and will do shady measures to get people off the map. Some will outright tell other players to leave, and some will get guildies on another map to pull troll EWPs. I really wouldn't take any of that childish behavior to heart. In a few months these guilds will either move or rebrand to another name because everyone else hates them. Of course, the stink follows...

Don't want to argue with you but you but everyone can gear up and play like they want. I just couldn't imagine myself being worried about what someone else wears or how good they are in a video game and like I said I may be a rallybot but I got those boys fired up and scouting for my presence on the field. I'm not searching them out it's quite the opposite.

As a rallybot I am honored I get focused... usually by 1/3 of the enemies zerg, so it's all good to me. I get into some decent fights where I lose some but my k/d level is on the rise and I try my best to gear up for sustainability. It's been been a thing for some time now but I guess there were some folks who thought they were only privy to it. Now the same people are coming after ranger's longbow.

I've self admitted I suck at pvp but I do my thing insults have no affect here. There can be 20 players standing around not participating, taking up space and fraternizing with the enemy an never get noticed or more then likely someone will make excuses for them when they are called out. Instead people are complaining about the players playstyles even though they're out there trying to contribute.

Can't we all just get along, play the game and stop worrying about how this person is playing and what that person wearing. " That's the tell all "red flag" that's slapping everyone in the face. 

Makes me think about that crazy dude who would daily proclaim his alternate sexuality back in 2013 but everyday he'll come into the forums and do nothing but berate and talk down to folks. Get a grip... Please.

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17 hours ago, Widebody.5071 said:

Don't want to argue with you but you but everyone can gear up and play like they want. I just couldn't imagine myself being worried about what someone else wears or how good they are in a video game and like I said I may be a rallybot but I got those boys fired up and scouting for my presence on the field. I'm not searching them out it's quite the opposite.

As a rallybot I am honored I get focused... usually by 1/3 of the enemies zerg, so it's all good to me. I get into some decent fights where I lose some but my k/d level is on the rise and I try my best to gear up for sustainability. It's been been a thing for some time now but I guess there were some folks who thought they were only privy to it. Now the same people are coming after ranger's longbow.

I've self admitted I suck at pvp but I do my thing insults have no affect here. There can be 20 players standing around not participating, taking up space and fraternizing with the enemy an never get noticed or more then likely someone will make excuses for them when they are called out. Instead people are complaining about the players playstyles even though they're out there trying to contribute.

Can't we all just get along, play the game and stop worrying about how this person is playing and what that person wearing. " That's the tell all "red flag" that's slapping everyone in the face. 

Makes me think about that crazy dude who would daily proclaim his alternate sexuality back in 2013 but everyday he'll come into the forums and do nothing but berate and talk down to folks. Get a grip... Please.

I'm not saying they can't gear up however they want?

All I can say is just because someone tags up, it really doesn't mean anything more than they had 300 gold. And being "bad at pvp" doesn't mean one can't contribute. 

Some people will downplay your contributions because they don't consider it to be a contribution. For example, we saw this group that was wiping with essentially even numbers and then they yelled at all the scouts and roamers were "dead weight". And maybe they were, but it doesn't mean the commander wasn't deadweight either.

I mean I guess they too are also playing how they want. Someone has to make some concessions. (Though obviously report as needed).


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4 hours ago, ArchonWing.9480 said:

I'm not saying they can't gear up however they want?

All I can say is just because someone tags up, it really doesn't mean anything more than they had 300 gold. And being "bad at pvp" doesn't mean one can't contribute. 

Some people will downplay your contributions because they don't consider it to be a contribution. For example, we saw this group that was wiping with essentially even numbers and then they yelled at all the scouts and roamers were "dead weight". And maybe they were, but it doesn't mean the commander wasn't deadweight either.

I mean I guess they too are also playing how they want. Someone has to make some concessions. (Though obviously report as needed).


You have the right to your opinion, I have the right to mine I'm done, this is going nowhere but in circles.


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lol kind of a funny side point. On DBL we had 6 open tags, I was running a closed one and I could ID 2 others that were closed. Since we are normally a PUG army. I think I would say we did well overall, lost some, won more over 6 hours. So again be fair to ExEgg, when its all closed its not a good idea if you want people to focus fire. Having a mix of both can also work. Having just one, well that opens your side to pin sniping. Which to me, as a havoc driver, is a valid target and is a high priority if a larger side folds once their driver is out. So, in that sense multi-tags are a good counter to have in place. But that's just my 2 cents.

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