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Guild Wars 2 Battle Royal: the Ultimate Streamhit

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Okay Okay Okay, i know many will be in the first second confused and dislike the idea of having a Battle Royal mode, but the Game has every Mechanic already to create a Large-Scale Battleroyal mode.


The Gear/stats should be PvE Or WvW based, PvE should be an easier way to target the Casual Audience, since they don't need to Adept to a different variant of some of their skills.
on the Opposit WvW stats would be a great way to direct players into WvW, which seems like anet has a bigger focus on RN.
As Map could Any base PvE Map or maybe even Eternal Battlegrounds come in my mind, Obviusly the Gates have to be disabled. Both Variants would allow Free2play players reach every corner of the map to survive (yes we need deathzones, thankfully anet implemented them with the team deathmatch arenas)
Airships Fly over the Map where people can jump of and Glide down to the map, since the movement of the game is quite fast you could be quite quickly with the times. After 3 minutes you could already start spreading deathzones arround the map to kep the pace up.

Groups and Mapobjectivs:

People can search as up to 5 players (full party) and the game will always autofill the groups. landed on the ground the group has to choose between hunting other groups or Killing Beasts.
 Killing Beasts will provide for up to 30-60 seconds a Full unremovable boon, these Boons are set static, Stronger Beasts giving you Strong Boons (Stability, Protection, Quickness), while weaker Beasts give more sensible boons (Regen, Swiftness) these are more common to find and easier to obtain, while the Strong Beasts become big investments, a stealthed group could steal the big boon ;).

Instead of looting boxes you fight Real monsters to earn a Timed boost for your group to get an advantage over your foes. Having multiple groups including 5 people fighting against each other arround this objectives could create Storys that is unheard off. 1 Team could steal the Boon, the other 3 groups should ally to kill the group, but becarefull the backstab will come faster than you can imagine.

Why in the World would that be a Streaming Hit? Battle Royal's are out !!

Battleroyal's are stuck in their shooter element, Guild Wars 2's combat is from the ground up build for pvp. THIS IS THE NEXT STEP of the genre, streamers like Dr. Disrespect, playapex even summit1g could be all attracted and bring their viewership and populatrity. Beeing in a 5 man group against many different 5 man groups allows for long solo group battles and fast chaotic here are 20 people jumping on each other gameplay for fun and entertaining hours. Battle Royals are still very popular, but this game is an MMO, so you are combining it, people that only come because of the battle royal, will start love their characters and invest more into the open world, raids, WvW and PvP. This could be an low bar entrence for pvp based modes for many people. most did not even had an idea to try pvp gamemodes out, having an npc standing arround in the open world and sending people into the Battle, would also open up the own Community to new Horizens.

i Hope i didn't forgett anything that i had in my mind

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I think the idea has merit, depending entirely on implementation effort required. The ideal way to try it out would probably be something akin to a new festival so the battle royale only lasted a week or two. Base rules/skills should be WvW IMO so people could bring their own equipment, but I can see a strong argument for PvP too to balance people (I wouldn't use the PvE skills as they lack any balancing for being against other players).

That leaves map and mechanics as requiring development. Map could potentially be fairly simple, I would use a OW maps personally. Mechanics (a closing circle as time goes on, etc) and adding ways of gaining advantage in game (eg like finding weapons and equipment in PUBG) would require the most time, I'm not sure how much.

Whether it's viable depends on whether testing it with a one off festival is easy enough that it can be done by a few devs/artists in a few weeks or whether it would be a major project.

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2 hours ago, Mistwraithe.3106 said:

I think the idea has merit, depending entirely on implementation effort required. The ideal way to try it out would probably be something akin to a new festival so the battle royale only lasted a week or two. Base rules/skills should be WvW IMO so people could bring their own equipment, but I can see a strong argument for PvP too to balance people (I wouldn't use the PvE skills as they lack any balancing for being against other players).

I think by far the most simple way to iterate on this would be to expand on Snowball Mayhem. It already has the team aspect and low build diversity for easy balance and learning. Also removes about every problematic part of fielding full cata/tempest teams.

After anet burned themselves with Stronghold and PvP being low in popularity I can definitely see why anet would not ever invest into a new PvP game mode that wasn't removed from the rest of the games balance.

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I'm a strong believer that this world could use fewer battle royal games. The reason they work though is because the playing field is equal to everybody, it only comes down to luck and skill. When you throw in random factors like class abilities and builds, it's basically just WvW on a different scale. There's no clean way to balance that without removing classes, basically exactly what southsun survival already does. Additionally, I don't think that it attracts the right group of players, it seems like a lot of work the dev team would have to do and it's entirety of value comes from whether people buy stuff from the BLM or not.

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I'd have to pass on this, sorry.

I admit I didn't read every word of your post, OP, but did I see any mention of rewards? In WvW, rewards are a big deal. People can already PvP in 2 modes now, why would they do this if their time isn't being rewarded?

As others have said, it should be skill based, so PvP. And why the PvE elements that gain advantage? Keep the fights fair if they are so much fun, right?

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