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Roxy Enjoy.1950

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So I just climbed to Plat only playing necromancer  and every build I played got absolutely  bodied vs ranger... 


I eventually  settled on support  and every utility  skill I run is to get away from rangers... 

My strategy for dealing with them is to simply not as soon as I am in a even match up with a ranger I just rotate to a different point and that seemed to work unless there was 3 rangers on the enemy team which is not as rare as you'd hope lol

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1 hour ago, Nova.3817 said:

So I just climbed to Plat only playing necromancer  and every build I played got absolutely  bodied vs ranger... 


I eventually  settled on support  and every utility  skill I run is to get away from rangers... 

My strategy for dealing with them is to simply not as soon as I am in a even match up with a ranger I just rotate to a different point and that seemed to work unless there was 3 rangers on the enemy team which is not as rare as you'd hope lol

Con confirm. Once you get G3+, plat, it's fairly common to see around 2 power rangers per team. It's just that effective, especially when they've been playing it longer than all the rest on the FOTM train. 

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I’m not advocating for ranger nerfs (though I believe things like the ranger and catas sitch are symptoms of more overarching issues of the game)…ranger just absolutely crushed me yesterday. Albeit I haven’t played in a while so I was very rusty and was wasting my dodges. I play in the top 100 bracket so the players I’m fighting aren’t bad.

I can only imagine what happens when gold or silver level players fight such builds and get absolutely trounced.

Getting hit for 20k with a hunters call + one wolf pack combo, which is just persistent damage you can’t avoid is pretty rough. 

my suggestion is that if you have a 3s block, to save that block for hunters call. Save your dodges only for maul, and use your stun break to escape CC and kite out…as the ranger will either Worldy impact you or maul you. WI roots them in place so your more likely able to kite out of it before it lands but you need to dodge maul cause they will attempt to follow you to land the attack if you happen to break stun.

Another and probably better strategy is to simply zone the ranger all game. Peel for your teammates when the ranger comes by and just zone them so hard that they don’t have a chance to bulldoze your team.

Edited by JusticeRetroHunter.7684
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On 8/26/2023 at 8:30 AM, Roxy Enjoy.1950 said:


Rangers fine - sit down and stop screaming. 

1 minute ago, Burial.1958 said:

Balance atm is a joke. One shots everywhere xD

The balance is amazing right now. Best its been in ages. Learn to get out of the way or die for lazy play. Im done stepping around this. Getting blown and reeing on the forums = your bad. Good day.

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17 minutes ago, JusticeRetroHunter.7684 said:

my suggestion is that if you have a 3s block, to save that block for hunters call. Save your dodges only for maul, and use your stun break to escape CC and kite out…as the ranger will either Worldy impact you or maul you. WI roots them in place so your more likely able to kite out of it before it lands but you need to dodge maul cause they will attempt to follow you to land the attack if you happen to break stun.

Great post - this requires thinking while fighting - something youll find in short supply around here. 

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4 hours ago, jdawgie.1835 said:

Great post - this requires thinking while fighting - something youll find in short supply around here. 

Yeah, as we all know, pvp is a 1v1 game and you should always have your blocks/dodges/evades up for good counter play.

Let's just ignore that the pro's are all running these builds that 100-0 you in seconds, it's a lrn2play issue.

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Just now, veritech.1048 said:

Yeah, as we all know, pvp is a 1v1 game and you should always have your blocks/dodges/evades up for good counter play.

Let's just ignore that the pro's are all running these builds that 100-0 you in seconds, it's a lrn2play issue.

Its not 1v1 - that's why you have to trait for 1-2 engagements at the start of the match and ask your team what they are running, so they can tait for the others. Have enough game knowledge to try and create a viable comp at the start of the match. Or dont and get 500-0, AFK, and ree on forums. 

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Good luck convincing randoms to do any of what you just said. We can't all be a pvp god like you and predict what the other team is running and be ready for every situation.

Please ignore that these current meta builds are even one shotting the guys trying to keep the team alive.

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17 minutes ago, veritech.1048 said:

Good luck convincing randoms to do any of what you just said.

Yeah alot of times people dont want to work together.

17 minutes ago, veritech.1048 said:

We can't all be a pvp god like you and predict what the other team is running and be ready for every situation

It doesnt take a God to press B on start of the match and assess the comp your about to go up against. Review the specs, adjust accordingly, and make educated guesses based on what the other team is running. Two core guards? One likely a support, other could be burn guardian. What do you get from this? Run power instead of condi (because the support will clense away the condi damage, add cleanses to ur utility to have a way to sustain yourself against the burn guard) Try to do this will each comp your up against. Eventually, itll take 15-20 seconds to get  basic assessment of your opponents. 

Edited by jdawgie.1835
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3 hours ago, jdawgie.1835 said:

Yeah alot of times people dont want to work together.

It doesnt take a God to press B on start of the match and assess the comp your about to go up against. Review the specs, adjust accordingly, and make educated guesses based on what the other team is running. Two core guards? One likely a support, other could be burn guardian. What do you get from this? Run power instead of condi (because the support will clense away the condi damage, add cleanses to ur utility to have a way to sustain yourself against the burn guard) Try to do this will each comp your up against. Eventually, itll take 15-20 seconds to get  basic assessment of your opponents. 

You could also, you know, balance classes ? I mean considering all this logical flips I assume you're either Ranger or Teef main.
What you wrote here doesn't fix a thing though, busted things are abused for a reason.

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2 hours ago, TrollingDemigod.3041 said:

You could also, you know, balance classes ? I mean considering all this logical flips I assume you're either Ranger or Teef main.
What you wrote here doesn't fix a thing though, busted things are abused for a reason.

Im neither - and Im not an engie main either when I was saying scrapper shouldnt be nerfed. Everything I said wasnt meant to fix anything. Because nothing needs fixing. Big damage in pvp is a good thing. What I shared is how to deal with it. 

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6 hours ago, jdawgie.1835 said:

Yeah alot of times people dont want to work together.

It doesnt take a God to press B on start of the match and assess the comp your about to go up against. Review the specs, adjust accordingly, and make educated guesses based on what the other team is running. Two core guards? One likely a support, other could be burn guardian. What do you get from this? Run power instead of condi (because the support will clense away the condi damage, add cleanses to ur utility to have a way to sustain yourself against the burn guard) Try to do this will each comp your up against. Eventually, itll take 15-20 seconds to get  basic assessment of your opponents. 

yo be careful w this advice

back in the day when the population was over double it is now, there was the ability for these pvp players who all wanted to play as a team and work together to actually play together. apparently this was ruining the game, and even tho population has only shrunk since it was removed, and all the pvp guild died too. so be careful. apparently teamwork and thinking is toxic and you should probably be banned for you wanting to heal or peel for your teammate.

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12 minutes ago, jdawgie.1835 said:

Im neither - and Im not an engie main either when I was saying scrapper shouldnt be nerfed. Everything I said wasnt meant to fix anything. Because nothing needs fixing. Big damage in pvp is a good thing. What I shared is how to deal with it. 

Coal tier players wisdom I see.
Big damage is fine, big damage with high mobility, kitten load of boons, kitten load of defenses is in fact not fine.
You see, there should be something called "cost of opportunity" within class balance in a game if developers care about healthy playerbase, like "if you have big damage, you've weak defenses". I know, for many of you it's an alien concept since you were carried by powercreep far too long.
If you think that nothing needs fixes then nice, this game is as good as dead.

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