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*Deep breath* Warrior (PvP focused)


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I don't know where to start:

-Peak Performance: i understand that devs just wanted to make CDR on utilities traitlines baseline, but on warrior this just buffed Defense Spellbreaker and nerfed Strength Spellbreaker.

-Defense Rework: we just wanted this class to be good again, not another mandatory traitline, every single warrior meta build is using this; Condi Berserk ( here ) > Spellbreaker ( here ) > Bladesworn ( here ) .

-Things that could easily be baseline:

  1. Versatile Power.
  2. Adrenaline generation while in combat.
  3. Burning Longbow autos.
  4. Burning Arcing Arrow (like pve)

-"On use":

  1. Adrenal Health tooltip says that this works on adrenaline spent, but it's on hit.
  2. Berserker's Power tooltip says that this works when you use a burst skill, but it's on hit.
  3. Only DT3 and Longbow F1 works on use/adrenaline spent.
  4. Heat the Soul also just works on hit, not on use as tooltip says.

-Remove the ICD from Heat the Soul, it's dumb, just make an exception with Decapitate since this has no cooldown if hits.

-Longbow F1 doesn't provides provides adrenaline with its hits.

-Flurry change was good but still feels bad, just make the chains works on hits (like 1 second per hit), not instant when the animation didn't even started, reduce its hits, increase its hits damage and just make its animation shorter by doing this.

-Rifle 4 chains should've worked simultaneously with the dodge, NOT after or before the dodge.

-Rifle 5 does its job, it's simple, a way to keep the distance, sounds good on paper but not in practice, it's not going well with the GW2 standards, just change this, maybe make it a mobility skill that dazes with the rifle butt.

-Mace Berserk: it's weird that the F1 has condi damage but the whole mace skills (mainhand and offhand) has 0 condi skills.

-Arms: do something with this traitline, it's just the worst traitline in the game, it's like the budget version of Firearms, it's a hybrid traitline but its minnor traits are wasting "tokens" that only favors its condi variant, just forcing the power variant to run something that has no use for the build.

-The intel/vision sigil dilema; "i want to use this sigil for my GS + Axe/Sh build since both weapons sets are 1 hit damaging skills" but the sigil has 9 seconds ICD and you're running discipline... 1 is gonna hit like it should and the other one relies on pure RNG for your main mechanic on 1 single hit skill.

-Burst Precision feels out of place, i understand that Arms is also the "critical hits" traitline, but maybe it should just replace Heightened Focus to give this class a way to deal with the previous point dilema on Discipline since this tratiline is so focused on the Burst skills, and no one picks Heightened Focus, it's just not worth to pick it, it's just a filler trait.

-Vengeful Return a downstate trait in 2023...

-Brave Stride: since Stalwart Strength is a thing, just remove or reduce the ICD.


  1. GS2 a longcast selfroot in 2023...
  2. GS3 a pre cast on a dodging skill, like the old rifle 4 but kinda better.
  3. GS4 is slow and the projectile just disappears and not because it was blocked, it's just if the ground is not flat.
  4. GS5 we all know it and even CMC laughs at this xD ( you can see it here )

-Maces: let's hope that the maces rework just didn't moved to create the Ranger's maces.

-Longbow: more like "slowbow".

-Pistol: why is this a fully melee PISTOL, and really easy to avoid?

-Gunsaber: needs a stow with the keybind, it's been 1 year since we've been asking for this. Canceling animations with the ESC key is awful.


  1. Natural Healing: it's a really bad heal, what were devs even thinking?
  2. Featherfoot Grace: it's the only good meditation skill but still far from being as good as its "golden age" version.
  3. Break Enchantments: it's just bad... the damage was hard nerfed over the time and its WvW version was nuked.
  4. Imminent Threat: the ONLY taunt on a WARRIOR, and it's a joke.
  5. Sight Beyond Sight: i know that devs did this and said "it's gonna be good to counter the stealth spam" but we all know that no one uses this, maybe for GvGs and... that's it.
  6. Winds of Disenchantment: they just keep nerfing and nerfing it on WvW and has no use for PvP, maybe if its CD gets reduced if the spellbreaker breaks boons or something else, but for now, there are just better elites.

-Rage skills: i won't elaborate here, just make it more attractive and i'll leave a post that has some suggests ( here ).


  1. the heal and stunbreak are both good.
  2. Flow Stabilizer: it's a "clickbait" name i guess since this doesn't gives stability anymore.
  3. Overcharged Cartridges: it's a pve skill, it's fine i guess.
  4. Electric Fence: it's obviously saying "WvW ZERGS" with big letters but Bladesworn has no place for WvW zergs, berserker and spellbreaker just does a better job, and its stationary mechanic doesn't helps.
  5. Tactical Reload: finally got a CDR buff, a bit late but got it, this is a good skill, does its job.

And if i don't forget anything else, this post ends here, thanks for reading, let's hope that staff is a good weapon.


Edited by Zizekent.2398
Title typo
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resistance is the problem.

now defense does better damage than strength in PvP because of resistance access.

because of all the weakness and blind spam.

rev got resistance on movement skill in devastation which made it's damage reliable running DPS line.

warrior got in on defense, so defense now actually offers more reliable damage than strength.

right now in current pvp state, warrior basically can not do power damage(or even self sustain through adrenal health) without resistance.

Edited by Lighter.5631
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The MAJOR issue for warriors in pvp today is that every other profession can spew out defensive boons on demand. Seen 10+ seconds of total invulnerability from the god forsaken mesmer players.

In a given spvp match i wouldnt be shocked if at least 70%+ of the attacks i make are negated by defensive boons to one extent or another. And then you add 2 evades and warriors over telegraphed attacks. Its horribly aggravating to play against.

Honestly, writing this i can sum up warriors pvp gameplay in 2 words: Horribly Exasperating

Warriors have access to unblockable attacks but it feels like warriors on particular have to sacrifice so much more to access it compared to other professions.

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  • Zekent.3652 changed the title to *Deep breath* Warrior (PvP focused)

@Zizekent.2398 the very best thing is...... you could not even say it is F1 burst Skill cause even while it is named as a Burst Skill. Near all of them are weaker than its normal weapon skills. Litterly the only things that are real "burst skills" are....... Arcing Slice, Combustive Shot (even while this feels also somewhat weak), Dragon-Slash, Rupturing Smash, Scorched Earth, Skull Grinder, Flaming Flurry and Gun flame. The Rest of Burst skills are:

Arc Divider: good dmg but miss furry to gain increased crit Chance.

Decapitate: dmg is slightly too low while 1 Stack of might is laughtable.

Eviscerate: totaly garbage dmg while also as Decapitate the 1 Stack might is laughtable

Flurry: needs too long to get full castet to be any usefull (while its full melee)

Skull Crack: Its 130 range makes this Skill basicly useless... I would prefer more range less CC uptime

Earthshaker: This Skill feels like it still miss some dmg on it rest is just fine

Kill Shot: the self routing........ i think i do not to say anything more

But also there are some normal weapon skills that do need a Look at.... how ever since Burst skills are the Main mechanic for warr please make them good again First!

Also this is just said in a PvP perspective ^^ 


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16 hours ago, Zizekent.2398 said:

And what does warrior has to offer? what's warrior's indenity?

Guard: defensive boons, aegis, blocks
: energy, legends
: initiative, "rat-like" gameplay
: toolkits i think
: extra support from pets
: elements, tanky earth, dps fire, water supp, air power dps i think
: clones, bunch of ranged dazes, instant daze from range (scary)
: life force + "edgy ocultist"

But what do warrior's has to offer? damaging skill on F1? that's something that other classes got already.

Master of weaponry? now? this trait aged really bad. And to be honest, ranger, if didn't had the biggest number of weapons, was still pretty close and its weapons are just more polished.

Melee combat? no, and  you can be bullied if you're on perma melee combat against a lot of builds in this game, i don't know why some persons thinks that this is a warrior trait, sounds more like an unnecessary tradeoff to me, warrior is a class that is supposed to be good at war tactics and weapons (in general, not just melee).

Adrenaline? sounds more like an archaic tradeoff that came from GW1 than an unique trait these days.

Even if you run bullscharge, you really struggle to engage/disengage from other classes because this game powercrept its mobility, except for warrior, warrior used to be really good at this, now everyone else has good mobility.

Feels like the game just powercrept without the class, that now this class has no identity, find something that warrior is good at, and it's easy to find someone better at that, for all gamemodes.

And no, just in case, this is NOT complaining about warrior being "weak", we all know that bsw is strong on PvP right now and it's just carried by its absurd sustain, that's basically why bladesworn even exists on pvp, because if it was for its design, this would be just a "meme" pick to be honest.


Mileage will certainly vary on how well this works in practice, but the key phrase that comes to mind is 'building momentum'. Warrior, on paper at least, has the tools to survive or disrupt a spike - health, armour, blocks, CCs. Once it has built adrenaline, most builds have means to keep that chain of adrenaline skills going, and warrior has some strong self-healing abilities. So I think the general theme is to outlast enemies, let them expend their cooldowns (including pressuring them enough with the warrior's own regular cooldown skills to draw out defensive skills), and then at a phase of the fight where the enemy is waiting on their cooldowns to come back, the warrior gets an adrenaline-fuelled second wind to turn the fight.

Doesn't always work, of course, but when a fight goes well for a warrior, it often at least somewhat follows the pattern of having a phase where the warrior is mostly absorbing, avoiding, or CCing the enemy's attacks, followed by a phase where the warrior tries to finish the (hopefully) weakened enemy off.

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15 hours ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

Self green numbers is probably the only thing that Warrior excels at.

I'm fairly confident that's been Warrior's competitive class identity ever since that first extremely busted (for the time) 500+ hps buff to Healing Signet like, 10 years ago. So it's very surprising to me that Warrior's sustain is referred to as a gimmick often in this subforum.

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@draxynnic.3719 while this used to be trueth. The sad thing about this one is that every class nowdays is more tanky than a warr. Not in terms of self healing but in Block, evades, selfish boons, invulns, self Defence with non dmging conditions. Also warr need to hit with Burst skills first to get its selfish healing done while Most other classes Just simply using their mechanics for self defence without real effort needed.

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9 hours ago, Myror.7521 said:

@draxynnic.3719 while this used to be trueth. The sad thing about this one is that every class nowdays is more tanky than a warr. Not in terms of self healing but in Block, evades, selfish boons, invulns, self Defence with non dmging conditions. Also warr need to hit with Burst skills first to get its selfish healing done while Most other classes Just simply using their mechanics for self defence without real effort needed.

Sure. There's a reason I stressed the 'mileage may vary' part. But I think that is both the general intention (with the elite specialisations generally reinforcing it in their own way) and generally how warriors win 1v1s when they do win.

The identity is there, but the balance is undertuned. Mind you, the current team does seem to be at least trying.

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@draxynnic.3719 yea but the other path would be. Who would enjoy playing a class that is forced to Play full melee with insane selfish Defence but no dmg pressure. I would prefer decent dmg over decent Defence everytime cause simply killing the enemy and beeing under pressure the time u do something wrong feels ways more rewarding than just spaming Defence stuff and hit like a wet noudle ^^

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6 hours ago, draxynnic.3719 said:

Sure. There's a reason I stressed the 'mileage may vary' part. But I think that is both the general intention (with the elite specialisations generally reinforcing it in their own way) and generally how warriors win 1v1s when they do win.

The identity is there, but the balance is undertuned. Mind you, the current team does seem to be at least trying.

Seemingly trying...not sure where its going, though.

In my opinion there is also an aspect they, and possibly many others, might be forgetting or not realizing about Warrior that is something that should come into consideration, substantially, when looking at Warrior's "power budget". Steps.

To elaborate; Every class has their own profession mechanic that is unique to it and each subsequent Elite Spec has a modification or addition to this profession mechanic. Every class has access to Traits that "interact" with their profession mechanic to provide effects and benefits during combat, this is all known and obvious. We're all aware of this. What I think may be missed or "forgotten" about is the "steps" it takes to get these effects and benefits from this interaction. These "steps" can be perceived as; Use skill (Step 1) > Gain effect/benefit (Step 2) or Build Resource (Step 1) > Use Skill (Step 2) > Gain effect/benefit (Step 3). And some Elite Specs, based on their unique aspects, have two methods of this that quite literally just add to its capability.

So if we look at how this spreads across each Class and Elite Spec (Note that I am only considering mechanics that are unique to each class in this particular example, not such things as "skill types" like Rage Skills or Meditations);
Necromancer: Build Life Force > Use Shroud > Gain Effects
Reaper: Build Life Force > Use Reaper Shroud > Gain Effects
Scourge: Build Life Force > Use Desert Shroud > Gain Effects
Harbinger: Build Life Force > Use Harbinger Shroud > Gain Effects

Mesmer: Summon Clones/Phantasms/Illusions > Use Shatter Skill > Gain Effects
Chronomancer: Summon Clones/Phantasms/Illufions > Use Shatter Skill > Gain Effects
Mirage: Summon Clones/Phantasms/Illusions > Use Shatter Skill > Gain Effects
Virtuoso: Summon Clones/Phantasms/Illusions > Use Bladesong(Shatter) Skill > Gain Effects

Engineer: Use Toolbelt Skill > Gain Effect
Scrapper: Use Function Gyro > Gain Effect + Use Toolbelt Skill > Gain Effect
Holosmith: Build Heat > Activate Photon Forge > Gain Effects + Use Toolbelt Skill > Gain Effect
Mechanist: Activate Jade Mech > Use Mech Skill > Gain Effect

Thief: Use Steal > Hit with Steal > Gain Effect
Daredevil: Use Steal > Hit with Steal > Gain Effect
Deadeye: Mark with Deadeye's Mark > Gain Effect + Use Steal > Hit with Steal > Gain Effect
Specter: Gain Shadow Force > Use Shadow Shroud > Gain Effect + Use Siphon > Hit with Siphon > Gain Effect

Guardian: Use Virtue > Gain Effect
Dragonhunter: Use Virtue > Gain Effect
Firebrand: Use Tome (Virtue) > Gain Effect
Willbender: Use Virtue > Gain Effect

Ranger: Swap Pet > Gain Effect + Use Pet Skill > Gain Effect
Druid: Build Astral Force > Activate Celestial Avatar > Gain Effect + Swap Pet > Gain Effect + use Pet Skill > Gain Effect
Soulbeast: Enter Beast Mode > Gain Effect + Swap Pet > Gain Effect + Use Pet Skill > Gain Effect
Untamed: Unleash Pet/Ranger > Gain Effect + Swap Pet > Gain Effect + Use Pet Skill > Gain Effect

Revenant: Invoke Legend > Gain Effect + Maintain Upkeep > Gain Effect/Spend Energy > Gain Effect
Herald: Invoke Legend > Gain Effect + Maintain Upkeep > Gain Effect/Spend Energy > Gain Effect
Renegade: Invoke Legend > Gain Effect + Maintain Upkeep > Gain Effect/Spend Energy > Gain Effect
Vindicator: Invoke Legend > Gain Effect + Maintain Upkeep > Gain Effect/Spend Energy > Gain Effect + Activate Alliance Tactics > Gain Effect

Elementalist: Attune/Swap to Element > Gain Effect
Tempest: Attune/Swap to Element > Gain Effect + Use Overload > Gain Effect
Weaver: Attune/Swap to Element > Gain Effect + Use Dual Attack > Gain Effect
Catalyst: Attune/Swap to Element > Gain Effect + Build Elemental Energy > Activate Jade Sphere > Gain Effect

Warrior: Build Adrenaline > Use Burst Skill > Hit with Burst Skill > Gain Effect
Berserker: Build Adrenaline > Use Burst Skill > Hit with Burst Skill > Gain Effect + Build Adrenaline > Use Berserk Mode > Gain Effect
Spellbreaker: Build Adrenaline > Use Burst Skill > Hit with Burst Skill > Gain Effect
Bladesworn: Build Flow > Use Dragon Slash Skill > Hit with Dragon Slash Skill > Gain Effect + Build Flow > Enter Dragon Trigger > Gain Effect


To me, based on this, it feels like Warrior does not get nearly as much reward for what it has to do. Especially the "core" elements of Warrior with the "on hit" stipulation (which to note it is the only thing on this list that has 4 steps), and Spellbreaker is basically just a slightly different Core Warrior with 1 less Adrenaline bar but two Burst Skills you need to choose between that result in the same "resolution" of steps whereas Berserker and Bladesworn actually have additions to the "core" aspect of Warrior. However the whole class is still held back by its genuine lack of access to effects, mainly boons, whereas other classes do not have the "on hit" stipulation ingrained so heavily in the class or it is offset by other sources to access benefits.

Basically, Warrior does not seem to get the same considerations of "power budget" as other classes or it is, for some reason, ignoring the "on hit" stipulation that while is not 100% entirely unique to Warrior (Steal takes this into account on Thief), it is however the only class that has additional steps surrounding this stipulation, primarily the resource building aspect on top of it.

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@KryTiKaL.3125 You're pretty much describing why the identity doesn't work in practice. I've tried to stress that what I'm saying is 'this looks like what it's supposed to do' while acknowledging that it's pretty hard to pull off in practice.

On 8/1/2023 at 1:48 AM, Myror.7521 said:

@draxynnic.3719 yea but the other path would be. Who would enjoy playing a class that is forced to Play full melee with insane selfish Defence but no dmg pressure. I would prefer decent dmg over decent Defence everytime cause simply killing the enemy and beeing under pressure the time u do something wrong feels ways more rewarding than just spaming Defence stuff and hit like a wet noudle ^^

I'm not sure quite how this intersects with what I'm saying.

I'm certainly not saying that warrior identity is that they're all bunkers that throw everything into defence. The identity, in fact, requires the ability to defend itself and put out some pressure of its own in order to draw out the opponent's offensive and defensive cooldowns. However, there's a point where the enemy can be expected to have blown a few of their longer cooldowns, while the warrior has just had their adrenaline fill up. This, at least in theory, gives the warrior a period of comparative advantage where the opponent is limited to autoattacks and low-recharge skills, but where the warrior is ready to berserk, or has Full Counter ready to go, or can otherwise use adrenaline to turn the tables.

Again, I'm not asserting that this works well all the time (but I have seen it work). But in a discussion of class identity rather than class performance, I think this was what they were going for.

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18 hours ago, KryTiKaL.3125 said:

Seemingly trying...not sure where its going, though.

In my opinion there is also an aspect they, and possibly many others, might be forgetting or not realizing about Warrior that is something that should come into consideration, substantially, when looking at Warrior's "power budget". Steps.

To elaborate; Every class has their own profession mechanic that is unique to it and each subsequent Elite Spec has a modification or addition to this profession mechanic. Every class has access to Traits that "interact" with their profession mechanic to provide effects and benefits during combat, this is all known and obvious. We're all aware of this. What I think may be missed or "forgotten" about is the "steps" it takes to get these effects and benefits from this interaction. These "steps" can be perceived as; Use skill (Step 1) > Gain effect/benefit (Step 2) or Build Resource (Step 1) > Use Skill (Step 2) > Gain effect/benefit (Step 3). And some Elite Specs, based on their unique aspects, have two methods of this that quite literally just add to its capability.

So if we look at how this spreads across each Class and Elite Spec (Note that I am only considering mechanics that are unique to each class in this particular example, not such things as "skill types" like Rage Skills or Meditations);
Necromancer: Build Life Force > Use Shroud > Gain Effects
Reaper: Build Life Force > Use Reaper Shroud > Gain Effects
Scourge: Build Life Force > Use Desert Shroud > Gain Effects
Harbinger: Build Life Force > Use Harbinger Shroud > Gain Effects

Mesmer: Summon Clones/Phantasms/Illusions > Use Shatter Skill > Gain Effects
Chronomancer: Summon Clones/Phantasms/Illufions > Use Shatter Skill > Gain Effects
Mirage: Summon Clones/Phantasms/Illusions > Use Shatter Skill > Gain Effects
Virtuoso: Summon Clones/Phantasms/Illusions > Use Bladesong(Shatter) Skill > Gain Effects

Engineer: Use Toolbelt Skill > Gain Effect
Scrapper: Use Function Gyro > Gain Effect + Use Toolbelt Skill > Gain Effect
Holosmith: Build Heat > Activate Photon Forge > Gain Effects + Use Toolbelt Skill > Gain Effect
Mechanist: Activate Jade Mech > Use Mech Skill > Gain Effect

Thief: Use Steal > Hit with Steal > Gain Effect
Daredevil: Use Steal > Hit with Steal > Gain Effect
Deadeye: Mark with Deadeye's Mark > Gain Effect + Use Steal > Hit with Steal > Gain Effect
Specter: Gain Shadow Force > Use Shadow Shroud > Gain Effect + Use Siphon > Hit with Siphon > Gain Effect

Guardian: Use Virtue > Gain Effect
Dragonhunter: Use Virtue > Gain Effect
Firebrand: Use Tome (Virtue) > Gain Effect
Willbender: Use Virtue > Gain Effect

Ranger: Swap Pet > Gain Effect + Use Pet Skill > Gain Effect
Druid: Build Astral Force > Activate Celestial Avatar > Gain Effect + Swap Pet > Gain Effect + use Pet Skill > Gain Effect
Soulbeast: Enter Beast Mode > Gain Effect + Swap Pet > Gain Effect + Use Pet Skill > Gain Effect
Untamed: Unleash Pet/Ranger > Gain Effect + Swap Pet > Gain Effect + Use Pet Skill > Gain Effect

Revenant: Invoke Legend > Gain Effect + Maintain Upkeep > Gain Effect/Spend Energy > Gain Effect
Herald: Invoke Legend > Gain Effect + Maintain Upkeep > Gain Effect/Spend Energy > Gain Effect
Renegade: Invoke Legend > Gain Effect + Maintain Upkeep > Gain Effect/Spend Energy > Gain Effect
Vindicator: Invoke Legend > Gain Effect + Maintain Upkeep > Gain Effect/Spend Energy > Gain Effect + Activate Alliance Tactics > Gain Effect

Elementalist: Attune/Swap to Element > Gain Effect
Tempest: Attune/Swap to Element > Gain Effect + Use Overload > Gain Effect
Weaver: Attune/Swap to Element > Gain Effect + Use Dual Attack > Gain Effect
Catalyst: Attune/Swap to Element > Gain Effect + Build Elemental Energy > Activate Jade Sphere > Gain Effect

Warrior: Build Adrenaline > Use Burst Skill > Hit with Burst Skill > Gain Effect
Berserker: Build Adrenaline > Use Burst Skill > Hit with Burst Skill > Gain Effect + Build Adrenaline > Use Berserk Mode > Gain Effect
Spellbreaker: Build Adrenaline > Use Burst Skill > Hit with Burst Skill > Gain Effect
Bladesworn: Build Flow > Use Dragon Slash Skill > Hit with Dragon Slash Skill > Gain Effect + Build Flow > Enter Dragon Trigger > Gain Effect


To me, based on this, it feels like Warrior does not get nearly as much reward for what it has to do. Especially the "core" elements of Warrior with the "on hit" stipulation (which to note it is the only thing on this list that has 4 steps), and Spellbreaker is basically just a slightly different Core Warrior with 1 less Adrenaline bar but two Burst Skills you need to choose between that result in the same "resolution" of steps whereas Berserker and Bladesworn actually have additions to the "core" aspect of Warrior. However the whole class is still held back by its genuine lack of access to effects, mainly boons, whereas other classes do not have the "on hit" stipulation ingrained so heavily in the class or it is offset by other sources to access benefits.

Basically, Warrior does not seem to get the same considerations of "power budget" as other classes or it is, for some reason, ignoring the "on hit" stipulation that while is not 100% entirely unique to Warrior (Steal takes this into account on Thief), it is however the only class that has additional steps surrounding this stipulation, primarily the resource building aspect on top of it.

This is 100% correct and a large part of why I'm constantly angry that more hurdles keep getting piled on top of it for less damage output on pvp.


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1 hour ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

This is 100% correct and a large part of why I'm constantly angry that more hurdles keep getting piled on top of it for less damage output on pvp.


Its like they assume the burst skill will always hit, which is typically true in PvE but in PvP against any halfway above average player its a genuine struggle, and even when they do hit in those situations the payoff is very minimal since the damage and effects gained have been so nerfed over time.

Its why I keep suggesting that Warrior have its profession mechanic change so that when gaining a bar of adrenaline it triggers an effect and to also rework burst related traits to work off of that new concept. Triggering when a bar is gained and only able to trigger again after Adrenaline has been spent. So that gaining and spending adrenaline does more for the Warrior while not forcing it to entirely rely on; you need to hit with this ability to get anything out of your entire profession mechanic, but also every other class in this game has an abundance of blocks, dodges, invulns, blinds, and evade effects to counteract the entire 2 to 3 skills that are near the only things the other players need to negate to completely nullify you as a threat.

No hit with a burst skill? No sustain, no damage buffs, no burst damage, no boons, no misc effects. Our utility bar doesn't even compensate for this either, nor do our weapon skills.

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Yup, there's a bajillion other inconsistencies too. Like how Rush & Savage leap only hit 1 target & can't be stow-canceled. How pretty much none of longbow's abilities pierce & how a fully charged DT does less damage than both an Arc Divider and an Arcing slice. I could go on... so I will: It has more than 6 grandmaster traits that are completely useless or just straight inferior to other traits. See [Dual Wielding] and [Heightened Focus] < [Martial Cadence]. Most if not all of the Specialization utilities or traits are completely useless at launch or are later reworked into PvE damage' utilities. See [Dragonspike Mine] and [Daring Dragon] (When they could, and should have just put, and should revert, alacrity on [Immortal Dragon] and kept the existing [Daring Dragon]) and all of the weapons have never been updated or touched. With Off-Sword and the actual Longbow skills being the most egregious examples.

Warrior is not a priority for them, it never has been. Believe me I've been playing in hopes that one day they'll ger around to fixing the some 25+ outdated traits or updating literally any of the weapons. But just hoping hasn't worked yet. Play a different class, or play a different game. They're never going to want to, or have the development budget to overhaul and fix it like it needs to be.

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On 8/1/2023 at 3:55 PM, FellFalls.3750 said:

Yup, there's a bajillion other inconsistencies too. Like how Rush & Savage leap only hit 1 target & can't be stow-canceled. How pretty much none of longbow's abilities pierce & how a fully charged DT does less damage than both an Arc Divider and an Arcing slice. I could go on... so I will: It has more than 6 grandmaster traits that are completely useless or just straight inferior to other traits. See [Dual Wielding] and [Heightened Focus] < [Martial Cadence]. Most if not all of the Specialization utilities or traits are completely useless at launch or are later reworked into PvE damage' utilities. See [Dragonspike Mine] and [Daring Dragon] (When they could, and should have just put, and should revert, alacrity on [Immortal Dragon] and kept the existing [Daring Dragon]) and all of the weapons have never been updated or touched. With Off-Sword and the actual Longbow skills being the most egregious examples.

Warrior is not a priority for them, it never has been. Believe me I've been playing in hopes that one day they'll ger around to fixing the some 25+ outdated traits or updating literally any of the weapons. But just hoping hasn't worked yet. Play a different class, or play a different game. They're never going to want to, or have the development budget to overhaul and fix it like it needs to be.

Honestly they absolutely have the capacity to do these things, but its whether or not they believe the effort is worth it (of course Warrior players will think so), but honestly it isn't even just the Warrior class that needs looking at in these aspects and other classes have issues going on with them ingrained at a core level that have probably needed updating. This is an 11 year old game, an 11 year old MMORPG, and their core profession mechanics have not been iterated upon outside of them adding things with Elite Specializations. Which is not the same thing, and the core function of these profession mechanics or the "core" functions of classes still remains the same as my example in my post above directly displays. Warrior is, just in my opinion, the most egregious example of how their old philosophies have not kept up with modern GW2 as it is today.

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And bladesworn can only change its direction without tab-targeting ONLY with the action cam, if DT was moveable, this could be a normal thing, being forced to use the action cam for this is kinda similar to being forced to use ESC instead of the stow keybind to cancel skills

(Really low quality because it's a gif converted to video lmao)


Edited by Zizekent.2398
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