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New dailies/weeklies [Merged]

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13 minutes ago, Linken.6345 said:

My core account all got the same pve dailies.

salvage 10 things, kill 10 normal monsters and harvest 10 things using a sickle.

My pof account got.

View 1 desert  vista, kill 5 veterans and do a heart.

My Eod one got.

View 1 heart of thorns vista, kill 1 elite monster and defeat 10  enemies while having food buff on you.

I got exactly the same dailies on accounts with those expansions. So it is based on that.

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The rewards are nice, I can see them adding a lot of nice stuff that would usually be only bought with gems.

But yeeeeeeeeeeeah, it seems like it's almost overcomplicating things for less reward, complete a renown heart and dodge some attacks for the privilege to get the two gold you got before? That could be got in one single game of PvP if you were lucky? Can't even choose dailies like you could before, you could do PvP, WvW, PvE or a combo of all 3, you'd think they'd give you more options then just 4.

I woulda preferred if they kept dailies in some way, maybe reduce the gold to one and reward some acclaim, keep the new wizards vault for extra rewards. 

Idk, just throwing stuff out there 

Edited by SamuelW.2685
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1 minute ago, SamuelW.2685 said:

I woulda preferred if they kept dailies in some way, maybe reduce the gold to one and reward some acclaim, keep the new wizards vault for extra rewards. 

Idk, just throwing stuff out there 

I would be fine with this if they kept the idea of having choices for what I can do AND have dailies that you can do alongside friends. Dodge rolls and cracking gear ain't it.

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38 minutes ago, ArchonWing.9480 said:

I accidentally claimed the login reward I guess and I can't change my dailies. Don't want to do pvp so guess tomorrow then.

Hah, having pvp by default, lol.

The first time you opened the window, you should have gotten a prompt to choose the modes. So either you just clicked "whatever" and went forward asap or... I don't know what, but pretty sure you need to open that window to grab your 5AA login reward anyways.
It would be hard to lock yourself from picking modes by taking the login reward when taking the login reward is behind the "mode picking window", as far as I saw.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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Tasks dont match for all players, which Anet probably thought it would be a  more "personalized" quest, but this has many negative effects on the playerbase:
Some JPs arent terrible and dont require say...more time than 4 events on certain regions, but this also means that there will be less Mesmer porting for those who enjoyed that (or lived of that) since JPs no longer align and are scattered all over the place. 
And the biggest problem are randomizing WBs: most people tend to avoid WBs unless they happen to be on the area, doing a legendary that required them or collection. With the Daily WB gone, now there is no aligment or common WB that all players can collectively kill daily, so it leaves even more WB maps alone since everyone is doing their own thing, which will increase dramatically the number of failed WB fights...
As many mentioned before, this doesnt only affects the community, since this used to unite them and have a showcase of how Guild Wars 2 looks at its best, but it also impacts friends and family that collectively had fun together doing the same objectives.

I dont see how Anet thinks this is a positive idea, given all the negative traits it has.

The rewards are fine, i do think some items are more expensive than they should (Laurels and clovers, particularly), but its the objectives that are badly implemented. 

Edited by Khalitzberg.4261
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1 minute ago, Sobx.1758 said:

The first time you opened the window, you should have gotten a prompt to choose the modes. So either you just clicked "whatever" and went forward asap or... I don't know what, but pretty sure you need to open that window to grab your 5AA login reward anyways.

Yea that's probably what happened.  Didn't really expect to be that big of a deal but whatever.

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I'm not sure why Anet decided to limit the daily/weekly task options. They appear to be attempting to replicate the daily/weekly structure from mobile games, despite the fact that those games do not need players to complete all of the activities for the final reward. I used to try to promote GW2 to my friends as a laid-back MMO that merely required logging in to progress, but I can no longer do it. Anet has turned the completely okay dailies/weeklies system into a chore, which I hate.

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The thing i don't get is why i have to go into a whole dialog box just to claim my rewards.
What happened to just a treasure chest at the bottom right? Did they hire some out of work mobile developers on fiver?

With the current controversy because of how proper of a game BG3 is; I'm starting to wonder if the marketing department is in charge of all the changes.

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1 hour ago, BlueJin.4127 said:

I’m a PVE player who only goes into WvW to do easy/solo objectives when I need GoB. Even I don’t escort dolyaks. Who the heck thought this would be a good weekly for WvW players? 😬

I play WvW pretty regularly and raid casually in WvW with my guild zerg and even I know this is not how players actually play WvW. There's very little overarching incentive to protect dolyaks on a mechanical and structural design level in the game mode. The mode encourages zerg-like play. It feels like the people they put in charge of designing these features were severely out of touch with how the players in their game actually play the game. Now I'm wondering.....should I set my content preference to PvE only to avoid having to do ridiculous weeklies like this and minimize my time investment for maximum reward? This system had a lot of promise to fill in gaps in the way content is played and make the game feel more robust, but instead im stuck xíng out of the WV interface for fear of making a selection that will doom me to really bad objectives. 

Edited by lothefallen.7081
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Well i won't be no exception, new dailys are utter disappointment. If I want them done i need to jump to maps i have yet to visit, what to this point took about 30 min max today was 2 hr grind to do for half the reward, I now regret buying EoD and SoTO if that means i will be getting task on those maps. And I REALLY want to be wrong about this but this whole vault stinks with future aggressive monetization.

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Did select PvE/PvP (no WvW). Seems good. The weekly wants 1 PvP tournament match though. Might check if people put info in the wiki by the end of the week. 😄 Maybe when selecting all 3 ... the tournament thing won't appear. I guess you get harder ones to fill up if you limit yourself more. (Since then they need to offer you more out of less game modes having to offer less convenient ones as well.)

First I did not notice the big chest for doing the 3 dailies. With that ... the rewards seem great and interesting so far. 1 gold safe. And a good amount of astral acclaim. The cheap (but limited) offer for another 1 g ... should fit with the seasonal thing. 90 or so ... about 1 quarter (90 days) - filling up to be able to get your 2g daily pretty easy.

Slightly less maybe (sincde there are more than 90 days for each 3 months - usually 13 weeks or so ... 91 days). If you want to be very accurate. If you want more you can get the more expensive 1g pack.

The mystic coins and laurels probably are balanced similarly. It would be nice if the acclaim automatically got accepted without having to click in the UI. (And the last chest popping up at the bottom right.) Though they probably wanted this since now this does not count as achievements anymore. (Where you could still see in the hero panel what had popped up - once it went away as long as you did not complete other stuff and it was still in the list with the previously completed 3.)

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1 hour ago, Khalitzberg.4261 said:

...And the biggest problem are randomizing WBs: most people tend to avoid WBs unless they happen to be on the area, doing a legendary that required them or collection. With the Daily WB gone, now there is no aligment or common WB that all players can collectively kill daily, so it leaves even more WB maps alone since everyone is doing their own thing, which will increase dramatically the number of failed WB fights...

We have only seen 1 day's dailies, how do you know the daily world boss is not in the rotation?

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My friend and I are still working our way through the story, in order.  Currently in Path of Fire right now.  So when we get Dailies for End of Dragons, or the new Secrets of the Obscure areas, that means we wont complete dailies simply because we don't want to spoil story just to get some rando mini dungeon in a zone we've never gone to.

Maybe if you haven't started the content, dont present the selection of daily challenges?


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The new system is terrible. This is my first post on the forum (unlesss I wrote something years ago I already forgot), and I came just to voice my utter disappointment. As few people before me I am playing this game with my friends in the order the content was released so we can experience how the game evolved and how story progressed. We already completed whole of core map and started doing HoT. Most of the time we were able to do dailies, because in case there was a daily in map we havent discovered yet, we could just filled the gap with PvP or WvW. We were hoping that new daily system will be more forgiving so we would be able to naturally just play game with some general objectives, but no. We got EoD minidungeon. We wont be doing EoD for few months probably so now we are not allowed to be rewarded with daily at all unless we just opt full PvP and do it on sideline? Who thought this was good idea?

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"If it ain't broke don't fix it"

Giving players a choice is GOOD.
I have no idea who decided that forcing people to choose between PVE/WVW/PVP without seeing the daily objectives ahead of time then preventing them to change was a good idea, but you've made it worse than it was.

Why would you do that? Why don't you let players play the content they wish to play? Or at least give them some choice?

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Just now, Manifest.8417 said:

Arenanet Royally Fd up badly, Yes.

Give us back our old dailies Arenanet

We need a petitiion

Not likely. They do NOT listen to their customers.

They screwed me a few years ago, getting me to promise to never spend money on the game again. But at least I still logged in every day, in the hopes of getting a full set of radiant armor someday. Now there doesn't seem to be even a reason to do that anymore.

Sad. This used to be, by far, my favorite game.

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They really need to do better on the dailies. so we only get 3 dailies per day (not including the log-in). i assume they are trying to drag out how long it takes you to get the astral acclaim for the bigger rewards, gotta keep us logging in right? the problem being that they have taken away all variety. if you choose all 3 game modes, you get 1 from each and if one of them sucks, you can't just do a different one. why can't we have all 9 and pick and choose what 3 we want to do? why did the new system need to replace the way dailies were handed out? just like before i picked 3 dailies i wanted to do, got my 3 spirit shards and that was that. if i did more than 3 dailies i didn't get extra spirit shards. so why won't that same system still work with this new crap. 

also the only reason i did the wvw dailies was for the wvw reward potions which are completely gone now i believe (can't find them anywhere in rewards anyway). those need to be added to some vendor somewhere. I hate the wvw game mode and i wouldn't touch it at all if it wasn't required for every single legendary. normally i would just do big spender and master of monuments which usually got me to my 80 potions before i needed the gift of battle. if i am forced to play in that toxic game mode to grind through gift of battle track i may just give up on gw2. I work in a toxic enough environment as it is, don't need that stress in my relaxation time.

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