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What’s Your Hottest PvP Take?


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3 hours ago, jdawgie.1835 said:

My hot take (with a few exceptions) is that the forums represent a very disillusioned vocal minority of people who on this pvp forum want to pvp, but not interact in a team based game while they do it, and are primarily concerned with their own comfort instead of skill - and that more than 50% of the posts come from people who have no actual clue what their doing. That by and large - if historically since the inception of the forums if everything thats ever been suggested on here - *the opposite was instead done* the game would be in a better place. This game is (specifically this mode) is a putrid corpse of its formal self. As time goes on the takes get weirder, and the game gets worse.


I swear all balance threads should require a vod. I see centaur revs and threads about warrior bolas these days. Just delete the pvp section honestly

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PoF was the main cause of most of the complaints this forum has
ability spam, boon application, sustain, most non-mobility forms of power creep

HoT had problems but not nearly as bad as PoF and EoD changes brought

kinda sucks cause a bunch of the pof specs are really cool themes and aesthetics

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22 hours ago, Bunbury.8472 said:

I swear all balance threads should require a vod. I see centaur revs and threads about warrior bolas these days. Just delete the pvp section honestly

Facts and League Badges should be posted next to profile pictures as well. According to this forum every single person is a plat 1-2. Which is complete BS. Most of the posters here are not even G2. 

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On 1/26/2024 at 4:00 PM, jdawgie.1835 said:

Facts and League Badges should be posted next to profile pictures as well. According to this forum every single person is a plat 1-2. Which is complete BS. Most of the posters here are not even G2. 


Ok, right after your age.

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On 1/25/2024 at 10:23 AM, Remus Darkblight.1673 said:

Oh lord, I can see the giant sausage and meatball maps already, or maps with objects arranged to spell out slurs or all manner of obscenities. Don't try to convince me otherwise, it's exactly what would happen. 😂

This is the price you pay for fun, and honestly, the toll is pennies on the dollar when the game isn't outright bad.  Basically, nobody cares, and the few opinions against custom map editing don't really matter in the face of the potential.

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Oh yeah almost forgot

Mirage needs to have Infinite Horizon baseline, and have the max amount of clones reduced from 3 to 2; you have fewer clones, but they fight
Virtuoso needs to be designed around having 3 blades instead of 5 (and if anything you can take a trait to raise it to 4). Everything in the mesmer toolkit is balanced around producing 3 "resources", not 5. The trait for unblockable shatters needs to be removed, and one of the shatters needs to become unblockable baseline. If virtuoso needs 5 blades, infinite forge must be made baseline.

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6 hours ago, Terrorhuz.4695 said:

Oh yeah almost forgot

Mirage needs to have Infinite Horizon baseline, and have the max amount of clones reduced from 3 to 2; you have fewer clones, but they fight
Virtuoso needs to be designed around having 3 blades instead of 5 (and if anything you can take a trait to raise it to 4). Everything in the mesmer toolkit is balanced around producing 3 "resources", not 5. The trait for unblockable shatters needs to be removed, and one of the shatters needs to become unblockable baseline. If virtuoso needs 5 blades, infinite forge must be made baseline.

Building on your Virtuoso comment:

  • Make Infinite Forge the candidate for that idea with increasing resource count; reducing the baseline to 3.
    • Turn Psychic Riposte into a counter-attack like trait. Perhaps strengthening your Bladesong, reducing the cool down of a specific one, plenty of ideas.
  • Yes, don't make ALL our bladesongs unblockable, that's silly.
    • Arguably I'd say make Bladesong Dissonance unblockable, a CC that pierces blocks would compliment Virtuoso well.

I think Virtuoso gets too much flack for starting out as a Distortion/Aegis/Block-spamming spec; you can't really blame people for playing it how it rewards you to play it. I liked messing with it in the prospect of a reactive Mesmer spec instead of being the typical proactive Mesmer spec.

As for your Mirage comment:

I don't agree with making Infinite Horizon's baseline. At least not the Mirage Cloak sharing portion, I'd be absolutely fine with it causing your clones to ambush when you ambush, but not sharing your defensive mechanic. Most times they're cannon fodder anyway.

Can we also finally make Speed of Sand give Mirage Swiftness or something... For a spec that has so much mobility potential, the fact it has to use Lynx Rune to even remotely catch up with other roamers is kind of silly. Could 2024 finally be the year we can drop Lynx Rune and catch up with other specs?

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21 hours ago, Downstate.4697 said:

You are old and washed up pal=)

What a random thing to say and based on what? You know nothing about me lol.

All I can assume from your "add nothing" response to a message that had nothing to do with you is that you dont have anything to actually say, and your likely salty from getting clapped at some point. GGs tho? I wish you luck in your future matches. 

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57 minutes ago, jdawgie.1835 said:

What a random thing to say and based on what? You know nothing about me lol.

All I can assume from your "add nothing" response to a message that had nothing to do with you is that you dont have anything to actually say, and your likely salty from getting clapped at some point. GGs tho? I wish you luck in your future matches. 

I haven’t logged in for like 6 months and it was meant to be a joke. Relax grandpa.

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1 hour ago, Downstate.4697 said:

I haven’t logged in for like 6 months and it was meant to be a joke. Relax grandpa

Bruh you gotta work on ur jokes - also how old do you think I am lmfao? My G thinks I am a grandpa. I am guessing that based on my vernacular in previous posts you assume I am some boomer typing? Its nothing like that my boy. I'm just not a two-digit knuckle dragger who talks out of his backside. GGs though lol. 

Edited by jdawgie.1835
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10 minutes ago, jdawgie.1835 said:

Bruh you gotta work on ur jokes - also how old do you think I am lmfao? My G thinks I am a grandpa. I am guessing that based on my vernacular in previous posts you assume I am some boomer typing? It’s nothing like that my boy. I'm just not a two-digit knuckle dragger who talks out of his backside. GGs though lol. 

 I think talking out of your backside is all you are capable of boomer

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6 minutes ago, Downstate.4697 said:

 I think talking out of your backside is all you are capable of boomer

Lmao. There's help for the clinical projection loop you're stuck in. Good luck with that and your future matches. If your less than 100 I have to stop engaging. You're somewhere in the 70s. God bless my brother. 

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7 minutes ago, jdawgie.1835 said:

Lmao. There's help for the clinical projection loop you're stuck in. Good luck with that and your future matches. If your less than 100 I have to stop engaging. You're somewhere in the 70s. God bless my brother. 

Please help me with my clinical projection loop. I’ve been stuck in an endless cycle for 75 years. I need 1 person to validate me in order to finally die.

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Here's my hot take. Get rid of the stupid pvp gear system. Allow every stat combo, sigil  and rune, let us pvp how we want. I've been against this system from the start, it's why I don't frequent PvP anymore and spend all my PvP time roaming in WvW. 


The cookie cutter builds are why I give 0 kittens about SPvP. Say what you will about WvW problems, Celestial isn't a problem if you have a brain. Not even a high functioning brain...just one that will allow you to understand how to break their sustain.

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41 minutes ago, Wolfofdivinity.6251 said:

Here's my hot take. Get rid of the stupid pvp gear system. Allow every stat combo, sigil  and rune, let us pvp how we want. I've been against this system from the start, it's why I don't frequent PvP anymore and spend all my PvP time roaming in WvW. 


The cookie cutter builds are why I give 0 kittens about SPvP. Say what you will about WvW problems, Celestial isn't a problem if you have a brain. Not even a high functioning brain...just one that will allow you to understand how to break their sustain.

I concur, friend.

Even with Celestial's popularity, WvW still has x5 times the build variety of sPvP. (And I still run power for everything)

With each update that removed gear options and pigeonholed entire classes/specs into one playstyle, I found myself losing motivation for the game mode. So I never went back, last time was for less than 20 games in 2021 and the season before that for me was in 2018. 
I simply despise how our stellar "PvP devs" dictate what is allowed to be good and fun how you should play.

Gear customisation is at least half the fun and time spent in an MMORPG. In fact, it's one of the strengths of a game in this genre. Like what the...
Conquest as the only mode was a colossal mistake.
At least it got a little better with relics now (divinity runes for everything before them). But still, most of them are not even decent. Because most of them are much weaker than the WvW/PvE ones.

So it should come as no surprise that WvW has about twenty times the population of sPvP. And the game mode with still some dev attention.

Edited by Sereath.1428
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5 minutes ago, Sereath.1428 said:

I concur, friend.

Even with Celestial's popularity, WvW still has x5 times the build variety of sPvP. (And I still run power for everything)
With each update that removed gear options and pigeonholed entire classes/specs into one playstyle, I found myself losing motivation for the game mode. So I never went back, last time was for less than 20 games in 2021 and the season before that for me was in 2018. 
I simply despise how our stellar "PvP devs" dictate what is allowed to be good and fun how you should play.

Gear customisation is at least half the fun and time spent in an MMORPG. In fact, it's one of the strengths of a game in this genre. Like what the...
Conquest as the only mode was a colossal mistake.
At least it got a little better with relics now (divinity runes for everything before them). But still, most of them are not even decent. Because most of them are much weaker than the WvW/PvE ones.

So it should come as no surprise that WvW has about twenty times the population of sPvP. And the game mode with still some dev attention.

Very well said. 


It's like when you let your kid play with nerf guns. You can pick the coolest looking one, when they get with their friends...they are all gonna act the same and shoot the same boring rounds. 


PvP used to be really fun before they started removing stuff.

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4 hours ago, Wolfofdivinity.6251 said:

Very well said. 


It's like when you let your kid play with nerf guns. You can pick the coolest looking one, when they get with their friends...they are all gonna act the same and shoot the same boring rounds. 


PvP used to be really fun before they started removing stuff.

The very least they could do is unban amulets and unnerf things like Marauders. And as I said, many relics are also very mediocre.

And also, the reason why I'm sometimes active here, even though I only play WvW, is because sometimes a fair amount of changes can happen because of sPvP, very unfortunate when some of them do make it to WvW.

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On 11/23/2023 at 4:17 PM, oujiboardspamname.1932 said:

Gw2 pvp is completely irredeemable, there's nothing anet can do other than making a new game to recover it. 

I was going to type that. Quoted for emphasis. To be fair, it could be revived, but would need a massive level of rework that is beyond the current devs on both competence and time availability. 

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On 2/1/2024 at 7:04 PM, Sereath.1428 said:

I concur, friend.

Even with Celestial's popularity, WvW still has x5 times the build variety of sPvP. (And I still run power for everything)

With each update that removed gear options and pigeonholed entire classes/specs into one playstyle, I found myself losing motivation for the game mode. So I never went back, last time was for less than 20 games in 2021 and the season before that for me was in 2018. 
I simply despise how our stellar "PvP devs" dictate what is allowed to be good and fun how you should play.

Gear customisation is at least half the fun and time spent in an MMORPG. In fact, it's one of the strengths of a game in this genre. Like what the...
Conquest as the only mode was a colossal mistake.
At least it got a little better with relics now (divinity runes for everything before them). But still, most of them are not even decent. Because most of them are much weaker than the WvW/PvE ones.

So it should come as no surprise that WvW has about twenty times the population of sPvP. And the game mode with still some dev attention.

It doesn't surprise me that WvW is more popular than spvp. And it has nothing to do with spvp. I could change everything you listed.

spvp 10 times the customization!

600 more runes and amulettes!


And you know what? It would make no difference.



 WvW is where care 🐻's go to "PvP"




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