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16 minutes ago, Tiviana.2650 said:

I still have E's letters in my inventory. Interesting thought op. 

About as zero as the mad king in the wizard tower? 

Unless Eparch came to Tyria—unbeknownst to Isgarren and the Wizards who actively prevent such intrusion—physically grabbed Marjory and managed to hide his (likely large) demonic, bestial appearance and still have a “gentle movement” about him (Marjorie’s words); then travelled around Kryta writing and left letters in various places, I think zero chance is at best optimistic..


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26 minutes ago, Randulf.7614 said:

Unless Eparch came to Tyria—unbeknownst to Isgarren and the Wizards who actively prevent such intrusion—physically grabbed Marjory and managed to hide his (likely large) demonic, bestial appearance and still have a “gentle movement” about him (Marjorie’s words); then travelled around Kryta writing and left letters in various places, I think zero chance is at best optimistic..


There is something not quite right here, I dont trust isgarren , and what was it peitha said of eparch? He tasted our world and wanted more? I think just like isgarren can hide his true form so to can eparch. 

Edited by Tiviana.2650
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11 minutes ago, Tiviana.2650 said:

There is something not quite right here, I dont trust isgarren , and what was it peitha said of eparch? He tasted our world and wanted more? I think just like isgarren can hide his true form so to can eparch. 

Let’s put the first bit aside. If Eparch has tasted our world and wants more, I’m not sure why dabbling in Krytan political affairs on our side would be his obvious step. Plus he writes us letters in LS3, yet it’s clear he’s never encountered us before when it comes to SoTo.

Also, if he’s able to so easily circumvent the Astral Ward and enter our world multiple times over several years with peaceful and cooperative intent from season 1 right through to the hint in the EoD epilogue, why is he now sending in all his armies to overpower the world?

I can’t see anything to connect Eparch to E. except in initial. There’s just no chain of evidence or logic otherwise.

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2 hours ago, Arianth Moonlight.6453 said:

actually, we discussed this earlier while hunting events in Queensdale, and we all agreed that Queen Jennah doesn't wear underwear.

Or shoes. In fact I’m beginning to think that Tyria has a very liberal - albeit inconsistent - stance towards clothing.

Which I approve of

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2 hours ago, Randulf.7614 said:

Let’s put the first bit aside. If Eparch has tasted our world and wants more, I’m not sure why dabbling in Krytan political affairs on our side would be his obvious step. Plus he writes us letters in LS3, yet it’s clear he’s never encountered us before when it comes to SoTo.

Also, if he’s able to so easily circumvent the Astral Ward and enter our world multiple times over several years with peaceful and cooperative intent from season 1 right through to the hint in the EoD epilogue, why is he now sending in all his armies to overpower the world?

I can’t see anything to connect Eparch to E. except in initial. There’s just no chain of evidence or logic otherwise.

Okay lets look at his history, he was at wizards tower centuries ago, wizards tower connects to tyria, its possible he used the tower to portal to tyria and interfere with the politics of mortals. Centuries so to say he has no knowledge of us I dont think thats right.

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3 minutes ago, Tiviana.2650 said:

Okay lets look at his history, he was at wizards tower centuries ago, wizards tower connects to tyria, its possible he used the tower to portal to tyria and interfere with the politics of mortals. Centuries so to say he has no knowledge of us I dont think thats right.

Us as in the commander.

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Very, very, very, very slim without making zero sense.

E has demonstrated both interaction and intimate knowledge of Krytan affairs - and only Krytan (or Kryta's immediate neighbores') affairs. Eparch doesn't care about Kryta specifically, he's interested in Tyria in general, and he wouldn't bother working to protect Queen and Country, he'd be out to destabilize and cause nuances for the Wizard's Court so that he could break into Tyria. Which is another big reason why it is very slim chance - less than 1% I'd argue - for E to be Eparch, because E, or someone claiming to be E, has been seen and interacted with directly either by his subordinants, or when he grabbed Marjory from behind. But Eparch has been strictly kept out of Tyria (world) for well over a millennia.

Additionally, E is aware and familiar with the Pact Commander, having sent letters to them on multiple occasions - for Lion's Arch politics, for Krytan politics, for Mordrem showing up at Krytan borders. But at several points in SotO, Eparch mistakes the Commander for Isgarren, only for the first time recognizing them as not Isgarren after the Commander and Isgarren get warped into Nayos together and kill Cerus. The final lines of base SotO is literally the very first time Eparch acknowledges the existence of the Pact Commander, and he says it outright.

On 11/22/2023 at 12:30 PM, Omega.6801 said:


Also the writing team has forgotten about E.

E is referenced at indirectly in End of Dragons and they had brought back LWS1 including edits throughout the text, so they certainly haven't forgotten about E.

On 11/22/2023 at 4:33 PM, Tiviana.2650 said:

Okay lets look at his history, he was at wizards tower centuries ago, wizards tower connects to tyria, its possible he used the tower to portal to tyria and interfere with the politics of mortals. Centuries so to say he has no knowledge of us I dont think thats right.

Correction: he was in Wizard's Tower over a thousand years ago, specifically (according to Lhyr) before the Six Gods showed up.

Lyhr: Isgarren is a complicated fellow, and that's not to excuse his poor choices—he's far from perfect.
Lyhr: When he has a goal, he stays focused, and he's had the same one for...a while.
<Character name>: Keeping Eparch away?
Lyhr: Aye. Something happened between the two of them, back in the era of magic. Before the "gods" came.
Lyhr: He's been so focused on keeping the Kryptis out that he often neglected those inside.
Lyhr: We're atoning for that mistake now. We've got Eparch's lapdogs on Tyria's stoop.

Now we don't know when the Six Gods showed up, but the earliest date applied to them is 510 BE - so that's 1800 years ago minimum. This being long before human civilization even properly formed into a resemblance of what we know today.

And even if he interfered with mortal politics "centuries ago", that has no bearing on modern Krytan politics.

Edited by Konig Des Todes.2086
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3 hours ago, Narcemus.1348 said:

If E is truly a smart spy, their name does not start with "E" either so that there is no way to figure out their identity.

A truly smart spy will know that they should not start their spy name with the same initial and know that we know they should not do that and thus will do it anyway

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On 11/23/2023 at 9:29 PM, Peregrine Falcon.5496 said:

E is clearly Countess Anise, or someone else high up in, or retired from, the Shining Blade.

E sends Shining Blade to act in a way that goes against Anise's standard protocol, and all indication is that E is male. So I'm doubtful that E is Anise, though it is possible and her dialogue about receiving help from E in LWS2 was just a facade.

8 hours ago, Narcemus.1348 said:

If E is truly a smart spy, their name does not start with "E" either so that there is no way to figure out their identity.

-looks at Malice signing her letters as "M"-


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