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Why is the land of the free not letting me fulfil my potential?


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RE: You have placed too many "sell orders"

Hi everyone,

I like the idea of treating the Black Lion Trading Post like a stock exchange - a game within a game -  buying low / selling high. A gentleman day trader on the road to becoming a baron.  However I run into the annoying, "you have placed too many sell orders". It's infuriating that Arenanet does not allow a decent number of sell orders as this pretty much nerfs my ability to trade. Do you think this is a genuine technical / network bandwidth issue or have they artifically constrained trading in order to shoehorn us into spending real cash (I'm sure their real cash transactions would not suffer from "you're spending too much money with us, please try again later"). They can allow hundreds of us bashing away at a boss with all the network traffic that would entail but can't allow us to place a decent number of "sell" orders. They have a great API to hook into but then nerf its potential. I'm guessing it's all about Anet chasing the Yankee dollar and corporate greed. Mike "microtransactional" o'Brian and co won't allow the little guy a piece of corporate Tyria.

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They do allow you to sell as much as you want. What they don't allow is too many sell orders placed too quickly in too short a time. Give it a few seconds and you'll be able to sell what you want to sell. It's a minor annoyance but it's not stopping you from anything, except spam sell orders.

Btw, Mike hasn't worked at ANet for 4 years now. And if anyone is chasing the Yankee dollar I'd say it's NCSoft more than ANet.

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13 minutes ago, TheVonHorn.1069 said:

Do you think this is a genuine technical / network bandwidth issue or have they artifically constrained trading

As mentioned just above, it's not a "technical issue," it's a means of bot control. It has never had anything to do with bandwidth and has been in place since launch in 2012, IIRC.

You could never dump huge amounts of stuff in there all at once.


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