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Balance suggestions (numbers)


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heyyo, ranger sword is pretty busted rn, the dmg combined with the mobility is super crazy.
so i am a ranger main and i actually don't want that build to be completly killed but you could lower the dmg of sword to easily to 65% of what it is now and it would still hit crazy, just less crazy.
many also complain about warhorn 4, and while i agree its a bit a wild skill in terms of duration, the actual problem is onewolfpack, lower its coefficent instead of nerfing warhorn 4 the skill itself is easy to avoid.
the last thing should probably be maul, but i wouldnt go to crazy since you need to stay very very close to hit both hits, go by 10-20%

bonus idea for berserker: reduce Savage instinct to 1,5 oder 1 second same with the stability where you get with entering and leaving the berserker mode

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42 minutes ago, Eddie.9143 said:

only things that need adjusting are ranger owp and sword, condi zerker, and bladesworn. i think everything else feels okay. but that'll be ruined in a few days

The weird thing is everyone talks about condi zerker... but I never see it as that problematic to v1 compared to BS or even SB warriors.  Might be just a matter of the specific build I play vs that one though... so I don't discount a larger problem.    

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berserker isnt overperforming at all nor is bladesworn imo spellbreaker is a great tank at points and imo that's pretty much what its made for so I dont think that's overperforming either.

soulbeast is just busted when played by a skilled player(even I can do semi good in gold2 and I only have 5 games on a ranger(like 1-2hrs of /age) and imo that is pretty indicative of how strong it is, it's just too much of everything pretty much.

even if you nerf pig maul into the ground it would still be strong af, wh4 is straight up rediculous tbh, it's like a condi builds full arsenal of skills in terms of damage in one button.

Edited by atshadow.8695
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14 minutes ago, youle.5824 said:


you prob just haven't fought a good one, its way way way above spb and bs if played properly

True, it's just strange I haven't because I'm definitely in matches where there are better BS players than I am.   So You think I would have seen a really solid Condi Zerker by now.  

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31 minutes ago, youle.5824 said:


you prob just haven't fought a good one, its way way way above spb and bs if played properly

I feel like blade beats condi zerker more than condi zerker beats blade. Maybe its that condi zerker has better match ups vs this current meta overall or something in like the 1v2s compared to blade

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3 minutes ago, Sahne.6950 said:

The petmaul needs its damage reduced by 50%.... 

With a 50% nerf it would still be better than EVERY skill that ferocious pets have... and it would be floating just below Worldly impact.

World impact has a higher cast time and clear animation and immobilize you. Are u sure just a damage nerf is enough? 😆

Sword 2,3 clearly needs a damage nerf as well

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@Downstate.4697 i mean originaly it was a survival weapon more than just a dmging one...... same goes for Rangers Greatsword btw. however Anet decided that Ranger need to be decent into melee fights so they gain it a block and never rly hard nerfed Maul for some reason. This leads to Greatsword of Ranger been one if not the strongest weapon of all classes. But is it OP? sword defitive not all it need is lower the numbers, Greatsword on the other hands get so many things ...... still i wouldn't call it OP maybe just too strong (since it got 1 CC / 2 evades/ 1 Block/ hard dmg in just 1 weapon)

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On 8/18/2023 at 5:06 PM, Avatar.3568 said:

there is no imob on worldly impact and never was

Why I have to explain your own class to you ... ? When you cast world impact you cant move or it will be canceled, soooooo, you cant move if you actually want to use it... so you are....immobile...self-rooted...?

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32 minutes ago, semak.7481 said:

Why I have to explain your own class to you ... ? When you cast world impact you cant move or it will be canceled, soooooo, you cant move if you actually want to use it... so you are....immobile...self-rooted...?

None of those terms are correct--self-canceling is.  

I'm still lol'ing at how hard these forums salt when ranger gets anything that isn't a nerf.  Sword can be garbage bin for years, and now is decent in melee fights but on a glass build with little sustain and forums are crying about pet damage again. 

If you are dying to pets, re-evaluate your gameplay.  

Also, Warhorn #4 crying...it hasn't changed since May where it got a 0.02 power coefficient increase.  It's a terrible skill--still way, way easier to kill with LB #2 / SoTH and kite around then try to get WH #4 to work.  

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34 minutes ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

if you are dying to pets, re-evaluate your gameplay.

*dies to a 11k Boarmaul...*

"rE-eVAlUaTe YoUR gAMepLaY"


me: *re-evaluates*.......   ->   *hits alt+f4, because this game is a dumpsterfire and you have [Redacted] people like this defending obviously broken crap*



rangermainbrain goes BRRRRRRRRRR.....   i dont understand how broken ranger is right now.... BRRRRRR.....  sword is just a decent weapon and not overpowered...... BRRRRRRR...   rE-eValUaTe yOUr gAmEPlaY... BRRRRRRR


i meet so many rangers that dont even graps how incredibly overtuned sword and boar are right now XDDD

Edited by Sahne.6950
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31 minutes ago, Sahne.6950 said:

*dies to a 11k Boarmaul...*

"rE-eVAlUaTe YoUR gAMepLaY"


me: *re-evaluates*.......   ->   *hits alt+f4, because this game is a dumpsterfire and you have [Redacted] people like this defending obviously broken crap*



rangermainbrain goes BRRRRRRRRRR.....   i dont understand how broken ranger is right now.... BRRRRRR.....  sword is just a decent weapon and not overpowered...... BRRRRRRR...   rE-eValUaTe yOUr gAmEPlaY... BRRRRRRR


i meet so many rangers that dont even graps how incredibly overtuned sword and boar are right now XDDD

Thanks for the visual representation of salt 😂.

They won't give us shields so guess we got sword and boar instead of sword and board.

But ya, if you dying to a boar gotta re-evaluate where the WSAD keys are cause his wiki page be empty of buffs:

Juvenile Boar - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W)

In semi-seriousness, maybe someone can fill me in on how Boar took over Drake's spot? Did it steal kiki? Cause boar been there since 2012, pretty geriatric, but still wrecking...maybe it was this hidden buff to Maul from 2017: 

  • Updated this attack to move toward the target when used on land.
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41 minutes ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

Thanks for the visual representation of salt 😂.

They won't give us shields so guess we got sword and boar instead of sword and board.

But ya, if you dying to a boar gotta re-evaluate where the WSAD keys are cause his wiki page be empty of buffs:

Juvenile Boar - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W)

In semi-seriousness, maybe someone can fill me in on how Boar took over Drake's spot? Did it steal kiki? Cause boar been there since 2012, pretty geriatric, but still wrecking...maybe it was this hidden buff to Maul from 2017: 

  • Updated this attack to move toward the target when used on land.

The wikipage is empty of buffs XDDDD   ohhhh the irony....

"I haven't played Ranger, so I'm operating based on GW2Wiki here"



Heres a update for you, because you obviously havent started this game in a few weeks.

The boar f1 flew under the radar for so long that it was completly forgotten..... Even by Anet.

It dodged the Feb2020 global damagenerf.... and its not even split between PvE and PvP.   right now it is a skill that didnt get the 30% damagenerf... and it uses the PvE values inside of pvp.....

The Boar f1 has a damage coeff of x(2.2)     for example... Worldy impact has x(1.3)... 

That skill hits wayyyy more than  a worldlyimpact for example... most other merged soulbeastskills have a coeff of x(0.8) - x(1.1)     The boar has more than double of that damage.


But you have people in the forums that dont even realize how busted op that is.....   and they write stupid stuff like "reevaluate your gameplay" without even realizing what people are complaining about.

Bruh.... that skill is hitting 12k out of stealth... i have 13k hp......  WHAT IS THERE TO REEVALUATE?

You obviously havent even realized what all of this is about xD 

Edited by Sahne.6950
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26 minutes ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

Can admit you are wrong anytime now--WI definitely doesn't immobilize you. 

Clarity is key. 


Worldly impact doesnt let you move during the casttime...., thus.... it immobilizes you.     Is that concept so hard to understand?  its pretty obvious what he meant...  

Brain is key.

But ill give you that... in the wiki it doesnt say anything about the fact you cant move during the cast....... so you had no chance to know that.

Edited by Sahne.6950
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