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Literally the only reason I play GW2 is that there is no battlepass...looks like those days are over

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Just now, Demeth.5816 said:

This is a blatant troll guys.. Don't spend your energy on this. 

On the contrary... this bag of troll feed is heavy! Can you help me carry it to this thread?


3 minutes ago, Batel.9206 said:

Okay, now we finally get to the root of your complaint (I think) - you're upset about the price increase.

That's fine. That's a valid caution. Great. But why on earth didn't you just say so at the very beginning instead of going on this bizarre rant about "battle passes" and "FOMO" and all that nonsense?

I agree, this is a valid concern. Until it is in game though, all we can do is speculate. It may be negligible, it may not. See you back here when we know 😉

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There's no new fomo. You get it initially at a cheaper price and more expensive later. That's very much in keeping with how the game has been

Living world - started off free for 2-3 months then expensive when new episode comes along

Festival rewards. Free with the content meta then costs with currency the following the year

This really isn't worth getting angry over. It's replacing dailies with a new system. Sure, I'm kinda sad to see the old system gone, but we're not reinventing the wheel here either. They're not even monetising it 


Edited by Randulf.7614
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1 hour ago, Gravitron.7982 said:

Yeah I get what you mean, but I guess I can't say I'm surprised by this. With the recent quarterly update, it appears that they need to find new ways of monetization in order to deal with the loss of revenue over the years. It doesn't surprise me if they decide to just follow the herd.

First of all, its a free battlepass, no money or gems, so idk what you are even saying.

Edited by vrauns.3215
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The only risk with this system is Anet may lose the people who log in just for the login rewards and log out but periodically come back. It sounds like you'll actually have to earn Astral acclaim to buy anything instead of it handed to you unless I missed something. 

I won't say my opinion on the system until I see it's implementation but I can already tell it's different than a true battle pass In a few ways:

1) you never lose access to a single cosmetic item by taking a break. This isn't true for d4 or wow. In wow you can only freeze 1 cosmetic. And let's be honest you can grind just about anything else in this game so this literally means there's no fomo. Which is huge.

2) you get to pick your rewards. There's none of that annoying "I must complete this whole track to get x". If you play less, you might have a few harder decisions to make but at the end of the day, because of point #1, you lose nothing. 


I literally can't do every meta, daily fractal, strike, weekly raids in game, so to me the game was already brimming with rewards. It's just adding a system on top of it that gives people more direction. 


If it takes too much effort to get what was a login reward then I might be miffed. We'll see.

It might be inspired by the battle pass system but it's definitely an anet "we love our gamers" take. 



Edited by Firebeard.1746
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2 hours ago, Einsof.1457 said:

This is really heartbreaking that arenanet is going down the path of the seasonal battlepass. Every game with a battlepass makes the game feel like a job, not a game. This is a dark day. I am speechless. Maybe make content that is fun to do and idk, people will just DO THE CONTENT? Why must this feel so forced?

Im sorry you have no clue on what you are talking about.

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6 minutes ago, Randulf.7614 said:

There's no new fomo. You get it initially at a cheaper price and more expensive later. That's very much in keeping with how the game has been

Living world - started off free for 2-3 months then expensive when new episode comes along

Festival rewards. Free with the content meta then costs with currency the following the year

This really isn't worth getting angry over. It's replacing dailies with a new system. Sure, I'm kinda sad to see the old system gone, but we're not reinventing the wheel here either. They're not even monetising it 


they are not even charging money for it like other games.

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7 minutes ago, Randulf.7614 said:

There's no new fomo. You get it initially at a cheaper price and more expensive later. That's very much in keeping with how the game has been

Living world - started off free for 2-3 months then expensive when new episode comes along

Festival rewards. Free with the content meta then costs with currency the following the year

This really isn't worth getting angry over. It's replacing dailies with a new system. Sure, I'm kinda sad to see the old system gone, but we're not reinventing the wheel here either. They're not even monetising it 


That is...a really good point. This game has already had systems like what OP is complaining about for a long time. OP, if you're going to complain about this new system, in fairness you should be angry about the similar system that's been in place for YEARS beforehand.

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12 minutes ago, Batel.9206 said:

Okay, now we finally get to the root of your complaint (I think) - you're upset about the price increase.

That's fine. That's a valid caution. Great. But why on earth didn't you just say so at the very beginning instead of going on this bizarre rant about "battle passes" and "FOMO" and all that nonsense?

Okay I'll spell it out. There is a time period. A season..during this season you do activities that earn you currency. You spend this currency on stuff. Two major problems.

1. The currency itself is fomo based

2. The post season price increase is fomo based. 

These are not good. 



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Just now, Einsof.1457 said:

Okay I'll spell it out. There is a time period. A season..during this season you do activities that earn you currency. You spend this currency on stuff. Two major problems.

1. The currency itself is fomo based

2. The post season price increase is fomo based. 

These are not good. 



and again wrong.

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1 minute ago, Einsof.1457 said:

Okay I'll spell it out. There is a time period. A season..during this season you do activities that earn you currency. You spend this currency on stuff. Two major problems.

1. The currency itself is fomo based

2. The post season price increase is fomo based. 

These are not good. 



Oh great, now I'm going to have fear of missing out on the cheaper price. 

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Just now, Einsof.1457 said:

Okay I'll spell it out. There is a time period. A season..during this season you do activities that earn you currency. You spend this currency on stuff. Two major problems.

1. The currency itself is fomo based

2. The post season price increase is fomo based. 

These are not good. 



"Hello! My name is FOMO! You killed my Daily system! Prepare to die!"


...sorry, I couldn't resist. *Ahem*. All right, back to seriousness now. Stop saying FOMO. There is no missing out.

The currency does not go away. There is an increase in price when the rewards are "retired," but the rewards are still there. You get the same currency and the same choice of rewards. It may take longer to earn those rewards. But you do not miss out on the reward or the currency, because it is always present. If you don't get the reward when it's "current," you can get it later when it's convenient for you. What part of this do you not understand?

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1 minute ago, Batel.9206 said:

"Hello! My name is FOMO! You killed my Daily system! Prepare to die!"


...sorry, I couldn't resist. *Ahem*. All right, back to seriousness now. Stop saying FOMO. There is no missing out.

The currency does not go away. There is an increase in price when the rewards are "retired," but the rewards are still there. You get the same currency and the same choice of rewards. It may take longer to earn those rewards. But you do not miss out on the reward or the currency, because it is always present. If you don't get the reward when it's "current," you can get it later when it's convenient for you. What part of this do you not understand?

Imagine 4 seasons go by and now you are just starting your seasonal currency wallet. You know you won't ever have everything and you are now stressed because you have to choose paying more for what you really want vs more cheaper stuff you kind of want..do you not see how this spirals out of control?

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Just now, Einsof.1457 said:

Imagine 4 seasons go by and now you are just starting your seasonal currency wallet. You know you won't ever have everything and you are now stressed because you have to choose paying more for what you really want vs more cheaper stuff you kind of want..do you not see how this spirals out of control?

The game has always used this model

- Seasonal episodes. Free, then with cost

- Festivals. Free items with meta. Then currency following year which stacks up. Esp as currency becomes used for more and more things

- Black lion items. Slightly different, but the overall cost and time sink to get statuettes is a bit longer

I think you are massively over estimating how many people get stressed by something going up in currency. I'd agree with you if it was being deleted, but a short term discount is fairly standard system GW2 has used. I'm sure there are many other examples I've missed. This is just another.

Ultimately, few people seem at all bothered and lots of people on the forums and social media seem very enthusuastic about it. You are entitled to voice concerns/feedback, but ultimately this is going ahead and is not a bad model that is going to cause any long term issues. If anything it will encourage players to play more areas of the game. Which is exactly what the community has been asking for for years

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1 hour ago, Einsof.1457 said:

What you have to understand is that this is not CONTENT. This is arenanet DESPARATELY bribing people to "play" aka DO WHAT THIS MENU SCREEN TELLS YOU TO DO, rather than building out new good content that people want to do because it is FUN. That is my point. There is nothing FUN about this sort of mechanic. 

You mean new content where the rest of the older content is just completely left in the dust and not interacted with or is interacted with in a very minimal capacity?

I understand, you've been ruined by other games and the microtransactions but something like this actually creates player engagement and encourages player retention which overall leads to a better overall experience in the game with players interacting with more things in the game than they may have previously while actually rewarding their investment with something tangible instead of "Here is 10 mithril ore", and it is optional and not related to any form of monetary transaction whatsoever.

Like it or not people like having carrots to chase. This is a carrot.

Edited by KryTiKaL.3125
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6 minutes ago, Super Hayes.6890 said:

I think they are coming from a completionist perspective. You will be able to purchase everything even if you start a year late cause this game always throws more currency than there are sinks for 🤷‍♂️

Wrong. You'll be able to purchase anything..not everything. 

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15 minutes ago, Einsof.1457 said:

Wrong. You'll be able to purchase anything..not everything. 

Look at it like this; This system will not really change how you play the game or what you're doing in the game. If anything it is just going to provide more rewards for doing so while not needing to pay out extra for any of it.

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2 hours ago, gousgou.5438 said:

WTH are you talking about? You cannot buy anything in the vault with money. The transferred the dailies in there to give you the currency for anything they include.

My question is what happens to the end of month chest that had clovers?????????????

Gone im sure 

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