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As Warrior Players, Which Potential Relic Are You Excited To Use?

Lan Deathrider.5910

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1 hour ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

I was going to for with Firebrand as well, but I am unsure if that relic will actually be quickness related. It could end up being about burning. Daredevil's effect would be nice to have on a power/ferocity rune set though.

My crusader bladesworn has plans for it. Though that's ofc all fun, cause let's be honest - Reaper blows BS outta water if i wanna solo Open world, and if i want to go support sworn i'll be needing a different rune that supports boon durations.

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2 minutes ago, ZeftheWicked.3076 said:

My crusader bladesworn has plans for it. Though that's ofc all fun, cause let's be honest - Reaper blows BS outta water if i wanna solo Open world, and if i want to go support sworn i'll be needing a different rune that supports boon durations.

Does reaper have a build atm for soloing the various legendary mobs? Genuine question because I haven't seen any posted. Immortal Dragon makes BS pretty adept at soloing OW.

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27 minutes ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

Does reaper have a build atm for soloing the various legendary mobs? Genuine question because I haven't seen any posted. Immortal Dragon makes BS pretty adept at soloing OW.

I can't say 100% sure, since i don't watch if mob is legendary or not. I just go and destroy it. But i can say my reaper is capable of handling stuff like Chak HP in Auric Basic or Vampire Beast HP in Verdant brink, though i admit i had to go dagger for this one for some life stealing.

The shout rework (increased effects if in melee range) did wonders for 1v1 situations, especially with Rise!

As for build I run around with two power reaper builds:

This is my fractal/Strike build. I hate running full glass so it's Marauder + Dragon. Fury is to be supplied from outside sources, or you can go Dread to get some for yourself.
It can generally clean up majority of open world.


This is a more defensive variant with Death Magic replacing Soul Reaping.
You now rely on decimate defenses (so bye-bye life leech from soul eater) but you can get perma prot + 600 free toughness to take the pain.
Combine that with Rise! and you can take some serious abuse.

Ofc the necro is about flexibility when it comes to traits. You can make a lotta small tweks depending on your situation, like necromantic corrupion for condi cleanse instead of Deadly Strength, or Unholy Sanctuary if you're strapped for healing (though with dagger you should not be).

Spectral armor + Shroud is a nice wombo-combo that will not let enemy deplete your life force anytime soon while you reap (literally) the benefits of the form.
Remember your Shroud 3  - it's a DISGUSTING 0 cast time 66% damage and condi damage reduction for 6s as long as you don't go ADHD on the button procing the fear.
Shroud fear = armor instantly drops off. Save it for the end if you can.

You got dagger for frequent big heals so no worries. And you can always ditch Death Magic and go blood magic if you like overheals. Blood Bank will make all heals basically off cooldown skills since even when healthy you'll get their full value in form of barrier. And dagger with overflowing thirst = your whole family's lifeforce needs getting met for the rest of the year.

Last build would be condi reaper..but i've yet to make a good one (kinda lacking time recently) so I'll hold my tongue there. But generally these two should get the job done. If they don't, welp I'm a scrub anyway, your bad for asking me!


Edited by ZeftheWicked.3076
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Aristocracy effect with Eagle stats would be dope imo, same for strength. Orr effect with anything vitality based is going to be really tanky. Though I would Vampirism is going to be very useful in Open World due to its health siphoning upon killing mobs.

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I haven't figured that out yet, but as a mainly Scholar Runes user on all my Lvl 80 characters (my Ele also has a fun burn-it-all-down gear set with Balthazar Runes), I can definitely tell you it wouldn't be the Scholar Runes +5% damage while health is above 90% effect.

When I consulted my reckless Warrior, he wasn't so happy about it, while my Elementalist responded with a "You're kidding, right?"

I'll be watching this space for alternatives.

Edited by Sepher.1583
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2 hours ago, ProverbsofHell.2307 said:

Personally? I'm interested to combine some of the relics that proc on elite with SoR. Should be able to do some pretty spicy combos... we also get a pull on elite now. pull+20 might+fury. Food for thought brothers.

Yeah, that will be cool. My question was more to existing rune 6th bonuses becoming relics though. That pull they teased may or may not end up in game as it was teased.

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7 hours ago, oscuro.9720 said:

Relics are a crutch. Reject modernity, embrace warrior.

I did and, credit where it's due and while not the sole reason, I do feel obliged on behalf of my Warrior to say that your steadfastness and eulogies to the class in this forum, to the detriment of all others, were very inspiring.

Unfortunately, my first-born Elementalist isn't so happy with you, having more recently been demoted to a secondary bank.

Not that I would expect you to think that he deserves any better.

Who ever said life is fair?

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