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Please remove downstate from PvP.


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I played many mmorpgs in my life but I must say Gw 2 have one of the most messiest pvp system ever.You can't even balance classes and they also include skills to downstates for make to pvp more terrible.İmagine you winning to fight againts soulbeast and downstate them with low hp.They can interrupt your animation while pet and basic attack chipping your hp.And if they knock you down they winning to 1 v 1 downstate battle simply by pet skill.

Also we  can abuse that system for make enemy stay in that state longer as possible.I've made that many times İf I killed to enemy far from their team I can just put clones or condi so they crawl on ground ,try to res and wait for a teammate or bleed close to a minute.Without downstate ,fights at least would be more rapid.Rather than crawling on ground we could respawn and join to fight faster.

Downstate also makes effort and outplay meaningless.İf your team lacking support good luck your glass cannon teammates will die while try to res you.But if you have a support in teamma, your mistakes have no meaning.This system so bad absolute ruins to flow of gameplay.Oh let me wait for finish my animation oh I'm interrupted let me do it again.İts  absolute sloggy and unfair system such unenjoyable system.Also with rise of base Guards supports and new support relics playing tournament absolute become a metapod fights


Edited by Carnage.6751
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1 hour ago, Carnage.6751 said:

I played many mmorpgs in my life but I must say Gw 2 have one of the most messiest pvp system ever.You can't even balance classes and they also include skills to downstates for make to pvp more terrible.İmagine you winning to fight againts soulbeast if they knock you down they winning to 1 v 1 downstate battle simply by pet skill.İts terrible for both side.Also we  can abuse that system for make enemy stay in that state longer as possible.İf I die Please let me wait to respawn and restart.

Your efforts and outplays have no meaning if enemy have teamplay.This system so bad absolute ruins to flow of gameplay.Oh let me wait for finish my animation oh ım interrupted let me do it again.İts  absolute sloggy and unfair system such unenjoyable system.Also with rise of Warrior supports and new support relics playing tournament absolute become a metapod fights


Guys downstate is terrible, remove it pls how else am I supposed to fight rangers, they got pets and relics and I pressed the outplay button but the ranger has a pet REEEEEEEEEEEEE!


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1 hour ago, Carnage.6751 said:

I played many mmorpgs in my life but I must say Gw 2 have one of the most messiest pvp system ever.You can't even balance classes and they also include skills to downstates for make to pvp more terrible.İmagine you winning to fight againts soulbeast if they knock you down they winning to 1 v 1 downstate battle simply by pet skill.İts terrible for both side.Also we  can abuse that system for make enemy stay in that state longer as possible.İf I die Please let me wait to respawn and restart.

Your efforts and outplays have no meaning if enemy have teamplay.This system so bad absolute ruins to flow of gameplay.Oh let me wait for finish my animation oh ım interrupted let me do it again.İts  absolute sloggy and unfair system such unenjoyable system.Also with rise of Warrior supports and new support relics playing tournament absolute become a metapod fights


TL;DR version: "I got outplayed by a ranger in 1v1"

I have been playing this game since 2012 and I have never made a forum post about downstate. Because I accepted that unique "second chance" nature of the game. That and there are numerous skills in the game that relies on downstate. It IS part of PvP and I hardly call it messy.

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I never understand why someone plays PvP in a game that's built around particular combat systems that they don't like, and then instead of just playing a different game they make a post saying you have to change these fundamental aspects of the gameplay. Like, I want to play this game's PvP but I want you to change everything about this game's PvP. Make it make sense 

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39 minutes ago, Elricht Kaltwind.8796 said:

I never understand why someone plays PvP in a game that's built around particular combat systems that they don't like, and then instead of just playing a different game they make a post saying you have to change these fundamental aspects of the gameplay. Like, I want to play this game's PvP but I want you to change everything about this game's PvP. Make it make sense 



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On 8/30/2023 at 1:24 AM, Elricht Kaltwind.8796 said:

I never understand why someone plays PvP in a game that's built around particular combat systems that they don't like, and then instead of just playing a different game they make a post saying you have to change these fundamental aspects of the gameplay. Like, I want to play this game's PvP but I want you to change everything about this game's PvP. Make it make sense 

Because I like pvp in mmorpg games.Unfortunatelly A-net provide no other modes than conquest.This system leads to specifis metas,bunker builds.Like Im seeing this comments and I see why people see forums a joke .I'm talking about down state is makes to pvp so terrible.No wonder e-sport of Gw 2 failed.Who wanna wait for people to both kill to enemy also finish to kill while enemy can interrupt also downed state make to fight such a boredom fest?Because of logicless people like this a-net ofc don't care forums.Rather than PVP is sucks A-net bad" I post about downed system makes to pvp so much worse.And look at this comments "TL;DR version: "I got outplayed by a ranger in 1v1"  HOW ım outplayed by a ranger if I knock him down and after that Im down and he resurrect  by" lick to wound" skill?! Absolute braindead people like this  coming here for post shits like this.Because they dont even bother to read.

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3 hours ago, Carnage.6751 said:

Because I like pvp in mmorpg games.Unfortunatelly A-net provide no other modes than conquest.This system leads to specifis metas,bunker builds.Like Im seeing this comments and I see why people see forums a joke .I'm talking about down state is makes to pvp so terrible.No wonder e-sport of Gw 2 failed.Who wanna wait for people to both kill to enemy also finish to kill while enemy can interrupt also downed state make to fight such a boredom fest?Because of logicless people like this a-net ofc don't care forums.Rather than PVP is sucks A-net bad" I post about downed system makes to pvp so much worse.And look at this comments "TL;DR version: "I got outplayed by a ranger in 1v1"  HOW ım outplayed by a ranger if I knock him down and after that Im down and he resurrect  by" lick to wound" skill?! Absolute braindead people like this  coming here for post shits like this.Because they dont even bother to read.

You try not being downed?

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4 hours ago, Carnage.6751 said:

Because I like pvp in mmorpg games.Unfortunatelly A-net provide no other modes than conquest.This system leads to specifis metas,bunker builds.Like Im seeing this comments and I see why people see forums a joke .I'm talking about down state is makes to pvp so terrible.No wonder e-sport of Gw 2 failed.Who wanna wait for people to both kill to enemy also finish to kill while enemy can interrupt also downed state make to fight such a boredom fest?Because of logicless people like this a-net ofc don't care forums.Rather than PVP is sucks A-net bad" I post about downed system makes to pvp so much worse.And look at this comments "TL;DR version: "I got outplayed by a ranger in 1v1"  HOW ım outplayed by a ranger if I knock him down and after that Im down and he resurrect  by" lick to wound" skill?! Absolute braindead people like this  coming here for post shits like this.Because they dont even bother to read.

Ironically, the reason people say the forums are a joke is because they tend to be full of unreasonable complaining. Like this post.

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5 hours ago, Carnage.6751 said:

I'm talking about down state is makes to pvp so terrible.No wonder e-sport of Gw 2 failed.

The unique Downstate mechanic is not the reason GW2 e-sports failed. I can guarantee you that. It failed because of lack of build variety/class variety outside of Cele Ele. In a lot of ways it was Bunker Wars and it honestly wasn't appealing.

i remember watching a tournament where a mesmer used his Portal skill that allowed a downed ele to mist form into it. It was one of the biggest hype situations that ever happened in these IRL GW2 tournaments.

You are not going to convince anyone here that downstate should be removed because you got outplayed... and you indeed got outplayed. If you see yourself getting towards 20% health vs a Ranger having the same health or more then you need to leave. Very few classes can 1v1 good rangers consistently.

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On 8/31/2023 at 9:04 PM, Saiyan.1704 said:

The unique Downstate mechanic is not the reason GW2 e-sports failed. I can guarantee you that. It failed because of lack of build variety/class variety outside of Cele Ele. In a lot of ways it was Bunker Wars and it honestly wasn't appealing.

i remember watching a tournament where a mesmer used his Portal skill that allowed a downed ele to mist form into it. It was one of the biggest hype situations that ever happened in these IRL GW2 tournaments.

You are not going to convince anyone here that downstate should be removed because you got outplayed... and you indeed got outplayed. If you see yourself getting towards 20% health vs a Ranger having the same health or more then you need to leave. Very few classes can 1v1 good rangers consistently.

"Unique Downstate mechanic" bro do you even gaming?This system had in Borderlands 1.Also Your explanation definitelly serves my points.Downstate system make bunker metas MUCH MUCH Worse.Without it you kill to enemy and they dead right?But here enemy knock down guard support using resurrect skill or push them and res them.Dont try to die until finish that finish animation or dont get interrupted.Downstate serves bunker metas because as long you stay with your team your mistake means nothing because your support res you.I can give examples of that too.Yesterday I played PvP and one chronomancer keep diving enemy team and dies over and over again then support comes,Pushes everyone and resurrect.And since we dont had guard support we couldnt win any node fights.

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Why are you whining about bunkers when we're in a burst power meta. That support guard would have died to a good burst if you'd actually all bothered to target call and kill them.

There's only so much condi supports can cleanse, there's only so much damage they can heal, only so much they can block. If a support is rez'ing, they're not healing, every supports casted instant rez has a long cool down and can be interrupted.

Really sounds like you're mad you got outplayed, and this whole thing has nothing to do with downstate.

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2 hours ago, Carnage.6751 said:

"Unique Downstate mechanic" bro do you even gaming?This system had in Borderlands 1.Also Your explanation definitelly serves my points.

I much rather compare another mmorpg instead of an FPS game whose combat system is NOTHING like Guild Wars 2. That game comparison was atrocious and my explanations serves 0 of your "i got outplayed really badly because I don't like this game's pvp combat system" rant.

  • Some one gets downed, you pull off a safestomp or cleave extremely well. Or perhaps you were on the wrong target to begin with because they have a support who can rez.
  • Burst damage the support. Oh you're not running a meta build? Another mistake you made... better take side nodes and pray you're better than a Ranger main.
  • Oh no you died to a Ranger main even though you knocked him first. You lacked knowledge of a Ranger's downstate prior to entering that engagement, or you just wasn't paying attention to your health and never even decided to kite away.

Your constant ignorance throughout these fights is why you keep failing.

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I kind of Agree.

Downedstate as a Mechanic is supposed to encourage people to work together.  In SPvP its easily exploitable.

Like, Downedstate is a highly exploitable mechanic.  Many account have been perminently banned due to high-level abuse of Downedstate.  This is probably the biggest reason why "Report players for Idle" Does nothing.

Like, If they manage to down you.  If they leave you be, and you don't try to pick yourself up, you slowly bleed out over the timeframe of like a minute.  That is a Minute where you are essentially AFK.  Not in the sense that You left the game, but you are no longer a player.  You lack the capacilty to Rotate, to capture or contest objectives.  If you do try to revive yourself, you're just wasting your time.  You have just effectively helped the enemy team set up a Perminent 4V5, till you get it, that you are stuck in downedstate and the only way for your to fix it, is to allow yourself to bleed out.

Due to its explotable nature, that alone is enough for me to say "Downedstate has no place in SPvP."  Some Classes hasve a profound advantage over other in downedstate.

Some classes have a massive advantage in this type of format. For example, The Ranger.  If you down a Ranger, Their Pet can pick them up.  If you try to Stomp the Ranger, They just Stun you with their Downedstate 2 ability "Thunderclap."  Which is a free revival.  You can try to stop the pet from reviving, but you're not out damaging their combined heal, Chances are you used your Burst trying to down the Ranger in the first place.  If you CC the Pet off the ranger, then the Ranger hits Thunder clap, then gets their pet to CC you (Boar charge possibly) then goes back to healing themselves.  This wouldn't be terrible, except Ranger is one of the most powerful characters in the game ATM.

Another class that Benefits off this is the Engineer.  If most classes want to Stomp, They have to risk taking tends of thousands of DPS in order to do so. The Engineer just sends their Gyro to Execute.

Necromancer also benefits from this, because the ability to siphon health from an opponent while downed is unhealthy.  Like if you down the Necromancer, but the Necromancer downs you with their heal, It doesn't matter you got to use a few abilities on them while they were downed.  Their heal will still over power your psuedo-burst, your downed Auto, Possibly half the abilities in the game, and will likely result in the Necromancer reviving themselves.

A lot of characters just have an essentially useless downedstate.  Like the Guardian.  They Auto is Pitiful, the knockback has to much counter play, the Symbol is Negledgable as a heal (Especially when compared to Rangers) and ever class has a bandage skill.

The common response is "If downedstate didn't exit, you'd have died way more!"  Well, that is an Assumption that I havn't downed several thousand more players when I have been donwed myself.  If downedstate wasn't a thing, I am certaint I would have won another 30% of my games. Putting me at about a 75% WR.  Personally, if I had died, I would have deserved to return to spawn.  Don't wase a minute of my life, and put my account in danger of being Banned because players are exploiting a mechanic.


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19 hours ago, veritech.1048 said:

Why are you whining about bunkers when we're in a burst power meta. That support guard would have died to a good burst if you'd actually all bothered to target call and kill them.

There's only so much condi supports can cleanse, there's only so much damage they can heal, only so much they can block. If a support is rez'ing, they're not healing, every supports casted instant rez has a long cool down and can be interrupted.

Really sounds like you're mad you got outplayed, and this whole thing has nothing to do with downstate.

Do you even pvp recently?Yes everything become more radical.Damagers become more one shot and support become more immortal.We keep talking about SB because its broken.And other hand Base GUARDS bringin bunker meta.Rabid Spellbreakers have spamming block every 3 second become a damage sponge.Really are you drop out of school.Can you please any of you read to post?How ım out played?How ım out played?What outplay you talkign about man?I'm gonna tell what you are but then Im gonna get suspencion again.Legit ı cant even with this IQ its a miracle you remember breathing.

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17 hours ago, Irastira.8643 said:

I kind of Agree.

Downedstate as a Mechanic is supposed to encourage people to work together.  In SPvP its easily exploitable.

Like, Downedstate is a highly exploitable mechanic.  Many account have been perminently banned due to high-level abuse of Downedstate.  This is probably the biggest reason why "Report players for Idle" Does nothing.

Like, If they manage to down you.  If they leave you be, and you don't try to pick yourself up, you slowly bleed out over the timeframe of like a minute.  That is a Minute where you are essentially AFK.  Not in the sense that You left the game, but you are no longer a player.  You lack the capacilty to Rotate, to capture or contest objectives.  If you do try to revive yourself, you're just wasting your time.  You have just effectively helped the enemy team set up a Perminent 4V5, till you get it, that you are stuck in downedstate and the only way for your to fix it, is to allow yourself to bleed out.

Due to its explotable nature, that alone is enough for me to say "Downedstate has no place in SPvP."  Some Classes hasve a profound advantage over other in downedstate.

Some classes have a massive advantage in this type of format. For example, The Ranger.  If you down a Ranger, Their Pet can pick them up.  If you try to Stomp the Ranger, They just Stun you with their Downedstate 2 ability "Thunderclap."  Which is a free revival.  You can try to stop the pet from reviving, but you're not out damaging their combined heal, Chances are you used your Burst trying to down the Ranger in the first place.  If you CC the Pet off the ranger, then the Ranger hits Thunder clap, then gets their pet to CC you (Boar charge possibly) then goes back to healing themselves.  This wouldn't be terrible, except Ranger is one of the most powerful characters in the game ATM.

Another class that Benefits off this is the Engineer.  If most classes want to Stomp, They have to risk taking tends of thousands of DPS in order to do so. The Engineer just sends their Gyro to Execute.

Necromancer also benefits from this, because the ability to siphon health from an opponent while downed is unhealthy.  Like if you down the Necromancer, but the Necromancer downs you with their heal, It doesn't matter you got to use a few abilities on them while they were downed.  Their heal will still over power your psuedo-burst, your downed Auto, Possibly half the abilities in the game, and will likely result in the Necromancer reviving themselves.

A lot of characters just have an essentially useless downedstate.  Like the Guardian.  They Auto is Pitiful, the knockback has to much counter play, the Symbol is Negledgable as a heal (Especially when compared to Rangers) and ever class has a bandage skill.

The common response is "If downedstate didn't exit, you'd have died way more!"  Well, that is an Assumption that I havn't downed several thousand more players when I have been donwed myself.  If downedstate wasn't a thing, I am certaint I would have won another 30% of my games. Putting me at about a 75% WR.  Personally, if I had died, I would have deserved to return to spawn.  Don't wase a minute of my life, and put my account in danger of being Banned because players are exploiting a mechanic.


Finally someone with IQ  higher than 80.I'm talking about downstate is abusable also makes your outplays meaningless.When enemy have no coordination you can just basic attack to enemy and leave them at downstate.And otherway downstate mechanic makes bunker meta much worse.You make mistake and dive to 3 v 1 as glass cannon and die doesn't matter base guard will got you.Or İllusion of life or any other resurrection skill just back them up.Without downstate at least when you died you dont waste no time for crawl on floor for help or you dont have an ankle biter.

A-net cant even balance class skills and we have also downstate skills.I'm talking about some downstate completely ruins to out play aspect.Example: I beat soulbeast with low hp .when I try to finish him he interrupt me and till my animation complete I downstate and he resurrect with "lick to wound".HOW THİS İS A OUTPLAY?What this genious kids talking about?Then when I say them what they are I'm getting suspension.No wonder forums seeing as a joke.At least I care PVP and wanna be better.Rather than this clown pvp is bad pvp garbage reee.This forums belongs to clowns like them.No constructive opinion just say " me no like your opinion ,u bad and outplayed lol".

Edited by Carnage.6751
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18 hours ago, Saiyan.1704 said:
  • Some one gets downed, you pull off a safestomp or cleave extremely well. Or perhaps you were on the wrong target to begin with because they have a support who can rez.
  • Burst damage the support. Oh you're not running a meta build? Another mistake you made... better take side nodes and pray you're better than a Ranger main.
  • Oh no you died to a Ranger main even though you knocked him first. You lacked knowledge of a Ranger's downstate prior to entering that engagement, or you just wasn't paying attention to your health and never even decided to kite away.

Your constant ignorance throughout these fights is why you keep failing.

"I much rather compare another mmorpg instead of an FPS game whose combat system is NOTHING like Guild Wars 2. That game comparison was atrocious and my explanations serves 0 of your "i got outplayed really badly because I don't like this game's pvp combat system" rant."

Trying to cleanse your ignorancy with this excuse?You have no knowledge about downstate in gaming.But when you got corrected trying to excuse" Oh I'm comparing to mmo."Go watch a video and you 'll see its basically same .

Legit with this posts you think you revealing something I dont know?Focus side nodes,Dont attack to support?

Wow man you bring a secret I've never know.

I'm sorry I don't run Sb like you .prob when you see a Sb you staying afk at base.

You know whats funny you talking about constant ignorance and with this comments you are officially proving how ignorant you are.Wow man you reveal prettty big secret yeah guys focus others nodes dont fight them and run.

And still repeating same ignorant accusation about "outplayed".Really kid I dont wanna say what you are but you proving what you are really well.Your comments comes from lack of reading skills and ignorancy.Still spamming "you got outplayed".How I got outplayed if I down to enemy and he knock me down with basics and res himself with "lick to wound".İf this is what you call "outplayed" you must be "perma bronze".Your comments legit official prove of how low you know and how high you scream.I'm annoyed because this system abusable.And I abused that too.If I catched enemy at far node and downstate them I just leave my clones and they little by little chip their health while they try to res themselves back and waste nearly a minute till die.Do you understand now?My points entering to that head or you gonna spamm" You outplayed lol" comments?Actually why ım bothering to talk with this .... he proves his ignorancy over and over and pretty sure he dont know to read.

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It seems like you have a grasp of why the downstate system is how it is, it's legitimate strategy to abuse someone's bad positioning and leaving them in downstate with chip damage, but at the same time you also are mad that some classes you can't do this with.

Leaving a ranger to chip damage and them popping up is one of those hard lessons, you have bait their stun or stab, or just kill them. If I can do it with just my slow staff balls, any class is capable of killing a downed ranger.

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On 9/1/2023 at 2:04 AM, Saiyan.1704 said:

The unique Downstate mechanic is not the reason GW2 e-sports failed. I can guarantee you that. It failed because of lack of build variety/class variety outside of Cele Ele. In a lot of ways it was Bunker Wars and it honestly wasn't appealing.

i remember watching a tournament where a mesmer used his Portal skill that allowed a downed ele to mist form into it. It was one of the biggest hype situations that ever happened in these IRL GW2 tournaments.

You are not going to convince anyone here that downstate should be removed because you got outplayed... and you indeed got outplayed. If you see yourself getting towards 20% health vs a Ranger having the same health or more then you need to leave. Very few classes can 1v1 good rangers consistently.

nah Ranger downstate needs a nerf

classes are not balanced with downstate in mind

but what ever anet doesn't care i drum for downstate balance since 2013

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