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WvW rush event was great. Do it every month.


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I got to fight something other than stealth gank thieves and tanky condi builds. I almost couldn't believe my eyes! In my opinion long queues in ebg are worth once again experiencing the thrill of fighting builds that aren't metastatic carcinoma.

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So, you want Anet to provide you with players who are new to WvW on a schedule, but we're supposed to worry about some ganking and tanky condi builds? 

You're basically saying you want a default build advantage every month because you won't pack for the game mode. 

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40 minutes ago, Infusion.7149 said:

If it is every month it is not an event then.

It literally would be an event. A monthly event.

What makes you think that an event is something that can't happen every month? Are events only random or yearly where you come from? Or are you maybe not using the word event the way everyone else on Earth uses it?

Please, enlighten me as to why an event can't happen every month.

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I don't think I could take a week every month of dealing with all of the rally bots that get one pushed in every fight, or who just run as soon as the enemy starts to engage. 

Some improved rewards to make up for the devaluing of Memories wouldn't go amiss, but I'm not looking to draw in new players who are just there for rewards. WvW has its audience and 11 years in that's not going to change. 

Edited by Caffynated.5713
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Once a month would probably not draw in as many casuals either.  Something like this draws in a bunch who may be curious, need that GoB, or otherwise show up because there hasn't been a rush for a while.

But if you knew there was one each month, it would likely be diminishing returns - those players already got their GoB, and don't need another, those who came to see what it was about might not return, etc.

Now once a quarter might be reasonable.


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36 minutes ago, Solvar.7953 said:

Once a month would probably not draw in as many casuals either.  Something like this draws in a bunch who may be curious, need that GoB, or otherwise show up because there hasn't been a rush for a while.

But if you knew there was one each month, it would likely be diminishing returns - those players already got their GoB, and don't need another, those who came to see what it was about might not return, etc.

Now once a quarter might be reasonable.


From another perspective, once per month might not draw in as many at the same time, but at the same time it would be less queues each time, and possibly slightly more patient veterans on their own side willing to assist or give advice?

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13 hours ago, Venport.3925 said:

We should have some kind of event somewhat frequently but once a month for the same event will just burn out veterans

Doesn't need to be the same event per say. When Rubi linked the events in the studio update she did ask for players to post event ideas on that thread after all.

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What if this could work in servers that spend are most time outmaned as an event?

For a fast and weird  example  it could any time a huge zerg happens in an adversary server a call out event would spawn on the low population servers like those omny queues vs very vey low populations server timezones etc...?




Edited by Aeolus.3615
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Based on design of the game, it seems like there are not a lot of communication from one part of the game to another.  For example, you can not see many details of WvW unless you enter WvW.  Waypoints on maps that are inaccessible due to events are not apparent until you try to WP there and get redirected, etc.  So I'm not sure if there is any mechanism in place to notify all players of a given server that 'Your WvW really needs you right now' type of message.

Plus, I think if it was in reaction to zergs showing up, it might be pretty spammy and have other unintended consequences (would be odd/annoying to get that message because your team basically left a map because a huge enemy zerg was rolling over everything there, with those players instead heading to a different map to try and poach some less well defended targets).  So players might get in the habit of joining the battle in that case is pointless because they are going to rolled over also.

I certainly think there can be more events - the number of special events seem pretty low.  Ideally they should probably do events to try do draw new players in, eg, a week where everyone has a warclaw, regardless of training, might give some new players the 'hey, if I play enough to unlock that track, this WvW stuff isn't half bad'


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7 hours ago, allshallperish.4620 said:

yes more events agree 100% nice to log in and have enemies to fight

It did show that we would have even more players with more rewards and that the Call To War alone also draws more which was an open question. So in translation events that tested other game change aspect which also included Call to War could draw in test numbers to see how the effects of those test weeks would play out. Example set Call to War and set other aspects of downstate in an adjusted state to see how each element impactsed fights. Example no rally or forced respawn or all the other aspects that have come up overtime.

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