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[WvW] - Powercreep has ruined this gamemode.


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1 hour ago, SleepyBat.9034 said:

The grass is always greener on the other side buddy. Sorry, I upset you by criticizing your main but I'm not going to argue with you about which spec has the most broken mechanics because we would be here all week as there is more than enough broken stuff on Mesmer. I came here to post about Powercreep and you took it personally but couldn't come up with any legitimate arguments because what I said is true so you settled on saying I'm on the wrong build which is a weird thing to say, obviously I play the strongest Engineer builds I can because I like winning fights. If changing builds or getting good could solve the problem I wouldn't be here.

Would you mind posting your build and some footage?

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4 hours ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

Condi mech is still pretty insane in WvW

Condi mechanist is probably the weakest of the bunch because of relatively weak defense and a mech one can essentially ignore. At least a power stun lock build is a danger especially if another enemy is nearby. 

And that’s coming from fighting them with a weak sauce condi core engineer who’s primary damage is 2 stacks of burn.

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5 hours ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

Condi mechanist is probably the weakest of the bunch because of relatively weak defense and a mech one can essentially ignore. At least a power stun lock build is a danger especially if another enemy is nearby. 

And that’s coming from fighting them with a weak sauce condi core engineer who’s primary damage is 2 stacks of burn.

It's not that bad my dude--especially in a duo roamer situation.  I've run into a number of them that were tough to fight even on power because defense stats in WvW are out of whack.  

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On 10/29/2023 at 7:55 PM, Lana Del Bae.7156 said:

what did i claim? my original claim is that power chrono has a high skill ceiling and its this skill ceiling that permits its most loyal adherents to surf over many of the people they come across. I dont think mesmer is a hard class intrinsically. I don't think any class is hard intrinsically. Even on the same elite specs you can play a super easy build or a really hard one.

I hate to break it to you but the reason you hate power chrono is because its players are genuinely extremely well practiced at what they do. If you die to one then 9 times out of 10 it means the guy you're up against probably just has a dedication to the game that supersedes yours to the point that he probably mirrorblades in his own dreams and can accurately predict what your blood type and home address is just by reading your gameplay alone. There are literally no easy routes to beating someone like that. You have to actually meet them where they are and be better than them if you want to win

If thou wishes to beat sweat, thou must perspirate all the same

I assume you talk about the typical glass cannon chrono that stuns you and kills you withing 3 seconds while you're permastun unable to act. In that case to be fair the other class should have the possibility to conter and it cant. 

Lots of stuns+cheesy burst= bad design

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19 hours ago, Axelteas.7192 said:

I assume you talk about the typical glass cannon chrono that stuns you and kills you withing 3 seconds while you're permastun unable to act. In that case to be fair the other class should have the possibility to conter and it cant. 

Lots of stuns+cheesy burst= bad design

Did you know that all you had to do to negate his combo was stunbreak and dodge or just pop a block skill

You beat this stuff by playing actively and reactively, not passively. If you're fighting a dude whose on a 0 sustain burst build then it means he's playing a version of the game where his mistakes and moves are excruciatingly readable and obvious and also possible to punish. He's playing dark souls, so you fight him like it's dark souls too, with reactive play instead of just sitting around and expecting a build to carry you because the youtuber who made its video guide did a really convincing job of selling it. Again to what I said at the top of the thread, you beat this stuff by being the better gamer and you can do it just through practice 

Take these examples:
You're fighting a dagger pistol thief and he casts black powder. Guess what he's going to do next.
You're fighting a FA weaver and he casts rock barrier and remains in earth attunement. Guess what he's going to do next.
You're fighting a power mesmer and at the start of a duel he enters stealth. Guess what he's going to do next.

Fights against such classes can be some of the most fun ones in the game because of how they actually adhere to an internal logic of "I do an action, he does a reaction"-type gameplay where mistakes are punished and smart, predictive play is rewarded. Literally just be the better gamer and stop blaming your opponent's talent and mastery over his skillset on "bad design". Learn the matchup and surf on the guy. Look at him and not your skill bar.

Edited by Lana Del Bae.7156
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OP is right to an extent, there's A LOT of builds that hard carry the player and you have an uphill struggle or disadvantage fighting on anything with appropriate risk and reward, some examples:

Cele harbinger, the damage and regen on this is nuts, enough mobility to get to safety a lot. High passive prot uptime.
Cele willbender, again, tons of damage, tons of boons, defence and king of mobility at the moment. Passive prot uptime.
Cele vindicator, vindicator as a legend is grosly overloaded, add in shortbow and you get an incredibly hard to kill spec that spends half it's time evading or glitching out.
Deadeye, gets to dictate the fight completely and stay at a nice safe 1200 range needing only 3 or 4 buttons to win. I wish I was joking.
Cele catalyst, with high protection, might stacking, stab on aura and waterfields on demand it's a very tanky spec to fight even 2v1.
Druid or Soulbeast, lots of stealth, mobility, cleansing, stunbreaks, damage, it's got everything you need to fight or get out of a fight.

These are just a few but there's many other build/stat/class combos that you have to play something incredibly broken to fight. Many might point out cele is the culprit, it's not, it's maybe 40% of the reason many of these builds are broken, the rest is plain biased or inept balancing. Marauder willbender jumping you for a 20k combo then running away to try again in 30s when CDs are back is every bit as broken as cele willbender, just they go from stupidly hard to kill to hard to kill. Once you get over 50% boon duration (runes for 25%, diviner armour for another 25%) a lot of these builds get very strong and one of the common aspects is passive stacking of boons or excessive defensive options within one place. So removing cele won't magically make it better, just a little better. All these builds will still be super strong.

Then we come to the balance patch preview, I don't think anyone is looking at that and saying ANet is addressing real problems in any way.

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1 hour ago, apharma.3741 said:

Cele catalyst, with high protection, might stacking, stab on aura and waterfields on demand it's a very tanky spec to fight even 2v1.

Which version though? Scepter is actually quite garbage, Hammer is decent/strong but nothing impressive compared to Deadeye  and other bs.
Hammer really need a rework, it's just strong because of amount of effects it can generate and simply overwhelm enemy, beside that it's garbage.
Wish I could just use some Berserker build but hey, we don't have damage or sustain unlike other bs~

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2 hours ago, apharma.3741 said:

Druid or Soulbeast, lots of stealth, mobility, cleansing, stunbreaks, damage, it's got everything you need to fight or get out of a fight.


This would apply moreso to soulbeast as Druids damage potential was nerfed with the removal of ancient seeds and stealth was gone with the removal of trapper runes. Soulbeast do these moreso than druid by far.

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Naw powercreep didn't ruin the mode.

1- war claw putting ever class with their individual and different strengths and weaknesses on even ground mobility wise hurt the mode.

2- people viewing zerg playstyle as only viable and proper playstyle in a large map open world pvp mode hurts the game mode.

3- reliance on boons hurt the mode.

4- the over saturation of ranged aoe in zergs ie zergs amount to barely anything more than everyone mindlessly spamming their ranged aoes at one another.....fun and skilled gameplay. In past any group that used classes skills to coordinate tactical advantages just ended up getting those skills used by those classes hard nerfed or removed.

5- majority of player treat wvw as more of a pve mode ie only care about joining trains to get their rewards and dailies and could care less if they even fight other zergs, sontimes see them actively avoid one another. It's sad because of how wvw's pvp interaction variabilities could almost be endless.

6- grossly uneven server population due to transfer hopping.

These are main things that come to mind after 8 yrs in wvw.

Edited by Psycoprophet.8107
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3 hours ago, Psycoprophet.8107 said:

Naw powercreep didn't ruin the mode.

1- war claw putting ever class with their individual and different strengths and weaknesses on even ground mobility wise hurt the mode.

2- people viewing zerg playstyle as only viable and proper playstyle in a large map open world pvp mode hurts the game mode.

3- reliance on boons hurt the mode.

4- the over saturation of ranged aoe in zergs ie zergs amount to barely anything more than everyone mindlessly spamming their ranged aoes at one another.....fun and skilled gameplay. In past any group that used classes skills to coordinate tactical advantages just ended up getting those skills used by those classes hard nerfed or removed.

5- majority of player treat wvw as more of a pve mode ie only care about joining trains to get their rewards and dailies and could care less if they even fight other zergs, sontimes see them actively avoid one another. It's sad because of how wvw is pvp interaction variabilities could almost be endless.

6- grossly uneven server population due to transfer hopping.

These are main things that come to mind after 8 yrs in wvw.

Finally one of the 1 in 300 good posts.

Edited by Sereath.1428
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Use wasd better and nade spam on scrapper builds on celestial gear and you can farm every build in wvw (except maybe good thief).
Both power damage and condi stacks and durations are over-performing in wvw on nades.
Right now if you cant win against others on this build then you need to grind movement and kiting while spamming nades better.
Actually the most broken build for a long time now.

Edited by XECOR.2814
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