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New dailies/weeklies [Merged]

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On 8/29/2023 at 11:34 PM, BlueJin.4127 said:

I'm a PVE player who doesn't enjoy PvP and WvW in this game. That doesn't mean that I never play these modes, or that I never get any kind of enjoyment out of these modes. When I didn't like the day’s PVE dailies, WvW dailies were nice back ups because they allowed me to get dailies done while also letting me make some decent progress toward GoB for time spent. Other times, I just really felt like prioritizing PvP or WvW.

The current limited system forces me to choose which dailies/weeklies I get before reset, and risk getting locked to PvP and WvW dailies/weeklies that are not casual enough for me. This means I'm not going to risk turning on PvP and WvW. I'll basically be a PVE exclusive player, with even less reason to do PvP or WvW. This isn't flexible. It's more restrictive than before.

Just remove the mode limitation. Give me all dailies and weeklies for all modes so that I can choose, while I'm playing, which 3 dailies and which 6 weeklies I want to do. Right now, all this does is remove incentives and restrict players who have main modes and back up modes (which I'm betting is a lot of players).

This, I completely agree with this person and I hate new system. 

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43 minutes ago, Kranlor Greyhelm.8417 said:

I got the "craft 10 items" daily today. Fortunately using an artificer to scale up luck works, so I didn't need to waste any mats on this nonsense.

Oh, and I got the kryptis rift daily. Which is now literally the only time I do those boring things.

I got a new one on my up to Eod account today catch 5 fish

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The crafting is easy yeah. Another generic one. Just refining some mithril into ingots should work. But when we talk about "nonsense": The identify 100 items - for weekly - should get changed so salvage does count as well. (+ explaining that in the description as well then).

Makes no sense to do extra work when you are going to trash them anyways. (Unless you don't want essences of luck anymore and want to do the work of manually selling the identified stuff.) This is just about being small money sink and should work with directly salvaging as well. (Most people probably would sell otherwise - and I think with the identified stuff ... not sure if a lot are going the extra work to manually put each item on the TP then.) Also not interesting for introducing players to certain functions. New players might be more interested in learning about the salvaging (needed more often) than about identifying unidentified gear.

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5 hours ago, IndigoSundown.5419 said:

More variety would be nice.  My WvW dailies for 15 days have always included "Defeat 3 enemy players."  Complete a "Defend an Objective Event" has also popped with some frequency, and given the random nature of completing that one, is annoying.  Otherwise, it's Capture a Flag, Escort a Supply Yak, Defeat 5 guards, Destroy a Supply Caravan and maybe one or two more.  I'm hoping that the 4th option solves my issue  with the randomness of the Defend Event task.  I'd prefer being able to choose three from the pool of 4 each PvE/PvP/WvW, but if I have to live with 3 of 4 in one mode, it won't be the end of the game for me.

Luckily WvW daily assignments doesnt seem random (everyone I run with get the same set) and they are often made simple due to WvW oddities, lol.

Yesterday I logged on, spawned in citadel and ran straight to bay to tag a guard at eastern gate before cap. I got dolly escort completed a few seconds after a guard had died (wondered wtf vault was warning).

I cant even remember if I ran past one 🤷‍♂️

Edited by Dawdler.8521
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5 hours ago, Kranlor Greyhelm.8417 said:

I got the "craft 10 items" daily today. Fortunately using an artificer to scale up luck works, so I didn't need to waste any mats on this nonsense.

Oh, and I got the kryptis rift daily. Which is now literally the only time I do those boring things.

You wouldn't likely have to waste mats anyway since refining materials works too.

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I could do the old (better) daily's in less than 10 minutes between ley line and gang wars (and also finish pact supply network along the way).

Now i have to skip gang wars because more times than not I have to go way out of my way to finish the unpleasant chores. If my shard wasn't grouped with maguuma this month i'd have a real hard time finishing kill 3 players every day in WvW.

And getting EotM tasks is just a slap on the face since that map doesn't even give pips.

They need to give us more than 3 (soon to hopefully be atleast 4) options and just switch it to give you AA for the first 3 you complete. Super simple in the old design where you get a chest for each tier you complete (it's almost like the old programmers knew what they were doing back in the day).

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In 3 weeks, I've been able to complete the daily 4 times (3 to be true since I passed the one with a long PJ I particularly dislike unlike most of them)

Most of the time is like today. I can do 2 out of 3. The last one always sends me to EoD, PoF, SotO while I still haven't finished HoT...

So to complete the daily, I'm supposed to open a bit of a map here, a bit of a map there, again and again, not even knowing what I'm exactly looking for, using “teleport to a friend” everyday and spoil myself this whole hidden world awaiting for me that I wished to unveil little by little, enjoying every piece of it...

No way.

- Anet -

I really enjoy plenty of your playful choices, most of them made me fall in love with GW2 but your new daily system definitely sucks.

Please.. Give us back our 12 choices.

Let us CHOOSE what we want to do/can do, anywhere (PvE, WvW, PvP), so it's a pleasure to check dailies and make it so we can play TOGETHER again as we used to (in whichever part of the story each one is).

We really dislike doing the chores you impose on us. It feels like working but this is not work.

This is our leisure time. A precious time when we choose to enjoy what we like which here means choose what we want to do, have fun, relax, help each other, play together...

(Darn, I miss seeing PINK guild helping people at daily PJ, it was so warm and friendly...)

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While mesmers may be at JPs, the new system includes JPs from some of the newer maps (EoD), and at least some of those are not quite as simple to port because there are checkpoints involved.  And the fact that depending what expansions you have unlocked also changes the dailies, there could in theory be several JPs that need mesmers on any given day.

I have Spekk's lab JP as a weekly - I ended up doing it, but there are not any mesmers there - the problem with JPs in weeklies is that since it is spread over such a long period, there isn't a rush of players doing it (and in fairness, when I was doing it, only 1-2 other players were doing it at the same time).  At least for weeklies, one could skip the JP.


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On 9/6/2023 at 6:19 PM, Uhkam.2164 said:

I think you missed my point on it because you're putting words in my mouth again: I never claimed I don't like dodging as part of the game.

I dislike dodging daily as a TASK because it's not very creative task. At least with Krytan Lumberer people could go anywhere in Kryta they like to get any wood they might like - or find the fast way to do it. People would be free to choose whichever they want to do for the daily.

I guess what I'm after here is that the new tasks mostly are too... boring or specific on what you need to do. The old tasks allowed you to have freedom on how you could do the task (aside from daily fractal and daily activity...), in addition of giving more choices on what counted as a daily. 

This is exactly how I feel. Far too many of the new PvE tasks boil down to "fight mobs." Defeat 10, defeat 25, defeat 100, defeat in a specific place, defeat a specific type, defeat using food, defeat using enhancement, defeat and loot, perform dodges, perform combos, defiance break. I don't even know how many I've seen multiple times because they all feel like the same thing, they're basic combat that would happen naturally if they had asked me to do absolutely anything else in the game. They don't feel like a goal or accomplishment. (And defeating 100 enemies- especially 100 of a specific type of enemy- is just tedious. This week included TWO weekly tasks to kill 100 enemies. Even when we have "choices" it doesn't actually allow for much choice when several of them are essentially the same thing.)

That's why I want more variety. Combat is what we do in every other aspect of the game already. It's fine that some people like that as dailies, I am not saying people are not allowed to like them, but to me they're boring and we've been getting way, way too many of them. Guild Wars 2 has always been about "play your way." I personally love JPs and minidungeons (though even I think the ones we've gotten so far have been disappointing), but I don't want to force people to do JPs every day, and I likewise don't want to be forced to do things I find boring. 

There are just so many things to do in GW2 and I feel like the current system isn't distributing them well at all. They could do one generic combat option, one JP/minidungeon option, one vista/harvest/fishing option, one event/renown option, one adventure/activity option, one crafting/salvaging/identifying option, one elite/bounty option- that's a pretty wide variety and already two more than the 5 they're going to be offering each day, that they can rotate in and out (and I also still hope they'll continue to increase the choices beyond 5. Like other people have said, I miss having WvW options but don't want to give up any PvE choices to have them available.)

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1 hour ago, Pyrin.2741 said:

They don't feel like a goal or accomplishment.

The point of dailies is simply to encourage you to play the game. For some players even the current system is too onerous and they want to go back to getting their rewards simply for logging in. Can you imagine ithe outcry if Chalice of Tears, Soo Wan or Triple Trouble were dailies?

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I did an experiment today. I went on my business without looking at the dailies at all and just wanted to see how many I'd get done just playing naturally. Thirty minutes in, the WV icon showed a 4. What I'd done at that point: I harvested my home instance (this turned the 1 into a 2) and participated in the Amnytas meta (ending with the 4). My dailies were: Gather 25 Crafting Resources, Defeat 25 Enemies and Complete 3 events.

Think of it what you will. I think it goes to prove PvE dailies have become a bit too generic.

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2 hours ago, Pyrin.2741 said:

This is exactly how I feel. Far too many of the new PvE tasks boil down to "fight mobs." Defeat 10, defeat 25, defeat 100, defeat in a specific place, defeat a specific type, defeat using food, defeat using enhancement, defeat and loot, perform dodges, perform combos, defiance break. I don't even know how many I've seen multiple times because they all feel like the same thing, they're basic combat that would happen naturally if they had asked me to do absolutely anything else in the game. They don't feel like a goal or accomplishment. (And defeating 100 enemies- especially 100 of a specific type of enemy- is just tedious. This week included TWO weekly tasks to kill 100 enemies. Even when we have "choices" it doesn't actually allow for much choice when several of them are essentially the same thing.)

That's why I want more variety. Combat is what we do in every other aspect of the game already. It's fine that some people like that as dailies, I am not saying people are not allowed to like them, but to me they're boring and we've been getting way, way too many of them. Guild Wars 2 has always been about "play your way." I personally love JPs and minidungeons (though even I think the ones we've gotten so far have been disappointing), but I don't want to force people to do JPs every day, and I likewise don't want to be forced to do things I find boring. 

There are just so many things to do in GW2 and I feel like the current system isn't distributing them well at all. They could do one generic combat option, one JP/minidungeon option, one vista/harvest/fishing option, one event/renown option, one adventure/activity option, one crafting/salvaging/identifying option, one elite/bounty option- that's a pretty wide variety and already two more than the 5 they're going to be offering each day, that they can rotate in and out (and I also still hope they'll continue to increase the choices beyond 5. Like other people have said, I miss having WvW options but don't want to give up any PvE choices to have them available.)

I think Anet is trying to train the pve 1111111 crow to actualy do something more then what they have been doing for 11 years with these new dailies.

And also teach the that hey utility and food is a nice boost ya know.

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1 hour ago, costepj.5120 said:

The point of dailies is simply to encourage you to play the game. For some players even the current system is too onerous and they want to go back to getting their rewards simply for logging in. Can you imagine ithe outcry if Chalice of Tears, Soo Wan or Triple Trouble were dailies?

That is NOT the reason for the complaints with the new system. I'm not asking to get rewards for just logging in, ANET are moving away from that and it's a good thing. I'm objecting that the new system is telling me EXACTLY how I'm supposed to play to get the reward. I could log in and play for 12 hours, do some intense grinds, some difficult content and get literally nothing from this new system. Because according to ANET that specific day I haven't been playing the way they require.

They need to give us choices so that we can do the dailies that most closely match our normal routine. I'd love to be doing WvW as I used to, but I'm not signing up to a process that will demand I do WvW jumping puzzles or navigate the bugged defence process.

And we had Soo Wan just the other day. So what's your point?

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1 minute ago, costepj.5120 said:

I'm quite happy to skip the occasional weekly. I skipped the Deso meta and I'll probably skip this week's EotM objective.

Another example of how they've ballsed this up. Why would they put EotM stuff into the WvW category? Insane.

The design team handled this really badly. There wasn't enough expertise in the designing of it, and there wasn't enough oversight to recognise the problems they were creating and course correct. And they still haven't learned the right lessons, if the upcoming "fix" to dailies is their solution.

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13 hours ago, costepj.5120 said:

The point of dailies is simply to encourage you to play the game. For some players even the current system is too onerous and they want to go back to getting their rewards simply for logging in. Can you imagine ithe outcry if Chalice of Tears, Soo Wan or Triple Trouble were dailies?

It is tremendously frustrating to voice my opinion only to be told that other people want different. Okay? Great for them. I am not speaking for them. I am speaking for me, and other people like me, and our opinion also matters. I literally addressed this in my post. I am explaining what I want from dailies, and what I look for in doing dailies. I acknowledge other people want and enjoy different things and that's fine too. That's my entire point! There needs to be more discretion about the variety of tasks and their distribution. There is so much to do in GW2, there should not be an overabundance of any one particular type of thing. I am bored to tears of redundant, generic "fight mobs" tasks. By all means, give me Chalice, I would personally enjoy it more, and I am fully aware that is an insane opinion to most people. Just give us more variety, give people the opportunity to choose the level of participation, and type of participation, they find most appealing.

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1 minute ago, Doom Wolf.7953 said:

I would love for the compass that used to appear on the jumping puzzles and mini dungeons to come back. It was very convenient to just click that and waypoint on the map. 

It's still there! My friend had to point this out to me too, haha. It's right above the Astral Acclaim value for each task.

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