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Anet, why do you guys HATE warrior? It's obvious to those few of us that play it.


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Worst class objectively in the game. Not much versatility at all, useless utilities and elites, and now you nerf the one decent thing we've had? On what grounds? I swear not even my least favorite studios does stupid stuff like this. I'm legit losing it with you guys.

You continually gutter the already worst class in the game. I play warrior and I play it quite well, and I still get groups who want me to play a different class. THAT'S a problem.

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5 hours ago, Kitty.4806 said:

and now you nerf the one decent thing we've had?

What do you mean by "decent"?! Condi Berserker was at 45k dps, which had to be brought down with the rest of the top dps specs. Otherwise that build would dominate the charts now. Just because Scourge (and to a lesser extend, Weaver and Catalyst) was insane, doesn't mean Condi Berserker was fine.

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6 hours ago, ZenDrake.8316 said:

What do you mean by "decent"?! Condi Berserker was at 45k dps, which had to be brought down with the rest of the top dps specs. Otherwise that build would dominate the charts now. Just because Scourge (and to a lesser extend, Weaver and Catalyst) was insane, doesn't mean Condi Berserker was fine.

And how many condi zerkers you saw pull those numbers in raids? Zero. This spec is not viable to pull those numbers in real fights. IRL the spec was in an ok place.

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2 hours ago, Blood.7254 said:

And how many condi zerkers you saw pull those numbers in raids? Zero.

That's true for almost all builds. How many Catalysts did you see last year pulling those numbers before they brought down the nerf hammer with the summer balance patch?

Condi berserker just isn't one of the easy to play builds (like scourge or virtu), thus you'll see less of them.

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1 hour ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

Not being popular is not a reason to let it be powercrept. 

It is unpopular BECAUSE everything else is powercrep.

Simple wisdom of the many, if it was good in the first place it would be more represented in the general population of players.

This was not the case then, it will surely not be the case now with the nerf on top

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31 minutes ago, DemonCrypto.6792 said:

It is unpopular BECAUSE everything else is powercrep.

Simple wisdom of the many, if it was good in the first place it would be more represented in the general population of players.

This was not the case then, it will surely not be the case now with the nerf on top

It's that and other specs offer similar or better DPS while also having more utility and less restrictive gameplay.

Condi Zerker in PvE is a case in point of why not to balance off of top end benchmarks.


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43 minutes ago, DemonCrypto.6792 said:

It is unpopular BECAUSE everything else is powercrep.

Simple wisdom of the many, if it was good in the first place it would be more represented in the general population of players.

This was not the case then, it will surely not be the case now with the nerf on top

Condizerker was among the top DPS at 45k. It wasn't unpopular because others were powercrept, it was unpopular, because you could do comparable damage with less effort.

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First off in fine with the PvE condi Zerker nerfs. It was doing too much' damage & is now much more on-line at 39k.

& I don't think they actively "hate" any class. I do think that they are, however, overwhelming apathetic towards Warrior. And every tool that it has another class has in a better form: See Warrior Greatsword vs Ranger or Revenant GS. [Warrior's Sprint] vs [Aggressive Agility], etc. And every decision' that they've made recently buff or nerf reeks of a lack of understanding of how the traits/systems are supposed to interact. See: Quickness Berserker quickness trait being a 5s icd not 4s like every burst-relevant trait so you could match it up with alternate bursts via burst skill reduction to 4.25s icd via Discipline and corresponding reduced weapon swap CD reduction, etc. Or removing the fun functionality of [Daring Dragon] and putting the alacrity there instead of slightly buffing Dad's base bullet charge damage and putting the Alacrity on [Immortal Dragon] etc.


Whatever passion whoever architects and shaped this class is gone. It has a plethora of weapons. All of which are outdated. And no mid-ranged option. And it's getting another 2H melee weapon which regardless of how good/terrible it's is will do nothing to fill the overwhelming design-space hole that seems supposedly so precious to Cal of needing a real main-hand mid or long rage option. Weaponsmaster training was a disgusting slap in the face showing as much. It's like if you named your first kid "John" your second kid "Better John".


The class is horrifically outdated, and what ArenaNet needs to do is hire someone who reflects the passion and knowledge of the Warrior class that the community seems to have. But they won't. I fully expect it to get nothing but duct tape fixes like Gunsaber, Staff and the Defense rework until the game dies unfortunately.




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1 hour ago, TyrantPuppy.1893 said:

First off in fine with the PvE condi Zerker nerfs. It was doing too much' damage & is now much more on-line at 39k.

& I don't think they actively "hate" any class. I do think that they are, however, overwhelming apathetic towards Warrior. And every tool that it has another class has in a better form: See Warrior Greatsword vs Ranger or Revenant GS. [Warrior's Sprint] vs [Aggressive Agility], etc. And every decision' that they've made recently buff or nerf reeks of a lack of understanding of how the traits/systems are supposed to interact. See: Quickness Berserker quickness trait being a 5s icd not 4s like every burst-relevant trait so you could match it up with alternate bursts via burst skill reduction to 4.25s icd via Discipline and corresponding reduced weapon swap CD reduction, etc. Or removing the fun functionality of [Daring Dragon] and putting the alacrity there instead of slightly buffing Dad's base bullet charge damage and putting the Alacrity on [Immortal Dragon] etc.


Whatever passion whoever architects and shaped this class is gone. It has a plethora of weapons. All of which are outdated. And no mid-ranged option. And it's getting another 2H melee weapon which regardless of how good/terrible it's is will do nothing to fill the overwhelming design-space hole that seems supposedly so precious to Cal of needing a real main-hand mid or long rage option. Weaponsmaster training was a disgusting slap in the face showing as much. It's like if you named your first kid "John" your second kid "Better John".


The class is horrifically outdated, and what ArenaNet needs to do is hire someone who reflects the passion and knowledge of the Warrior class that the community seems to have. But they won't. I fully expect it to get nothing but duct tape fixes like Gunsaber, Staff and the Defense rework until the game dies unfortunately.

I mean yeah ranger has one of the best weapon designs on greatsword, but it's only used in PvP. Even ranger is heavily outdated in some aspects. Look at the utility skills, half of them are NEVER used because they are just bad. I fear that in the future they will also make some kind of "Skill-mastery training" that will open up elite spec utility skills to the whole class.

The weaponmaster training should've come with a traitline rework for every elite spec to make each spec's weapon unique/special to them in some way. 

All this, what you said and the rest of the forums are what's pushing me away from the game, because people are telling the truth. I loved playing vindicator or revenant in general after being  a ranger main for a long time, but holy kitten... The difference between pvp revenant & pve revenant is so huge. Vindicator healings skills are 30s in pvp and 10s in pve. You can't play it in both gamemodes without ruining your muscle memory or "feel" for the class.

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On 9/27/2023 at 1:14 PM, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

Condizerker was among the top DPS at 45k. It wasn't unpopular because others were powercrept, it was unpopular, because you could do comparable damage with less effort.

Doing comparable damage with less effort is powercreep. 

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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39 minutes ago, Aduin.2307 said:

Don't forget about berserker who are overperforming in wvw for a long time now.

Again? just because 1k-2k tics at big LB F1 (its only ranged resource for zergs btw) are looking good on arcdps because of the extra target caps, doesn't means it's overperforming, bigger dmg on 1 spot is waaaaaaaaaay better and waaaaaaaaaaaaaay more effective than those tics, like Arc Divider, which is melee, spellbreaker is fully melee and overnerfed in zergs, bladesworn has no use in zergs, let this class breathe.

Edited by Zizekent.2398
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15 hours ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

Doing comparable damage with less effort is powercreep. 

Doing so much damage that everything dies in almost no time is also powercreep. Before EoD we had some builds that could reach 40k DPS under certain circustances with pretty much everything else in the 35-37k DPS category and there weren't many instances of a profession having ridiculous damage. Now 40k is baseline for DPS.

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To attempt a serious answer to what was probably a rhetorical question:

Been thinking on this a little lately. Like @TyrantPuppy.1893 said, it's probably more about apathy than active distaste. But why would they be apathetic about warrior:

Answer: Because core warrior is pretty boring from a graphics perspective.

The trident-wielding professions all have magic that can lead to crazy graphics. Ranger and thief are a bit more down-to-earth but still have room for some fancy effects and plenty of fancy animations as they flip and roll around the place. Engineer has fancy gadgets, some of which move into Clarke's Third Law territory.

Warrior, meanwhile... while they do have magic, it's mostly focused inwards. If magic was comic book radiation, warriors would be the superheroes who get super-strength and toughness while the others get crazy powers. They might still be among the most important simply due to being strong and tough, but they're not where the majority of the effects budget is going.

The effect of this? When a lot of effort has gone into making a skill effect or animation, that creates incentive to make sure it's worth using that you just don't get with a skill where the graphics is basically "you swing a sword, you swing a sword again, and that's... okay, I guess". Now, when you build that up to the whole profession... warrior has a few of those visually impressive skills, mostly in the elite specialisations, but it just doesn't match up to what some of the other professions have, so that incentive is going to be pushing more towards other professions.

On top of this, I think there are a few factors that just make warrior harder to design for in general. Lower magic constrains the design space for special utility skills that might enhance overall versatility (although this on its own doesn't mean warrior can't be good at the things it does do). I think there's also a degree to which the GW2 implementation of adrenaline might be holding it back a bit.

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