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Questions about your server


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Do they use map/team chat for scouting callouts and when taking objectives for example "5 blue team hitting bay, south cata wall, wall percent at 80" or "I am taking Blue hills if you need a keep capture" Or " I am tagged up doing the weeklies"

Do they prioritize using Iron Guards, Watchtower and Presence of the Keep?

Do they try to win every week? Not tank so that they don't have to fight so and so server?

Do they protect EBG AND Home borderland ?

Do they take objectives legitimately, not using exploits etc?

If you answered yes to all of these questions would you share what server you are on?  thank you

Hopefully this is not something against forum policy if so just delete this post

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I just came back to the game a month ago after a 8 months break but I think HoD is still that kind of server that does his best whatever happens and play fair, or at least, by the rules!

I dont care about winning as much as I used too but I understand the frustration of doing your best while some guilds and players are tanking hard to stay in a lower tiers.


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Thats how people played this game 8 years ago when WvW seasons were a thing.

Enjoy that experience if you can legitimately find it (doubt).  When the futility of it all sinks in you will become either delusional or miserable, just like everyone else. IMO this game will go down as one of the most woulda-coulda-shoulda been games of all time.

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6 hours ago, Avengedeath.4671 said:

Do they use map/team chat for scouting callouts and when taking objectives for example "5 blue team hitting bay, south cata wall, wall percent at 80" or "I am taking Blue hills if you need a keep capture" Or " I am tagged up doing the weeklies"

No. They get angry at you for asking for details beyond the location or color because it's good enough and you should be grateful

6 hours ago, Avengedeath.4671 said:

Do they prioritize using Iron Guards, Watchtower and Presence of the Keep?

No, they tell you to put tacts on

6 hours ago, Avengedeath.4671 said:

Do they try to win every week? Not tank so that they don't have to fight so and so server?

If you mean complain endlessly in team chat about losing, yes.

6 hours ago, Avengedeath.4671 said:

Do they take objectives legitimately, not using exploits etc?

They die to guards, so n/a

6 hours ago, Avengedeath.4671 said:

If you answered yes to all of these questions would you share what server you are on?  thank you

I am on Stormbluff Isle linked with Kanning, please for the love of God don;t come here.

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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18 minutes ago, ArchonWing.9480 said:

No, they tell you to put tacts on

I am on Stormbluff Isle linked with Kanning, please for the love of God don;t come here.

lol, that's my first thing when popping on a map is to see how many tacts we are missing, but then I get to choose what goes where if the owner doesn't change them. But I see that as a bright side since every available camp will have a Charr Car waiting to cause havoc lol. Looking for random, never know what's next, that is SBI, just beware that the gremlins were already watered and feed after midnight and flashmobs are a thing. Well that, and crazy cat people, but it is still a place where you can ask for an everyone tag up hour and then watch all the swirling tags go everywhere. Weeeeeee!

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There was a time when I would say TC, but I think those days are behind us.  While there are a decent group that would fit that entire description, I don't think we are what you would be looking for.  Half the server desperately tries to avoid mag, and even if it isn't mag, refuses to play when we are in tier 1.  And, while once a source of pride (?), I see just as many people teleport/speed hacking on our side as I do the others nowadays.  Most people on the server prioritize using the best tactics for structures, but since our server is home to everyone's alts, and half the games' trolls, we usually end up with crap tactics that the only way to get changed is to let it flip.  The callouts are pretty good, except it's getting rarer and rarer for guilds/groups to respond.  Either "they can't fit", or "X guild/server isn't a challenge", or "I'm tired of fighting X".  Mostly, it seems the guilds would rather fight doors and not bother with defending if it means a difficult fight.  This is not all, as we do have some tags that will desperately try and hold anything of value regardless of the attacker, but clearly not all.  And then we have the tags that will trade a t3 keep for a paper camp, when they could have easily defended the keep...they just prefer to backcap.

Edited by MedievalThings.5417
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1 minute ago, MedievalThings.5417 said:

And then we have the tags that will trade a t3 keep for a paper camp, when they could have easily defended the keep...they just prefer to backcap.

This one...I think I am still bitter about this since while on a another server than the one I am on now back in the tournament days had a guild that would flood a map, ask others to leave so they could fit more and then would just ktrain around it avoiding fights and letting T3 structures fall trading T3s for T0s.. Hence why I also frown on threads where people said ktrains started in EoTM, but they were around before EoTM was even a thing. I feel you there. /hats off and keep the defenses going.

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37 minutes ago, XenesisII.1540 said:


Lol, I would have warned you.

But hey you're carrying that KDR when you're on! Sadly you're also getting Mesmer nerfed. Did you pull a dev off the wall?

14 minutes ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

lol, that's my first thing when popping on a map is to see how many tacts we are missing, but then I get to choose what goes where if the owner doesn't change them

Yea, the thing that annoys me the most is anyone can put tacts on if they're not already there. It's up there with people complaining that "roamers" haven't taken that nearby t0 camp with no enemy players.

16 minutes ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

But I see that as a bright side since every available camp will have a Charr Car waiting to cause havoc lol.

There is that, but then again that's why I can never take them because you did 🤣

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2 hours ago, ArchonWing.9480 said:

Lol, I would have warned you.

But hey you're carrying that KDR when you're on! Sadly you're also getting Mesmer nerfed. Did you pull a dev off the wall?

Yea, the thing that annoys me the most is anyone can put tacts on if they're not already there. It's up there with people complaining that "roamers" haven't taken that nearby t0 camp with no enemy players.

There is that, but then again that's why I can never take them because you did 🤣

Well I've had two put me on their friends list and I've never spoken to them, so I gotta assume they've been keeping track of me all this time to see what to nerf next on mesmer. 🤭 (this is obviously a joke btw)

Don't remember pulling a dev, hard to do when they're in the middle of those boon blobs and I don't have single pull, but pulled commanders, did it the other night I think with Eww, pulled a mesmer off the swt bridge and they all followed almost dunking on me. Fun times. 🤭


Edited by XenesisII.1540
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1 hour ago, ArchonWing.9480 said:

No. They get angry at you for asking for details beyond the location or color because it's good enough and you should be grateful

No, they tell you to put tacts on

If you mean complain endlessly in team chat about losing, yes.

They die to guards, so n/a

I am on Stormbluff Isle linked with Kanning, please for the love of God don;t come here.

🤣  haha omg that was funny Archon Wing.  Not sure if you were serious or trying to be funny.  Guys you need to change servers.  If you are active in WvW, come to Fort Aspenwood.  There is a good community there.  Of course there are some spammers and annoying people in team chat, but that's why God Blesses the block button!  And thank GOD A.net gave us INFINITE blocks, unlike other games where you max out at like 50.  

I have like half the world blocked and life is good.

The biggest problem I have seen there is that we have some spies / saboteurs from mags or BG we believe.  As if mags and BG don't already have a large enough advantage they have to cheat also by pulling tactivators before they attack with spies.  And they spy which is also lame.  

Hopefully alliances will fix some of this stuff.  Good luck guys - hope you join a good server or alliance when/if that ever happens.

Edited by AlphaLightBringer.7431
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24 minutes ago, AlphaLightBringer.7431 said:

🤣  haha omg that was funny Archon Wing.  Not sure if you were serious or trying to be funny.  Guys you need to change servers.  If you are active in WvW, come to Fort Aspenwood.  There is a good community there.  Of course there are some spammers and annoying people in team chat, but that's why God Blesses the block button!  And thank GOD A.net gave us INFINITE blocks, unlike other games where you max out at like 50.  

I have like half the world blocked and life is good.

The biggest problem I have seen there is that we have some spies / saboteurs from mags or BG we believe.  As if mags and BG don't already have a large enough advantage they have to cheat also by pulling tactivators before they attack with spies.  And they spy which is also lame.  

Hopefully alliances will fix some of this stuff.  Good luck guys - hope you join a good server or alliance when/if that ever happens.

It's funny because it's true! Very seriously true.

I don't care too much because I mostly just play this game with my guild anyways these days, and they are waiting for alliances. And if alliances don't come, then this game is done for me regardless.

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7 hours ago, Avengedeath.4671 said:

Do they use map/team chat for scouting callouts and when taking objectives for example "5 blue team hitting bay, south cata wall, wall percent at 80" or "I am taking Blue hills if you need a keep capture" Or " I am tagged up doing the weeklies"

Do they prioritize using Iron Guards, Watchtower and Presence of the Keep?

Do they try to win every week? Not tank so that they don't have to fight so and so server?

Do they protect EBG AND Home borderland ?

Do they take objectives legitimately, not using exploits etc?

If you answered yes to all of these questions would you share what server you are on?  thank you

Hopefully this is not something against forum policy if so just delete this post

I log in to Northern Shiverpeaks in the evening pacific time. From my angle, our host servers have been driving most of that. There used to be big guilds on NSP who were all about the janitor work way back when but the few who are left mostly wander around the maps solo or in packs looking for stuff to do. 

NSP still calls stuff out so everyone can get in on something before it's done. 

I usually log in and vibe for like 20-30 minutes after work and a little more on the weekends. I don't know what our host servers prioritize. 

We usually get stuck with a host server that tries to legit win the match or we get a few transfer guilds for a couple of matches who are more into points or whatever.

Oddly enough, NSP has a guild commander who spends a lot of time on home BL, even Desert. Appreciate that guild.

I assume all of ours and BG are taking stuff legit. I'm not sure anyone can rate that accurately even if they're being honest.


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11 hours ago, Avengedeath.4671 said:

Do they use map/team chat for scouting callouts and when taking objectives for example "5 blue team hitting bay, south cata wall, wall percent at 80" or "I am taking Blue hills if you need a keep capture" Or " I am tagged up doing the weeklies"

Do they prioritize using Iron Guards, Watchtower and Presence of the Keep?

Do they try to win every week? Not tank so that they don't have to fight so and so server?

Do they protect EBG AND Home borderland ?

Do they take objectives legitimately, not using exploits etc?

If you answered yes to all of these questions would you share what server you are on?  thank you

Hopefully this is not something against forum policy if so just delete this post

You should probably mention whether you're on NA or EU and also what time(s) you regularly play.

I've found there can be a great disparity between the types of players you're going to get depending on the time zone you regularly play in.  Could have excellent scouting and map coverage during NA and absolutely no one on during SEA/OCX.

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12 hours ago, ArchonWing.9480 said:

But hey you're carrying that KDR when you're on! Sadly you're also getting Mesmer nerfed. Did you pull a dev off the wall?

Dev, I don't know, but tag, lol Xen has  greeted me with many a target rich environment saving me time to make my own bad calls and brought them to me.  Again being old I appreciate that so, WAAAGH! Keep at it in my book. 🙂 

Edited by TheGrimm.5624
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- Yes
- Yes, mostly
- No, we have a server community with discord. We talk and decide whether we want to go up, down or stay. Although not everyone cares, it works pretty well
- Depends, if there's people who like protecting, then we protect. Some are just looking for interesting fights. So if it's just cloud attacking shiny castle all the time, then people get bored and ignore those
- As I mentioned above, most are looking for fights, not Pve. Using exploits to take an objective doesn't grant us what we want

Greetings from Riverside

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23 hours ago, Avengedeath.4671 said:

Do they use map/team chat for scouting callouts and when taking objectives for example "5 blue team hitting bay, south cata wall, wall percent at 80" or "I am taking Blue hills if you need a keep capture" Or " I am tagged up doing the weeklies"

CD: Only one ele ever done this and failed to get him on our server

SBI: Already answered

MAG: Quiet we are busy on EBG farming

FA: Quiet we are busy getting farmed on EBG

FC: Yes but the world is ending cause one enemy is in the camp

HOD: maybe tbh I forget what they did when we were linked with them

DB: Mostly crying and just general toxic when losing stuff

23 hours ago, Avengedeath.4671 said:

Do they prioritize using Iron Guards, Watchtower and Presence of the Keep?

CD: Maybe its a tact, it does not make a difference in the end, you going to lose the keep anyways

SBI: Look at Archon Post

MAG: Dragon banner for days is all you need

FA: Maybe but its not like its going to help anyways

FC: Yes, everything gets watchtower, even spawn towers with a range that is too big and consider that spawn camping more than mag

HOD: mix bag

DB: we do one even better, 17 pieces of siege in a tower is normal, gotta beat FC

23 hours ago, Avengedeath.4671 said:

Do they try to win every week? Not tank so that they don't have to fight so and so server?

CD: No, look at Archon post about SBI,

SBI: Losing is winning right?

MAG: Not really but our K/D so good we just end up winning

FA: I think we try but only ebg, we dont touch bls

FC: We PPT so hard that we end up in T1 no matter who we are linked with and then go all toxic being in T1 getting farmed

HOD: Ya they try but think they chiller with going with the flow

DB: i think so, too much map chat spam to know if we are trying or not

23 hours ago, Avengedeath.4671 said:

Do they protect EBG AND Home borderland ?

CD: we try

SBI: Archon (see the theme yet?)

MAG: There are other maps beside EBG?

FA: They can barely defend EBG let alone home bl

FC: All about that home bl and other bl baby

HOD: More bl over EBG

DB: Attempt but mostly wall hug EBG

23 hours ago, Avengedeath.4671 said:

Do they take objectives legitimately, not using exploits etc?

CD: Legit


MAG: We just keep farming you silly people, why the need to take anything beside SMC

FA: We need 5 people to take a t0 camp

FC: no exploits but we paper when no one is online so is that an exploit?

HOD: Ya we got exploiters on our server, pretty common, ANET does nothing about them

DB: We legit but barely able to take it some days. Camp guards are really hard

23 hours ago, Avengedeath.4671 said:

If you answered yes to all of these questions would you share what server you are on?  thank you

SBI but being linked with every server, its all the same. Better off finding a guild you enjoy than the server

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4 hours ago, Twilightzone.7452 said:

Do they try to win every week? Not tank so that they don't have to fight so and so server?

DB: i think so, too much map chat spam to know if we are trying or not

I dunno man, they seem to be stuck in T4 for 2 years now, and they're loaded with ppt people. 🤭

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6 hours ago, Twilightzone.7452 said:

SBI but being linked with every server, its all the same. Better off finding a guild you enjoy than the server

Not wrong, and with WR (who knows) indicated in the future best to seek a guild first and server second.

Only did one transfer in this game. On SBI, after closing in on a decade they still make me chuckle and don't miss the days of reset server meetings planning on who is on each map prior to reset and guilds disdaining other guilds if they didn't see each other benefits and the largest guilds asking why anyone wouldn't have maxed their populations just for them to not have anyone login unless they all did at the same time just to be beat by smaller groups. I like this group of maniacs, they make me smile. 

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2 hours ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

On SBI, after closing in on a decade they still make me chuckle and don't miss the days of reset server meetings planning on who is on each map prior to reset and guilds disdaining other guilds

Lmao, you mean those server meetings?  It was the meme before SBI having 12 server discords depending on who wanted to play leader that month.

Problem was the tendency to take charge was inversely proportional to skill and so people spoke in such abstract terms that it was hard to tell they were playing the game. You'd actually have people going into Orr Temple runs (before megaservers) yelling at people for pveing instead of doing wvw.

Like, most of them I don't think I've ever seen them be in a fight longer than 10 seconds without being on the floor followed by "omfg you didnt push" Nobody would be like :" I'm glad they showed up." I mean I swear some people get peeled off like NPCs sometimes. Are they new to WvW? no. Are they bots? No, I'm pretty sure bots aren't that stupid.

8 hours ago, Twilightzone.7452 said:

SBI: Archon (see the theme yet?)

To elaborate on this, HBL is usually guarded by some angry old men yelling at clouds.  There's also that decent Poor tempest, but he is afk 90% of the time. Despite this fact, he survives longer than most of the veterans on the server.

We also have a few decent pew pew rangers. There used to be a crapton of bad ones but they all switched to mechanist. For some reason they all insist on running condi with Rifle. I would assume it has to do with sharpnel spam but honestly i don't really see them inflicting many condis.

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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