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We need rifle or pistol


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All of the weapons we have gotten with elites have been boring.

Pistol or rifle would be the best weapons to give to ranger

And no i dont think Ranger =Class that mainly fight at range

Never understood the dircetion anet wanted to go with ranger, example bellow

Giving druid spec to a class that use trapps to kill wild life and tame juvenile animals to figth for them, Ranger must tematicaly be the worst class to give druid spec

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7 hours ago, Sansar.1302 said:

Giving druid spec to a class that use trapps to kill wild life and tame juvenile animals to figth for them, Ranger must tematicaly be the worst class to give druid spec

Dunno man, a class that raises the dead and brings pestilence sounds like a worse pick.

Either way, what makes pistol or rifle the best pick? Sounds like personal headcanon that doesn't mean anything to other players.

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12 hours ago, Sansar.1302 said:

Giving druid spec to a class that use trapps to kill wild life and tame juvenile animals to figth for them, Ranger must tematicaly be the worst class to give druid spec

Classes in this game aren’t just one “thing”, they’re more of a collection of every variation that falls under that archetype. One flavor of ranger might be slightly different than another kind, but they both have shared themes and fundamentals. I don’t see anything that implies traps means they harm animals, maybe they use traps to ambush other humanoid races? If anything they’re more in tune with nature because they can bond with animals in ways other classes can’t and can call upon nature spirits.
Ranger is for anything that has a theme of animals, plants, and the natural world which druids have been about in like every form of media ever. I fail to see how any other class would match with them.

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1 hour ago, AlexndrTheGreat.8310 said:

Classes in this game aren’t just one “thing”, they’re more of a collection of every variation that falls under that archetype. One flavor of ranger might be slightly different than another kind, but they both have shared themes and fundamentals. I don’t see anything that implies traps means they harm animals, maybe they use traps to ambush other humanoid races? If anything they’re more in tune with nature because they can bond with animals in ways other classes can’t and can call upon nature spirits.
Ranger is for anything that has a theme of animals, plants, and the natural world which druids have been about in like every form of media ever. I fail to see how any other class would match with them.

I been playing ranger since realese and i strongly disagree.

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Just now, BadSanta.6527 said:

sound more like personal opinon rather than what we actually need . 

i dont see how rife going to help ranger 

mace is a fine choise just deal with it 

wanna play with rifle play engi 

im tired with all this we need rifle therat 

Only thing Ranger need is buffs in WvW, all other is nice to have things but not needed.

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On 9/9/2023 at 5:56 AM, Sansar.1302 said:

All of the weapons we have gotten with elites have been boring.

Pistol or rifle would be the best weapons to give to ranger

And no i dont think Ranger =Class that mainly fight at range

Never understood the dircetion anet wanted to go with ranger, example bellow

Giving druid spec to a class that use trapps to kill wild life and tame juvenile animals to figth for them, Ranger must tematicaly be the worst class to give druid spec

I don't know man. 

Hunting animals sounds pretty natural to me. And using traps to do so is something we humans have done for ages. Even some animals use some kind of traps. 


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5 hours ago, Sansar.1302 said:

Yes it is but it is not what a Druid would do imo

Druids in most settings I know, including Guild Wars, accept that death and predation are part of nature. Hunting is generally only objected to when done for greed or sport rather than sustenance, or when the species being hunted is protected for some reason such as being endangered or viewed as sacred.

Edited by draxynnic.3719
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5 hours ago, Sansar.1302 said:

Yes it is but it is not what a Druid would do imo

What would a Druid do, in your opinion?

The way I see it you have two choices, either the historically accurate religious and political figures from Celtic culture around the time of ancient Rome, which doesn't really have any place as an archetype for an action adventure RPG. Or the modern fictional Druids from sources like Dungeons & Dragons and fantasy literature, which are characterised by their affinity for nature and absolutely do tend to have animal companions and would call upon natural forces and set traps to protect their lands.

All of these themes fit with Ranger, nature spirits, traps, animal companions.

Your big game hunter idea, while also plausibly fitting with the Ranger archetype, overlaps too much with Dragon Hunter and Deadeye. The class also already has a long range single target weapon in the Longbow, and a long range single target support weapon with staff. What use could yet another high damage single target weapon like the rifle do? Unless you make it a mid range shotgun type weapon, but then it's not a big game hunter is it.

Mace/Mace has potential to fill a much needed gap in the toolset, although a shield would have been nicer than off-hand mace, in my opinion anyway.


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All of the weapons we have gotten with elites have been boring to people who don't enjoy them

Pistol or rifle would be the best weapons to give to ranger if this was Cabela's or real life

And no i dont think Ranger =Class that mainly fight at range, hence why i want more long range weapons that fuction closely to ones we already have

Never understood the dircetion anet wanted to go with ranger, the "nature" theme doesn't really satisfy me, example bellow

Giving druid spec to a class that use trapps to kill wild life and tame juvenile animals to figth for them, Ranger must tematicaly be the worst class to give druid spec, aswell as Engineer, Necromancer, Thief, Elementalist, Warrior, Mesmer and Guardian.

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The concept of an 'animal companion' is fairly commonly associated with druids in fantasy, and I don't know of any precedent that indicates that druids must be vegan, so there's no contradiction with druids using traps as long as the hunting they do is sustainable and not needlessly cruel. And that's before you even consider that animals are not necessarily the intended target of the trap.

This idea that ranger is not a good basis for a druid subclass because it has animal companions and traps is, to put it bluntly, ludicrous.

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It's impressive how many people in this thread don't even know the druid type that ranger got. The guild wars druid isn't nature-focused, it's astral-focused. The whole argument of rangers hunting/trapping animals is moot; our druid is based on celestial magic. This is certainly a less-used type of druid in fantasy settings, but it's closer to historical druids.

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17 hours ago, Aaron Forestman.4758 said:

It's impressive how many people in this thread don't even know the druid type that ranger got. The guild wars druid isn't nature-focused, it's astral-focused. The whole argument of rangers hunting/trapping animals is moot; our druid is based on celestial magic. This is certainly a less-used type of druid in fantasy settings, but it's closer to historical druids.

Not entirely - some of the abilities are still plant-related, and the ancient druids are much more plant-related. The distinction is that most of the nature magic stuff is already in ranger, so the druid elite specialisation focused on adding the aspects of a Tyrian druid that weren't already present in core ranger.

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Sadly, we don't get rifle/pistol now for sure... but I hope Anet will add every weapon choice for every profession in the future. Mace+mace in nearest future is strange choice. I have feeling that everything else would fit more for ranger. Rifle, pistols. scepter, shield... Maces are not the most exciting weapons.

The "ranger is too close to nature to get the rifle" argument don't make sense to me. We literally killing tousands of creatures through whole game, animals included 😛 They made bow paladin, they made hammer elementalist, they even made hammer ranger but rifle is not fit for theme? I dont understand 😄 

Edited by Jungario.6485
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The more I think about it the more I really like the idea of a cowboy-style ranger elite spec with a pistol or dual pistols. Something revolving around riding out pets or something. Now that weapons are divorced from elite spec it needs to stand on its own for Ranger flavor, though.

I'd lean into "The Spirit of the West" as a theme. The pistols could invoke animals like rattlesnakes, buzzards, eagles, or horses. A skill where we mount up onto a Horse Spirit (Or raptor if we want to stick to Tyria's mounts) while rapidly firing the pistols for a short distance could be really cool. Or give spirit wings to the bullets while making them bypass projectile hate for a short time. A skill where we holster our pistol and quickdraw it as a rattlesnake coils around us and strikes would also be visually awesome.

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7 hours ago, Ehecatl.9172 said:

The more I think about it the more I really like the idea of a cowboy-style ranger elite spec with a pistol or dual pistols. Something revolving around riding out pets or something. Now that weapons are divorced from elite spec it needs to stand on its own for Ranger flavor, though.

I'd lean into "The Spirit of the West" as a theme. The pistols could invoke animals like rattlesnakes, buzzards, eagles, or horses. A skill where we mount up onto a Horse Spirit (Or raptor if we want to stick to Tyria's mounts) while rapidly firing the pistols for a short distance could be really cool. Or give spirit wings to the bullets while making them bypass projectile hate for a short time. A skill where we holster our pistol and quickdraw it as a rattlesnake coils around us and strikes would also be visually awesome.

I dont really see any reason why a Tyrian ranger would follow an American Wild West theme. Even in the real world, there were firearm-using frontiersmen in the 19th century that weren't in North America.

I think there is mileage for ranger firearms to come from a society where guns have been sufficiently normalised that they're not considered 'anti-nature', possibly with a frontier feel, but making it specifically Wild West would be far too USAmerican-centric.

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