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ArenaNet lying to the playerbase


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The thing I'm sick of the most about this Game ( even though I love it) is that ArenaNet overpromises everything and cannot be honest with its playerbase.

Remember the realsese of Raids in HoT? We were told we're going to get many small Raid wings in the open world and total of 7 wings per year...

When you first pitched the idea of strikes being essentially reused story encounters so you can cut on development time, us raiders were skeptical, but optimistic

Fast forward to SotO and we are faced with only two strike missions since the release of Old Lions Court. I really don't want to get into discussion regarding the quality and difficulty of the strikes, right now cuz its rather subjective and that is essentially a topic worthy of its own thread, but for now I will focus on the quantity.

Again we got two new strikes and only 1 CM, for now. I repeat two in one year. Back in the day we used to get a new raid in 6-10 months, which wasn't reused assets and was at least 2 or 3 bosses, each with CM. Why wasn't Lhir fight made into a strike or Isgaren or the last boss of Gyala Delve story? Wasn't the focus of developmening the game back? Why does it feel we are getting less content than what we were getting during season 4, while being charged way more for it?

Also there is ZERO, I reapeat, ZERO actual, strike-focused guilds in the game. And that is beacuse the quality of strikes is way lower of old instanced content.


The newest "expansion chunk" release was another underwhelming, short Gyala tunnel release.

Last new sPvP map was 7 years ago... Even though 7 years ago we were promised a 10v10 map and showed a working verison of it on stream.

WvW alliances? The most overpromised thing in the game.

Kryptis used reused Chak skeletons, they look very lame as monsters. The only cool ones reuse Deimos model. Convergences are reused wyverns.


The story? Rushed and cut in multiple places.

After we rescued the small kryptis in this update apparently Heitor kidnaps it even though it's been with us and there was no screen time for it.

Even the title of the patch "Through the veil" is already a name for a paersonal story instance. We can't even be creative with patch names anymore.


We are constantly being promised "expansion features" as part of the new chunk releases, but I fail to see any. 

Everyone I know thinks Rifts are boring and repetitive, they are a mindless grind, against ArenaNet's manifesto, You lied to the people in Your mainfesto.

 And yet that was one of the main features we were being sold.



I miss the days of Living World, with full scope updates. Nowadays i just feel lied to as a customer.

ArenaNet, do better. I'm sad.

Edited by Tanuki.4603
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nobody but a few asked for raids. When they realized their mistake, they simply stopped wasting resources on them.

strikes were a more original way to introduce raids to the game, but yet again, they failed. Since those, I assume, are easier to do, they didn't abandon the concept, but it's not like they're swimming in resources to release 500 strikes a day.

SotO is 99% made with reused assets, but so is EoD, and before that, reused assets were heavily used already.

the Manifesto was proven to be a publicity stunt and nothing more, but that was 12 years ago, so I don't know why people keep bringing it up.

P.S. the Living World was trash and full of lies too.

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I love people that don't know the difference between lies and changing situations. If I tell my kids, kids, I'm going to take you to the movies tomorrow.  The next day, I end up forced to work, because I'm called in, and I can't do it. I didn't lie. The situation when I said I would do it was different. Things change, and decisions have to be rethought. That's life. It's like you never said anything to anyone and couldn't deliver?

If raids had been more popular, there would be a reason to continue them. If Strikes had done the job and gotten people to where they want to be, there would be more reason to continue them.  I mean Anet could say with everything single statement (subject to changing conditions), but most of us know that's how the world works. 

There are tons of stuff that were supposed to go one way and didn't, because the real world doesn't always allow for what you personally want. Plenty of people playing this game didn't want raids in the first place.  3.5 years into the game, Anet decided they wanted to be harder core and introduced HoT. And though it's my personal favorite expansion, I truly believe it hurt the game... no matter how much I like it.

But to claim a lie, you have to prove intent and you can't really do that. All you can do is misuse the word. 

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I guess people just didn't "get into raids" - even with strike as introduction to content for 10 player squads. Even with the new mechanics that made them easier. (Embolden or Empower or whatever it is called.) The majority of playerbase wants other stuff and the few raiders should have other games they can play.

Part of it might be that the content itself (and the players making their lfg parties take it to the extreme) wants you to play "optimized" builds and rotations ("keyboard acrobatics") - which counteracts the core philosophy of the game. And then you just get a bit of skins as reward at most. (Legendary armor could have been obtained by just grinding WvW or PvP - without doing raids. Even before they started to announce the open world legendary armor.)

They also can't make bigger rewards - cause we do not want a gear treadmill. So I'd say dungeons and raids are obsolte (can be done for the existing achievements but no new content should be added there). Striks and fractals at least take a shorter amount of time - easier to try them out. And fractals with the tier structure ... are the best out of those 4 types of instanced group content. You have the optional harder/higher tiers (and CM in some of the top/longer fractals) but it can also be played by casuals in T1. (Which might get more people to slowly move up to T4 than a "bring min 50k dps or stay out" strike. Where you have either to start maxed out and optimized ... or not try it at all.)

Edit: And yes: Of course it is possible to make your own party and try it with low/non-optimized dps. But the lfg and the amount of parties listed in strikes in "training" (even there they have requirements sometimes - mostly the tab is totally empty though :D) speaks for itself. Compare this to the low-tier fractals (that tab/section in lfg is basically the "training" t hing) and ... there is just a ton more in the fractal lfgs.

Imo pushing to have 25 unique fractals (but also shorter ones - not everything long with an own achievement section like the recent ones - Sunqua and Silent Surf) so you have no duplicate ones in each tier ... should be the first focus. Then maybe even adding more. A totalyl new second set.

Edited by Luthan.5236
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2 hours ago, Tanuki.4603 said:

Also there is ZERO, I reapeat, ZERO actual, strike-focused guilds in the game

Aside of most probably being false, how is this relevant to anything? Since when there's a need for some "strike-only" guilds? Why exactly would they limit themselves to just strikes? :classic_blink:

2 hours ago, Tanuki.4603 said:

We are constantly being promised "expansion features" as part of the new chunk releases, but I fail to see any. 

We were told what each release will contain and I'm not sure anything about what was promised is currently false. What do you think they lied about?

Overally I just saw a bunch of your posts all over the place, I can't help but wonder what exactly triggered that. Did you miss the release notes before buying the expansion? Did you not care or pay attention and now you're surprised by your expectations of something that you were not promised to get with your purchase?

Edited by Sobx.1758
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1 hour ago, Vayne.8563 said:

If I tell my kids, kids, I'm going to take you to the movies tomorrow.  The next day, I end up forced to work, because I'm called in, and I can't do it. I didn't lie. The situation when I said I would do it was different.

If this is a recurring situation in your life, I would suggest that you stop promising your kids things and work with a "maybe" and only promise something when you are more sure of it. I mean, your word isn't worth much anymore if it happens as often as Anet's corporate speech from marketing maybes.

I don't want to get started about wvw here ^^

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1 minute ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Aside of most probably being false, how is this relevant to anything? Since when there's a need for some "strike-only" guilds? Why exactly would they limit themselves to just strikes? :classic_blink:

We were told what each release will contain and I'm not sure anything about what was promised is currently false. What do you think they lied about?

Overally I just saw a bunch of your frantic posts all over the place, I can't help but wonder what exactly triggered that. Did you miss the release notes before buying the expansion? Did you not care or pay attention and now you're surprised by your expectations of something that you were not promised to get with your purchase?

The point is that there is no community whatsoever around and about strikes. Its always going to be a side activity. It was meant to be a replacement for raids. Now there is 2 strikes a year with questionable difficulty.

Compare it to raids and fractals which had dedicated passionate communities that created content, got new players invested in the game, helped players get better with better resources and overal everyone had an amazing time playing quality content. Now we have no standards, I want the game to be better.

The expansion features are not there, we have Rifts which everyone hates doing and a forced press F mastery track.

Why not just make it a spawn randomly in all zones everywhere without warning event that could give unique cosmetics and rewards (objectively way better content which gets people torevisit old maps group on the go and make new friends) ? beacuse they wouldn't sell it as an expansion feature. Now we have uninspired depressing Rifts which u have to grind for legy armor. Braindead grind against arenanet manifesto.

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31 minutes ago, Vayne.8563 said:

 No one is forcing Anet. Circumstances changing have nothing to do with forcing. If a man decides to go into work because his bossed asked  him, it doesn't mean he has to. He simply didn't know it would be helpful. I didn't say his boss ordered him into work. However, business realities force businesses to make changes all the time. Prices going up can change the ability to sell certain things with certain configurations.

What kind of person thinks a business should be forced to continue to invest in something unprofitable when they tried it and it didn't work. This isn't about being forced to do something. It's about doing what's right for the bulk of the players. They obviously thought more people would be into raiding, considering how loudly the hard core community demanded raids, and you know, I don't actually mind them. I got a good group or I like. I have fun when we raid together. But I also have a guild of 350 or so people and I'm pretty sure only 20 of them actually raid.

Edit: And I have a spine. I'm standing up to you aren't I? lol

Arenanet is lying to the playerbase.

Arenanet Manifesto:

They promised a no grind phiklosophy, now the ONLY expansion feature we got is braindead grind. (Rifts).


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5 minutes ago, Lucy.3728 said:

If this is a recurring situation in your life, I would suggest that you stop promising your kids things and work with a "maybe" and only promise something when you are more sure of it. I mean, your word isn't worth much anymore if it happens as often as Anet's corporate speech from marketing maybes.

I don't want to get started about wvw here ^^

People make plans all the time, plans change all the time. There are times when life gets in the way. Anyone who has any responsibility in their life has experienced it. What Anet, they're a business. The first goal is to make smart business decisions. They try stuff and if it doesn't work, they change it, like every other MMO I've ever played. 

Raids were tried because people asked for them. Raids didn't succeed for various reasons. Anet moved on. This is a perfectly reasonable response. Shrugs.

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1 minute ago, Tanuki.4603 said:

The point is that there is no community whatsoever around and about strikes. Its always going to be a side activity.

You don't know who does what ingame and you don't know what's considered someone's side or main activity. What you're typing out here is baseless and just tries to find fuel for your own frustration. There's probably barely any guild that just focuses on one smaller subsection of the game and doesn't do anything else, not sure why you're trying to judge strikes differently than any other heavily specific part of the game.

3 minutes ago, Tanuki.4603 said:

Compare it to raids and fractals which had dedicated passionate communities that created content,

So... somehow you think those communities don't run strikes as well? Should they make a whole other guild with the same players just so you can have your "this is the main activity" complaint resolved? That doesn't make any sense to me.

6 minutes ago, Tanuki.4603 said:

The expansion features are not there

What do you mean "expansion features are not there"? They clearly are. What do you think "expansion feature" is in the first place and why that?

8 minutes ago, Tanuki.4603 said:

Why not just make it a spawn randomly in all zones everywhere without warning event that could give unique cosmetics and rewards (objectively way better content which gets people torevisit old maps group on the go and make new friends)

It would objectively not be better, it would barely change anything, which I already pointed out to you in your another thread where you complained about them "being boring/easy/repetitve" and then basically pretended buffing rewards would fix anything about that. But it wouldn't, because that ""solution"" isn't resolving anything you've complained about. But hey, there are always convergencies for you.

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14 minutes ago, Tanuki.4603 said:

They promised a no grind phiklosophy, now the ONLY expansion feature we got is braindead grind. (Rifts).



That guy is wrong though, a lot of people do enjoy grind.  They probably realised that as well as grind = people coming back to the game more to do tasks repeatedly

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19 minutes ago, Tanuki.4603 said:

Arenanet is lying to the playerbase.

Arenanet Manifesto:

They promised a no grind phiklosophy, now the ONLY expansion feature we got is braindead grind. (Rifts).


Oh look, someone linked a video that's 13 years old, with the intent of trying to say that Anet promised one thing, while completely ignoring the fact that a manifesto is a statement of intent, not a guarantee of delivery, and every from the beginning Anet said there would be things to grind for.  Seems to me, there was stuff to grind for at launch. You're waiting a very long time to complain about it.

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15 minutes ago, Bingus.4236 said:

That guy is wrong though, a lot of people do enjoy grind.  They probably realised that as well as grind = people coming back to the game more to do tasks repeatedly

Not only that, but the vid he linked talks about "grinding to get to the fun part" which can easly be about the obligatory grind of ever-increasing level cap +gear treadmil. Pretty much any grind there is in gw2 (even with the rifts op is complaining about) is optional. He can buy expansion and use same character on same lvl 80 with same gear and just do whatever he wants. That's still as true as it was.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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2 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

Not only that, but the vid he linked talks about "grinding to get to the fun part" which can easly be about the obligatory grind of ever-increasing level cap +gear treadmil. Pretty much any grind there is in gw2 (even with the rifts op is complaining about), it's optional. They can buy expansion and use same character on same lvl 80 with same gear and just do whatever he wants. That's still as true as it was.

Yep, they've explained that in other talks over the years, but you can't talk to people who are absolutely convinced of something, even if it's not true. So I'm going to take the rest of the night off. lol

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3 hours ago, Arianth Moonlight.6453 said:

nobody but a few asked for raids. When they realized their mistake, they simply stopped wasting resources on them.

That's true. The point OP is making (them continuing to mislead the community on many things - saying one thing while already deciding on another, for example, or conveniently withholding info so people won't realize too fast the game is changing awayu from their likes) is also true however.

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9 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

That's true. The point OP is making (them continuing to mislead the community on many things - saying one thing while already deciding on another, for example, or conveniently withholding info so people won't realize too fast the game is changing awayu from their likes) is also true however.

You I'll respond to.  You're right in that the game is changing, and you're right in that Anet is guilty of not disclosing some things fully.  I've always said more transparency is better, and Anet has been bad at that. No question about it.

And the fact that most companies aren't transparent is not a good enough excuse in my opinion.  Not a lot of companies will go and say, we've found people don't really like harder content, and so we're scaling it back, because obviously, as a business, you want to keep people as long as you can. I don't know a whole lot of companies that would do differently. It still sucks.

If you don't like where the game is going, you have every right to complain. Which is not the same as making stuff up, which some people seem to like to do.  I'm more into the game now than I was a year ago, and part of that is due to recent changes.  I'm sorry that you're not enjoying it as much as I am, however.

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Why would they work 6 - 10 months on a raid that gets cleared within a week because the ppl already have their strong meta builds ready. The players just clear it for fun because of the horizontal progression every raider is probably already full legendary geared and so no upgrades. Then cleared it. Then clear it again on CM for a title and you are done. Sure you can go for skins. But probably you already have all previous raid skins and have many magnetite shards to instantly buy all new skins. Its not wow so you know horizontal progression can make you bored very fast. 

BUT if they work on gemstore skins that brings them money to survive. Less work then a raid and a few $€ on every skin. I mean. A raid is part of expansion so cant be sold separate. 

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2 hours ago, Vayne.8563 said:

I love people that don't know the difference between lies and changing situations. If I tell my kids, kids, I'm going to take you to the movies tomorrow.  The next day, I end up forced to work, because I'm called in, and I can't do it. I didn't lie. The situation when I said I would do it was different. Things change, and decisions have to be rethought. That's life. It's like you never said anything to anyone and couldn't deliver?

If raids had been more popular, there would be a reason to continue them. If Strikes had done the job and gotten people to where they want to be, there would be more reason to continue them.  I mean Anet could say with everything single statement (subject to changing conditions), but most of us know that's how the world works. 

There are tons of stuff that were supposed to go one way and didn't, because the real world doesn't always allow for what you personally want. Plenty of people playing this game didn't want raids in the first place.  3.5 years into the game, Anet decided they wanted to be harder core and introduced HoT. And though it's my personal favorite expansion, I truly believe it hurt the game... no matter how much I like it.

But to claim a lie, you have to prove intent and you can't really do that. All you can do is misuse the word. 

The OP is clearly disappointed in the latest offerings from Anet/GW2 based on the latest influx of negative threads created by them.

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1 hour ago, kharmin.7683 said:

The OP is clearly disappointed in the latest offerings from Anet/GW2 based on the latest influx of negative threads created by them.


The company is trying to allure people to instanced content by re-offering the same steps of instanced-OW events .

If people dont do them , is also ok  , because the cost to implant them is minimul and that dead content can be hidden and can be re-invigorated later on by an auto-lfg tool later on  .

(you have a whole expansion to offer alternatives , otherwise we will use the same pattern in the next, while i watch and eat pop corn at the sidelines :P)



edit: (if they dont offer any suggestion till the erd use an imporved Skyscale seek mechanic that "tracks" random collections/personal bosses and one of those items offer an auto-lfg-button for you and 10 random nearby people for 15 sec , otherwise it will pass to another person who hasnt dont instance content .

The "rush to get it , before it expires" is kinda  pretatory , but create agency.

If they boycot it , we will wait till the 5th expanion for a auto-lfg

And if they afk once or twice , then they are better to create their own instance , because they might not get that lfg-item for themselves but auto pass it)


Edited by Killthehealersffs.8940
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3 hours ago, Tanuki.4603 said:

I miss the days of Living World, with full scope updates. Nowadays i just feel lied to as a customer

Tbh they were honest about living world.

They're teams too small to actually make living world story along side expansions. And it takes em 9 months to make one 😂

Ofcourse they overpromise they ain't got a work force large enougu to actually develope a mmorpg. They tried to massive come back in EoD it still flopped. 

It made its decision its the cheapest mmorpg on the market, low quality but costs barely anything. 

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2 minutes ago, Chronardis.4028 said:

It's actually high quality, but not much quantity. I'm personally pretty happy with the quality of what we got so far.

I suspose it depends on what your looking at specifically. Anet are terrible at tying up lose ends. There are so many half baked concepts that sit in the game. 

But sure, SoTo story is good, the enviroments are good, metas are always on point and enjoyable. 

But their servers are struggling in regards to WvWvW, spvp is pretty abandoned. And optimisation hasn't been 100% finished. But I suspose even WoWs guilty of such 

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4 hours ago, Arianth Moonlight.6453 said:

nobody but a few asked for raids. When they realized their mistake, they simply stopped wasting resources on them.

strikes were a more original way to introduce raids to the game, but yet again, they failed. Since those, I assume, are easier to do, they didn't abandon the concept, but it's not like they're swimming in resources to release 500 strikes a day.


This^^^ they should never have been introduced to the game. Anet realizes this now! ( A few vocal people were pushing for raids though, it wasn't 'nobody") .

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