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I'd like to share a few thoughts - get mad about it if you don't like it

Trevor Boyer.6524

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  1. Firebrand needs real buffs in pvp.
  2. kitten fix the way that Shield Master - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) interacts with Aegis.
  3. Vindicator does not need the dodge buffs it is about to get.
  4. Thems are some mighty heavy buffs that Engi is about to get. Looks like maybe a bit too much. Slick Shoes should not be a force wall effect like Line Of Ward. You should be able to dodge/evade across Slick Shoes.
  5. For the love of God, please do not remove the CCs from Smokescale & Smokescale merge. You still haven't removed the random damage proc from Lightning Reflexes. The nerfs to One Wolf Pack were too severe, some of the damage needs to be added back in all modes. Lyhr Relic is awesome on Druid -> PvP - Lyhr Bunker Support Druid - YouTube
  6. Thief is hitting awfully hard nowadays, both DP Daredevil power bursts and Specter condi bursts. Even in wvw DP Daredevil is so strong & resilient in 1v1 that it is the only thing that can get away without using cele and still be a top roamer. The DPS output & 1v1 power here is getting to be questionable considering it still is the class with the best overall survival & mobility.
  7. Necros are fine. "Deadly Strength: This trait now also grants condition damage per stack of Death's Carapace." Holy **** you sure? Alright.
  8. Mesmer buffs - Nice way to bring back the Core Mesmer. Tolkien Underfoot should enjoy this.
  9. Catalyst/Tempest/Weaver is still running the show in team comps. This class still enjoys being the best support option, one of the best overall 1v1 presence, and in general one of the better team fighters. Ele is still very strong and I'm tired of hearing complaints about "the weak state it is in". Knock it off guys, it's embarassing.
  10. Akeem Relic needs to be shaved.
  11. Stronghold & Courtyard need to be added into normal queues into map select shuffle.
  12. Can we get some new maps? It's been awhile man.
  13. Can we get some different kinds off-season? Surprise us, do something weird. Give us something new.
Edited by Trevor Boyer.6524
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vindicator dodge is a rework in that traitline more then a buff, also the useage to activate it is on cd and not for every dodge. 1 is about a stronger dodge and the other 2 aren't. If you choose the stronger dodge, you will have less dodge uptime in exchange. So this seems like a nice compromise as long the power differences in these 3 are equal.

Firebrand could use some healing coëfficiënt buff in its virtue. Swift Scholar could grant 2 tomes instead of 1 after 3 virtue skill useages.

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32 minutes ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

Get mad about this? Nah. 

Rework the shield trait from Warrior. It's useless everywhere except that one toxic interaction. 

It's useful in parrying  projectiles on power zerk 😞


Things @Trevor Boyer.6524 said

Nah this is fine. can I please have like 10% of the mitigation bladesworn is gorging itself on though

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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18 minutes ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:
  1. Firebrand needs real buffs in pvp.
  2. kitten fix the way that Shield Master - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) interacts with Aegis.
  3. Vindicator does not need the dodge buffs it is about to get.
  4. Thems are some mighty heavy buffs that Engi is about to get. Looks like maybe a bit too much. Slick Shoes should not be a force wall effect like Line Of Ward. You should be able to dodge/evade across Slick Shoes.
  5. For the love of God, please do not remove the CCs from Smokescale & Smokescale merge. You still haven't removed the random damage proc from Lightning Reflexes. The nerfs to One Wolf Pack were too severe, some of the damage needs to be added back in all modes. Lyhr Relic is awesome on Druid -> PvP - Lyhr Bunker Support Druid - YouTube
  6. Thief is hitting awfully hard nowadays, both DP Daredevil power bursts and Specter condi bursts. Even in wvw DP Daredevil is so strong & resilient in 1v1 that it is the only thing that can get away without using cele and still be a top roamer. The DPS output & 1v1 power here is getting to be questionable considering it still is the class with the best overall survival & mobility.
  7. Necros are fine. "Deadly Strength: This trait now also grants condition damage per stack of Death's Carapace." Holy **** you sure? Alright.
  8. Mesmer buffs - Nice way to bring back the Core Mesmer. Tolkien Underfoot should enjoy this.
  9. Catalyst/Tempest/Weaver is still running the show in team comps. This class still enjoys being the best support option, one of the best overall 1v1 presence, and in general one of the better team fighters. Ele is still very strong and I'm tired of hearing complaints about "the weak state it is in". Knock it off guys, it's embarassing.
  10. Akeem Relic needs to be shaved.
  11. Stronghold & Courtyard need to be added into normal queues into map select shuffle.
  12. Can we get some new maps? It's been awhile man.
  13. Can we get some different kinds off-season? Surprise us, do something weird. Give us something new.

1: Definitely. They keep giving FB small nudges, insisting they want to have FB be a viable support. There isn't a reason to take FB over Core right now. Core provides everything instantly, which has a lot of value. All while being able to take multiple defensive trait lines. (Valor + Honor).

2: Yep. Frankly remove the trait and give Warrior something more useful. It's a weak trait without that, surely, unintended interaction.

3: Indifferent. Vindicator has been in an awkward spot of strong but not.

4: Engineer has been needing more nudges towards being a strong spec. Rifle 5 getting an evade is an 'ABOUT TIME' kinda response from me. Nothing else really stood out to me. Maybe the idea of Support Scrapper.

5: I'm conflicted about the Smokescale change. The CC has been a VERY sore spot for a lot of players for a long time. The person who is the victim of it knows the pain, and the Ranger who plays it revels in it. I'd argue it needs an animation change to make it more reliable to differ between the CC and just a basic attack. I think they made the wrong choice, but it technically deals with a problem people have had with this pet. Lightning Reflexes still having damage is so goofy- like why punish a stun break into things like Static Shield. One Wolf Pack is odd, I'd argue it's not the problem, but more-so the fact Ranger has a skill like Hunter's Call to get relatively free value out of it. It doesn't have an obvious animation like Ray of Judgement on Guardian- you have a short audio cue followed by needing to dodge immediately. Quickness completely invalidates that tactic too!

6: Thief is fine. D/P Bound with Impairing Daggers was a brief meme that was around. Some people still play it, but it's relatively squishy and dependent on stealth. Staff being reworked might switch it up a little, but I don't see much past that. Condi Core Thief might be a nicer with being able to use Repeater back-to-back with a lower initiative cost. Bountiful Theft is cool, a little extra might.

7: Core and Reaper were the primary lovers in the spotlight of this patch. Primarily with the fact that Terror is being buffed and moved into the Grandmaster, allow for Necromancers to take Path of Corruption alongside it. This was previously used during '0/0/0/0/0' days where people would benefit from corrupting Stability. They're reintroducing a very strong combo. (I like it). Reaper got some sustain buffs via Blighter's Boon. Unfortunately it competes with Deathly Chill, otherwise we all know that it would be getting used. They gave Harbinger a bone with Death's Carapace giving 300 Condition Damage at max stacks, nice.

8: I'm horrified about Mesmer. They've gone and reintroduced a very toxic trait combination via Bountiful Disillusionment and Persistence of Memory. If you remember the whole 'phantasm chrono' era. That's what it was riding on, specifically the interaction of those two traits. (Granted also old Signet of Inspiration too). This is going to open up some new tanky Chaos Chrono build again, but having invulnerability Phantasms all while constantly generating boons. They could probably take Null Field if cleanse is a concern, who knows. Spooky stuff on the horizon. There's also Inspiration being able to heal a lot more. They're nerfing Virtuoso's ability to cleanse as much, since they'll need to decide between Blurred Inscriptions and Restorative Illusions. Chaos Mirage got some quiet buffs here too, via Illusionary Warlock inflicting Torment, AoE boons, Protection, AoE Chaos Armor. Lots of shenanigans.

9: Weaver has my attention out of all the changes. Aquatic Stance granting endurance has some potential to give Fire Weaver a lil oomph.

10: Probably. Maybe reducing the confusion to 3 or increasing the CD. There was also the option of specifically targeting Skull Grinder's interaction to immediately activate it. Reduce the Confusion by 1 stack on the skill itself would bully them a bit. Means they'd have to CC after Throw Sword or something.

11-13: No response.

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thief too strong all around. 

vindi doesn't need the buff, herald needs condi removal / baked in stability

ele is fine, they're actually learning to play finally. I see plenty doing just FINE in FFA.

condi reaper is getting a lil out of hand but it has its counters

idt engi needs any buffs, i'd lower all the cast times on med kit. vass change will be too strong.

mesmer will prob be very meta

i know ur worried about ranger but there will def be new broken builds w/ all the changes. 

core guard is meh

akeem has to go, confusion is just way too busted of a condi in general. 

Edited by Eddie.9143
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1 hour ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

Thief is hitting awfully hard nowadays, both DP Daredevil power bursts and Specter condi bursts. Even in wvw DP Daredevil is so strong & resilient in 1v1 that it is the only thing that can get away without using cele and still be a top roamer. The DPS output & 1v1 power here is getting to be questionable considering it still is the class with the best overall survival & mobility

What?. Lol

Thief is a +1 and decapper no one should really be getting solo'd in. 1v1 by Thief. 

People rly won't be happy til thief's unplayable class 😂

Above is right, it's too funny to be mad at 


Edited by Puck.3697
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30 minutes ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

You run shield on zerker?

And sundering leap!

Never underestimate the power of leaping to a mes the moment you see them slot up magic bullet, knowing that they will stun themselves at the same time you arrive and probably arent ready to react to it.

Same for harbinger~

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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What is this companies obsession with low skill floor specs? confusion condi bombs and 5 button power burst.


Trevor you know full well ele requires more effort than many other specs, and that aint fair. The very same thing is happening to ranger. I use to respect decent power untamed, but where are they now?.. all I ever see is low skill floor SBs, condi untamed, or some similar variation.. and are just as much threat as a decent power untamed, with half the effort. What is the insentive for newer players to even try power untamed.







Edited by Flowki.7194
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1 hour ago, Flowki.7194 said:

What is this companies obsession with low skill floor specs? confusion condi bombs and 5 button power burst.


Trevor you know full well ele requires more effort than many other specs, and that aint fair. The very same thing is happening to ranger. I use to respect decent power untamed, but where are they now?.. all I ever see is low skill floor SBs, condi untamed, or some similar variation.. and are just as much threat as a decent power untamed, with half the effort. What is the insentive for newer players to even try power untamed.







More effort lol

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15 hours ago, Flowki.7194 said:

Trevor you know full well ele requires more effort than many other specs, and that aint fair. The very same thing is happening to ranger. I use to respect decent power untamed, but where are they now?.. all I ever see is low skill floor SBs, condi untamed, or some similar variation.. and are just as much threat as a decent power untamed, with half the effort. What is the insentive for newer players to even try power untamed.

I don't know what environment you're playing in, but I'm definitely seeing all low skill players using Untamed lately. It's just a lot tankier and deals a lot of DPS with easier single strikes that don't require a very deep knowledge of how to combo. Even the extra pet skills have value when they spam them off CD. The only players left who are running Soulbeast are the old Ranger mains who have a great deal of experience behind knowing when to use skills and when not to use skills, and how to make sure to tag value out of them with no mistakes. Soulbeast is glass dude. If you make a single mistake while trying to run DPS Soulbeast builds, you die in like 2 seconds, just like a DP Daredevil.

I disagree with you here, though not in the way that you may think. I would say that Untamed is now actually the easier class for newer players to pick up and get value out of, for sure. But Untamed & Soulbeast at higher tiers have equal potential, they just have different roles to be good at. IE: an Untamed is relatively sturdy for holding a node and is generally good in 1v1s, but it gets wrecked by certain things like Necros. A Soulbeast is more of a DPS+ and can hard counter things like Necros. When one or the other is better, it just depends on what your team comp needs and what is in the team comp you're against. At higher tiers, Untamed isn't more difficult to play. It doesn't have some elaborately deep playstyle with unleashed skills, it's just a rotation you spam all in a row. The natural pet skills being added as F1-F3 is not difficult to manage, and when you swap to unleash, it's just advantageous to spam all those F1-F3 all at once with the teleport anyway. Ther isn't anything deep or higher skill ceiling about it, though it may feel that way at first or seem that way to non-ranger mains. It's just extra buttons to push but it's easy because you always use those buttons in the exact same way. It's easy to manage after awhile. It's definitely arguable that Soulbeast with two sets of pet skills and two sets of Eternal Bond merge skills, requires a lot more experience & knowledge of how to utilize those skills to get value out of them without wasting them. Because those skills are not something you routinely spam off CD in the same order. You actually have to know when to use or when to wait or when to cancel, ect ect.

There also raises the point to be made of the difference between a class with "good organized intuitive design" and a class with "scattered unintuitive design". For example, a Thief has a great class design. It's very straightforward and intuitive yet it is not easy to pick up and be effective on but still offers a very high skill cap for very good players. Everything about the Thief class is just good design in terms of how it feels to play and the pace it offers for risk & reward involved at both low and high tiers. The Ele on the other hand is what I would define as "scattered unintuitive design". Everything is laid out in kind of a random order amongst this huge keyboard piano. I would say that Ele is harder to learn than it is to play due to scattered unintuitive design. But a Thief is harder to play than it is to learn. So you've got to make a distinction between these two things when comparing "how much effort is involved". An Ele requires more effort to learn, but once a player has learned it, it's easier to play than the Thief. The Thief although easy to learn, is very difficult to master or even just keep up in higher tiered environments where you explode in .50s if you mess up once.

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3 hours ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

I don't know what environment you're playing in, but I'm definitely seeing all low skill players using Untamed lately. It's just a lot tankier and deals a lot of DPS with easier single strikes that don't require a very deep knowledge of how to combo. Even the extra pet skills have value when they spam them off CD. The only players left who are running Soulbeast are the old Ranger mains who have a great deal of experience behind knowing when to use skills and when not to use skills, and how to make sure to tag value out of them with no mistakes. Soulbeast is glass dude. If you make a single mistake while trying to run DPS Soulbeast builds, you die in like 2 seconds, just like a DP Daredevil.

I disagree with you here, though not in the way that you may think. I would say that Untamed is now actually the easier class for newer players to pick up and get value out of, for sure. But Untamed & Soulbeast at higher tiers have equal potential, they just have different roles to be good at. IE: an Untamed is relatively sturdy for holding a node and is generally good in 1v1s, but it gets wrecked by certain things like Necros. A Soulbeast is more of a DPS+ and can hard counter things like Necros. When one or the other is better, it just depends on what your team comp needs and what is in the team comp you're against. At higher tiers, Untamed isn't more difficult to play. It doesn't have some elaborately deep playstyle with unleashed skills, it's just a rotation you spam all in a row. The natural pet skills being added as F1-F3 is not difficult to manage, and when you swap to unleash, it's just advantageous to spam all those F1-F3 all at once with the teleport anyway. Ther isn't anything deep or higher skill ceiling about it, though it may feel that way at first or seem that way to non-ranger mains. It's just extra buttons to push but it's easy because you always use those buttons in the exact same way. It's easy to manage after awhile. It's definitely arguable that Soulbeast with two sets of pet skills and two sets of Eternal Bond merge skills, requires a lot more experience & knowledge of how to utilize those skills to get value out of them without wasting them. Because those skills are not something you routinely spam off CD in the same order. You actually have to know when to use or when to wait or when to cancel, ect ect.

There also raises the point to be made of the difference between a class with "good organized intuitive design" and a class with "scattered unintuitive design". For example, a Thief has a great class design. It's very straightforward and intuitive yet it is not easy to pick up and be effective on but still offers a very high skill cap for very good players. Everything about the Thief class is just good design in terms of how it feels to play and the pace it offers for risk & reward involved at both low and high tiers. The Ele on the other hand is what I would define as "scattered unintuitive design". Everything is laid out in kind of a random order amongst this huge keyboard piano. I would say that Ele is harder to learn than it is to play due to scattered unintuitive design. But a Thief is harder to play than it is to learn. So you've got to make a distinction between these two things when comparing "how much effort is involved". An Ele requires more effort to learn, but once a player has learned it, it's easier to play than the Thief. The Thief although easy to learn, is very difficult to master or even just keep up in higher tiered environments where you explode in .50s if you mess up once.

All I see is SB varients and untamed condi varients. Never power untamed. I think you are agreeing on that representation at least?


Souldbest IMO is not glass, it certainly didnt feel like it when ever I played it. But then, Im comming from ele background where you have 11-13k hp. What I found with SB, is its more like willbender, really front loaded, does a kitten ton of damage, puts most specs on the back foot, and then you die IF you fail to kill. However, given all the track damage, lock on target damage, evade, hard and soft CC etc, applying the dmg is much easier. Instant stability, high condi removal, and the option of shield on demand, I mean cmon, lets not act like it isnt bloated to fk in frontloaded damage. Then, you can run LB varients, which are not bad at all (not speaking for top 5% here). If SB is glass, then it is a low risk glass.


As far as I was ever aware, power untamed was one of the harder specs in the game. When I played it for a little, I seen why that might be the case, but then I also tried the condi dager/staff, which was notably easier. Then again I wonder how much of it comes down to opinion. They said power chrono was hard, yet I find it very easy to do well with, the dps is straight forward (survival limitation is a different thing). On one of the meta build sites they have staff tempest down as harder than FA cata, which I always chuckled at. I played both for a while and FA scepter-focus cata was not near as easy to learn or play. But that could just be me.


I very much agree with you on the scattered abilitys of ele. However, that same princible is what raises the skill floor of the class in general. You have to know what ability you need, and go into the correct attunment to use it. An error in judgement locks you out of an attunement you may need. I can understand players who come from a more traditional class may see ele as ''piano playstyle'', yet it is that playstyle that can very easily lead to mistakes from the ele player. It is hard to make mistakes on something like condi zerker, when 90% of your damage sits on 2 buttons, and you have access to 75% of your abilitys at all times. Ele can litterally be locked out of 75% of it, the exact opposite. This is the problem with most specs, they have too much utility cramed into few keys that they have high access too.


The only issue I have with thief is the frequent inability to punish them for blatent mistakes, or when you blatenly out skill them from a duelist point of view. Their mobility/stealth is such a crutch in average play, that allows them to escape too much of the time. It leads to a low risk playstyle, where thieves who suck at 1v1 can still try their luck, still enter dumb engagement and get out, or just abuse the mobility to backcap all game while avoiding any pvp contact as much as possible. That is not healthy game design in my eyes. Put aside that crutch element, and clearly thief would have a high skill floor, and highest risk playstyle, which would justify its damage. Currently that isnt the case for me.





Edited by Flowki.7194
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42 minutes ago, Deadmoose.6594 said:

Imagine defending a class that can 1 shot many specs from invis

yet the only thing ur able to bring up is Thief Open world pvp 1 v 1 builds In a game mode thats susposed to be Balanced and built on Large scale pvp 

Like honestly, we're talking about a Game, which isnt balanced on the concept of a 1v1 in litterally any game mode, Yet somehow we've decided one of MANY Speccs that have been accused of being too powerful in a 1v1, while both ranger and mesmer can also burst from stealth in the same enviroment.

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24 minutes ago, Puck.3697 said:

yet the only thing ur able to bring up is Thief Open world pvp 1 v 1 builds In a game mode thats susposed to be Balanced and built on Large scale pvp 

Like honestly, we're talking about a Game, which isnt balanced on the concept of a 1v1 in litterally any game mode, Yet somehow we've decided one of MANY Speccs that have been accused of being too powerful in a 1v1, while both ranger and mesmer can also burst from stealth in the same enviroment.

except a thief can just vanish again if they lose the fight 🤷‍♂️

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32 minutes ago, Deadmoose.6594 said:

except a thief can just vanish again if they lose the fight

Except, your still on the same subject of 1v1s in a Game mode where 1v1s Dont matter.

And, ur ignoring the fact there are debuffs present in the game to stop thiefs from being able to just Vanish out. the game aint balanced on 1v1s. WvWvW isnt won on 1v1s Either lol. Trying to say "thief can 1v1" is about as Relevent as Saying My class Looks cooler when afk in town. It isnt the purpose of WvWvW. it doesnt change the fact thief is actually terrible at the objective purpose in WvWvW... 

if the concept that thief is good at one Very Specific thing makes it overpowered, while u have classes that are fully capable of just flexing into builds to be Meta in absolutely everything are absolutely fine. i question the logic behind Critism. 

Edited by Puck.3697
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34 minutes ago, Puck.3697 said:

Except, your still on the same subject of 1v1s in a Game mode where 1v1s Dont matter.

huh? Sidenodding/decapping doesn't matter? lmao...ok.

35 minutes ago, Puck.3697 said:

if the concept that thief is good at one Very Specific thing makes it overpowered

I actually don't like invis in pvp in general and I've said so many times. It's not really that thief is overpowered per se, it's that invis is overpowered and they get pretty much unlimited access to it, which makes them overpowered.

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